The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus
In saying that, I now have a strong desire to read some essays and books by people who have taken the time to analyze this work properly so that I pursue what I properly missed by reading this book on my own. Dec 22, Shirley Revill rated it liked it. Dec 30, J. I was very disappointed. Oct 18, Lammoth rated it did not like it. May 12, C rated it it was amazing. Apr 18, azhar rated it it was amazing. I think the predictions are silly, and the interpretations far-fetched; but some of the quatrains are spooky.
So as a horror afficionado I enjoyed it! Urgh, finally done with this incredibly boring book. Please note that this review is of Cheethams version. A boring but educational read. The education comes from seeing how silly it is to pay heed to these prophecies.
I have to admit I am almost impressed by how creative and desperate some people have been to make some of these prophecies fit historical events. No need to dwell on how tenous the relation between the events the prophecies are in most cases, but it laughable to read Cheethams own Urgh, finally done with this incredibly boring book. No need to dwell on how tenous the relation between the events the prophecies are in most cases, but it laughable to read Cheethams own attempts making predictions based on the prophecies.
According to her WWIII should start in the mid 80s, the third antichrist should have come 20 or so years ago and New York is supposed to be destroyed by now Only possible reason to read this book, would be to destroy any notions one has whether the prophecies should be taken seriously Dec 05, T Campbell rated it did not like it. This has got to be one of the greatest examples of people reading into what isn't there that I've ever seen, even greater than what people do to the Bible, horoscopes, and Shakespeare. Any reasonable reading would find these prophecies far too specific and irrelevant to the modern day to be useful, but the desire to make sense of our chaotic world is so strong that thousands sort of will themselves to believe one guy with no particular other talents could foresee five hundred years of human hist This has got to be one of the greatest examples of people reading into what isn't there that I've ever seen, even greater than what people do to the Bible, horoscopes, and Shakespeare.
Any reasonable reading would find these prophecies far too specific and irrelevant to the modern day to be useful, but the desire to make sense of our chaotic world is so strong that thousands sort of will themselves to believe one guy with no particular other talents could foresee five hundred years of human history. They find themselves saying "Well, that's just a metaphor" and "isn't it amazing this one four-line quote of a giant work, if you squint and mistranslate it just right, looks like it could have predicted this present-day thing?
Preface would suffice Credo che l'introduzione sia tutto dire delle "Profezie" di Nostradamus. Egli parla del mondo che conosce: Francia, Inghilterra, Germania, Italia, Francia e quel che era noto a oriente. Che trattasi in fondo delle conoscenze degli uomini dotti del Quindicesimo secolo. Dunque, se anche Nostrad Preface would suffice Credo che l'introduzione sia tutto dire delle "Profezie" di Nostradamus.
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Dunque, se anche Nostradamus poteva vedere il futuro, le sue parole sono prive di senso e pertanto inutili. I have read and i liked his style in describing future events. A clever style, he used the expressions and details of the sixteenth century to reflect future events, especially how he described the events of the twentieth century.
However, there is some ambiguity in his style, either a weakness in his astrological and occultism ability to prove the accuracy of details either as a means of escaping the reputation of a "magician" and thus escaping from the Inquisition. Jun 16, Mari rated it liked it. Now that I have read the quatrains, I am persuaded that these lines can be applied, interpreted, and re-interpreted any which way the reader wishes to 'bend' the meaning.
Decisamente una lettura ostica. Lingua francese ma all'antica. Qualche quartina si fa sestina, i versi da 10 sillabe a volte vanno a 8 o a Oct 03, Fahad rated it liked it. Definitely a tome written by and for the true believer in Nostradamus. There is not the slightest attempt to be in any way impartial, at one point going so far as to include in writing that the original editor the current revisions grandfather had it in his mind that he was the reincarnation of Michel.
I think these kinds of books can be interesting if approached with the right mindset.
Nostradamus Index
Who hasnt had a curiosity about the occult, and wondered if there was anything to it, or even just wanted to e Definitely a tome written by and for the true believer in Nostradamus. Who hasnt had a curiosity about the occult, and wondered if there was anything to it, or even just wanted to explore it as an entertainment.
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This volume fails on all scores for me personally. I think it lost a lot of credibility for me, when the introductions there are a few mention how the quatrains were re-translated and re-interpreted. I played telephone as a kid. I do not remember every instance from the book, but there was a great example on the one that is talking about a King in the west, and the city of Condone, and prisoners going free. This they decided was about Rodney King. Just so unrelated and such a stretch to even begin to try and cram the "meaning" with the original text, no matter how vague - and the Nostradamus centuries are NOTHING if not vague I guess at the end of the day, the lesson is there, and clear for all to see.
If you are interested in silly nonsense, and read a book about silly nonsense, you shouldnt complain when what you find is silly nonsense Nostradamus has been credited with anticipating the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the September 11 terrorist attacks. Today, as the world grapples with financial meltdowns, global terrorism, and environmental disasters—as well as the Mayan prediction of the apocalypse on December 21, —his prophecies of doom have assumed heightened relevance.
This edition considers its legacy in terms of the poetics of the quatrains, published here in a brilliant new translation and with introductory material and notes mapping the cultural, political, and historical forces that resonate throughout Nostradamus's epic, giving it its visionary power. I only managed to struggle through about half of this. Nostradamus' predictions, all in the form of quatrains are mostly so vague that they could apply to just about anything. When one or two lines of a quatrain vaguely match something in later history make enough predictions about conflict in Europe and some of them are bound to match up with the next few hundred years of history the other two or three lines and any contradictory details are ignored and it is hailed as a "fulfilled prophecy.
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Jul 12, Steven Belanger rated it it was amazing. I started writing Apocalypse after reading this book, when I was Very creepy at times; puzzling at others. For those who think that anyone can write gibberish and then readers can "see" in it whatever they want, I urge a review of the book's--and author's--history. The guy could certainly see something. If he could, it proves that history aka fate and time is interconnected and linear. That view led to my so far only published short story, "Hide the Weird.

I doubt anyone's radically differs. I can't believe people actually believe this crap. The "prophesies" are extremely vague and could apply to any time in any era. He claims they're vague so people don't try to avoid them coming true and change the future. Nostradamus began to write his prophetic verses in the city of Salon, in They are divided into ten sections called Centuries which refers to the number of verses in each section, not to a unit of years.
The Centuries were published in and , and have been in print continuously ever since. Nostradamus had the visions which he later recorded in verse while staring into water or flame late at night, sometimes aided by herbal stimulants, while sitting on a brass tripod. The resulting quatrains four line verses are oblique and elliptical, and use puns, anagrams and allegorical imagery.
Most of the quatrains are open to multiple interpretations, and some make no sense whatsoever. Some of them are chilling, literal descriptions of events, giving specific or near-specific names, geographic locations, astrological configurations, and sometimes actual dates.
Prophecies of Nostradamus
It is this quality of both vagueness and specificity which allows each new generation to reinterpret Nostradamus. Nostradamus is said to have predicted his own death. When his assistant wished him goodnight on July 1, , Nostradamus reputedly pronounced, "You will not find me alive at sunrise. Nostradamus was interred standing upright in the Church of the Cordeliers of Salon. However, his story does not end there; he was disinterred twice, once on purpose and once maliciously. In , his body was moved by the city to a more prominent crypt. When a necklace was found on his skeleton bearing the date '', his body was hurriedly reinterred.
During the French Revolution, in , some drunken soldiers broke into his tomb. The mayor quickly placated the mob by describing how Nostradamus had predicted the revolution, and they replaced the bones in the crypt.
However, Nostradamus had the last laugh.