Results showed high predominance of reduced size fragments, high isolation levels and regulars shapes of the fragments.
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Occupancy pattern suggests that Legrandia populations are found mainly in small and more isolated fragments. No significant difference was found between fragment distribution with and without presence of Legrandia related to size and isolation. However, we found that size, isolation and distance to fragment edge are significantly related to the presence of this specie. As conservation measures for this specie, we propose to include populations with high disappearance risk in protected areas, promote ex situ conservation and set up a monitoring program.
This study sets a precedent related by linking landscape scale information obtained from satellite imagery and vegetation structure information measured in the field with conservation status of threatened populations. This innovative method allows monitoring changes over time to assess effectiveness of conservation strategies for these populations.
Gammagrafía ósea - Mayo Clinic
Legrandia concinna , fragmentation, landscape indices, conservation. Debido a los altos niveles de endemismo de los bosques templados de Chile Armesto et al. Dentro de esta zona se distribuye Legrandia concinna Phil. La zona andina de las regiones administrativas de este estudio se caracteriza por la presencia de bosques nativos dominados por especies tales como Nothofagus obliqua , N.
Distribution of Legrandia populations included in study area.
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De estos, nueve fragmentos fueron seleccionados para su muestreo en terreno. Un total de 10 parcelas de m 2 20 x 20 m se establecieron en los fragmentos con presencia de Legrandia. IFO puede tomar valores mayores o iguales a 1.
Descripción general
Por otra parte, zonas boreales Fitzsimmons y tropicales Cayuela et al. Siguiendo las recomendaciones de Gigord et al. Se agradece el financiamiento de los estudios de doctorado de A. Finalmente, agradecemos el aporte en el trabajo a las siguientes personas: Ambiente y Desarrollo Chile Investigation of the effects of pool-based exercise on fibromyalgia syndrome.

Rheumatol Int, 24 , pp. An exercise program in the treatment of fibromyalgia. J Rheumatol, 23 , pp. A controlled study of the effects of a supervised cardiovascular fitness training program on the manifestations of primary fibromyalgia. Arthritis Rheum, 31 , pp.
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Effects of aerobic exercise versus stress management treatment in fibromyalgia. Scand J Rheumatol, 25 , pp. Long-term efficacy of therapy in patients with fibromyalgia: Arthritis Rheum, 51 , pp. Effect of a randomized, controlled trial of exercise on mood and physical function in individuals with fibromyalgia. Arthritis Care Res, 45 , pp.
Ann Rheum Dis, 63 , pp. Exercise in waist-high warm water decreases pain and improves health-related quality of life and strength in the lower extremities in women with fibromyalgia. Arthritis Rheum, 55 , pp. The American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia: Arthritis Rheum, 33 , pp. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire: Clin Exp Rheumatol, 22 , pp. The effects of progressive strength training and aerobic exercise on muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness in women with fibromialgia: Arthritis Rheum, 47 , pp.
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