A Chemistry of Stars
Further fusion processes can create heavier elements such as silicon, magnesium and sodium.
However, the abundance of these elements in most stars is very low and accounts for less than 1 percent of the mass. Fusion within stars can only account for the creation of elements up to the mass of iron. Beyond this, the fusion process uses energy rather than creates it.
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The remaining heavy elements beyond iron are thought to be forged in the collapse of heavy stars -- a process known as supernova. Samuel Markings has been writing for scientific publications for more than 10 years, and has published articles in journals such as "Nature.
What Is the Chemical Composition of Most Stars?
Hydrogen Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and makes up three-quarters of all matter. Helium Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe and is a major component of main sequence stars such as the Sun.

Carbon When hydrogen levels within a star's core depletes, the standard fusion reaction can no longer take place. Oxygen and Other Trace Elements Fusion of four helium nuclei can be used to create oxygen atoms.
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Not Accessible Your account may give you access. Abstract The view that stars were solely objects of mathematical analysis that would forever lie beyond the realm of physics was dispelled by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff in Cited By You do not have subscription access to this journal. Optics and Photonics News.
What Is the Chemical Composition of Most Stars? | Education - Seattle PI
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