Eine Suche nach dem Leben: Autobiografische Erzählung (German Edition)
Leni Alexander war mit dem kubanischen Komponisten und Gitarristen Leo Brouwer befreundet und sympathisierte lange Zeit mit der kubanischen Revolution. Leni Alexander komponierte in einem durchsichtigen, kammermusikalischen Stil, der selbst in ihren Orchesterwerken zum Tragen kommt.

Charakteristisch ist ein durchbrochener Satz, eine kleingliedrige, stark mit Pausen durchsetzte melodische Faktur und knappe, expressive musikalische Gesten. Dies Verfahren, Musik unterschiedlicher Herkunft zu collagieren — ein politisches Lied oder eine musikhistorische Anspielung einzuflechten —, begegnet in ihren Kompositionen immer wieder. Est-ce donc si doux cette vie? Einen Verlag hatte Leni Alexander nicht gefunden. Inwieweit ihre Kompositionen seit den er Jahren in Chile erfolgreich waren, muss noch recherchiert werden. Veranstaltungsbericht Goethe-Institut Santiago de Chile.
In der Revista musical chilena wurde sie nach ihrem Tod als wichtigste chilenische Komponistin des Siehe auch das spanischsprachige Werkverzeichnis: Santiago de Chile Die Geschichte des Wagens. Sigmund Freuds ambivalente Beziehung zur Musik. Die Mapuchen oder Araucaner.
Du hast nie in meinen Schuhen gesteckt. Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Artes. Dargestellt am Beispiel des Oberlandesgerichtsbezirks Hamburg. Many had to walk to work barefoot, even in winter. A few German business leaders were tried for these crimes at Nuremberg including Krupp — though, in a political decision, he was released only three years after being convicted and his fortune restored to him. The process of denazification focused on the state rather than the private sector.
Instead, we have the sad reality that many in German industry fail to recognise their historic moral responsibility and instead actively lobby to ensure the government opposes a treaty initiative that is meant to protect the fundamental rights of individuals against unscrupulous businesses. Some readers may wonder what am I speaking about: Even if this is so, the nature of business today is global — as the recent trade disputes with the United States indicate, the markets for German goods extend way beyond its borders.
Ich bin dann mal weg: Meine Reise auf dem Jakobsweg
And, so too, goods today are produced in complex chains that cross borders. That leads to the potential for violations of human rights by businesss in countries who are unable or unwilling to impose adequate regulations. Consider, for instance, the description of what took place in Myanmar during the s in the construction of a major oil pipeline that was a joint venture between the multinationals Total and Unocal. Raj based on court documents describes how,.
Thousands of villagers were forced to cut down trees, dig out stumps, and build barracks and helipads, or risk fatal consequences. Those villagers who refused, attempted to escape, or could not physically manage to sustain the brutal conditions, were subject to beatings, rape, torture, and extra-judicial killings.
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This quote is just one instance of how thousands of people have had their lives destroyed by the activities of multi-national corporations. A major gas leak in Bhopal, India and oil spills in Oganiland, Nigeria ongoing over decades have killed, maimed and caused lasting environmental damage. Garment workers desperate for an income were forced to work in an unsafe building in Bangladesh by employers and, eventually, of them died when the building collapsed These are just some of the well-known examples of rights violations on the part of corporations.
Yet, people affected by these severe harms have, generally, struggled to hold the perpetrators to account and receive damages to ameliorate their suffering. The existing soft instruments at the global level — such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights — lack the necessary legal weight to offer a clear solution, given they do not have binding force nor do they require compliance.
That is why the leading human rights NGOs around the world in a massive conglomeration called the Treaty Alliance , together with many luminary academics are calling for a treaty between states on business and human rights that would seek to prevent human rights violations by businesses from occurring and ensure they do not go unpunished or at least uncompensated. Such a treaty is necessary given the need to address a number of problems in international law that have prevented victims of human rights violations from being able to gain remedies against errant corporations.
The first of these is that international law has traditionally been built on the idea that each state is sovereign within its own domain and required to hold responsible those who commit wrongs within its jurisdiction. However, such an understanding is less well equipped to address wrong-doers who cross borders: Suing a corporation in the country where a wrong is committed may thus fail to affect the real centre of power or wealth. This problem is compounded by a second difficulty in that, in law, each corporation is regarded as a separate legal person. As such, a multi-national corporation is in fact a network of different entities all formed in terms of the laws of different countries.
The likelihood of successful prosecutions or claims for compensation is very limited in these jurisdictions. A treaty would seek to address these problems. First, it could require all states to adopt laws permitting them to hold corporations that have an office there to account for violations of fundamental rights they commit beyond their borders. Such an approach would help address the difficulty that no-one state alone wishes to be seen as the sole enforcer of human rights norms, and so become unattractive to businesses.
Dec 29, Frau G. Hape Kerkeling mal ganz anders. Ein wunderbares Buch, das einem Lust auf den Camino macht. This is the first time I've included a rotten book here on GoodReads. Pure and simple, this is an act of revenge. It seemed to have such potential- written by a German comedian or was that perhaps an ominous warning?
The man was out of shape and shouldn't have undertaken it. The reader is subjected to innumerable references to how much his feet hurt and that he doesn't like walking This is the first time I've included a rotten book here on GoodReads. The reader is subjected to innumerable references to how much his feet hurt and that he doesn't like walking. He also indulges himself constantly- disdaining to stay in the austere conditions with the other pilgrims, he hangs his hat in hotels, rises late each day and has a nice, relaxed breakfast, skips over rough sections of the Camino via bus and hitchiking, and then subjects us to his multitude of New Age platitudes about how it's teaching him to live his life better.
The content is dull and whiny and the translator used up the entire world supply of exclamation points. Obviously the book got published because of the author's fame. And it ISN'T funny. At first I thought it meant he was taking off on a trip. After reading a while though, I came to understand that he was unconsciously referring to either his own stability or his spiritual conclusions. View all 5 comments. Showmaster, comedian and actor Hape Kerkeling is a national treasure, and this travel memoir about his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago firmly held the number 1-spot on the bestseller list for !
He laughs with people, not about them, and he has a brilliant ability to detect and play with quirks. This talent to observe and interact with all kinds of people is what makes this book fun - on his adventure, Kerkeling meets different pilgrims from all over the world, and he also turns out to be a very nuanced and critical observer of himself. His voice is highly recognizable when he writes about his experiences, and the reflections and personal conclusions he adds build still another layer on top of his narrative. I would certainly not claim that Kerkeling shares earth-shattering insights with us or that his spiritual reckonings are of any scientific or theological merit, but that's not what he is intending to do here in the first place.
Kerkeling wrote this book after a severe illness, and he moves his body in order to move his mind, to leave behind kilometers and unneccessary mental baggage - this is not a new idea, but it is also never getting old. In fact, to face and master such a challenge is quite an achievement, and I highly enjoyed to be taken along by reading this text. I am pretty sure that knowing Kerkeling and his work my generation basically grew up with him changes the reading experience of this book, and I would actually recommend listening to the audiobook which is read by the author himself.
Ich bin dann mal weg: Meine Reise auf dem Jakobsweg by Hape Kerkeling
Nevertheless, I guess that this book is also fun for people who don't know him, as it gives readers an idea of what it means to walk from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela. Feb 12, Tomjerry1 rated it really liked it.
Dec 02, Ms. Smartarse rated it it was ok Shelves: This book has been translated into English, as I'm Off Then: Hans Peter "Hape" Kerkeling is a comedian of some reputation in Germany. A self-proclaimed couch potato, he sets himself the lofty goal of walking the Camino de Santiago Ok, make that most of it , and definitely include the last km into said bit.
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It actually started out really well, with Kerkeling setting a suitably doubtful tone for this entire endeavor. We have his grandmother's old prophecy on the one hand - " If we don't pay attention, our Hans Peter is going to fly away one day! To be fair to said friends, he did leave with a rather flippant " I'm off then ". Add to this the author's own serious doubt of actually achieving his goal, and I was hooked. It was sort of fun for a while, seeing our "hero" huff and puff his way to the top of a hill in the pouring rain with no visibility.
I even felt sort of smug, seeing him accept a ride in a car, on his VERY. If he can fake his way through a pilgrimage, anyone can yours truly included. I nodded along with his remarks about choosing a comfy hotel rooms over the church-approved hostels. Then again, I'm a sinful atheist, so what do I know?
Little by little however, I found myself avoiding the book. I would read about half a chapter amidst constant sighing, put it down, start something completely different and much more frivolous in genre. In essence, it slowly but surely became kind of chore, so I dropped it half-way through. Be it professional-development, home cleanliness, etiquette, or any other personal goal, I've gone through them all. While I have an amazing capacity for wailing about any of these topics, I'll try to limit myself to those pertaining to Goodreads: In any case when it comes to my upcoming German reading material, I'll probably stick to the less popular YA books, since at least those reviews seem to make a difference.
Sep 18, Leonie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Apr 26, Nathalie rated it it was amazing. Hape Kerkeling, one of Germany's finest comedians, describes his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. The adventures on his way are almost too good to be true. It's a story about trusting in oneself and others, about friendship, about enduring terrible conditions and finding joy in the little things. Hape's humour and way of storytelling are simply irresistible. I had a wonderful time listening to this.
- Otto Rombach – Wikipedia?
- Spandex Fun (German Edition)!
- Otto Rombach;
- Germany’s Moral Responsibility to Support a Treaty on Business and Human Rights | Verfassungsblog.
Hape himself reads his story, and he is of course first choice. He knows his stuf Hape Kerkeling, one of Germany's finest comedians, describes his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. He knows his stuff, he knows how to deliver the story, his story, and he does it so very well. Aug 01, Lewi rated it liked it.
Jul 01, Heather rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm looking into the Camino Santiago experience for the first time. I have been following the blog of someone from church, viewed The Way, saw the Walking the Camino documentary, talked about it with my cousin who has a friend who wants to walk it and then ran into the man who heads the area Camino group at my Tai Chi class - all within the last three weeks. I started reading this book which I ran across while browsing Camino titles on Amazon. I also read the reviews - good and bad. And heard I'm looking into the Camino Santiago experience for the first time.
And heard an interview with the author in one of Rick Steves' podcasts. After reading the book, here's my take: The Camino guidebook Hape used recommended that those walking the Camino on their own keep a journal to help them deal with loneliness on the road.