You Are The Logo: Get Visible And Attract Clients To Your Business
Sometimes I even start to question myself what the hell it is I actually do!
How To Create A Marketing Strategy To Attract Clients (A JARGON-FREE, NO-BS GUIDE)
What really drives me nuts is how marketing and communications professionals, designers and business consultants use all of these terms differently and interchangeably at times:. For me, it starts here. The goal is to get to: The point I want to make here is that marketing is not the actual business.

A business card, a logo, a website… none of that is your business. Are you clear about the problem you solve? Are you certain people have this problem and know they need your solution?
2. Narrow Down Who You’ll Sell It To
If you can answer those questions, then it becomes a matter of attracting customers who need that. How do you do that? These first two things are foundational and need to be decided before or as part of any marketing or brand or digital or whatever-you-want-to-call-it strategy you create.
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- A logo is a business tool.
- 1. Logos communicate core values and brand message.
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This means creating content that demonstrates you have the solution to their problem. Can you prove it to them? The fact is, you need both. The tactics you use will depend. It might be social media, SEO, a blog, a podcast….
How To Create A Marketing Strategy To Attract Clients
Websites that offer to create a logo for 5, 30 or dollars abound, complicating the task of differentiating a full-service design studio from quick-turnaround, low-priced alternatives. If you position your logo design company as a firm that specializes only in crafting corporate marks, you limit the prospective customers for your business. A logo-design division or specialty within a full-service agency or studio offers broader opportunities to attract profitable clients with long-term potential. Take your own advice and verify that your company's identity materials, including its logo, reflect your brand clearly, succinctly and uniquely.
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- 7 ways a logo can make your business better.
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Likewise, avoid the trap of assuming that "XYZ Design" or "ABC Communications" on a business card provides a self-explanatory description of the focus of your work. Include a thorough, clear description of what you do so prospects who don't understand that "identity design" means "we design logos" will know what you offer and how your services can benefit them.
Remember that designers' jargon doesn't always make sense to people outside your business. Set up a social media presence for your company that encompasses broad-interest sites -- Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr -- as well as business-to-business networking on LinkedIn.
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Create a voice and an attitude that can help your posts distinguish themselves. Include observations on the principles of logo design as well as links to your successful designs and your website. Incorporate a sample section on your site with case studies of your work and testimonials from happy clients, and make sure visitors can access your contact form from all the pages on your site. Local-market networking can help you put your talents and capabilities in front of entrepreneurs and the heads of small businesses, any of whom may need your capabilities.
How to Get Customers for a Logo Design Company
You may find local events through LinkedIn groups, the community calendars on TV and radio stations, and business organizations. Don't try to turn a networking event into a nonstop sales pitch or a critique of the logos on other people's business cards. Telling a company representative that you'd be happy to redo her ugly logo doesn't endear you to someone who may have designed the logo herself or commissioned it to her exact specifications.
Trade cards with as many people as possible at every event you attend, and use the cards you receive as part of the basis for marketing yourself. Take on pro bono work thoughtfully. If you attempt to use a not-for-profit's logo design or redesign as an excuse to showcase an attractive concept that offers no connection to the client's image, services and market, you serve your own needs at the expense of your real objective.
Avoid the trap of assuming that a prospective client will welcome your assistance in "fixing" the "broken" logo you contact him to offer to redesign.