For example, in moral psychology, one wonders what role reasoning and emotions play in generating moral judgment. Similarly, one asks whether moral motivation has its source in reason or rather sentiments or desire. Other key issues include: If, for example, moral judgment is grounded in sentiment, then this may support a non-cognitivists theory, which threatens moral realism.
Key works Issues in moral psychology have been dominant in the history of philosophy. Nadelhoffer et al provide a collection of key historical as well as contemporary readings. Focusing on more recent work, Smith's book has been highly influential in the literature, from moral judgment to motivation.
History theory
Compare also Nagel and Korsgaard Rosati's entry on moral motivation provides an introduction to one cluster of key issues in moral psychology. Ethics and Cognitive Science 1, Evolution of Morality 1, Neuroscience of Ethics Psychology of Ethics Ethics and Cognitive Science, Misc Virtues and Vices Moral Character, Misc Moral States and Processes 6, 2, Alienation Altruism 2 Altruism and Psychological Egoism Empathy and Sympathy Guilt and Shame Moral States and Processes, Misc Moral Psychology, Misc Responsibility and Emotion Moral Emotion, Misc Jobs in this area.
Options 1 filter applied. Using PhilPapers from home? Create an account to enable off-campus access through your institution's proxy server. Be alerted of all new items appearing on this page. Choose how you want to monitor it: Add an entry to this list: Ethics in Value Theory, Miscellaneous.
This philosophy, known as "Xenophytism" pronounced zen-ah-fit-ism, has social, economic, political, legal and theological dimensions. Socially,the Xenophyte Perspective poses a challenge to secular humanism and a number of its associated ideals. Economically, it poses a challenge to far-left socialism and far-right capitalism. Politically, it poses a challenge to liberalism and conservatism. Legally, it poses a challenge to certain elements of the US Constitution. Theologically, it poses a challenge to both mainstream and New Age religions.
Van Allen's writings are premised on the belief that, given knowledge which has been recently emerging from the social, behavioral and life sciences, we should just wipe the slate clean and examine all of our belief systems critically. Current titles in the Xenophyte Perspective series include: All of these titles will eventually be available on Kindle. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography.
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Learn more at Author Central. All Formats Kindle Edition Sort by: Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Wiley; 1 edition May 29, Language: Start reading Westworld and Philosophy on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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Write a customer review. Showing of 11 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. One person found this helpful. I have to admit that my rating is very much a personal one. If I had to go by intent and quality of the package, it is more of a 4. South and Kimberly S.
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Engels, William Irwin because it is well put together and there is care and thought put into it. I've watched the show. I wouldn't call myself a fan but it is an interesting show. I've been part of fandoms that could stretch the most innocuous point into a novel length essay.
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- Moral Psychology - Bibliography - PhilPapers.
It is usually fun. That's why I selected this book. I also think that is where my expectations were off. As noted prior, there's thought and care that goes into each essay, but it felt like work reading them. I appreciate the presentation and information , but except for a few, it was a little too serious.
I understand that pop culture can have a larger meaning, but it got to be a bit much. That said and to be fair, this is part of a pop culture series with focus on philosophy.
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I think my expectations were too light when the presentation is meant to be more serious or at least, it is meant to go deeper into the themes than what I had expected. I think it accomplishes its intent. This is a great way to explore thoughtful topics in philosophy, for viewers of Westworld who haven't already been thinking about them, but Westworld is a difficult show to recommend, as noted below. Here are the problems: First, it would be useful if there were a list of topics and how they correlate with specific episodes.
I suspect there is not such a list because then it would reveal that the book is not up to date with the most current season of Westworld.

Secondly, the extreme violence, butchery, rapes, and other cruelty in many episodes of Westworld make it a poor choice to recommend as a show to watch for learning about philosophical thoughts. While this book is a nice add-on to the show, the show has so many despicable moments in between the philosophical moments that I could never recommend it to a student of any age, so thus this book is useless as say a course textbook. We speed past these moments on our TiVo, otherwise we could not tolerate the show no matter how interesting the speculations about consciousness and identify are.