Vosotros Sois la Luz del Mundo (Spanish Edition)
The gringos as somebody mentioned has problems with the latino look like in the case of Banderas and other Spaniard actors and their roles as Latin Americans. I doubt that Depardieu would match that role.
S. Mateo 5:13-16 RVR1960
By the way, you are French you must know Asterix for sure, remember when Obelix and Asterix go to Hispania. Do you remember the stereotype that the creators used. They put it as a land of gypsies or something. Even were not the French who said "Africa begins at the Pyrenees"? Do you think that you would pass for gringo in the U. By the way why don't you stop to fight LAA, both will create an endless debate.
Hola Tito, pues yo prefiero hablar en Espanol contigo " It has something of logic. La mayoridad del los alemanes o ingleses o hollandeses no passan por ser Espanol.
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A ellos la gente en las calles les hablan en Ingles - a mi la gente me habla en Espanol. Es lo mismo con los turistas de europa del norte en mi pais. Los grupos de turistas Alemanes, ingleses, hollandeses on Americanos passan por ser turistas por la gran proporcion de gente rubia con piel clara y ojos claros que es bastante rara en francia, por el vestido tambien en el caso de los Americanos y alemanes , cuando los italianos por ejemplo pueden passan por ser franceses.
Ademas, los turistas italianos generalmente hablan un poco frances, los norte Europeos usan quasi todavia el ingles con nosotros.
Asterix es una historita, no es la realidad; no tiene nunca voluntad de ser historias fideles las realidades de los pueblos actuales, ni de ser una libro de historia Es totalmente ficcion y es muy muy approximativo del punto de vista historico! Quizas LAA, desde el origen tiene en su mente la imagen de Francia que corresponde a la imagen de Galia que se ve en Asterix Effectivamente, en asterix, los galos son dibujados como gente de rubios o de de cabello rojo, porque es un esteretypo que se applica alos actuales pueblos celtas como los Irlandeses - probablemente que los galos no se parecian mucho a eso estereotypo, y todavia los franceses y los galos no son el mismo pueblo.
En Asterix en America, toda la gente es decribida como indios, quiere decir que los americanos son indias, no creo. Para nosotros africa empieza despues del estrecho de Gibraltar, y muchas veces consideramos que Africa empieza realmente despues el sahara, Africa del norte es una cosa bastante differente. It was Napoleon that said that "Africa begins at the Pyrenees". The British also had an old phrase that said that "Africa starts at Calais".
Romanian Vosotros sois la luz del mundo: I always thought the word "el" was derived from a possible Arabic source.

As a student who studied Spanish for several years, I'm well aware of the long Moorish presence in medieval Spain. As far as all of this talk goes regarding Spaniards and Latin Americans, it is true that there are many Spaniards who can "pass" for Latin Americans, and personally I believe it to be due to this Moorish presence.
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Perhaps there were Gypsies who were also absorbed into the Spanish population as well, who may also account for any "darker" types found in Spain. Most people in these countries look very European and are fairly pale-skinned, though a noticeable minority have that Middle Eastern look due to these invasions.
On 7 August Count Bonde wrote to Swedenborg enclosing a copy that had been made of a letter from von Hatzel written in German whose handwriting was 'very indistinct and illegible'.
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Addressing himself directly to the anonymous author, von Hatzel asked him to 'indicate and point out to which of the five books of Moses, in what chapter and in which two verses, lies concealed the means of coming into the company of these spirits [that is, those with whom Swedenborg had "familiar and free interaction"], and moreover, how to use it, and how to comport oneself'.
Swedenborg's reply to Bonde, written immediately after receiving these two letters, took up first the question of the anonymity of his writings, secondly that of open communication with the spiritual world.
The original of Swedenborg's letter is now preserved among Riksarkivet the State Archives of Sweden's capital city. Bonde had a country estate in Hesleby, near Stockholm. In his letter the Count had invited Swedenborg to visit him and examine his 'little garden'. In his first draft of his letter, copied by Dergius, Swedenborg here adds: It's likely to be similar to this footnote from Acton's translation: In his draft, Swedenborg here adds: Commentary on this chapter: Verse by verse commentary.
Explanation s or references from Swedenborg's works: What the Bible says about Forgiveness What the Bible says about The Nexus, Part 5: A city cannot be hidden when it is located on a hill. Jubilee Bible Ye are the light of the world. A city set upon a mountain cannot be hid.
Origin of the word "El" in Spanish
King James Bible You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. American King James Version You are the light of the world. American Standard Version Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid.
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Douay-Rheims Bible You are the light of the world. A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid. English Revised Version Ye are the light of the world. Webster's Bible Translation Ye are the light of the world. World English Bible You are the light of the world. Young's Literal Translation 'Ye are the light of the world, a city set upon a mount is not able to be hid; Mattheus 5: Ecin estal daite ciuitate mendi gainean iarria. Urbo starigita sur monto ne povas esti kasxita. Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:
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