How to Read Human Nature
We find nature everywhere around us recording its movements and marking the changes it has undergone in material forms,—in the crust of the earth, the composition of the rocks, the structure of the trees, the conformation of our bodies, and those spirits of ours, so closely connected with our material bodies, that so far as we know, they can think no thought, perform no action, without their presence and co-operation, may have been so joined in order to prePg 24serve a material and lasting record of all that they think and do. It is not known whether he ever acknowledged authorship of these pseudonymous works, but all of the supposedly independent authors whose writings are now credited to Atkinson were linked to one another by virtue of the fact that their works were released by a series of publishing houses with shared addresses and they also wrote for a series of magazines with a shared roster of authors.
Randolph was known for embroidering the truth when it came to his own autobiography he claimed that his mother Flora Randolph, an African American woman from Virginia, who died when he was eleven years old, had been a foreign princess but he was actually telling the truth—or something very close to it, according to his biographer John Patrick Deveney—when he said that he had met the Maharajah in Europe and had learned from him the proper way to use both polished gemstones and Indian 'bhattah mirrors' in divination.
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The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians. Fourteen Lessons in Oriental Occultism.
How to understand people and human nature | 2KnowMySelf
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The Ultimate Source for Understanding Yourself and others
Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing. Its History and Principles. The Writings of William Walker Atkinson. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life. The best of William Walker Atkinson.
How to read human nature : its inner states and outer forms
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Please review your cart. If for example you like to show off in order to grab attention then its completely wrong to assume that all showy people want attention because some of them might be doing it for a different reason. Based on our human nature we also tend to look at the behavior without looking for the underlying reason. If we saw a child stealing we will quickly assume that the child is ill mannered but if we knew that the child is doing so just to direct his parents attention towards him his behavior can make a lot of sense.
When attempting to understand others you must know that based on the human nature all the activities that seem odd, weird or irrational were developed in order to serve very rational goals. For example, The criminal who kills people for no reason is considered psycho by the society but when finding out that he used to feel inferior as a child and the only way he found to feel superior was to become dangerous we can then understand him better.
When attempting to understand people your human nature is the only thing that can lead you astray. By learning how to look at the underlying reason behind a behavior and by learning how to not judge others without seeing the full picture you will certainly understand people better. By understanding your own human nature and the thinking patterns that result from it you will certainly understand people with very little effort.
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The Solid confidence program was launched by 2knowmyself. Understanding human nature and people's behavior.