Searching Through Shadows
Gary Klein places the whole process of decision making into context. We are in complex world, not a simplistic world that was until 30 years ago. Decision making as a person, or in a project, in organization, has not been evolved to adapt to today's complex situations. Most of us agree with the statement "successful decision makers rely on logic and statistics instead intuition", "we can reduce uncertainty by gathering more information", "the starting point for any project is to get a clear description of the goal", "our plans will succeed more often if we identi We are in complex world, not a simplistic world that was until 30 years ago.
Most of us agree with the statement "successful decision makers rely on logic and statistics instead intuition", "we can reduce uncertainty by gathering more information", "the starting point for any project is to get a clear description of the goal", "our plans will succeed more often if we identify the biggest risks and find ways to eliminate them. Again, we are in complex world. This book teaches how we are wrong to think linear, simplistic.
Each of us need to realize we have psychological inertia.
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- Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Gary Klein?
I have developed an interest in decision making and this book has provided me with more insight after having read Thinking Fast and Slow by Kahneman. Klein adds some interesting thoughts that are handled differently by the Kahneman book and I will continue finding other relevant books on this topic as a result.
Jan 19, Jason Robert Bowers rated it it was amazing. This book was suggested by a friend. Not something I would normally pick up myself but I'm glad I did. I was a great read that had me thinking differently about decision making and the importance of expertise. Any one in a leadership role, or studying leadership, should give this book a read.
Jan 31, Richard C rated it really liked it. Jul 21, William "Spig" rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this book. It is written in the Freak-a-Nomics style. Life and complex problems are not simple formulaic puzzles to figure out. The book shows the science behind living and leading beyond the complicated and in the complex. Jul 03, Jeff rated it really liked it Shelves: Klein's discussion of ten common claims relative to decision-making in organizations is an interesting take on a frequently-covered topic.
Rather than writing a handbook on decision-making, what Klein is really doing is lending support to the notion that humans and the sciences that study them can Klein's discussion of ten common claims relative to decision-making in organizations is an interesting take on a frequently-covered topic. Rather than writing a handbook on decision-making, what Klein is really doing is lending support to the notion that humans and the sciences that study them cannot be entirely reduced to formulas, checklists, and statistics. And with that, I whole-heartedly agree. There are times when Klein is overselling his point.
Chapter 16 regarding common ground is one such instance.
A Ear: Searching for Shadows Through Grammar Errors by Donovan King » Community — Kickstarter
He offers one grand insight for the chapter - and it is a good one - but then needs to describe it, re-describe it, and tell it again. Overall, though I read this for a course on executive decision-making, I found myself genuinely enjoying it and mentally applying it to the contexts in which I find myself. What more can we really ask from our non-fiction? I actually could not finish reading this book.
I think is a great read!!!! It basically explains everything you think you know and then tells you not to believe it and why I was trying to read it for pleasure and my brain couldn't handle it! Nevertheless, I should also mention that as a Law Enforcement Officer most of his theories about why I should deny the in I actually could not finish reading this book.
Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making (Bradford Books)
Nevertheless, I should also mention that as a Law Enforcement Officer most of his theories about why I should deny the initial assumptions make perfect sense. I found myself agreeing with all his as theories and understanding the reasoning behind his explanations his better assumptions. Dec 14, Muhammad al-Khwarizmi rated it really liked it Shelves: Very decent book though the author gets overly verbose at points.
In the chapter on risk management for example it was very obvious that he was talking about so-called "Knightian" uncertainty and I wished he would just come out and say it. I would say Klein certainly mounted an illuminating challenge to conventional decision and management theory anyway. I'm loath to quote John Lennon but "life is what happens when you're making other plans".
That being said, I still am not fully convinced of th Very decent book though the author gets overly verbose at points.
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That being said, I still am not fully convinced of the degree to which he raises intuition above analysis, though both are clearly important. Outstanding insight into problem solving under complex conditions Walks through the most common assumptions about what should be done to solve problems and drive continuous improvement, showing how these generally hold up well under simpler, more straightforward conditions solving puzzles - and it so well in more complex situations solving mysteries.
Very pragmatic and useful knowledge managers and leaders in all walks of life Feb 23, Joan rated it really liked it.

I refer to this book all of the time in training colleagues in incident response. Especially his study of pilots, when hijacked, are not able to consult their manual. Instead, they must rely on training, instincts, and adaptive decision-making to aid in mitigating serious consequences is something everyone can appreciate and practice. Jul 18, John rated it it was amazing Shelves: Every teacher should read this book.
Great examples of feedback and understand how people learn and challenges simplistic concepts of learning and teaching.
But great book for people that love understanding decisions and pitfalls. Oct 21, Chrcgr rated it it was ok. Some thought provoking content, but could easily have been condensed to about a dozen pages. Apr 29, Louise rated it it was amazing. The Power of Intuition: Here's how restrictions apply. A Bradford Book Paperback: A Bradford Book September 30, Language: Start reading Streetlights and Shadows on your Kindle in under a minute.
Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention decision making streetlights and shadows gary klein research examples insights managers useful conclusions uses. Showing of 20 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.
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Please try again later. Klein does a great job clearly explaining the research and issues concerning naturalistic decision making. He walks through 10 myths about decision making and clearly contrasts it with formal decision making methods. Unlike some popularizations of psychology and human factors research, Klein clearly describes the actual research behind the conclusions, so we get a much richer understanding. Yet the writing is conversational and very easy to follow.
It's a great balancing act. For the same reasons, the book also serves as a great resource for organizing and finding the relevant literature. I'm a big fan of Gary Klein's book Sources of Power, and I keep quoting it often in workshops and lectures. Although it's not exactly fresh meat, it only recently came to the top of my book queue. With the topic of adaptive decision making, this book fits in nicely with the recent trends in software delivery. My impression of the book was not as mind-blowing as Sources of Power, but it was certaintly thought-provoking enough to deserve a strong recommendation.
The key thread in the book is examining the relationship between analysis and intuition, largely comparing standard procedures and skills based on experience. Neither is the "right" way. He examines contexts in which standardising ways of doing things helps and the contexts where that hurts, in particular with skilled performers, showing that experts mostly rely on heuristics drawn from stories instead of rules.
There are many nice stories in the book about decision biases, but often arguing for the oposite conclusion from most popular psychology books. Klein discredits most of the research on decision biases and exposing how reasoning strategies can lead to errors because they were done using college students performing tasks that are unfamiliar, artificial, and relatively independent of context.
His idea is that biases aren't distorting our thinking, but instead reflect our thinking. As in his previous work, Klein attacks the Rational Choice model of decision making, arguing that analysing several options and comparing to pick the best one doesn't help anyone make better decisions, because it ignores the way experienced people actually make decisions, and does not really help novices. With the rising popularity of big data and company analytics, I found particularly interesting the topic of collecting too much information and how that can lead to worse results.
Many thank you's
Concluding that "most experts use fewer than five cues when making judgments", Klein quotes research showing that teams with incomplete information often perform better than teams with detailed information, as more information often does not improve the accuracy of judgements but leads to overconfidence. There is also a nice tie-in with experiment-based strategies becoming more popular in the software world "The only ones who succeeded had jumped to conclusions and tested them.
Klein delivers the goods on methodologies of adaptive decision making in complex environments. He takes on eleven largely believed maxims such as "Its bad to jump to conclusionswait to see all the evidence. Klein discusses in detail decision making, expertise, adapting, and sense-making. He uses real-world examples from meteorology to the military to demonstrate a uncommon approach to adaptive decision making. If your organization needs flexibility and adaptability, Mr. Klein's title will provide insights that should not be ignored. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.
Walks through the most common assumptions about what should be done to solve problems and drive continuous improvement, showing how these generally hold up well under simpler, more straightforward conditions solving puzzles - and it so well in more complex situations solving mysteries. Very pragmatic and useful knowledge managers and leaders in all walks of life Great guide and accumulation of Klein's thoughts and work to refer to Very provocative - speaks of real world decision making.
One person found this helpful. Seminal work and very useful as a research source. See all 20 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway.