Wonder: A Wander of Words (Wonderland Book 1)
Don't have an account yet? It's free and takes five seconds. Alice falls asleep in a meadow and wakes in a surreal world inhabited by characters such as the White Rabbit, the Red Queen, and the Cheshire Cat. Learn these words from Lewis Carroll's delightful and witty novel.
Down the Rabbit-Hole
Here are links to our lists for the novel: Chapters 1—3 , Chapters 4—6 , Chapters 7—9 , Chapters 10—12 Read more Activities for this list: Practice Answer a few questions on each word on this list. We'll ask some follow-up questions. Use it to prep for your next quiz!
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- 'Off with their heads!' – the 10 greatest quotes from Alice in Wonderland.
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- "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, Chapters 4–6.
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Assign this list Print this list Copy this list to Start a new list. Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, as she went hunting about, and called out to her in an angry tone, "Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing out here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table in the window, and on it as she had hoped a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white kid gloves. She went on growing, and growing, and very soon had to kneel down on the floor: Still she went on growing, and, as a last resource, she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney , and said to herself, "Now I can do no more, whatever happens.
She did not get hold of anything, but she heard a little shriek and a fall, and a crash of broken glass, from which she concluded that it was just possible it had fallen into a cucumber-frame, or something of the sort. But she had not long to doubt , for the next moment a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window, and some of them hit her in the face.
Wonderland, to me, would be like painting a rainbow backwards.
Wonderland is like any other foreign place…. So, why is it that we think everything about it is so strange? To be honest, I feel that is one of the most powerful questions you could ask someone. The world has become so completely stereotypical, that we automatically assume things now. First we had to get a CoverItLive account, which took a minute. Then we started to have a little fun with the messaging.
Ryan misspelled something, Vance pounced on it, I rolled my eyes. Ryan tried to start us off with a question, but we were too busy being excited little teenagers to really stay focused for long. I know part of my problem was that this was just so cool! Well, I think it was kind of like the new-toy-on-Christmas-morning deal. You remember when you were little, and you would go running over to the tree at an insane hour in the morning and attack the presents? And you did NOT care how the toy was supposed to work, you just wanted to play with it!
We got a new toy, and man, we played with it. We did get a few productive comments in there, but about half of it was us just goofing around with the new shiny thing. Random rabbits would pop up and run away with the conversation, and we had no trouble in following them down their rabbit holes.
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We all sit, going about our school day and wondering what exactly will happen when the clock strikes five. Many of my friends, as I look around the room, are rapidly typing; their eyes transfixed to the screen in front of them, as we all desperately try to accomplish one more blog. We are spent we are tired and we are waiting. In less than seven hours we will be turning in a month and a half of our work to complete strangers for their critique and comments.
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- Alice in Wonderland Quotes by Lewis Carroll.
The White Rabbit has called us to the stand. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending. Then live the rest of our life, But not together. A Little bit of love, little bit of love Little bit of love, little bit of love[repeat]. To live the rest of our life, But not together. This song is melancholy.

It is a passionate farewell for everything given and everything taken, for lessons learned and lessons taught. This is Alice for me on some level. I enjoyed this and I hated it. There were lessons, love and freedom, and conversely there were sleepless nights, anxiety, and confusion. Now Alice and I part, to live the rest of our lives, but not together.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- Chapter I
She will wake up from this project and never remember the dream that was, but I will forever remember the Wonderland through which we traveled hand-in-hand. A few weeks before we started work on this project, I was at the library when I picked up a book entitled The Looking Glass Wars. After two or three days I returned the book. It had not been what I had hoped for. It was a story about Alice finding her true love and fighting against the oppressive Red Queen or something like that.
Alice in Wonderland Quotes
However, it did mention something that made me wonder. Every character Alice ever interacts with is either a playing card or an animal, except for one. This one characters perhaps one of the most famous characters out of all of Alice. To jump strait to the core of the matter, I believe that the mad hatter entered wonderland from the real world, in a very similar fashion that Alice did. The key difference was that Alice was able to escape before going mad.
I think that when an adult entered Wonderland there already rigid and structured mind could not believe in talking animals, broken physics, and a reality based upon these things. I believe that when the Hatter at the time somehow wound up in Wonderland he snapped.