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How can you tell that is another topic. Usually, when they wanted to tell me, they came and told me voluntarily.
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But it is not so simple — maybe their child likes night a lot: But usually parents assumed something negative. This gap in formal knowledge is inconvenient when we leave the rarified world of logic and mathematics and come face to face with the phenomena of natural history. In the natural world, communication is rarely either purely digital or purely analogic. At the digital end of this scale all the theorems of information theory have their full force, but at the ostensive and analogic end they are meaningless.
Comics and Closure Literature Ressources [R]. Regis Debray — communication and transmission Posted on October by Wey. Columbia University Press, Posted in culture , education Leave a comment. August by Wey.
Raine, I have a question for clarification, since you mostly seem to refer to photographic images or cinematography when talking about stereoscopy: Goals important to me in this seminar would be: Connecting Pedagogical Media Theory approach to a supposed widespread stereoscopic media usage. What may be its educational-aesthetic-cultural impact? Supplementing your MA thesis with interesting addendums, different views, side glances. I think this is an important aspect: You should somehow be able to use ideas and texts developed in this course in your MA thesis or your general work.
Posted in 3D-visuals Leave a comment. A Short Introduction to Stereoscopy Posted on 8. August by raine. Posted in 3D-visuals , culture Tagged art , culture Leave a comment. June by Wey.
Berlin Hostel
Some introductory notes A medium is not restricted to being a technical device, like a radio, a newspaper or a browser. Some media theoretical tenets of pedagogical media theory: We cannot communicate outside, or without a medium. I will never be able to think exactly what you think, there will always be technical and conceptual media between and around us.
A medium enables us to interpret phenomena within it as meaningful and dismiss phenomena outside of it as contextually meaningless, or as having a different level of meaning. A medium allows for specific forms in it to be generated, and inhibits the generation of others.
Exposing closure: Lateral thinking questions
Posted in 3D-visuals , course organisation , journalism , schooling Leave a comment. An exhibition as a pedagogical medium Posted on November by Wey. Noora asked about my opinion on how to arrange an exhibition for her project. Posted in artistic intervention , culture , education Tagged exhibition 1 Comment.
What's Going On?
Some notes on the chat session from July 2nd Posted on 4. July by Wey.

Posted in artistic intervention , education , therapeutic intervention Tagged art , education , therapy Leave a comment. Science, gender and advertisers: Contextmarkers Posted on 2.
Posted in artistic intervention , culture , education Tagged advertisment , science , videoclip Leave a comment. Some connections to former concepts we disucssed: Have another story, a bit more complicated: Creating a space for you!
NewTek Discussions
Posted in Allgemein 1 Comment. Some notes on the chat session from Jun 11th Posted on Posted in culture , education , schooling 1 Comment. Posted in artistic intervention , culture , education , schooling 1 Comment. June by kaiekaabel. One more example that is similar to yar bombing is moss art, or moss graffity that I find is very amusing and looks good in urban streets: Paul Ridden December 17, As you might expect, development of the Bloodhound supersonic car has proven costly and just last week it was announced that lack of funds had ended the project for good.
But that was last week. Now a new backer has been found and the world land speed record attempt is on again. Nick Lavars December 16, Hyundai has finally shared pricing details for its electric Kona SUV, and the figures will be welcome news for those looking to shed fuel costs and emissions from their everyday travel without breaking the bank. Aaron Turpen December 14, We use ropes in different strengths, because the grip of small school children's hands is completely different from that of older children.
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And the hand-made individual rope connections with "S" clamps ensure harmonious and safe structures for climbing and gripping. Movement is in the nature of children. Climb, balance, brachiate, swing — the playful approach to the gravity and to the laws of motion brings them joy, knowledge and greatest satisfaction. While playing, they want to master hurdles and overcome increasing challenges.
In this exercise they grow and evolve. The exploration of their personal boundaries gives childen immediate feedback about their abilities and their potential. Through varied movement experiences , they recognize themselves and in doing so discover the world around them. An underwater world formed by rope structures in deep ocean blue and colourful membranes.