Palabras de mujer (PERSONALIA) (Spanish Edition)
There is a large amount of research that has suggested that in the puerperal phase there is a risk of appearance of postnatal depression. This theory establishes the existence of five independent traits: Gender differences have been found in respect to personality traits, some studies show that higher scores are more frequent in women for all five traits Goodwin and Gotlib, , others have found that these differences are only to be found for conscientiousness and agreeableness Griens, Jonker, Spinhoven, and Blom, , whilst others have suggested that women scored higher on neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness in different countries, although these differences can become less salient when affected by adverse socio-economic situations Schmitt, Realo, Voracek, and Allik, There has been a lot of research focused on the relationship between personality and different psychological disorders.
It has been shown that neuroticism has a positive relation with generalized anxiety disorder Bienvenu et al. Openness to experience and conscientiousness associate negatively to obsessive compulsive disorder and agreeableness associates to post-traumatic disorder Chung, Berger, Jones, and Rudd, It has also been shown that when somebody is suffering from a depressive disorder scores for neuroticism and extraversion are influenced by the depressive state, these scores will again change once the depressive symptoms recede, whilst the other three traits remain stable Griens et al.
In samples of children it has also been shown that there is a positive association between depression and neuroticism, as well as a negative association between depression and conscientiousness, extraversion, openness and agreeableness Carrasco and del Barrio, It has also been found that higher scores on neuroticism are associated with a higher recurrence of depressive episodes in older adults Steunenberg, Braam, Beekman, Deeg, and Kerkhof, Socio-demographic and clinical variables and postnatal depression.
Low socio-economic and educational status Buist et al. Adolescence is a critical period that makes women more vulnerable to depression when facing childbirth and care taking of the infant. Different studies have shown that there is an increase in the risk of puerperal depression in young women Mayberry et al.
Non-planned pregnancies also increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms in the puerperal stage Barbadoro et al. Certain variables have been associated to alterations of the mother's mood, it has been suggested that high risk pregnancies, obstetric complications or prematureness all contribute to the development of depressive symptoms Agoub, Moussaoui, and Battas, ; Davis, Edwards, Mohay, and Wollin, ; Korja et al.
In births that produce neonatal complications foetal suffering or hospitalization of the new-born there is an increase of depressive symptoms Blom et al. Other variables, such as multiple births don't seem to have such a clear influence, as some researchers have found that there is an increase in the risk of depression Mayberry et al.
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As for breast-feeding, this factor seems to have a protective effect Akman et al. Emotional elements, personality and postnatal depression. There is a large body of research about analyzing the influence of different factors during pregnancy on postnatal depression. Dysfunctional beliefs and self-esteem Jones et al. There are numerous studies which specifically analyse the effect that anxiety and depressive disorders during pregnancy have on postnatal depression.
The presence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy has been associated with the onset of depression after childbirth Chaudron et al. Some studies have focused on how antenatal depression is a factor that, independently from other variables, can predict the appearance of postnatal depressive symptoms Kim, Hur, Kim, Oh, and Shin, ; Verkerk et al.
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Several authors have demonstrated that there is an influence of the mother's depressive history before pregnancy, finding a positive association between the existence of depressive episodes before pregnancy and the later development of postnatal depression Henshaw, ; McCoy et al. Other studies have focused on analysing the influence of anxiety on postnatal depression, identifying a positive association between it and antenatal anxious symptoms Milgrom et al. Nevertheless, there aren't that many studies which have analysed the influence of personality on postnatal depression.
Amongst the personality factors studied, the one that has shown as most consistent role in the development of depression has been neuroticism, which associates positively with depressive symptoms in puerperal phases Henshaw, ; Jones et al. This current study aims to assess the influence of personality on puerperal depression, controlling for other socio-demographic and clinical variables which have been studied in the literature as possible risk factors. Likewise, due to the relevance that antenatal depression has shown, we will be analysing its possible role in postnatal depression.
Personality traits influence postnatal depression, in such a way as that a high score in neuroticism and low scores on extraversion, agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness will play an important role in predicting depressive symptoms. Of all personality traits, neuroticism is expected to have the highest predictive value. Depressive symptoms during pregnancy influence the onset of postnatal depression, without eliminating the effect of neuroticism.
Participants of the current study are part of a wider observational-longitudinal study, aimed at analysing the influence of different psychological factors in the course of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperal phases. Our temporal measures for the current study were obtained during the first half of pregnancy and in the puerperal phase, four months after childbirth.
The sample was composed of pregnant women from Health Area 9 of the Community of Madrid. Inclusion criteria were being over 18 years of age, appropriate understanding of Spanish, and not having been diagnosed previously or during the pregnancy with a psychiatric disorder, as well as having no medical alterations of the mother or foetus that could put the pregnancy at a significant risk. Exclusion criteria were miscarriage and neonatal alterations diagnosed at birth.
A total of questionnaires were obtained through mail during the first trimester, out of which 5 were excluded due to late miscarriages, thus making a final sample of women. They were all recontacted over the phone after child-birth, out of these questionnaires were returned 4 months after childbirth. The women that composed our sample received obstetric attention at the Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada HUF , which is a public hospital in the south of Madrid, it caption area is of people, and attends around obstetric patients a year. The average age of our sample was Average gestational age for the women when they completed the first trimester questionnaires was of The puerperal questionnaires were completed on average For the current study, we used the Spanish version Seisdedos, It is composed by 60 items that assess all five personality factors neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and agreeableness , on a Likert type scale that ranges from 0 completely disagree to 4 completely agree.
Each dimension is composed by 12 items, and can have a theoretical range of a minimum of 0 to a maximum of Its factorial structure has been confirmed through an exploratory and confirmatory analysis Ludtke, Trautwein, Nagy, y Koller, Cronbach's alpha for each variable in this study ranged between. In the study by Cox et al. In the current study Cronbach's alpha coefficient was of. Designed originally by Derogatis Derogatis, and adapted to Spanish population by De las Cuevas et al. It is composed of 90 items with a Likert type response scale ranging from 0 not at all to 4 extremely , it assesses 9 dimensions: For the current study we used the depression subscale to assess depressive symptoms in the first half of pregnancy.
This subscale has shown adequate convergent validity with other assessment instrument for depression such as Beck's Depression Inventory or Hamilton's Depression Scale Aben, Verhey, Lousberg, Lodder, and Honig, In general, the SCLR has shown adequate reliability for all dimensions, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the current study of. All other variables referring to socio-demographics such as age, parity, educational level, working status and pregnancy planning were collected using a questionnaire created by the research team.
Recruitment of the sample was completed between October and December The participants were recruited over the phone after having previously checked their results of the first trimester ultrasound in their clinical records. Once the participants had been informed and after accepting to volunteer to be included in the study we posted the questionnaires along with a pre-paid envelope for them to be returned to the Obstetrics Department at the hospital.
Four months after childbirth, we contacted the participants again and sent out new questionnaires, including the EPDS scale, which were to be returned to the hospital once they were completed. The study obtained ethical approval from the hospital's ethics committee. The participants signed informed consent forms once they had accepted to participate. We used a prospective ex post facto design for the study, with volunteer allocation of participants to the study sample. El beso de la mujer araña (Spanish Edition) eBook: Manuel Puig: Kindle Store
Several analyses were performed. First, we performed a descriptive analysis of the data. Afterwards we compared mean scores on depression in the first trimester and on the EPDS scale, for the groups of socio-demographic and categorical clinical variables we used Student's t-test, Snedecor's F test and Mann-Whitney's U test, as well as Pearson's correlation for age.
We performed correlation analyses between the different variables personality, antenatal depression and postnatal depression using Pearson's correlation. Following this we created a predictive regression model to explain the influence of the different personality factors and depressive symptoms in the first trimester on postnatal depression. Diagnostic criteria for the model were carried out according to Fox , to verify the assumptions of the model linearity, homocestacity , independence according to the Durbin-Watson statistic and normality using the Kolmorogov-Smirnov test for normality of distribution.
The study of the influential values was conducted using Cook's distance, according to the criteria set by Cook and Weisberg , without taking into account abnormalities. Higher scores in the NEO-FFI show were found for extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness, whilst neuroticism showed the lowest scores. Mean scores for women on the SCLR depression scale was de 0.
New PDF release: Palabras de mujer (PERSONALIA) (Spanish Edition)
A total of We found no significant differences for socio-demographic or clinical variables on EPDS scores when comparing the groups; significant differences were found for depressive symptoms in the first trimester amongst women who had planned their pregnancies compared to those who hadn't t No significant correlations were found between EPDS scores or depression in the first trimester and age Table 1. We compared mean scores on the variables between women who completed their participation in the study and those who only participated in the first half.
We found no significant differences either in the socio-demographic or clinical variables, or in personality traits.
Nevertheless, we did find significant differences on their depression scores in the first trimester, finding higher scores amongst the women who dropped out of the study t - 2. A significant positive correlation was found between scores on EPDS scores and neuroticism r -. We designed a regression model with a predictive purpose, which included neuroticism, extroversion and conscientiousness to examine their effects on depressive symptoms after childbirth.
In this model we later introduced depressive symptoms in the first trimester, as we had found a strong correlation with postnatal depression. Socio-demographic and clinical variables were not included in the model, as there was not a significant influence of these variables on EPDS scores these were not included. The final model showed that the only trait that had predictive capacity was neuroticism, which explained In accordance with the aims we set at the beginning of our study, our results help to confirm the influence of personality traits on puerperal depression.
It's interesting to highlight the negative association found between extraversion and conscientiousness and scores on EPDS, as the literature about these personality traits and postnatal depression is scarce. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.
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Un hombre de familia Spanish Edition. Boquitas pintadas Spanish Edition. Editorial Reviews Review La obra mas conocida de Manuel Puig, "el brillantemente inventivo novelista argentino" The New York Times , es ahora el tema de una premiada comedia musical. En una carcel argentina, dos hombres comparten una celda: Molina, un disenador de escaparates homosexual que es egoista, auto-denigrante y al mismo tiempo encantador; y Valentin, un revolucionario articulado y ferozmente dogmatico obsesionado con la memoria de la mujer que abandono por la causa.
Ambos son gradualmente transformados por su cautelosa pero creciente amistad y por la obsesion de Molina con la fantasia y el romance del cine. See all Editorial Reviews. Product details File Size: Seix Barral November 27, Publication Date: November 27, Sold by: Not Enabled Screen Reader: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. See all customer images.