The Life and Times of Zebulon
He has the pleasure of the Sun shine too, his Soul calm as the light, and as the sweet air he breathes.
Zebulon Finch
GOD makes him to ly down in the green pastures, and leads him beside the still waters, and restores his soul day by day, and year after year. His pastures are clothed with flocks, and his valleys are covered with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing. How many beauties ever entertain his eye, and what musical sounds his ears? I mean not the softer notes of numerous Birds, of various notes, that sing among the branches; but the musick of his lowing herds, and bleating flocks, which salute him daily and call him their Lord and Master. So little neason have the Town or Country to repine at their own, or to grudge one anothers state.
Yea so much reason is there at times, both to congratulate and also to pity one another. We have in the end no private advantage one over the other, nor any private Interest opposite to each other. But let their mutual love, and pleasure in one anothers weal, be like their relation to, dependance on and Interest in one another. So the text supposes and requires of Zebulun and Issachar, that as GOD made them to rejoyce in their going out and in their tents, that they should call the people to the Mountain, to offer the sacrifices of Righteousness to God.
But then it is a standing and most equitable Rule too, "That whatsoever we have the comfort of, GOD must have the Glory of: But to do good and to communicate forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Nay it supposes that the genenous and zealous support of it be the common spirit of both. That the Town be stirring up the Country to it, and that the Country be as forward to promote it in the Town. Worldliness, pride, vanity and sensuality, Uncleaness and every worldly lust that wars against the soul are bro't in among them.
The Cares and pleasures of the world devour the place.
They have ordinarily more knowledge of the Necessities of other places, keep correspondence with them, have their Interests among them, and have their Influence upon them. But I would not have this honour in the text appropriated to Zebu un, the trading Tribe. It ought equally to belong to him. Pray GOD it ever may, as we trust it did of old.
Our retir'd Inland Towns are I hope a more humble, meek, sober, temperate people: They have more of the Wish, which the Town is ready to make for it self; Rid me of strange Children, whose mouth speaketh vanity.
The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume One: At the Edge of Empire — Trimmer Tales
Where is the place almost that does any thing in way of assistance to others, for the propagation of religion? How are the sacrifices of Righteousness wanting in such Tents of Issachar!
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Far be it from us to think this of Issachar; Unworthy then to have been one of the Tribes of Israel. Certainly then they were a tribe noted for the Schools. By which it should seem that the Almanacks of Israel came from Issachars tents. And agreably we find in Davids time the Children of Issachar thus characteriz'd, 1 Chron. That they had Understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do. Such use to come out of Issachars tents to Parliament: Henry, they knew that Israel ought to make David King: They shall call the People unto the Mountain, and there make their Offerings.
In this best sense of all, let Zebulun suck of the abundance of the seas. The abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee; — they shall come with acceptance upon mine altar, and I will glorifie the house of my glory: Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows: So let vital piety flourish in Issachars lot, and his Schools not die; let his devout Families frequent the Sanctuary of the LORD, and bring Offerings to his House out of their substance; the males of their flocks.
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- The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume One: At the Edge of Empire.
His Ministers to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing. How peremptory is this Injunction, both the prohibition and the precept!
At the Edge of Empire
GOD is absolute in his demand of an offering at our hands, as well as from our lips; this constitutes the sacrifice of Righteousness, both coming from the heart: It is but something of what GOD hath first given; a part of his Blessing return'd to Him again; only let it be in proportion to the Ability with which He has blessed thee. The Phrase there is yet more peculiar, None shall see my face empty. In those times none approach'd before their earthly Prince or Ruler without a Present, to express their respect and honour, affection and duty.
There is not a present to bring to the Man of God. He who requires us to pray and to praise him, has requir'd us also to support his Worship and to give alms always. We may not defraud or rob GOD of one Due or another.

He has tax'd us, and appointed his Receivers; and has He not right and power to do so? He requires a worthy part for his Worship, and a generous part to the poor. It seems a great defect among us, where such Solemnities have pass'd without Collections. So let our Thanksgivings be dayes of gladness and feasting, a good Day and of sending portions, Esther 9.
Can there be a day of religious Gratitude, a day of holy rejoycing in GODS benefits, a good day in the sight of GOD, a good one to the poor, or can it be a good one to out own Souls, without acts of Charity and alms attending it? And in our dayes of fasting and humiliation this is the sacrifice of Righteousness. Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thine house?
To whom much is given, of him shall be much required, Luke They should not out of vain-glory give beyond their Ability, nor should they from a niggard spirit deny the proportion wherein GOD has given to them. The rich men in our Saviours day cast into the Treasury of the LORD out of their abundance, the poor widow bro't her mite: The Princes and rich men in Moses time, and in Davids, gave magnificently toward the Tabernacle and the Temple; the poor bro't meaner offerings, but no less acceptable from them.
GOD cannot demand less and be just to Himself, or have us just to him. If GOD has blessed thee, wilt thou not give something at his demand, out of his blessing, his gift to thee? Is not this an easy rent to thy Proprietor, a reasonable piece of Gratitude to thy Benefactor? Will He continue to give, continue to bless thee, if thou withholdest more than is meet? He measures both the one and the other, and may take the forfeited loan, and sue out the Principal for want of receiving his yearly Usury. The detaining his tythe may lose thee the whole.
And thy Bonds are as fairly liable to be tyth'd to him, as thy Lands: Wherefore lay by in store for pious uses, as the Lord thy GOD prospers thee. And with the riches of his bounty there would come no sorrow. But the Grace that seasons our hearts would sweeten the Enjoyments of our lives, and render us a treble blessing in them.
With filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, he wrote Trollhunters. A writer, an editor, and a filmmaker, Daniel lives with his wife in Chicago. Visit him at DanielKraus. No one's rated or reviewed this product yet.
Skip to main content. A swaggering seventeen-year-old gangster named Zebulon Finch is gunned down by the shores of Lake Michigan. But after mere minutes in the void, he is mysteriously resurrected. His second life will be nothing like his first. From there he will be poked and prodded by a scientist obsessed with mastering the secrets of death. He will fight in the trenches of World War I. He will run from his nightmares—and from poverty—in Depression-era New York City.
And he will become the companion of the most beautiful woman in Hollywood.