
To Tame a Rose

Top quality perennial and annual herbs, heirloom tomato plants, native and companion plants, along with food and craft items reflecting an interest in the homemade and homegrown: Hosta sale hosted by the Middle Tennessee Hosta. More information about the MTHS is at www.

The free event includes information about a variety of gardening methods and techniques, local artisans, exhibiters, growers and more. For information, visit www.

Bending long canes and securing them at the base of the plant also conserves garden space

When is the best time to prune roses? The Nashville Rose Society offers these pruning guidelines: Use sharp bypass pruning shears, which will make a clean cut without crushing the stem. Start by taking out older wood, along with any dead or dying canes. Remove any canes that rub or cross each other, or any twiggy, unnecessary growth.

Train Roses to Produce More Flowers

Rose enthusiasts who winterize their prized roses will do more severe pruning in the fall. To begin the winterizing process, stop fertilizing roses now to allow the plant to slow down production of new growth. Early in October, stop cutting the dead flowers and leave the rose hips in place.

If more than one makes roots, what's so bad about having several roses? May 5, Messages: Liberty County - Texas 8B. That's one lovely rose bush. I love the color! I'm sure a search will find these postings for you. Apr 13, Messages: Vicky, just make sure you wait until it starts growing though. I don't think taking a cutting while it is dormant will be successful. I have tried dormant cuttings of other plants and it didn't work for me. I'm not saying you can't try it, but if it doesn't work the first time try it again later.

Dec 28, Messages: If they form a callous on the bottom end, just dip that in some IBA and pot up. Just an alternate that might work. Rugosas spread by suckering, and it is much easier to exploit this trait than to work against it. These roses are also easy to maintain. During the first year they must be watered regularly until they are established, and then they take care of themselves - no spraying, no winter protection and no fancy fertilizers.


In fact, these roses turn up their noses at synthetic fertilizers. Too much and their leaves turn yellow or brown and fall off the branches.

Help me tame this rose bush!

They much prefer a handful of bone meal when you plant them and an annual mulch of compost, well-rotted manure, or seaweed. Even pruning is optional, although you may want to cut out the oldest wood 3 years and older to provide the best show of bloom.

If you have these rose bushes on your cottage lot, or know friends who grow them, you can dig up small suckers in the early spring or late fall, but not while in bloom. It takes about two years for them to get established, after that the rugosas grow and spread quickly. Cuttings can be taken during the first two weeks of June. Choose an eight centimetre tip that will bend without snapping, with the bud is in the pea stage — rounded but showing no colour.