Through Cynical Eyes
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The Xun Protectorate by Khonsu. Blinding, cinematic black metal with rich layers of synth make for an album sweeping in scope and punishing on impact.
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All Empires Fall by Tombs. On the forthcoming Tombs album "All Empires Fall," the band expands their scope and range, balancing brutal riffs with melancholy melodies.
MEDIAWATCH - French cynics make sarcasm an Olympic sport
Legendary industrial outfit return with a jaw-breaking, bass bin-smashing, jackhammer assault of a new album. After a 13 year absence, industrial metal trailblazers return with a brand new, muscular and abrasive, EP. Through my eyes by Cynical Existence. Purchasable with gift card.
Cynical Existence started as a solo project but has evolved into a full band over the years.
Striving to deliver aggressive in your face modern metal with a combination of distorted guitars and catchy synthesizers. Streaming and Download help. If you like Cynical Existence, you may also like:. Love with a passion the track Aeon! Godflesh returns with 10 new songs that combine grinding, sludge-rock guitars with lockstep industrial rhythms.

Brooding, cutting, and claustrophobic. The Xun Protectorate by Khonsu.
French cynics make sarcasm an Olympic sport
Taking shots at a group already facing many difficult challenges is not the work of a strong man, but of a cheap man. Boris is a man known for his gaffes, slurs and downright irresponsible comments, but on this occasion, he has surpassed himself. His comments are not original or in any way penetrative — rather, they pander to the alt-right and far right. His words generate further harm for Muslim women who face further risks on the streets, in the workplace or in universities.
For my part, I do not believe that the niqab is a necessary requirement, but it is not my right to tell a woman what to wear or what not to wear.
The choice to do so or no to do so is entirely at the discretion of the wearer. In a liberal, open and confident society, differences such as this are absorbed, not turned into political opportunities by an individual with clear ambitions.
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Boris Johnson's Burqa remarks put British Muslim women in danger. The reality reflects an illiberal, closed and insecure society that is imploding under the weight of the bigotry, arrogance and sheer idiocy of what is seen as, somewhat unfortunately and rather disappointingly, the deeds of clever men. What is staggering is the fact that in spite of mounting pressure, Boris Johnson has thus far refused to respond to the huge number of complaints and concerns raised by his article.
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- The cynical political calculation behind Boris Johnson's burqa comments.
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There is no ingenuity or guile in stoking Islamophobia. It only adds to deeper division and discord in society, and in this case by a privileged English man who is being strategic in his targeting. It ultimately only results in more Muslim women being attacked on the streets by outraged, misled and disillusioned British men.