My Boyfriend is a Zombie (The Delicates Book 1)
While I generally do not review a book based on the editing, this book seriously needed another round of copy edits. There were so many issues that it was distracting. Travis was over years old, and Daniels did a superb job grasping his personality based on the era he comes from. There was absolutely nothing wrong with his character, I actually fell in love with his personality and his quirkiness. What bothered me were the moments when Victoria would speak. It was as though she came from the same era as Travis - before she had spent any real time with him, so it was not just a case of her picking up some of his mannerisms.
I know that the majority of books in the Young Adult genre regardless of the subcategory, be it dystopian, paranormal, contemporary, etc. It is almost a given, and if it is not part of the main plot it is a pleasant surprise. But when it came to the love triangle in this story, I was reminded of Bella in Twilight.
Very naive and controlling, but at the same time she allowed others to make her decisions for her. Near the end of the story I got really excited because she did the unexpected, but it was kind of where I was hoping she would go I really felt that her relationship with Travis was very unhealthy , but as with most YA novels, it needed to have a happy ending.
See a Problem?
However, I was still okay with how the story ended - it wasn't all hearts and flowers, and because of the unhealthy relationship it will show girls that life is not a fairy tale. I would have liked it better if this story followed through with her decision at that point to show the younger audience that it is okay to end something when it is not healthy for you.
Some of the descriptions in the story were a bit corny and overdone. The intimate scenes don't worry for those parents out there who decide to allow their daughters to give this book a go - it is PG were a bit awkward and uncomfortable. They were described as follows: Considering the title of the book, we know that her boyfriend is a zombie. Not everything associated with him is going to be swoon-ish. It is one of the reasons I was so ready to accept this review. I wanted something different that involved a girl falling in love with a boy because of who he was, not because he's, like, totally smokin' hot!!
Lastly, there were quite a few scenes that should have been cut. One of the things I love about Indie is the fact that the author has total control over the finished product. What is helpful, though, is having a good editor that will let you know when you have gone a little overboard and need to make some changes. That is what a copy-edit is there for.
They dig deep down into the guts of a book and make the authors words shine. This book took me 3 days to read, and normally a book will take me 1 day, 2 max. There were instances when I had to force myself to sit down for a bit and actually continue reading. It was just a bit too much. Please do not take this review lightly, learn and grow from it.
I did enjoy the idea and the plot for the most part. The world building for Black Hollow was superb.
It reminded me a bit of Beautiful Creatures mixed in with Diagon Alley from Harry Potter Do not lynch me if that is spelled wrong - I have shamefully not read the books. The idea of zombies thinking for themselves, exercising their brains so that they can continue to be in control of themselves was just an amazing idea. Zombies with feelings and were lucid, and not just mindless corpses in search of brains. It was unique and I loved that.
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- My Boyfriend is a Zombie.
Something else that Elita Daniels excels at is action. Every single action scene in the book had me sitting on the edge of my seat. She wrote in a way that I could not tell who was going to come out the victor. It was genuinely suspenseful. Also, I did not check the front matter to see who designed the cover, but I love it. So many indie covers are the same, and I absolutely loved this one. It is as unique as the story itself. This idea that Elita Daniels has come up with has the potential to become something huge. There is something missing in the YA market, and regardless of Warm Bodies which is a completely different concept of zombies than this book , this story could be the one to fill it.
It touches on different aspects of the paranormal genre, and even those touches are unique. My suggestion is finding another editor and have them dissect the story for you. Find some beta readers - not your close, personal friends, unless you can trust them to be honest and not just tell you how fabulous it is because they do not want to hurt your feelings. Beta readers can be great if you find some good ones. I will say that if the author takes my review seriously, and does an overhaul, I would be more than happy to read the story again; like I said, it can seriously be a best seller.
Good luck, Elita, and congratulations on being one of the few authors out there that have come up with something completely original and went for it. I do see you going to some great places, you just need a little bit of help to get there.
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Jul 16, Rae Hachton rated it it was amazing. I knew this would be awesome!! The long wait was worth it. This book is amazing! And makes the list of my faves for this year. The construction of this entire novel is intelligent, and transcending.
It is entirely different from other books of it I knew this would be awesome!! It is entirely different from other books of its kind. The Zombie Trend is fast approaching upon us with its intention to steal the spotlight from the vampires, and it just may, with THIS sort of amazingly written literature. This book broke the common trends found in other literary works of its kind. The book doesn't open with a girl moving to a new school—in fact, school isn't mentioned at all! I dislike reading about the school day in YA books.
High school or college. It is good reading the blog , and I agree, no point trying to distill a formula out of it all, just know that she did everything she did and it worked for her - your path will likely be different. New Zealand Generational Freedom. Hawk on April 04, , Edgar Allan Poe Posts: The one thing I see in common with all the success stories is that they just kept plugging. Some did more promoting, some did less, but they all kept writing AND got their work out there.
Which goes back to Heinlein: You must write, you must finish what you start, you must refrain from rewriting except to editorial order, you must put it on the market, and you must keep it on the market until sold. Gordon Ryan on April 04, , At this time last year, Amanda was one of many of us here on the boards all doing the same things. What set her apart was that her books are so compelling to a large market.
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Hundreds of indies were hitting the book bloggers, but the bloggers were more interested in Amanda's stuff because it's what they liked to read. Hundreds of indies were breaking into the top lists and getting their samples downloaded, but readers were converting those sample downloads to purchases in Amanda's case. And once it gets started, the sales ball can really roll.

Amazon's designed that way. Break into the top overall and you're selling a fair amount. Break into the top overall and you're making a living. Break into the Top 10 and you're getting rich.
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Break into the Top 5, as Amanda did, with multiple titles no less, and you can become a millionaire. The Homecoming Masquerade is free right now on all major retailers. CraigInTwinCities on April 04, , Even before indies, people were objecting to Heinlein's third rule. I really think he meant what he said here's a blog post I wrote about it even for indies. But I also think that there is the solution for those who are worried about it right in the rule itself: The key is to be a good editor, and only ask for revisions for good and practical purposes.
Don't let your author waste time fussing, or worse, destroy the work by editing it to death. The only thing holding them back are the people who own the individual ebook rights. You can click on the "I want this book on Kindle" link and Amazon will tell the publisher that there's a demand for it.
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Amazon wants you to buy your ebooks from them, so it's in their interests to encourage rights owners to publish in as many areas as possible. It's a similar problem with the prices - Amazon's hands are tied whenever the price is set by the publisher. This is why they always tell you if that's the case on the product page, so you can complain to the publisher and not Amazon if you feel it's too expensive. As for Amazon misleading Kindle buyers - I think that's a little harsh.
I would expect anyone making a purchase of the value of a Kindle would do a little research before buying. I know I looked closely at the books before deciding to buy a K2 back in , so I knew what I was getting into. Yes, it's a little disappointing when a particular book you want isn't available, but I've learned to see the cup as half full - I never have any problem finding something to read!
Vincent Millay My Kindles: Arthur Conan Doyle Posts: Linjeakel on April 17, , Lagerfors on April 17, , I don't know about Sweden but in the UK, Kindle has the biggest ebook store. So while yes, the titles available internationally on Kindle are less than those available in the US, it's not like you're going to find a bigger selection elsewhere in the UK.
Kindle is still the best option in the UK and therefore I don't consider it "useless" at all. As others have said, the problem is not Kindle, it's the publishers. The reason I got a kindle was because it had the largest selection of books for Canada. As in everything you buy Especially for something made in another country.
Kindle keeps publishers mollified by making what the lawyers would call a good-faith effort to ascertain residency. If it were a critical issue, there would be lengthy definitions of residency, wouldn't there? If you live in the U. Or in China on a contract or Brazil? What if you leave mummy's home London and go to school in Germany? What if you're retired and living in Canada but you spend the six really cold winter months in southern Mexico?
Kindle does not have a Kindle Gestapo that runs around checking residency.