Topnotch Trivia Baby Names Edition
On the other hand, Christopher is a solid, reliable name that's been in popular use for decades now. Choose between Monty and Christopher, and we'll try to figure out your age. If you're an avid follower of Will Smith and co.
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It's definitely a great name, but so is Jennifer, no doubt. Choose between Willow and Jennifer, and we'll try to figure out your age. If your kids name is Dustin, they might be destined to be a home-run hitter on their baseball team. If his name is Magnus, he may very well become an oil tycoon. Choose between Dustin and Magnus, and we'll try to figure out your age.
Michelle is a solid, reliable name - after all, Michelle was the name of the former First Lady of the United States. Kendra has more of a modern spin, and sounds quite fiery. Choose between Michelle and Kendra, and we'll try to figure out your age. Alfie has seen an increase in popularity in recent years, probably because it's a short, head-turning name that simply sounds nice.
Michael sounds quite clean as well, and its been used for an untold number of years. Choose between Alfie and Michael, and we'll try to figure out your age. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you might have entertained the thought of naming your daughter Hermione. Or, if you prefer a safer, more conventional name, Mary definitely works, too.
Baby Name Questions and Answers
Choose between Hermione and Mary, and we'll try to figure out your age. There's a reason why Thomas has been such a popular name for so long; it floats off the tongue nicely, and has a sharp ending. However, the same can be said for a name like Gary. Choose between Thomas and Gary, and we'll try to figure out your age. Despite Samantha sounding like more of a traditional name, you might be surprised at how popular it's become in recent years. On the other hand, heather is a light, fluffy sounding name.
Choose between Samantha and Heather, and we'll try to figure out your age. You probably know several Scotts; despite how you may feel about them, it's likely that you respect their short, strong name. If you only know one Ashton, he's probably the guy from That '70s Show. Choose between Alana and Ashton, and we'll try to figure out your age. When you think of Lisa, the Simpsons character probably comes to mind. Don't worry, your child will not have razor sharp hair. If you're really worried about that, you can just name her Tammy.
Choose between Lisa and Tammy, and we'll try to figure out your age. Byron sounds like a real lord's name; call your kid that, and he may become a leader among men. Or, if you're not looking to be that experimental, Joshua has always been a solid choice. Choose between Byron and Joshua, and we'll try to figure out your age. Lori can be anything; hair stylist, Hollywood executive, or philanthropist.
Now that we think about it, the same can be said for a name like Rayna. Choose between Lori and Rayna, and we'll try to figure out your age. In terms of popularity, Aubrey has been on a steady rise as a name for a baby boy. Nathan also sounds good, though its usage is more on the back-burner for now.
Choose between Aubrey and Nathan, and we'll try to figure out your age. Tilly is a mystical, magical sounding name, one that suggests talent and creativity. Stella meaning "star" accomplishes the same effect, and it's been used for a while now.
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Choose between Tilly and Stella, and we'll try to figure out your age. Everyone knows a guy named James, and these characters can range from role models to average Joes. You might not know a Kenneth, but you've definitely heard of one. Choose between James and Kenneth, and we'll try to figure out your age.
Royal baby quiz – how much do you know?
Sage means "wise" or "wisdom", and that's not a bad quality to possess in this world. We're not sure what Emily means, but it does have a nice sound to it. Choose between Sage and Emily, and we'll try to figure out your age. Soren is the first name of Kierkegaard, an important historical philosopher. George is the name of Choose between Soren and George, and we'll try to figure out your age.
We knew a Lauren back in the day. She helped us with our homework once. We also knew a Jasmine, and she used to go to school with flowers in her hair. Choose between Lauren and Jasmine, and we'll try to figure out your age. Felix, besides sounding like a good cat name, is fitting of a human being with poise and grace. Langdon suggests stability, great stamina and power. Choose between Felix and Langdon, and we'll try to figure out your age.
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You might not have met many women named Hollyn, but that's only because the name is new and currently mostly taken by girls under Juno has more of a foundation, though it's also a nice alternative label. Choose between Hollyn and Juno, and we'll try to figure out your age. Ronald is a name used to refer to many other people besides the McDonald's mascot. Eugene is historically popular, though these days it's more of a hipster alternative.
Choose between Ronald and Eugene, and we'll try to figure out your age. Amber is a name as rich as the color it's referring to. At the same time, Dawn is a reference to the rising sun, which is a glorious thing. Icelandic people love eating ice cream even though temperatures are well below zero. Icelandic people are no less fond of swimming pools and outdoor hot tubs in the freezing cold.
As they are filled geothermal water they are warm great for relaxing. There are volcanic eruptions every few years in Iceland. Most of which are small and magnificent to look at from afar. There are no mosquitoes in Iceland. There are in fact very few insects that can do much more to bother a person than simply existing. One of his campaign promises was not to fulfil any of his campaign promises.
Top Baby Name Quizzes, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes
Average temperature in Reykjavik in January is just about the same as in New York. Temperature in winter in Reykjavik is similar to that of New York. The vast majority of Icelandic surnames simply record the fact that you are your father's or mother's son or daughter.

First names are almost always used when addressing someone, no matter how formal the meeting. Even the phone book lists subscribers by their first name.
20 strange and awesome facts about Iceland
There are strict laws on what names are allowed in Iceland, the point is to preserve Icelandic language. All names not previously accepted must go before the Icelandic Naming Committee, which either allows them if they abide to the laws on Icelandic names, or rejects them, forcing parents to find another name for their child.
The Icelandic police does not carry guns. One man has been shot by the police, ever. The English word "geyser" comes from the name of the great geyser, Geysir in Haukadalur, South Iceland. Iceland has only waged one war, and it can barely be called war. Iceland like many other European countries burned witches at the stake in the 17 th century. The witches in Iceland were however almost all male.
Geysir is a popular tourist attraction.