Islamic Finance: The New Regulatory Challenge (Wiley Finance)
Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? From the world's foremost authorities on the subject, the number-one guide to Islamic finance revised and updated for a post-crisis world Because it is entirely equity-based, rather than credit-based, Islamic finance is immune to the speculative bubbles and runaway volatility typical of Western finance. Addresses the need for banks to develop common Islamic-based international accounting and auditing standards Clearly explains the key differences between Shari'ah rulings, standardization of acceptable banking practices, and the development of standardized financial products Explores the role of the Shari'ah Boards in establishing common rules regarding the permissibility of financial instruments and markets Offers guidance for regulators seeking to adapt their regulatory frameworks to the needs of the fast-growing Islamic finance sector.
Read more Read less. Here's how restrictions apply. From the Inside Flap Because it is entirely asset-based or equity-based rather than credit-based, Islamic finance is immune to the speculative bubbles and runaway volatility typical of Western finance. In a series of interconnected essays, such luminaries as Volker Nienhaus, Peter Casey, John Board, and Baljeet Kaur Grewal KFH Research provide in-depth coverage of the full range of critical regulatory and related issues surrounding twenty-first century Islamic banking, finance and financial markets, including: Problems for new Islamic financial products posed by traditional regulatory frameworks Potential conflicts between Shari'ah rulings and standardised Islamic banking practices Shortcomings of conventional regulatory frameworks when applied to Islamic financial services The ongoing development of standardised Islamic financial products The role of the Shari'ah boards in creating common rules for financial instruments and markets The growing need for Islamic-based international accounting and auditing standards Various risks involved in Islamic banking How regulators can adapt their regulatory frameworks to the Islamic finance sector Specific corporate governance and supervision issues Regulatory frameworks that can cater to both Islamic and conventional financial markets Sectors in emerging market countries in which Islamic financial services will play a major role Islamic Finance: Praise for Islamic Finance: The New Regulatory Challenge, Second Edition "The emergence of Islamic finance as a major force in the world financial system has focused attention on regulatory issues.
Justice Blair, London "The world's financial regulators have taken too long to appreciate the importance of adapting their regulatory frameworks to the needs of the fast-growing Islamic finance sector. Wiley; 2 edition June 17, Language: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Start reading Islamic Finance on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Risk Characteristics of Islamic Products: Implications for Risk Measurement and Supervision 1. Risk in a Turbulent World: Insights from Islamic Finance 1. Functions of Risk 3. Dealing with Risk 4. The Fundamental Law of Risk 5.
Functions of Risk in Islamic Finance 7. Risk Exchange in Islamic Finance 8. Conclusion Notes References Chapter 5: Risk and Capital Structure in Islamic Banks 3. Concluding Remarks References Chapter 6: Credit and Market Risks 1. Conclusion Appendix Notes Chapter 7: Operational Risk Exposures of Islamic Banks 1.
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The Basel Methodology 4. Operational Risk in Islamic Banks 5. Concluding Remarks Notes Chapter 8: Information Technology Risks in Islamic Banks 1. Important Understandings and Facts 3. Technical and Functional Clarification for the Imposed Risks 5. Concluding Remarks Note Chapter 9: Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis 1. Introduction and Overview 2. Islamic Jurisprudence in Modern Times 3.
Case Law and Transactional Practice 5.
Islamic Finance: The New Regulatory Challenge, 2nd Edition
Capital Markets and Secondary Markets 7. Summary and Conclusion Appendix Notes Chapter Legal Risk Exposure in Islamic Finance 1. Defining Legal Risk 3. Greater Risk from Poor Documentation 5. Concluding Remarks Notes Chapter Risk from an Islamic Perspective 3. Conclusion Notes Chapter Supervisory Implications for Islamic Finance: Regulation and Supervision 2.
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Lessons of the Crisis and Regulatory Responses 4. Capital Adequacy Chapter Risk and the Need for Capital 1. The Evolution of International Capital Standards 3. Globalisation of Financial Regulation? Measuring Risk for Capital Adequacy: Application to Islamic Banks 4.
Pillar 2 of the Revised Framework and Risk Management 5. Concluding Remarks Note References Chapter Measuring Operational Risk 1. Operational Risk in the Context of Islamic Banks 3. The Regulatory Response to Liquidity Risk 3.
Islamic Finance: The New Regulatory Challenge - Google Книги
Trade Finance Assets as Liquidity 5. Government Bonds and Liquidity 6. Asset-Based Financings and Liquidity 7. Liabilities Deposits as Liquidity 9.