If I Should Die Before I Wake
Eric Ayala , Eric Luis Ayala.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep - Wikipedia
Eric Ayala , Eric Luis Ayala screenplay. Wait, Is Mary Poppins a Witch? See more production information about this title on IMDbPro. Chris Egan Taurus Davis Old Ben Alissah Brooks Mercedes Bendz Minnah Parker Meagan Edwards Sanaa Parker Staci Edwards Taylor Doucet Michele Edwards Grace Williams I love the relationship she starts with this boy though and I cried so much when he died!!
Why A other great book by Lurlene. I read the whole book in one day and couldn't put the book down. Mar 14, Rachel Lang rated it it was ok. Good, but a bit to predictable and didn't give enough time to flesh out the characters. Mar 12, Kimberly rated it liked it Shelves: Now I know I said that I wouldn't be reading anymore books by this author but I couldn't help it.
When I read it a few days ago I really needed a short book to pass the time. At pages this book certainly fit the bill. As much as I like Lurlene's earlier works this one fell very short for me. I just couldn't connect to the char Now I know I said that I wouldn't be reading anymore books by this author but I couldn't help it. I just couldn't connect to the characters or the setting.
The writing and the story in general seemed bery one dimensional to me and almost as though she didn't really put much thought or effort into this book which was disappointing since she's one of my favourite childhood authors. I wish the Deanne had been more personable and I really wanted to smack her mother because she didn't want her daughter to help people in the hospital.
Seriously, who wouldn't want their kids to be that compassionate? To me Deanne although I pitied her for how her mother treated her I just couldn't like. I also didn't like Matt the boy she met in the hospital that much either but I think that it's because the story was so rushed and the author left out a lot of details which I wish she would have put it. Nov 16, Becky Tucker rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. This is the story of a young girl who feels that she doesn't fit in to her mother's country club lifestyle.
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- If I Should Die Before I Wake () - IMDb!
And so, in an attempt to do something on her own, she starts volunteering at the hospital where her dad works. She is a good volunteer and all the patients and workers love her. She starts working with cancer patients and she eventually falls in love with one of them. She gets very attached to him and gets to know his family and everything and then he dies and she is devastated.
She then s This is the story of a young girl who feels that she doesn't fit in to her mother's country club lifestyle. She then stops going to the hospital until she goes back one day on a whim and realizes that she is mean to be there as she helps a young girl who is battling cancer fall asleep. This book sqeaked by with two stars for me. I was tempted to give it one. However, it was a typical junior high girl novel: Also, it did succeed in making me want to volunteer at a hospital, which I think was part of the motivation as the last page says that if you want to volunteer, you should contact your local hospital.
- If I Should Die Before I Wake by Lurlene McDaniel.
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- If I Should Die Before I Wake.
Utterly predictable, but kind of sweet none the less, this is a very young adult novel and I would recommend it to girls in junior high probably, but most likely not high school if I could help it. Oct 17, Ofa Fotu rated it did not like it Shelves: This was a very easy read. It had alot of sentimentality Honestly, I thought it was a bit heavy handed, but I think that it would be a good read for younger readers.
The main character is a nearly 15 year old girl. It has themes of personal growth, personal improvement, service, fear, determination It was really sweet at the end. I don't think I would teach it in schools, because the characters are too flat. The main character starts out fat and ugly and transforms into a beautiful thin girl because she spent the summer serving at a hospital.
Everyone else in the book even the RA of the hospital floor for cancer patients is described as beautiful and tall and thin with tinsel I wished they had used that word Dec 12, Emily Haggard added it. May 20, Mary rated it it was ok. This book is the kind of extremely emotional story I avoid. It's a good story and very tragic and uplifting, but I've never done well with tear-jerkers.

The story is of a girl who starts to work with terminally ill kids at the hospital. When she meets a boy with cancer who is around her age, well, you know how the stories go. She falls in love. This is happening about 60 years after World War II.
Production Notes from IMDbPro
When Hilary and her boyfriend are riding home on a motorcycle in the rain, they crash violently into the car of another. This girl Chana really did live and Hilary is being sent back in time to live a life of a Jew and her paradigm is completely shifted. Will they survive the impossible tasks given to them? I thought this book was absolutely amazing! I loved how Han Nolan really made you feel like you were in a concentration camp, suffering. I give it five stars; it was one of the best books I have ever read! He also used details to his advantage; you could tell that he researched a lot about World War II.
He knew what a Jew had to go through and how horrible their lives were. This book exceeded my expectations, being full of more than I ever expected. I loved how the author described the shifting of time and how Hilary came to realize how stupid she really was for hating the Jews. I expected this book to be good, but not that good! I loved how this book made me cry because it seemed so realistic! My favorite part was at the end when Nadzia got to meet Hilary. I decided to read this book because it simply looked good. I was at Books A Million and had money to spend, so I started looking at books.
I was down to three and I ended up buying this one. Jun 06, Alex not a dude Baugh rated it really liked it Shelves: Hilary Burke, 16, is an angry girl. She is angry at her mother for not being there for her while she was a child. And she is angry at her father for dying when she was 5. Hilary blames his death on his Jewish boss, believing that he skimped on construction material causing the building her father worked in to collapse.
So she is angry at all Jews and has focused it on her Jewish neighbors including their son, Simon Schulmann, for being part of a happy, close family. To deal with all this anger, Hilary Burke, 16, is an angry girl. But then, irony of ironies, Hilary is almost fatally injured in a motorcycle crash with her Neo-Nazi boyfriend, Brad, and ends up in a Jewish hospital. Now, unable to speak or move, she is at the mercy of her own mind, and the only thing she can see is the face of an older woman looking at her. Suddenly, in the midst of her angry internal anti-Semitic tirade, Hilary feels herself spinning backwards.
On her way home, she finds her beloved father has been suspended from a tree with his coat by a group of laughing Nazis. It is his punishment for not shoveling a pile of dirt fast enough. In the present, Hilary continues her hateful rhetoric about Jews, in the past, as Chana, she is on the receiving end of this same hateful rhetoric from the Nazis.
And each time she is in the present, she continues to only see the face of the elderly woman looking at her. Slowly, Chana becomes the dominant memory for Hilary.
If I Should Die Before I Wake
Living at home with her are her grandparents, Bubbe and Zayde, her mother, older brother Jakub, sister Anya, 6, and the baby Nadzia. Rumor has reached the family that the Nazis are rounding up Jews and the family is preparing the give up Nadzia to a non-Jewish family that will protect her.
Shortly after Nadzia is gone, the family is rounded up and moved into one room in the Lodz Ghetto. The horrors of the ghetto are sometimes described by Chana in very graphic detail, as are the struggles of the family to stay alive. Jakub, who has gotten involved in smuggling people out of the ghetto, eventually helps Chana and Bubbe escape, but Chana is recognized by an old schoolmate, who thinks that turning her in will get her better treatment.
Chana and Bubbe are interrogated by the Nazis trying to find out who they got their illegal papers from, but neither one breaks. Eventually, they both end up in Auschwitz. I found this book to have an interesting premise by adding the Neo-Nazi element. Often, it is really no different then the way children were drawn into the Hitler Youth in s Germany. I have not read this book yet, because I thought the movie was so awful, I was turned off to it, but do plan to read very soon.
See a Problem?
I suspect the real similarity is the time travel back to Nazi-occupied Poland. All in all, I found this to be a truly worthwhile novel and would highly recommend it, though maybe not to middle grade readers, or even for that matter, to immature YA age readers because of the disturbing, graphic descriptions. This novel was purchased for my personal library. If you are reading this, I am deleted. Or you have nothing more urgent to do. At some point soon, I will have to sleep. I haven't been doing much of that as late. This has been mostly out of concern for what's happening on GoodReads and the 17 hour time difference between the site and myself.
Every night when I go to bed, I wonder how much of my account will be remaining when I log on in the morning. As I write this, the curlews outside are shrieking persistently. If you've never heard a curlew If you are reading this, I am deleted. If you've never heard a curlew, they are very common in Northern Queensland, and sound something like a cross between a banshee and a slide whistle. Or sometimes like every cat toy in the world is being simultaneously squeezed.
The local Aboriginal people believe that the curlew's cry foretells of a person's imminent death. So I've been making some back-up plans. Firstly, I don't intend to go anywhere until they pry my freedom of speech out of my cold dead account. But let's face it - this may well happen. I made a decision yesterday morning to go nuclear. Post what I feel and make sure the fuckers hear me. Otherwise, there's no point being here. Censorship cannot be tolerated on a site that relies on honest reviews This is not just a moral statement, but a financial imperative for Amazon. See my Sorry review - if it still exists by the time you're reading this.
I don't want to leave GoodReads. What we had here was unique. I'm sure we'll all one day move on to better things, but this was a terrible way to go. I could've dealt with the corporatisation, but censorship is just plain stupid, when you're dealing with a bunch of literate people. In the event of my account's demise, you will find me here: My BookLikes account isn't very well set up yet. At last estimate, they should have finished importing my books in around 17 years. My group, Chaos Reading , will be in excellent hands. I have appointed a co-moderator, who I trust to run things in my absence.
Her name is Ruby 's Shadow. Do whatever she tells you to do. I think you're gonna like her. While there is still a chance we can salvage something from this mess, I won't give up. I urge you to do the same. And if you become aware that I have been deleted in my sleep Repost everything I've ever written, stick a hydra on it, and go for gold.
View all 6 comments. Aug 13, Jenna rated it it was amazing. I go crazy over WWII stories. I've been to Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam. It was so cramped and crowded.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
I loved teaching Elie Wiesel's Night until it moved down to the ninth grade curriculum. Mostly I think my reading obsession comes from disbelief. The disbelief that humanity could be so cruel, and despite overwhelming evidence, some still say the Holocaust was all made up. Those people are ignorant idiots. I love the title, from the prayer little children often say before bedtime. In this instance, it takes on an eerie meaning. Hilary is trapped in someone else's body. She might really be killed before she returns to present day.
This book reminded me very much of The Devil's Arithmetic. Even though I read that in fifth grade, I seem to recall some sort of time travelling experience.
Hilary really doesn't care what happens to the Jewish people around. I could feel her hatred seeping from the pages. It was very hard to read the first few chapters and see what her gang did to a poor Jewish boy. Nothing was funny about it. Everything changes after a motorcycle accident with her boyfriend. In the hospital, she goes in and out of consciousness.
She becomes Chana, a young girl forced from her home and eventually to Auschwitz. I felt the desperation as Hilary tried to convince herself she was not Chana. That nothing around her was real. But she also feels real hunger pains. She feels sadness at the deaths of friends and loved ones around her. She doesn't want to die, but she's afraid she might have to. Even her annoying, Bible verse spouting mother can't bring her to wake up from her nightmare. Ending I didn't expect. If you're tired of paranormal or dystopian, pick up this historical fiction.
Dec 23, Morgan F rated it it was amazing Shelves: Possibly my favorite book about the Holocaust. I actually bought this at the Holocaust museum in D. It was a moving experience. Apr 22, Mirrani rated it really liked it Shelves: