Les principes du Socialisme (French Edition)
However, he showed little enthusiasm for creating a trial phalanstery , although other Fourierists attempted this in France and and Algeria , without much success. His journalism and practical activities were moving in this new direction; nevertheless, he continued to work on his massive exposition of Fourier doctrine: This was designed as an organ for a political socialist movement, shorn of all Fourierist peculiarities.
Considerant wrote his Manifeste for the introductory issue of the newspaper; it was reprinted as a pamphlet in The Revolution lent Considerant great hope that his theories might be realized; he contested and won a seat in the National Assembly. He then served on committees devoted to the unemployment crisis, yet he had no success in either advancing reformist goals or spreading the Fourierist word. His continued condemnation of the Communist tendency, for both its methods and goals, kept him apart from the working class.
The insurrection was put down, some violence ensued, and he was forced to flee, becoming an exile in Belgium. There he decided that it might be a propitious time for a trial phalanstery. In , he arrived in Texas, a land he found promising.
In , Considerant bought land near Dallas, intending to create a colony that would host various communal experiments, not only Fourierist ones. The preparation had been inadequate, and the environment hostile both physically and politically. Nevertheless, colonists began arriving from France, including children, elderly, and inappropriately skilled.
Considerant was inept as an administrator, despite his military engineering education, and the colony disintegrated amidst acrimony and lack of hominy malnutrition. He then moved to San Antonio, where he farmed, collected cacti, and sat out the Civil War. Upon his return to France in , he was still celebrated by the surviving Fourierists. By then he had been influenced by Social Darwinism, and advocated a federated Europe, in concert with the United States, to serve as a benevolent world government.
He kept his faith in socialism and pacifism. Considerant shares with Babeuf one major premise: Considerant argues that all classes are hurt by capitalism; thus, all should work for its demise. He describes the growing class war, but rejects it as an instrument of salvation. Rather, he insists on the urgent need for reform and replacement of the laissez-faire system.
This must be accomplished while preserving unequal property, rights to inheritance, a social Christianity, and the traditional family. The depredations of capitalism and the growing class struggle are described. Considerant is happy to be rid of feudalism, but believed that a new system had to be put in its place; capitalism destroys all, even the capitalists themselves.
The Communist Manifesto notes the role that the bourgeoisie play in educating the proletariat to their revolutionary task; this creates some inconsistency with their other assertions that consciousness is determined by class position. There is a vast difference between his advocacy of peaceful reform, initiated perhaps by parliament or king, and the call to violent revolution of the Communist Manifesto. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. Free education for all children in public schools. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. In the later works of Marx and Engels, although socialist goals are quite vague, there is little support for the Babouvian vision of an austere, agrarian, egalitarian future, or the abolition of progress, enlightenment, and meritocracy that it implied.
In early 19th Century France, many regarded socialism as a logical extension of the Enlightenment and democratic reform. These were mainly middle class, with roots in provincial France, who eschewed class struggle and violent revolution. Often, men with such views were Freemasons, and some lodges designated themselves Fourierist or Saint-Simonian. In recent years Freemasonry has received attention from social scientists, which makes its study more accessible and respectable. Freemasonry had been an important component of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
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It rivaled and sought to displace the discredited Catholic Church, supplying its own ethics, rituals, and buildings. The French Masonic-socialist connection was fostered by a convergence of ideology. In addition, government repression of openly political organizations during the s made the lodges convenient places to foment socialism. Going back to the s, Fourierism has been an important player in converting French revolutionists into reformist freemasons.
In France of that period, relatively many radical and progressive people were joining freemasonry, converting it into a political voluntary organization and fixing its grand view as fighting for the democratization of France by non-violent methods. Fourier was not a Freemason, although he was clearly influenced by Masonry. In Theory of Four Movements , Fourier suggested that Freemasonry could become the transitional form to his ideal society. One Masonic — inspired organization that came close to Fourierist prescriptions was the United States Granger movement Patrons of Husbandry organized in by Oliver Kelley.
The Grange had social, educational, and political aspects; it was the first farm organization in which women participated as full members. Kelley, a Mason, incorporated rituals and solidarity values into the Grange. While sex orgies may or may not have been common, to Fourier, a fine Granger apple pie would have been a major pleasure. In addition, there was increasing concern about rural and urban economic problems that governments had failed to address. For example, the industrialization of the textile industry was causing considerable distress.
In Lyons, convent-workshops operated by the Catholic Church used children to weave silk; skilled artisans could not compete with this arrangement. In July , the reign of the reactionary Bourbon Charles X was ended by revolution, and Louis Philippe, of the Orleanist line, was installed as a constitutional monarch.
Only one in 30 or 40 depending on sources adult males could vote, and the government was essentially a plutocracy, amenable to the bribery of the canal and railway corporations and large banks. There were no formal political parties; however, there were several factions in the legislature.
The opposition included both republicans and monarchists desiring a broader franchise, and those seeking restoration of the Bourbons and Catholic Church; no socialists were in parliament during this period. Nevertheless, Considerant thought far more should be done to educate the masses for political competence.
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By , the Orleanist monarchy had lost much support, and the opposition, consisting of republicans seeking political reform, middle and working class socialists especially in Paris and Lyons , and generally disgruntled workers and peasants, ignited another revolution. Considerant was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in the ensuing short-lived Second Republic, ended by a coup of Louis Napoleon in Socialism continued as an underground movement, often in the Masonic lodges, and had some influence on policies of the Third Republic, proclaimed in The Manifeste gives no comfort to feminism; it is addressed to men only.
He retorted that his perspective was the moral one: Fourier had extolled the economic and liberatory benefits of collective households; Considerant makes only a casual reference to them in an publication [44]. Women were never accepted as equals in the Fourierist movement; their writings were published in the journals, but they were not invited to be speakers on Fourierist platforms. Flora Tristan was even excluded from the annual Fourierist banquet on account of her sex. The collective household was expected to permit vast savings in resources and energy use, along with a greatly improved quality of life.
In the current order [it is necessary] for every head of household to know about oenology, knowledge which is not easy to acquire. Three-quarters of rich households lack this knowledge, and consequently are very poorly stocked with wine; they spend a lot of money on drink, but have nothing but adulterated and badly kept wines because they have to rely on wine-merchants who are the most adept swindlers, and on hired cellarmen whose only skill is cheating.
If not for environmental as well as economic reasons , how can we deny them these pleasures, while we are wallowing in Viking King ranges, spray-steam irons, and Jacuzzis? For example, preparation of nutritious and delicious meals, avoidance of toxic materials, and non-oppressive child raising are still great challenges. Standards have been declining in many departments, because most information about how to live comes from advertising, and competing sources have been weakened: With all adults working outside the home, the core — heart or hearth — may soon rot.
Considerant gradually departed from the Fourierist vision, very much in the spirit of Saint-Simon, and argued that transforming nature is the way to provide for well being, eliminate poverty, and discharge aggressions.
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Not unexpectedly considering his engineering background, he also admired massive projects as expressions of human genius. True to his theory but inadvertently, his colony in Texas hardly transformed anything. In this regard, he was more anti-colonialist than Marx and Engels, whose Manifesto tends to regard these developments as progressive. Considerant proposed a federation of European nations employing international law and conciliation to preserve the peace; his pacifism was also important protection for the environment.
The expenditure, he points out with the logic of a commercial traveller, would be much smaller for a productive army; and besides the saving in slaughtered men, burnt cities, devastated fields, we should have the saving of the cost of equipment, and the benefit of the work accomplished. Considerant evolved into a Christian socialist, not an unusual stance for the midth century, when Deism among radicals and socialists was being replaced by something like liberation theology.
Engels complained that even the Communists i. Economic and political democracy are not necessarily aligned; universal suffrage may co-exist with plutocracy, military adventurism, imperialism, and demagoguery. The experience of the Athenian democracy may still be valid.
Les Principes de 89 et le Socialisme
Considerant was concerned that electorate would destroy democracy without resolving the economic crisis; the election of Louis Napoleon confirmed his fears. The proletariat as agent for communist revolution has shrunk in the capitalist nations. Unemployment was seen as dangerous, and consequently, work has been provided through government employment as Roberto Michels suggested , including warriors directly hired and subcontracted, and a large non — profit sector especially in the US, where many social services have long been privatized.
Even in manufacturing industries, many blue collar jobs have been supplanted by service occupations: Those actually unemployed may be mollified by government benefits or help from the non-profit sector; they may also undertake small businesses, legal or illegal, often off the books. So where are the troops for the working class revolution? It is not easy to interest the industrial working class in socialism. Even in the most solidly Communist enclave in the capitalist world, Bologna, Italy, for decades loyal Communist voters were happy owners of small businesses, such as food processing and equipment, which may have involved peppers, but were neither green nor red.
Socialist and communist movements have been important components of national liberation struggles, but in the developed West, they have been weak on political sociology and psychology.

European working class socialists were often motivated by the desire for a decent life, and when Keynesian measures appeared to provide some security, they became less interested in abolishing capitalism. Too much faith has been placed in Marxist assumptions in regard to agency, and too little critique has been directed at Marxist prescriptions for transforming the earth, or its suggestion that imperialism is progressive i. Violent revolution in well-fortified capitalist democracies is not only unlikely to succeed; its consequences may be disastrous.
Victory of the proletariat through election is now nearly impossible; in any case, capital flight would occur as soon as such a development became a possibility. Among those who have made such accusations are George Sorel and W. Reported in Rondel V. University of California Press, , There has been an Italian translation, and a Spanish translation is online: Of course, for an accurate appraisal, the French Manifeste should be compared to the original German Communist Manifesto. Saint-Simon, Proudhon, Fourier [Hildesheim: International Publishers, , Beecher, Victor Considerant , Beecher, Victor Considerant, 2.
Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith New York: Basic, , Tout ce que nous pouvons, c'est. XX, Paris, , Developments in the publishing and scholarly world have also encouraged a new appraisal of Fourier. Selections from these volumes were translated and introduced in The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier: Beecher went on to write a masterful biography of Fourier, Charles Fourier: The Visionary and His World Berkeley: University of California Press, Cambridge University Press, Cahiers Charles Fourier an annual review began publication in The Philosophers of Ecology New York: Marx Engels Collected Works , Vol.
Cambridge University Press, , Billington, Fire , Beecher, Victor Considerant, Carl Guarneri, The Utopian Alternative: Fourierism in Nineteenth-Century America Ithaca: Cornell University Press, , 60, See this work for more information on motives in the United States. The United States New Deal also had its phalanstery aspects. The Resettlement Administration created communities for the displaced and unemployed, staffed by salaried doctors and traditional crafts instructors.
The best known was Jersey Homesteads later renamed Roosevelt, NJ , which was certainly full of combinations and manias. Cornell University Press, Class, Gender and Fraternalism Princeton: Princeton University Press, II New Hyde Park: University Books, , Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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