El sueño de la serpiente (Spanish Edition)
These harmonic capture some meaning. A summary at the end of each section metaphors. Those readers more interested in conclusions key, usually a relative or parallel major or minor, repre- than individual songs may wish to skip to these section- senting an opposite emotion or viewpoint. In another al introductions and summaries. He was one of the leaders of the Cuban avant garde music movement in the s. In addition, six songs, listed in order of the year of composition. Nine percent of songs are in mostly international, but some are identifiably Cuban.
In addition, about fifte- eighty-three percent feature V-I cadences. Such methods are informed by Western common songs songs contain prepared V-I cadences at the practice but also allow for harmonies that are a result end or liaising with the beginning of a key section, as of modal mixture and do not fit into the major or minor scale.
This style desig nation is meant to give a general sense of the rhythms and textures given to the songs in commercial recordings and is not meant to spe cify the genre; e. An anticipated bass is a bass note that is sounded slightly before the downbeat of a measure where a harmonic chan ge occurs e. Using Roman numerals rock, often with a text that mentions the title. Roman numerals up to the pre-chorus; or a bridge, a contrasting section are one way of preserving the usefulness of the analysis, that often modulate and often end in the dominant, given changes in absolute pitches. Seventeen percent of songs contain bridges without choruses or refrains; as a For each song analyzed in depth, I have provided the bridge is not the primary focus of a song, the verse- chord charts and lyrics of the whole song, along with bridge song is distinct from a verse-chorus song.
Los sueños de la serpiente — Indent Literary Agency
Nine transcriptions of key moments. I have set the key, har- percent of songs contain refrains, which are song hooks monies, melody, and rhythms according to a particular embedded at the end of a verse, often with the text of recording, which I have noted on the chord chart. IAC, respectively as well as half cadences HC. About a quarter contain commentary on ne Covach About nine songs have international influences; on the other hand, percent are about specific individuals, including politi- only four percent of the songs in the sample follow the cal figures, musicians, artists, and acquaintances, whe- bipartite pattern of many traditional Cuban forms, reas about nineteen percent are philosophical in nature.
Just over half noted; in cases where a word has two or more meanings of the songs in the sample are in the verse-chorus for- that are relevant to the song, I have noted them in mat or a variation therein. However, some of the choru- parentheses.
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Likewise, all interpretations of the mea- ses do not follow some conventions of the format; in ning of the texts are mine, unless otherwise noted. In such cases, I have labeled as the mother and mother were amateur singers with a reper- 10 All transcriptions and analyses are mine unless otherwise noted. The perfect authentic cadence is the strongest confirmation of a key. An imperfect authentic cadence has the same elements as a perfect authentic cadence, except that the melody does not finish on the first scale degree.
A half cadence is similarly prepared as an authentic cadence but culminates on the dominant, in root position, without the seventh Caplin I have not highlighted some cases where a II is substituted for ii and acts as dominant preparation. He quickly took to ties in the cultural ministries. By sectores de la cultura.
He quickly by an ideological atmosphere that was intolerant became a well-known songwriter. In , he debuted toward dissent. People saw the penetration of the enemy everywhere. It was the period of the revolutionary offensive. He was allowed on the boat not to fish, but ostensibly to entertain the fisher- men.

On the one hand, the melody of the verse seems more in keeping with E minor, particular in its first lines, 10 as it contains flatted sixths C natural ; on the other, the accompaniment contains more A major chords IV than A minors. The second half of the chorus Ex. Thanks to the singer Omara Portuondo, who performed the song on radio and television, the song became popular toward the end of the s. The music is depictive of this mood; the melody descends chromatically in repeated notes Ex 2A , reminiscent of expressions of quiet resignation in opera and art songs, while the harmony is static, with a bass pedal for the first three measures.
The guitar playing seems depictive as well; in the introduction, its slight ornamental flourish followed by steady, monotone picking in the guitar, provokes an image of weeping. Musically, the chorus is more dramatic, with the melody in sequential leaps Ex. The guitar is also strummed rather than finger-picked, and the harmonies and bass have more movement. Shaw mentions that the song has not appeared in published songbooks or biographies.
Although bootleg performances have been circulating on cassettes and the Internet for years, the song was not released on a commercial CD until — perhaps thirty-five years after its creation. No further explanation of the song is given in the liner notes. Rather than limiting his popularity, such censure enhanced his appeal among youth and intellectuals.
Sueño con serpientes
He injected a bit of the- atricality into the performance: Esa cancion es de un sentido de burlarme de todo. Esas canciones todas fueron dirigidas a esa publico y algunos fueron muy teatrales. This refrain is a parody of a commercial love song, mimicking the facile poetry and harmonies of such songs. During those times, I was performing in many small theaters. And there was a follo wing that was coming to see me, with whom I maintained a certain dialogue of complicity. They were so much into me, wild in my trou bles and all.
And I sang for those people who continued to throw themselves at me, conflicts with the bureaucracy and all. All those songs were directed at this following, and some songs were very theatrical. Sometimes I would stare at people who happened to be getting up, and they would start to laugh. Some people would get uncomfortable. The song was for singing to this following, to provoke people. And the easy way is tempting. Like the verse, this last line ends on F, the dominant to Bb major, with the voice on high F; unlike the verse, however, the F does not resol- ve to Bb, instead returning to G minor.
Hence that dominant is never resolved, like the challenge implied by the underlying words. He has added chromatic chords, such as bII, to his harmonic vocabulary. In addition, the attempted but failed modulation to Bb at the dramatic end to the chorus provides a feeling of uncertainty.
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There is never any doubt as to the tonality of the song, with imperfect authentic cadences occurring with unbroken periodicity. This harmonic certainty and frequent repetition is appropriate to the text: As he explains, he purpose- points of view, often featuring differing keys, motives, fully keeps the music more simple in songs with a mes- or rhythms. Son conciente- mente desequilibradas. Hay tiempos que yo empieza en una Stylistically, many of these songs owe a debt to s forma y termina en otra. Como un recitativo y termino con Anglo-American rock.
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There are also several references to folk- Such mixture, particularly the use of iv for IV, also rock of the s: There are times when I start in one form and end with another. For example, a recitative that ends with something rhythmic.
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Very intentionally in order to establish two manners, two states. In those cases I have more interest in the words than the music. They are cases where text dominates the song. The song has two contrasting sections, with a verse in D,27 where he relates his omnipresent vision of Emilia in the leaves, the rain, the moon, and the earth e. These two sections are connected by the modulatory pre-chorus from D minor to C major. While the verse is easily heard in D from the beginning, its mode remains somewhat ambiguous until the end, as it shifts constantly.
At the beginning, the repeating chromatic descent in the high note on the guitar ends on B nat- ural, which is not part of the natural D minor scale and hence hints at D Dorian.
In the third line Ex. It is only in the final line of the verse, where the harmony abruptly goes back to D minor and the passing harmony of Bb favors the D minor tonal- ity over D Dorian, that the perfect authentic cadence finally confirms the mode as D minor. This modal ambiguity would seem an appropriate setting for a text that relates to a memory involving complex and conflicting emotions.
En vivo en Argentina is in D minor.
On the one hand, he wants to believe his resolve to let go of the relationship, as illustrated by the resolute and hopeful C major pro- gressions in the chorus. On the other hand, he is tormented by memories and conflicting feelings, as illustrated by all the modal mixture between D minor and D major in the verse. The chorus is a tug-of-war between F major and its relative minor D; no sooner has one key been confirmed by an authentic cadence when the harmony starts to modulate to the other Ex.
Mirroring these harmonies is the melody, which follows an antecedent-consequent pattern in F major and D minor, with the same initial leaps and ensuing scalar descents transposed between antecedent and consequent Ex. The text also mirrors this major-minor dichotomy: The shadows sombras of the first couplet give way to the dawn madrugada and light luz of the second, as the har- mony moves from minor to major. Hence the text and the fluctuating harmonies complement each other in illus- trating the two sides of love — its joys and sorrows.
Just as the listener thinks the song has ended resolutely on major, the instrumental tag ends with a iv-I; not all the clouds can be dispelled. The song consists of four sections: A striking feature in this song is the rising chromatic melody in both the lift and the chorus. In the lift Ex. Reflecting the text, the rising chromatic melody has a different effect in the chorus Ex. With the melody on a lower tessitura at an A below middle C, rather than D above , its placement rela tive to the bass a fifth above vs. The lack of resolution cre ates a level of tension that would not have been achieved with a more conventional A major or F minor.
The song contains few instances of harmonic confirmation. Not only is the F major not confirmed but also the A major lacks authen tic cadences; the only authentic cadence of the initial key of F minor are at the beginning of the verse. This lack of authentic cadences helps maintain harmonic tension throughout the song, as progressions sound unfinished. The tonality of the setting is unam- biguously in A major, resolving to perfect authentic cadences, and thus provide harmonic grounding to this opti- mism.
Then follows a sequence of chromatically ascending and descend- 30 John Covach attributes such characteristics to bridges, and in his definition of them, bridges can appear more than once in a song Covach Pero me dije, fun- same techniques as in his political songs. Era una noche en calma, el cielo estaba estrellado y la luna se reflejaba en el lago de Texcoco.
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