700 blagues (French Edition)
Sometimes I have a picture that's not very clear and can find a nicer version of it on Google Images. Other times I use Google to fill in holes or simply to find a neat picture to use at the beginning of my blog posts. Here's a picture of how the first Google searches were done. Most people know about Foosball, even if they've never played it themselves. Here's a traditional Foosball game. In France Foosball is called "baby-foot" basically pronounced Bobby-foot.
One French designer has taken it one step further though Last month I read that a Parisian store called Colette had a game called Barbie-Foot in their show window. You could buy the game for only 10, euros! I guess if you collect Barbie dolls, that could be a valuable addition to any collection. I have often wondered how women walk in high heels.
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I ran across a picture of a pair of spike heels that might cause even the most intrepid woman to think twice. Does it ever seem as if whatever transportation you are using is going at a snail's pace. Here's a picture of something potentially slower yet. With cooler weather around the corner, some people start to struggle with chapped lips. Here's a new product available that might be just what you need. I have never been further west than the St. Louis, Missouri area, and there are many places out west that I would love to see. For some reason, I have no strong desire whatsoever to see Mount Rushmore — there's just so much natural beauty out west to waste time going to a place like that.
This week, though, I received a picture by e-mail that makes me want to go to Mount Rushmore to see it from the other side. The Far Side maybe? Read comments to discover why I have added that Hope you got a much-needed laugh or two from this post. I look forward to receiving and finding more funny pictures in the days ahead. My name is Rob Loach and I welcome you to my blog. People come here for an "instant vacation. My site is thirteen years old, so check out the tabs at the top of this page, subjects of interest to you in the tag cloud below , and older blog posts about of them not on the home page of the blog.
Though I am posting less often than at first, there's still lots of archived humor here for you to enjoy! I post a lot of funny images to my blog. Most of them are sent to me by my readers. If the images come with copyright information, I leave that intact, of course. Otherwise I post them in good faith that they are copyright free. I invite any copyright owner to contact me if I have unwittingly infringed by posting the images as they have come to me. This picture gives a whole new meaning to the expression "going out for lunch. Not only has risky behavior been going on for a long time, it seems to start young too.
Although I enjoy air conditioning, I'm not sure I would go to these lengths to fix it. I wonder how much this guy makes an hour at the stone quarry Speaking of jacks, how about lumberjacks? Logging has its own dangers. Movable scaffolding is great! When it comes to working safely, hold no bars!
I guess as long as you can see through the holes in the lattice, it's OK. This gives a whole new meaning to the expression "man power! Write a customer review. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime.
Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Explore the Home Gift Guide. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Every single one begins with the manchurian label using it like it is a gross insult. I think you guys should check it out and leave comments of your own. You may also want to check out this site in general. You can post your concerns and comment on others as well. If you have any questions about it…, please feel free to ask me. As an American…, I can say this guy is responsible for the most blatent French bashing that goes on in my country.
Please tell me what you think and how I can assist with getting the word out that this is not acceptable. Hey someone tell me what Benjamin said. The user has no credibility on reddit with comment karma in the negative s. The guy is a joke on reddit. I looked it up on an online dictionary and it said it meant french-like.
Is there anyway you can delete that whole comment then? As for asking what Benjamin said, I meant what did he say in English. You know the site well Miquelon. He is a joke and no one takes him serious. It just bothered me when I thought I thought he was using a racial slur in the context of an insult. You see it does bother me when someone says something racial in the context of hate, regardles of which race he is insulting. I basically ignored the guy until I thought he was making a hurtful, hateful bigoted statement.
Regardless…, thanks for setting me straight on that. I might of gone on and on and made myself look more stupid. Check out the fan site of South Park something like southpark-tv. And sadly, I know why he chose the French Army and not the British Army where long line of members of the English side of the family had served for generations beginning with the Napoleonic wars — it is because of the blatant lie being spread around particularly during his growing up years about the French Army.
The situation, if you like, is almost synonimous to what happened to the US Forces in Vietnam. But the US military chain of command had issued orders: That said, it is true that there were members of the French military who finally collaborated with the Germans. The proof is many of them fought against the Allies and died fighting.
So, where is cowardice in that? Where is cowardice in that? Nothing is ever black or white! It is a despicable behavior. They could have said something even in passing. I thought that this episode was hilarious! I think that this has been taken way out of proportion, and anyone that gets offended at comments like were made on the show, is feeble and juvenile to put it nicely. But until somebody does, relax, take it easy, and remember: The French are sick and tired of being labeled cowards and pussies by the American media.
Because seriously, what other ethnicity or nationality would not take offense at being constantly labeled a coward? Stan said as much in episode — You got F in the A. Barney 98 , Here, you have laid out a well developed argument. I see this blog and SuperFrenchie as concrete efforts to confront and refute labels. I would suggest that your arguments are best used to inspire insightful reflections on what we all say and not met to be any tit for tat.
I am amazed at how many people, confronted by logical retort, are stunned, and often appoligetic. These prople are not bad, they simply do not have the breath of knowledge and received minimal history in school. That is very patronizing.
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No, we do not have in depth French history in the US. People who do not like South Park do not understand how it works. They did this to show how ridculous bigotry is. This is exactly what South Park does. The person on the show being bigoted is usually made out to be a fool in the end.
Regardless, the show is hilarious. And if anyone thinks they pick on the French, they should start counting how many times they fun of other people. They have made literally thousands of jokes at the expense of every aspect of American culture, and all the other cultures too. They have made fun of movie stars that sooooo deserve it. As for me and Cody…. From Leno the archbasher to the lowest French-bashing pundit, we all get the we make fun of everybody response. Chamberlain talking to Hitler:. Ve do nicht only kill ze Jews! Ve also kill ze gypsies, und ze disabled, und ze homosexuals… Ve ist ein equal-oportunity genocider.
The added difference here is that, whereas in another episode, the bigot is one of the characters Cartman in this episode, the bigot is the narrator , the demiurg who created the stereotypical French and made them conform to the surrender trope. Jane — I agree that, on paper, history as taught in the U. Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that stereotypes and tropes even pervade with cultured people. I had this American friend, an extremely cultured fellow and a delightful conversationist.
Which comes to prove that even intelligent people get affected by propaganda.
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Wayne, once again make fun of the French all you want. But lay off the coward meme. It is particularly offensive and unfair since 2 million Frenchmen died on battlefields all over the world this pas century. An entire generation of American people is now growing up associating the French people as a whole with cowardice.
It does hurt otherwise pro-American French people. That shit needs to stop now. I also know that schools are a lot better in Iowa than they are in Texas, better in Oregon than in Alabama. Additionally, I think that American schools do a rather poor job in teaching students how to learn once they leave the system. A lot of this is due to an environment where tired workers come home and do nothing but watch the TV.
You raise some good points and I agree with you, but if the student pays attention in school, or reads the history books, they will have a decent general knowledge of history. Canadians, and Americans have scored on average the same standardized tests scores. And the average IQ of both countries is almost identical. Jane Yes, the student needs to read on his own. Also, standardized tests gear more to reading and math at least in the South and are not signs of the activity of researching outside of the school environment.
My mother made me memorize Shakspeare and read fifty books per year. Well, students who have a particular fondness towards Literature classes and History classes will absorb more of what is taught, such as Shakespeare, and other things. It is not common practice in American homes to memorize Voltaire, Shakespeare and Plato, but is it in France?
In school we had to read at least an hour a night and get it checked off by our parents, I did miserably in this because I hated being told how long I had to read, even though I read many books. There are more standardized tests that deal with Math and Reading, they are the two subjects that get the most funding by the State. But their are also standardized tests in science, and history. But keep in mind education differs from state to state, emphasis on certain subjects in one state may not be the case in other states.
The two main standardized tests to get into college in the US are the SATs, which focus on reading, writing, and math and the ACTs, which focus on all subjects. Mom made me go to the library every two weeks and get three books. It was lousey to walk a mile each way in ice or plus degreeweather.
I also preferred to get our and play football American. I believe that this is more of a problem in the South that it is in the North or West. Heavens, in the US we only have to learn one language and we have real problems mastering one! I do like to see that Spanish is now making inroads in the South. I agree with you with well-rounded education, most of school is preparations for tests, and more tests, whether it be standardized or other. Of course the Republicans are against this.
They must keep their sheep as sheltered to the outside world as possible. Barney you keep making repliess to my comments like: Or where I have made fun of the french for anything except taking all this crap a little too serious. This is a case of you judging me for someone else has done. Wayne, you keep criticizing us for taking this too seriously. I think we have explained our reasons enough.
I must live in a different USA than the one you are talking about. I did see something about the French on the news today. I just thought you find it interesting. More garbage on reddit despite a great video link, I think I lost my cool…. After all, why reason with French-Bashers, who have the IQ of a soggy water biscuit? You were completely right.
Being nice and polite with those people do not accomplish much if anything at all. Sense of humor my ass.
The least bit of criticism of America from French people sends them into a rage. These bashers are the worst kind of hypocrites. If the roles were reversed, if they were constantly the butt of jokes trivializing the sacrifices and deaths of their soldiers not only would they not be laughing along but they would send us death threats and would do anything in their power to stop us.
Barney — I second the forum thing. Astounding, looks like their young ladies are no less bloodthirsty than their men…. Second of all I will argue that fat and stupid are nowhere near as offensive as the mocking of our dead and the complete revision of history that those surrender jokes imply. And do we really have to compare the offensiveness of our respective dissing?? I have seen absolutely rude situations where a few Americans will be confrontational.
The problem is that only a few fellow southerners will confront this rude ignorance. I must tell you, though, I have seen especially southerners rude to all non-English world persons, regardless of nationality. Over time, with a lot of education, hopefully this will improve. If so, I want to tell you a story about the Brits in and earlier American History you will not believe. Let me check more into this first. In the mean time, watch this trailer and tell me if you can who made it. Actually, that line makes sense because it is in character.
Gandolfini is play an arrogant bullish american officer, so the line about France makes sense within that frame. Seems like a mildly interesting movie. Am too busy right now, but I want to blog about a French history show that was on the radio a couple of days ago. The clip you showed portrays a hard ass US military officer. His put down of France is typical of the mind set he represents. Southpark reinforces the meme. You can have a show with Hitler saying Jews are greedy, or you can have a show with a greedy Jewish character.
See what I mean? In America, the disdane for our ex vice-president Dick Cheney is probably something even you guys are aware of. I saw this opinion poll the other day and noticed something I thought that might interest you. It rated his popularity against those of several countries. You will be pleased to find out that France rated highest in this poll. Twice as many Americains look at France in a positive light than Dick Cheney. They would have something bad to say anything and anybody.
For every anti-French caricature there is in the US there are literally thousands of anti-American caricatures in france. In fact, the anti-french sentiment in the US is a reaction to european french anti-Americanism. You better get used to more of it! Because when is all said and done, what these people said about the French is what they dare not say about others…. So tell me, is it any different when the french call the Greeks for example, gay? I mean, it is quite ironic and please be honest to yourselves and accept it cos the french are the most effeminate men in Europe.
And you know it. Go back to ffrance. Well, that is certainly decent, however what about the other choices we have here?
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Would you mind writing a further post about them also? What kind of friend is it that: Try the Jay Treaty. What do you expect? Both of those have Korean actors, neither of them are made in the USA. Stick up for yourselves. Which leaves me to the second point, stop whining. But why do you care? French language classes, cultural notes, French cinema for those who are interested and promotion of all things French. You should care more about our opinion than those of people who are generally racist towards all.
April 24th, at 7: Lol, I am French, but the jokes make me laugh on us. But what hurts me is that you think all French arearrogant and slutty.
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I understand you just because you think all French are parisians.. You know there are big differences between the southern French and Parisian. And stop saying we do not like people from other countries, where I am really we accept people of allcountries and cultures it is for her that France is a land of reggae. It is in the south of France has the largest immigrant because there is more acceptance of different cultures. When we meet people on the street we say hello, whether foreign or not. But if you tried to hatred of the French, it is because you watch too much TV and the media. I love the way American people insist so much about us!

I can understand this hatred …. Oh, remember to open speaker. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content December 17, The Daily Show, April 28, A lot of Americans just plain and simple refuse to give any credit whatsoever to the French. Miquelon 10 , VERY well said.
Now we need to fight to minimize the damage. Barney, 14 is an excellent post, perhaps the best someone has come up with on this blog. The Simpsons Jay Leno with over 41 referenced anti-French jokes, mostly about surrendering etc. So the invading armies could march in the shade. Never heard any, really. On that point, you are right. Those that are a joke Keep smiling and watch out for pigs and planes!
Turn the joke at them and they cry foul! I tell ya, these folks from over the pond are truly sumpthin! You can at least agree with that.