Splat the Cat: The Rain Is a Pain: I Can Read Level 1

Don't have a Kindle? Product details Reading level: Harpercollins; 1 edition 2 October Language: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Now I can say how I feel! Actually, despite not liking the series all that much aside from the over sized first book , my kids have always had an appreciation for Splat.
This means I read his stories just about every other night, when personally I'd rather be reading something else to them. Whatever good I've done as a father, perhaps I am not as proud as I am at the restraint I've shown by reading these stories without telling my kids exactly how I feel about them. What are, for me, phoned in stories that miss the magic from the original tale, turn out to be comforting, and easy to follow books for my children. It's important for kids to like kid things, even when, as a father, I want to push them onto more challenging concepts and stories.
Out of all the other Splat the Cat books yes I have bought as many as I have been able to find , this book ranks quite low with my children. Despite the silliness of strangely named sea animals cowfish for instance , my kids just haven't gotten into it.
For me, I feel Splat is overly obnoxious, and annoying here. He knowingly misinforms his friends about these sea creatures all in the hopes of getting Kitten's attention. Of course in the end its all okay, because Kitten thinks his silliness is cute, when in actuality, Splat was just clamoring for the spotlight, and not thinking his actions through. I'm not quite sure how my children see it, but perhaps they too saw the selfishness in Splat here. Actually that might be a lesson worth teaching, and may make for some good after book discussions hmm As always, the illustrations are nice, and the price couldn't be better.
Despite my family not loving it all that much this book might very well please your children, as many positive reviews can't all be wrong. Pick it up if you're trying to complete your collection, otherwise I personally recommend some of the other Splat books. This is my three year old daughter's favorite book at bed time. I ask her the same thing what story would you like?
Her response, "a Kindle book daddy. The story is pretty cute and easy for younger readers to follow, but seems to lack the depth of some of the other Splat stories. Well not it's not like I was expecting a children's book to have complexity like say Lord of the Rings, just that this one just a couple sentences per page as others really go into more detail to tell the story. I guess that is typical of most of the 'I can read' Level 1 books.
To fill in more we go over the pictures building to the story as I read it to her. In the end my thoughts don't really matter as much as what my daughter thinks about it. She loves it at least for now, and as long as she is happy with the Splat stories I am happy. So it is worth the money for it.
Souq | Splat the Cat: The Rain Is a Pain (I Can Read Level 1) | Kuwait
Let me explain the low review. The pages are out of order, and there are several duplicate areas. We are missing half of the story as well! I want to return this and get a new one!! Excerpt from the book: It was a sunny day. There was one plain little cloud in the sky, but it looked far away. Splat jumped, spun and flipped, and the cloud got bigger. Jul 31, Edward Creter rated it it was amazing. Splat the Cat wants t try some roller blading, and has the moves--and the paddingto prove his point.
But it's raining cats and What's a cat to do on a rainy day? The answers will have you meowling with pure delight and dare we say it laughing in the rain, walking hand in hand with the ones you love!
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Oct 08, Peacegal rated it liked it. The illustrations are a delight in this easy reader. There is an extended scene involving "frosted fish sticks" being prepared by Splat's family; on the other hand they are, of course, cats.
A little long for my struggling to read first grader, but it tied in well to this week's words, which include the -ain words like rain and pain. I like that there are a handful of more difficult words sprinkled in. Aug 30, Ginger Smith rated it liked it Shelves: A good easy reader book with limited vocabulary in the popular Splat the Cat series the kids are sure to enjoy.
Nov 03, Jerriev added it Shelves: Splat wants to try out his new skates. Once he gets outside it starts raining. Will it ruin Splat's day? Good beginner reader book.
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- The Rain Is a Pain!
- The Rain Is a Pain by Rob Scotton | Scholastic!
- Splat the Cat: The Rain Is a Pain.
Uses rhyming and repetition. Jun 20, Nichole rated it really liked it Shelves: Jan 06, Nancy Jo Lambert rated it liked it Shelves: This addition to this series is just as good as the others! I know that kids who are fans of this series, are really going to enjoy this book. Another Splat the Cat hit! Nov 15, Allison rated it liked it Shelves: I liked it but the limited vocabulary makes it not quite as fun. Jun 09, Coralie rated it liked it. This is a fun little kids story. I liked it better than the Splat the Cat: Mar 25, Cameron Stoos rated it it was amazing.
I thought it was funny when Splat knocked over the fish sticks, when Sissy was trying to decorate them. Jan 04, Anna rated it liked it Shelves: Splat gets into a bunch of misadventures after he comes inside soaking wet from the rainstorm which ended his outdoor play. Sean and I read this while waiting in the BX for Pops.
I Can Read! Books
Ray rated it liked it Sep 06, Kritin Gopalakrishnan rated it it was amazing Jun 26, Zoe Nelson rated it it was amazing Feb 07, Brynnlee Eaton rated it liked it Dec 03, Andrew rated it it was amazing Jun 13, Jennifer Green rated it it was amazing May 11, Wendy rated it it was ok Sep 26, Samantha rated it liked it Apr 22, Deatrice rated it it was amazing Sep 01, Meryem rated it it was ok Dec 23, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Rob's work can also be found on greeting cards, ceramics, textiles, prints, stationery, and glassware.
An honors graduate of Leicester Polytechnic, Rob now lives in Rutland, England, with his wife, Liz, who is also an artist.