If Oswald didn't act alone, who was behind the shooting in Dallas's Dealey Plaza on November 22, ?
Some conspiracy theorists believe "the oil people" may have organized a hit on the President; others suspect "people who didn't like the way Kennedy handled civil rights. Perry shared five conspiracy theories he believes rank among the most popular:. Perry has shot this one down.
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Edgar Hoover and others the night before the attack. The "military industrial complex" did it.
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Nope, that doesn't wash either, said Perry. That's technically not correct. He talked about trying to resolve the situation, but he never made a claim that he was going to pull out of there. Sorry, said Perry, no veracity to that. There's the Chicago mob, the Miami mob, and the New Orleans mob. But it's all hearsay. It's possible there were individuals who helped Oswald, but who weren't part of any larger group or perhaps unaware of what he was planning.
This is the conspiracy theory that interests Perry the most. So the argument is that the CIA felt that Kennedy was going to disband them.
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And as a result of that, they were the ones that ordered the killing of Kennedy. Perry points out that a former head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was a member of the Warren Commission, the special Johnson-appointed panel tasked with the official investigation of the assassination. The commission determined that Oswald acted alone. But we don't know what was said. Then a few weeks later, he shoots Kennedy. Or, maybe the CIA had Oswald on the payroll.
The remaining documents are to be released in late April.

In September , Kennedy began traveling to various states to bolster his run for a second term. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. The plan was to visit for two days and to travel to five cities in the Lone Star State.
5 things you may not know about JFK's assassination
The president's first stop was San Antonio. Vice President Lyndon B. Connally and Texas Sen. Next, Kennedy arrived in Houston to speak to a Latin American citizens' organization and at a testimonial dinner for Rep. On the morning of Nov. After breakfast, the presidential party flew to Dallas. After getting off the plane, Kennedy and his wife shook hands with the crowd that awaited them.
Facts About the JFK Assassination
Then, the presidential couple joined Connally and his wife, Nellie, in an open convertible. The car was a custom-made, reinforced parade limousine built in Wixom, Michigan, in January by the Ford Motor Company. The Secret Service gave the car the code name of X X and the rest of the procession left the airport and traveled 10 miles 16 kilometers through downtown Dallas. The destination was intended to be the Trade Mart, where the president was scheduled to speak. He never made it that far. Along the route, crowds lined the streets to get a glimpse of the Kennedys. The X had traveled only 7.
Facts About the JFK Assassination
At this moment, someone shot at the car. Connally was hit in the chest with one bullet, which broke ribs, punctured a lung, broke one wrist and ended its journey in one of Connally's leg. The president was shot once in the neck and once in the head. He then slumped over toward Mrs. The president and Connally were rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital just 3.
Campaign trip
A Catholic priest administered last rites for the president, and at 1 p. Soon after, his body was taken back to Air Force One at Love Field in a bronze casket, accompanied by his wife and the vice president. Assassinating the president wasn't a federal crime in Kennedy, moments before he was assassinated.
Despite the assassinations of three U. TV networks suspended shows for four days. On November 22, , at The JFK assassination was the longest uninterrupted news event on television until the coverage of the September 11 attacks in It led to the first and only time a woman swore in a US president. Hours after the assassination, Vice President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president aboard Air Force One, with Jacqueline Kennedy at his side, an event captured in an in an iconic photograph.
Federal Judge Sarah Hughes administered the oath, the only woman ever to do so. Oswald had tried to assassinate Kennedy foe.