Dispositions: Reframing Teaching and Learning
Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Challenging the Mindset 2. Deciding On Dispositions 5.
Dispositions : Reframing Teaching and Learning
Mapping the Curriculum 7. Observing and Assessing Growth in Dispositional Learning 8. School Cultures that Support Dispositional Learning 9. Afterthoughts and Actions Appendices Declaration Index show more. Review quote "Education must include the development of the human elements in our children. Costa and Kallick present a reasonable, practical and positive alternative-- the cultivation of dispositional thinking, the very core of being human. He served as a classroom teacher, a curriculum consultant, and an assistant superintendent for instruction in the Office of the Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools and as the director of educational programs for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Editorial Reviews
He has made presentations and conducted workshops in all 50 states as well as on six of the seven continents Active in many professional organizations, Art served as president of the California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and was the National President of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, from to D is a private consultant providing services to school districts, state departments of education, professional organizations, and public agencies throughout the United States and abroad.
Kallick received her doctorate in educational evaluation at Union Graduate School. Her areas of focus include group dynamics, creative and critical thinking, and alternative assessment strategies for the classroom. Formerly a Teachers' Center director, Kallick also created a children's museum based on problem solving and invention.
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She was the coordinator of a high school alternative designed for at-risk students. She is co-founder of Performance Pathways, a company dedicated to providing easy to use software for curriculum mapping and assessment tracking and reporting, an integrated suite. She is presently a strategic advisor for SunGard Public Sector K on behalf of Performance Plus, a transformational new product based on the work of Performance Pathways.
She is known for her practical approach to making curriculum mapping and assessment a catalyst for improving teaching and learning. She presently serves on the Board of Communities for Learning. Her work with Dr. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number.
Dispositions : Arthur L. Costa :
Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Making dispositions come alive in the minds of students Shifting the thinking of educational leaders, parents, politicians and the public How to align day-to-day classroom practices with larger dispositional outcomes.
Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. A Bridge to Improved Practice. How to create the perfect survey.
Editorial Reviews Review "Education must include the development of the human elements in our children. Costa and Kallick present a reasonable, practical and positive alternative-- the cultivation of dispositional thinking, the very core of being human.
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Foreword by Yong Zhao. See all Editorial Reviews. Product details File Size: Corwin; 1 edition October 9, Publication Date: October 9, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.
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Please try again later. Costa and Kalick reinforce their work on Habits of Mind through a bit different lens in "Dispositions". How we think is more important than what we know. In today's test centric school culture "why we think" is more important than the "what we think" that is reinforced by the toxic testing going on across the country.

Eventually we will learn that "one size fits all" is not the best way to educate and that we need to allow teachers the freedom to learn with the kids not "learn to the kids"!