Finding Valor (A Magical YA Paranormal Romance: Book Three) (The Channie Series 3)
How sad is that? The intensity of the action was held by the two major events: Each chapter built up the tension even more, until I could barely wait to see what was going to happen in the end. I felt like skipping to those last pages just so I could know. There were surprises at every turn and I'm happy to say I couldn't really predict them. I love that kind of book. But what I loved the most was that all the characters grew throughout the novel. Joshua started out as a naive, disbelieving guy and became a recognized, responsible leader.
Channie started out as a girl who'd lost all hope, but ended up with more than she could've ever wished for. Even Hunter had grown into a man who understood the comings and goings of the world around him. Lots of mistakes were made, even more love came to be and I could only say that I was entirely satisfied by this final installment of the Channie Series. Charlotte Abel: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
Feb 11, Arlene Adams rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Josh gets to meet his dad Vengeance but he goes by Vince Jarvis. He tells Josh the attack on Liz was a magical one and it's a trap. But Josh goes to the hospital to heal her.
She got a bad infection and with burns wasn't expected to live very long. Hunter, Shep and Josh go to Freedom Ridge to combine the clans and unite them.. Josh also trays to unite is Veyjivik clan and Rider the broken back tracker gathers them together. Josh also learns of Dominance plan to kill a lot of captured mag Josh gets to meet his dad Vengeance but he goes by Vince Jarvis. Josh also learns of Dominance plan to kill a lot of captured mages. He finds out he has the ability to absorb curses and use it to replenish his power. Once it builds up he then has to release it and it causes like explosions.

Shep dies during the attack and Josh couldn't heal all gunshot wounds. Kassie has her baby and names it Hunter Joshua Waverly. Josh graduates high school. Hunter and Kassie getting married. Eric let me adopt baby HJ. Three kids and eight men were still in critical condition. Dominance had her men surrender and spy for her at Ridge she had listening devices planted in there ears, but they escaped all but one. Dominance sent a message on Dec. Vince and Wisdom got married that afternoon none of them expected to make it out alive. During duel Hunter was Josh second and Dominance choose guns as their weapons.
Dominance fired at Josh but Vince took the bullet for him and died. Josh and Channie had a baby Hope. Elijah and Coco took up box racing. Savvy graduated high school at 16 and went to CU.. Hunter and Kassie had Serenity and HJ. Carver and Kindness who Josh married at freedom ridge, worked at orphanage. Book ended when Channie water broke gonna name boy Vincent Diego after Joshua dad and the trips dad. Finding Valor is the final book in the Channie series, and brings us to a conclusion on everything that has happened previously.
Josh has to regain his memory, Channie has to stay with her mother, bound by a death pledge. Oh, and did I mention there is a rebellion going on as well? There is a lot that goes on this book, and some of it could have been shortened, but on the whole this is a thrilling book, with new characters, heartbreak, and yep more golden heart-bond.
You would have thought that Finding Valor is the final book in the Channie series, and brings us to a conclusion on everything that has happened previously. You would have thought that Josh would have learned his lesson about listening to the Book of the Dead and following its instructions, but he still questions everything it tells him; especially if it has anything to do with Channie. There is one point though, where he doesn't do as instructed, and it works out for the best, so I guess his reasoning is mainly sound.
I like epilogues in books. I don't like to just leave the characters and not know what's going on with them, but yes, I know you knew that was coming you almost get too many in this book! You have the climax, then there is a mini epilogue of a few months later, and then there is another one of about 12 years. In the 12 year one, we are obviously told about characters we already know, plus introduced to new ones. However, it almost seems too much. There is too much change from one to the other, too many new characters introduced to keep straight over who is whose. This book is full of action and provides a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy.
It is well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. I made myself read this last book in the trilogy, even though I didn't care too much for any of the characters by the end of book two. I will say that I was pleasantly surprised that they redeemed themselves somewhat so that I was able to at least care about what happened in the story.
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There were still a few things that irked me, such as a thread that seemed to serve no purpose in the book view spoiler [the whole misunderstanding about Channie being pregnant hide spoiler ] , and sometimes thi I made myself read this last book in the trilogy, even though I didn't care too much for any of the characters by the end of book two. There were still a few things that irked me, such as a thread that seemed to serve no purpose in the book view spoiler [the whole misunderstanding about Channie being pregnant hide spoiler ] , and sometimes things seemed to be too neatly solved view spoiler [like the whole scenario of Channie accepting the excuse that Hunter was a double agent and part of her "kidnapping" by Vince hide spoiler ].
I also think the story structure was odd--there seemed to be two major climaxes in this book and it would have been much better if those could have coincided or the first one maybe resolved in book two. It just made me feel like the book was dragging after climax 1 even though the magic and what Josh could accomplish was fun and interesting and the last showdown was great. Overall, I'm glad I finished the series, but I probably wouldn't have started it to begin with if I had known what I was getting into. Feb 12, Kate rated it liked it Shelves: Aug 12, Jenny Delandro rated it it was amazing Shelves: Josh is now called Valor..
Josh gains control of his magic.. May 06, Terisa rated it it was amazing.
Charlotte Abel
This book takes up minutes after the book two ends. Since Prudence took Josh's memories though he has no idea I what's happened in the last six months.
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The last thing that he remembers is sitting in the park bench with Eric. But he does know that something isn't right because he feels as though a piece I him is missing. This book is about Josh finding himself, the Valor part of himself, as he searches for Channie. It was well told and while the ending seemed a little rushed to me it made sense t This book takes up minutes after the book two ends.
It was well told and while the ending seemed a little rushed to me it made sense they way that it was written. It's an amazing end to an amazing series that I honestly wish wasn't over. I hope that there will more, maybe a spin off the trips. Aug 29, Thatbabefiona rated it it was amazing. Jan 13, Renetta DeBoer rated it liked it.
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Better than the first two. I like how everything led up to the final battle but then the battle itself fell flat. I guess I was expecting a little bit more. Entertaining but the story drags on and on mostly with Channie and Josh's love life. I thought I was going to be sick with how much romance was in it and it was mostly from them. I would understand more if it was from other characters but the two of them it seemed that they were the center of attention and nothing else matter.
Probably why t Better than the first two. Probably why the ending fell flat. I wish this author did more flashbacks or some more type of a review to catch up readers who read the second book to this series and had to wait some time for this one to come out. Some authors will explain way too much during a recap. This author, not enough. And there was plenty opportunity in the story to do so since Josh lost his memories. Readers could have been caught up when characters of the book filled Josh in on some missing memories, but that didn't happen.
All and all, it was a good I wish this author did more flashbacks or some more type of a review to catch up readers who read the second book to this series and had to wait some time for this one to come out. All and all, it was a good book and I was happy I purchased the whole series. Aug 26, Emma rated it really liked it Shelves: Awesome ending to an awesome series!
This book wasn't as focused on Channie and Josh, it expanded to a much bigger picture. I did miss the focus on Channie and Josh, but it was necessary to get a good perspective on the story. It was nice getting to know more characters and how they all fit. Now I guess it's time to move on to the next Charlotte Abel series.
I'm sure I won't be disappointed. Aug 04, Beth Lopez rated it liked it. Although a bit juvenile as to be expected with a young adult novel , I truly enjoyed this story, and the entire series for that matter even the novellas. There were a few things that irked me, but nothing terrible enough to mention. If you're interested in a quick, easy read, about magic that is unique-ish, and a love story that really is sweet, then definitely read this series. May 10, Tina tinkerbel Hart rated it it was amazing.
May 29, Flavio Braga rated it it was amazing Shelves: Charlotte Abel created a great mithology from the previous two books. The story became complex, and large. There are a lot of characters now. There is war, fighting, betrail, aliances, cruelty, happyness, etc. It's an amazing story. The book is most of the time about Josh.
Channie now is a secondary character. But its reading is a good time. Available to ship in days. Down the Rabbit Hole Sanctuary Series: Written by Charlotte Abel, Edition, Publisher: Provide feedback about this page. Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more.
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