The Booy Wilson Detective Agency in The Mystery of the Ancient Chinese Burial
Rare collections of ancient pirate treasure are being stolen, so Frank and Joe are asked to stake out the Black Parrot, a suspicious freighter docked in Bayport Harbor. This whirlwind chase after a self-styled pirate king in the Caribbean stronghold of the Empire of the Twisted Claw makes a gripping tale of suspense and high adventure..
Original text PC editions are scarce. The original text edition is generally regarded as the worst written story in the canon. The Hardy Boys track down a gang of jewel thieves in a mysterious old mansion. Once again Frank and Joe Hardy take on a puzzling case when their famous detective father asks the boys to assist him in tracking down a notorious jewel thief and his accomplices. The trail leads to the outskirts of the Hardys' home town and to a weirdly guarded mansion on the old Perth estate. With their pal Chet Morton, the brothers must tackle the mystery of the mansion heir's sudden death.
A disappearing floor, a huge, savage-looking, hound, a galloping ghost, and a college professor's startling invention are just a few of the strange elements that complicate the boys' efforts to solve both mysteries. The Boys investigate the disappearance of the speedy hydrofoil ferry, the Flying Express. A sleek new hydrofoil is scheduled to start ferrying passengers between Bayport and Cape Cutlass. But business enemies of the hydrofoil owner have stirred up a hornets' nest of violent opposition among small boat owners.
Startling developments plunge the teenage detectives into a dangerous chase by sea, air, and land in pursuit of a gang of hardened criminals who operate by the signs of the Zodiac. Peril stalks Frank and Joe's every moves as they hunt down the terrifying gangleader Zodiac Zig and his vicious henchmen. Pre PC editions with blank endpapers are scarce.
The Hardy Boys break up a truck hijacking ring and solve the mystery of the theft of Arthur Barker's swords. Frank and Joe Hardy become involved in an intriguing mystery which revolves around their fencing master, Ettore Russo.
Sutton Hoo
Proof that Russo is the rightful heir to his grandfather's estate hinges on retrieving the guard end of a broken saber lost many years ago in California. The young investigators' quest is complicated by a bank robbery during which some of their father's important records are stolen. A chase ensues in the grape-growing region of California as the boys engage in a dangerous game of hide-and-seek with the bank robbery gang.
Another source indicates Andrew Svenson as author of the revised edition. PC editions lacking the white over-printing on the back cover are scarce. The Hardy Boys solve the mystery of Asa Grable's missing silk moths and the theft of construction materials. The Boys investigate mysterious plane crashes and contraband uranium isotopes.
Two unexplainable plane crashes near an airport on the East Coast plunge Frank and Joe Hardy into a bizarre case. From the moment Frank and Joe find a radioactive engine in an airplane junkyard, unexpected dangers strike like lightning. Despite the repeated attempts on their lives, the teenage detectives pursue their investigation, discovering two vital clues and others that provide the solution to one of the most baffling mysteries the boys and Mr. Hardy have ever encountered. Svenson pages - For Sale Outline: In my opinion the original version is the stupidest plot premise of any Hardy Boys story.
The Hardy Boys foil a coin counterfeiting ring who are stealing valuable rare coins and melting them down to make counterfeits of circulating coinage. The Boys solve the swindling of their pal, Chet Morton, and the theft of a golden Seneca Indian relic. Frank and Joe Hardy suspect that their best friend Chet Morton is the victim of a summer school swindle and offer to help get his money back. A startling connection between the Zoar College swindle and the theft of the Seneca's gold tribal relic Spoon Mouth propels the teenage sleuths into a series of perplexing and dangerous situations.
Finally by the fall, the book was completed although he still hadn't sent in the release form. In minor modifications were made to the text. Another source indicates David Grambs wrote the revision. The Hardy Boys head to Hudson Bay to solve the theft of radio parts. The Hardy Boys go to Canada to solve the theft of stuffed animals and break up an industrial spy ring. When thieves hijack a collection of stuffed animals from a country auction, Frank and Joe Hardy pursue the getaway car and are drawn into a thrilling mystery.
At the same time, the young detectives' father-famed private investigator Fenton Hardy-is tracking down an industrial spy ring. This suspense-filled story of pursuit and detection will keep the reader breathlessly following the chain of unexpected developments that lead Frank and Joe to the spine-tingling climax in the wilds of Northern Canada. None - Baker-Carr edited the original manuscript. Adams also signed a release form for the revised edition. The Hardy Boys solve a kidnapping mystery at the weird Mead House, which lacks both door knobs and hinges.
Another exciting mystery begins for Frank and Joe when they help a stranger who has had an accident with his car. The man introduces himself as John Mead, owner of a nearby estate. But when the Hardy boys find an odd-looking house key and try to return it, they realize that John Mead died five years ago! They are even more amazed when they find that the intricately carved doors in the deserted mansion have no visible knobs or keylocks. What happens when Frank and Joe discover that there is a link between their father's case of thieves and the mysterious Mead mansion will keep the reader on edge with thrills and suspense.
A letter from Leslie McFarlane to the Syndicate indicated his wife Amy was taking over some of his work. In his autobiography McFarlane claimed authorship of this story. Was interupted in the middle of the job by a dental operation that meant the loss of 22 teeth at one fell swoop. At any rate you should have it by the end of the week. Andrew Svenson edited and did rewriting of the Baker-Carr revised manuscript. The Hardy Boys break up a smuggling ring which uses the mysterious, disappearing "Phantom Freighter".
When eccentric Thaddeus McClintock invites Frank and Joe Hardy to accompany him on a sea voyage, the teenage investigators become entangled in a web of mystery. Who is trying to block the three from securing reservation on freighter ships that carry passengers? The determined efforts of Frank and Joe lead to a hazardous game of wits with a ring of slippery smugglers and to a dramatic confrontation on the high seas. Here is an exciting, action-filled mystery that will keep the reader on edge with suspense.
None - Grambs edited the original manuscript. Harriet Adams wrote a manuscript which was not used for the original edition.. The Hardy Boys solve the mysterious disappearance of water from the Tarnack Reservoir. There is a crisis in Bayport! Soon the city will be without water! Every night, water strangely disappears from the new reservoir near Skull Mountain. Frank and Joe Hardy join forces with a team of skilled engineers to solve the baffling mystery. With only the slender clue of an arrow-shaped tie clasp, Frank and Joe Hardy pick up the trail of a cunning gang of thieves responsible for a wave of jewelry-store holdups.
But their investigations are interrupted when a desperate plea for help comes from their widowed cousin who lives on a cattle ranch in New Mexico. Frank, Joe, and their pal Chet fly there immediately, and manage to put an end to the trouble at the ranch and solve the jewelry-store robberies Difficult assignments are nothing new to the Hardy boys and this one that takes them to the Deep South is particularly challenging. Skillfully avoiding booby traps and flying bullets, the boys persevere in their perilous quest.
The arduous search is full of surprises that will thrill all fans of the Hardy boys. Harriet Adams pages Outline: Minor text revision on page 36 changing "Frank" to "Joe" in The Hardy Boys go to the woods to break up the smuggling gang of South American revolutionary, Renaldo. Caught in their motorboat the Sleuth by a sudden storm at sea, Frank and Joe Hardy are relieved to see the lights of a yacht.
But their SOS ignored. The shrill sound of a siren fills the night air and moments later a helicopter drops an object alongside the Sleuth: The next day, a truck carrying a shipment of high-powered rifles has been stolen. These two apparently unconnected events are clues in a tangle of mystery which turns out to be one of the detective brothers' most exciting adventures.
Hallstead's manuscript for the original edition was apparently rejected by the Syndicate and Dougherty was hired to create a new one. Sanderson's deed to a valuable oil property. An invitation from Cap Bailey, science teacher at Bayport High, to accompany him out West to Wildcat Swamp on an archaeological expedition triggers off a series of dangerous events for Frank and Joe Hardy. On their way West the boys and Cap have a near-fatal accident in a private plane which has been sabotaged. Though warned to leave the area, Frank, Joe, and Cap doggedly remain until they have caught the cunning ex-convicts they are up against in this swift-paced adventure.
When a man selling leather goods door-to-door steals the key to their detective father's file cabinet, Frank and Joe Hardy set out to track him down. An odd mark on a key case which the man sold to their mother leads the teenage sleuths to an Indian village, whose chiefs begs them to help him find valuable tribal possessions and the deed for his land. How Frank and Joe find the missing deed and Ramapan treasures, how they prevent the phony leather-goods salesman from carrying out a ruthless scheme and how they help their father solve the top-secret case he is working on for the U.
PC editions missing the white overprinting on the back cover are scarce. The Hardy Boys go to the Woodson Academy to solve the mystery of a missing will. The famous young detectives Frank and Joe Hardy are caught up in a dangerous web of intrigue when they agree to help Greg Woodson search for his grandfather's missing will. When Henry Kurt, the temporary headmaster of Woodson Academy, insists that he is to inherit the property from Greg's grandfather, the case becomes even trickier.
Frank and Joe must risk their lives several times before they solve the mystery of Yellow Feather and trap a sinister criminal who will stop at nothing - even murder - to satisfy his greed for money. Strong page Outline: Harriet Adams allegedly did much rewriting to the Strong manuscript of the original edition. The Hardy Boys solve a kidnapping and break up a gang smuggling illegal Indian aliens.
The young detectives receive a trained peregrine falcon as a gift that involves them in an exciting mystery. Imagine their astonishment when the swift-flying falcon brings down a homing pigeon carrying two precious rubies! Startling events that ensue indicate the gems are a ransom that has been paid for the release of a kidnapped student from India, who had come to the United States to complete his education.
But Tava, the son of a wealthy industrialist, is still being held captive. Hoping to find a clue to Tava's whereabouts, the Hardys try to track down the owner of the ruby-bearing pigeon. Their every move, however, is thwarted by the dangerous criminals not only involved in the kidnapping, but also in the large-scale smuggling of aliens from India to the United States.
How Frank and Joe eventually outwit their adversaries climaxes this thrill-packed mystery adventure. Tony Prito enlists the help of his detective friends Frank and Joe Hardy when a sinister stranger demands that Tony sell him the bizarre curio collection he has just inherited. While the boys are discussing this suspicious incident, the stranger, Valez, telephones and threatens Tony.
That same afternoon the three boys collect the cases of curios at a freight station only for Joe's life to be at risk on their way back to Tony's house. The next day a seaman claims two medallions in the collection that coincidently go missing. Did Valez steal them? And what was their significance. Unraveling the clues in this exciting mystery takes the Hardys and their friends to a desolate region in Guatemala and straight into the hands of a gang of dangerous thugs. The Hardy Boys go skin-diving to find a missing treasure in gold near Bayport. In a series of hair-raising adventures both on land and undersea the teenage brother detectives pit their wits against some of the most ruthless criminals they have ever encountered.
It all starts when Frank and Joe are skin diving just for fun and the thrill of exploring the undersea world. Suddenly, deep in the waters that flow near the foot of Pirates' Hill, a mysterious skin diver fires a spear through Frank's air hose. From this moment on, danger is never far away. The very lives of the boys are at stake as they, along with the help of their pals, uncover a mystery involving an old Spanish cannon and a fabulous sunken treasure.
Revised text PC with cover art is rare. The Hardy Boys head to the Caribbean to thwart Durling Hamilton's plot to fund a Cuban revolution and build an atomic weapon. A cryptic message from their famous detective father and a note concealed in a ventriloquist's dummy lead Frank and Joe Hardy on a dangerous search to the tropical islands in the Caribbean.
There the teenage detectives are constantly beset by vicious henchmen of a criminal mastermind. Danger stalks the boys' every move, once in an isolated sugar mill, another time in a shark-infested sea. But when Frank and Joe come face to face with the ghost at Skeleton Rock, it will be as much of a surprise to the reader as it was to the young detectives themselves. Adams also signed a release form for both the original and revised editions. The Hardy Boys head up to Alaska to solve some mysterious disappearances and break up a plot to steal a lost US moon rocket.
When Frank and Joe Hardy receive a telegram from Tony Prito in Alaska telling them that his life is in jeopardy, they immediately make plans to fly to Tony's rescue. Unknown enemies dog the Hardys and their pal Chet Morton even before they start the 4, mile journey. Puzzling questions lead the Hardys into dangerous sleuthing in the wilderness of Alaska and British Columbia. The astounding secret that the young detectives uncover, in the shadow of the forbidding mountain peak Devil's Paw, winds up one of the most perilous adventures they have ever encountered.
The Hardys purchase a Chinese junk to use as a ferry service, in order to make some money over the summer. It soon becomes apparent that others are very interested in the ship. Andrew Svenson, Harriet Adams Art: All subsequent titles released in PC format. The Hardy Boys and Chet search on the California desert for missing industrialist, Willard Grafton, and break up a gang of criminals intent on defrauding the US government. In a search for the missing Willard Grafton, Frank Hardy and younger brother Joe, encounter a gang of criminals intent on defrauding the US government, and are lead across California and even into Mexico.
Grace Grote, Harriet Adams Art: Hardy's missing friend, a retired police captain, and solve the mystery of spooky Black Hollow. When dogs and men suddenly disappear, and strange screams fill the night, fantastic stories of vengeful ghosts are almost believable. It is these strange happenings which bring Frank and Joe Hardy to the Pocono Mountains to help their father's friendsolve the mystery of Black Hollow.
But when the Hardy boys and Chet Morton arrive at Captain Thomas Maguire's cabin on the edge of the hollow, he has disappeared. Frank and Joe are determined to find the captain, despite Chet's misgivings after a night of weird and terrifying screams. Strangely, it is a small puppy that discloses a most unusual and surprising set of circumstances, involving a mute boy, an elusive hermit, and a fearless puma trainer.
It all starts when a French-Canadian trapper, Caribou Caron, makes a historical and valuable fin - a carved rune stone left by Vikings centuries ago near Great Slave Lake. When Caribou Caron attempts to sell the artifact to a representative of a museum, it is snatched by thieves. Like the intrepid Viking of old, Frank and Joe, with their close pal, Chet Morton set off on a perilous quest in the Northwest Territories to recover the valuable artifact before the robbers can decipher the symbols leading to the buried treasure.
Copies with complete fold out advertisement in back are rare. The Hardy Boys head to Mexico to rescue Chet and solve the mystery of a cryptic will. The handwritten will of a deceased world-traveler is strange and mysterious. Its cryptic instructions are to deliver "the valuable Aztec warrior to the rightful owner, a descendant of an Aztec warrior. Despite the harassments, the threats, and the attacks made upon them, Frank and Joe unravel clue after clue in their adventure-packed search for the living descendant of the mighty Aztec nation which once ruled in Mexico.
It takes as much high courage as clever deduction for the young detectives to defeat their ruthless foes and to decipher the fascinating secrets of the strange and mysterious will. Rudy Nappi Chet, attending a summer art school in New England, calls on the Hardy Boys to solve the mystery of the theft of two valuable oil paintings and find a lost treasure of gold. A long-distance telephone call from Chet Morton's uncle summons Frank and Joe Hardy and their staunch pal Chet to a summer art school, located near old Fort Senandaga which is reputed to be inhabited by a ghost.
The young detectives' assignment: Davenport reveals that one of the famous pictures contains a clue to the hiding place of a priceless gold chain. Vicious threats and deadly traps beset Frank, Joe, and Chet as they search for clues to the stolen paintings and the gold treasure - a search that is complicated by the stormy feud between an Englishman and a Frenchman over the military history of the ancient fort. Frank and Joe Hardy are determined to bring to justice the vicious criminals who kidnapped their detective father while he was investigation sabotage of a road-building project in the Kentucky wilderness.
Hardy's escape, the two young sleuths are spurred into action when he mumbles the word "Felix" and they discover a dossier of a notorious ex-convict was stolen from his files. The trail leads them to New York City but ends abruptly in a cemetery! With the new clue of a spiral symbol the boys head to Kentucky as part of a highway construction crew to track down the kidnappers and saboteurs.
Search form
Adams also signed a release form for this title. Rarely do magicians reveal their professional secrets. Hardy to be the subject. When their detective father fails to reappear, his sons are convinced that something sinister is afoot, despite Hexton's insistence that Mr. Hardy is playing a joke on them. The young detective's gripping adventures culminate in a dramatic climax when they unmask the secret agent on Flight One exciting event follows another when Frank and Joe Hardy are hired to apprehend the pickpockets who have been plaguing Solo's Super Carnival.
When their friends Tony Prito and Biff Hooper exhibit a stuffed whale dug up at a construction project, they all but put the carnival out of business. In this thrilling mystery the young detectives pit their wits against a gang of thieves whose bizarre identification, a three-part whale tattoo, proves to be a nearly insolvable riddle. Private investigator Fenton Hardy enlists the aid of his teenage detective sons in a search for a missing man being sought by an insurance company.
All leads to the sailor's whereabouts have petered out and the boys fly to Iceland, the man's native land, hoping to find a new clue. From the moment Frank and Joe arrive in Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland, they are in constant danger. In the spine-chilling pursuit that follows, Frank and Joe uncover a diabolical espionage plot that threatens the life of a U.
Rudy Nappi The Hardy Boys head to sea to solve the theft of mercury shipments and a government missile and foil a terrorist plan to create havoc in the USA. Frank and Joe Hardy become involved in a case affecting national security when Joe dials a wrong telephone number and gets the Pentagon.
Two words- "Bombay Boomerang"- that the boys hear before the line goes dead plunge them into a whirlpool of danger and intrigue. At the same time, Frank and Joe must save their father from a murderous gang stealing mercury shipments in the Baltimore harbor. With clues linking the mercury thefts to the top secret Super S missile mysteriously stolen from a government arsenal.
In a race against time, the three Hardys foil a diabolical scheme to create widespread havoc in the United States An assignment form their famous detective father to track down a ring of credit-card counterfeiters takes Frank and Joe Hardy on an exciting camping trip to the Rocky Mountains. But the cross-country trek with their pals Chet Morton and Biff Hooper is jinxed from the very first day. Strange happenings on a nearly impassable mountain lure Frank, Joe, Chet, and Biff to almost certain death before they discover the sinister reason for the danger on Vampire Trail.
Frank and Joe are called upon to find a wealthy industrialist's son who has mysteriously disappeared. The only clue in the case leads the two young detectives to South America, where the intrigues of evil adversaries almost cost them their lives. Only through their courage and perseverance do the Hardys solve one of the toughest cases they have ever tackled.
Hardy break up an international crime syndicate. Danger is the name of the game when the Hardys agree to help their pen pal from Greece, Evan Pandropolos, search for a priceless, ancient Greek helmet. Years ago, Evan's uncle had loaned it to Hollywood movie company for use in a silent motion picture, but the treasured helmet had been lost.
Picking up foes along the way, the young detectives unearth clues that keep them constantly on the move-from their Greek college campus to California and finally to Greece. Rudy Nappi The Hardy Boys are in Hong Kong to solve the riddle of the serpent balloon and locate a missing chess trophy and wind up crushing an international crime ring. Why is a wealthy sportsman so frightened by the serpent design on a mysterious balloon that he begs Frank and Joe Hardy to protect him?
And who stole the ancient life-size chess king which is to be presented to the winner of the world chess championship? Targets of diabolical enemies, Frank and Joe find a clue that leads them across the Pacific to Hong Kong to help the police smash an international criminal organization.
The Hardy Boys Original Series
Hardy break up an airline ticket theft ring. When the Hardy Boys take a winter vacation in Jamaica, Joe finds an ancient bronze death mask washed up near their beach house during a violent storm. Helping the Hardys and their friends in this bizarre mystery is William, a Jamaican boy, who flies to New York with startling news, only to be intercepted and held for ransom-the death mask! Frank and Joe must rescue William, plunge into their father's airline-ticket theft case, and fly into a maze of danger in Africa.
There is not time for explanations when Mr. Their stay in East Anglia begins with a weird omen, as they witness the bizarre funeral of an old witchmaster. From then on, strange things happen. When the Hardys learn about the strange disappearance of Lord Craighead, the plot deepens. Danger follows them to Ireland as Frank and Joe survive a shipwreck and find a clue from a frightened white which that leads to the torture chamber of a black witches' coven, all in search of the telltale Witchmaster's Key. One of the best of the later stories. The Hardy Boys travel to Switzerland and the Yucatan jungle to locate stolen gold bullion.
A million dollars' worth of gold bullion has been stolen from the Wakefield Mint under strange circumstances. Hardy is asked to investigate but before long his life is threatened, and he asks Frank and Joe to help him. The boys fly to Zurich, Switzerland, hoping to get information at the Swiss Gold Syndicate and to find the man who has stolen a valuable ancient gold figurine from a New York museum. But the Hardy's travels lead to nothing but new doubts and nagging suspicions.
And now their lives are in danger. The launching of the Firebird Rocket is endangered when a famous rocket scientist disappears without a trace on his way to the Woomera Monitoring Station in Australia. Assigned to the case, Fenton Hardy tells his sons he needs their help. And Frank and Joe must turn down a request that they find the missing son of a prominent senator.
With courage, wit, and clever detective work, the young detectives begin to close in on the enemy, only to discover that the tables have been turned. Captured by their cunning adversaries, the Hardys face certain death! Will the Firebird Rocket ever be launched? After the first four printings in , the text on page was modified to remove the title of the planned next book, Night Of The Werewolf. The Hardy Boys hunt a gang of terrorists and run into mystery at a new animal park on the Bayport outskirts. Hardy's investigation of a ruthless gang of terrorists, Frank and Joe witness an explosion in the sky near an airborne dirigible owned by Quinn Air Fleet.
The young detectives look into a clue that takes them into a new animal park outside Bayport, where they are lured into a trap by an unknown enemy. Problems arise for the park owner as he receives pressure from a competitor and a real-estate firm to sell out. Strange occurrences at the park also frighten the visitors and animals. Frank and Joe take up the case despite fore warnings. Flynn - For Sale Revision: Considered as part of the original series by most collectors.
Now out of print. Originally an oversized book, this volume was reduced in size to match the rest of the series in Both the putative "authors" were law enforcement officers. They said that the publisher liked the idea and wanted to see a sample chapter. More than a year later, a letter of agreement from the Syndicate on Jan. All chapters were to be turned in by July 1, and he would help with revision as needed. He said that he still had four chapters to edit which would be sent to Spina soon. He says that after the text was put into type he wanted to send galley proofs for Spina to review.
A draft of the foreword was sent to Spina by Svenson on Oct. He was also a correspondent with the Syndicate on occasion, including supplying some notes on the structure of police departments in Germany for a story. Courtesy James Keeline Mr. Spina was arrested in a corruption probe of Newark NJ and Mr. Flynn was then hired to lend his name to the revised edition. Several didactic short fictional stories illustrating various actual crime detection methods. Police science is one of the youngest and most rapidly growing professions in the United States today.
I have revised this handbook for fans of Frank and Joe Hardy who are interested in learning about modern police practices. The first seven chapters, based upon true stories from police files, illustrate how Frank and Joe use the various facets of police technology while tracking down criminals. Further uses of these techniques - fingerprinting, surveillance, and other related skills in the science of criminal investigation - are detailed in the last five chapters.
Flynn, FBI Special Agent who recently retired, acted as my consultant in the preparation of this revised edition.
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It is our sincere hope that many readers of this handbook will someday join the ranks of our country's brave and dedicated law-enforcement officers who fight the never-ending war against crime. A Word About Revisions When the original text stories were revised, the level of changes varied from book to book. Basically a slight editing of the original.
No relationship to the original. Some character names may remain and story line may be reminiscent of the original. I personally regard the Digests as being canonical as the Hardy world remains unchanged, unlike the Case Files or even the Undercover Brothers or Adventures. George Gaadt The Hardy Boys head to the Adirondacks to track a wolf-like creature and solve industrial sabotage. A ferocious, wolf-like creature appears during the night of the full moon in a small Adirondack town, attacking livestock and scaring many of the residents.
A young man with a history of werewolves in his family line is suspect. Joe barely escapes a horrible death as the young detectives solve this exciting and hair-raising mystery Shortly after his arrival in the United States, a Japanese business tycoon mysteriously disappears. Then a valuable samurai sword, said to have belonged to the missing tycoon's family for generations, is stolen from an auction gallery in New York. Danger confronts them constantly as the Hardy Boys search for the solution to the puzzle.
Film Review: ‘I Can Only Imagine’
George Gaadt The Hardy Boys investigate the theft of antique weathervanes and the disappearance of a Navy employee and a top-secret document. First valuable antique weather vanes are stolen in Pennsylvania Dutch Country and Frank and Joe are hired to catch the thieves. Meanwhile, their father is asked to find a missing Navy employee and a top-secret government document.
What is the connection between the missing weather vanes and the Pentagon spy? The final chapters of this thrilling mystery uncover a stunning revelation! George Gaadt The Hardy Boys investigate a mysterious Apeman and the disappearance of an year-old girl. The Hardy Boys investigate the disappearance of an eighteen-year-old girl suspected of joining a sinister religious cult. A few days later the boys get an offbeat assignment from a comic book publisher: The real life double of his character, Apeman, is turning up everywhere and causing considerable damage!
Frank and Joe tackle both cases and uncover an intricate scheme by a clever gang of crooks! When five Egyptian statuettes are stolen from a museum, the Hardy Boys travel to exotic Egypt. En route, the boys are asked to safeguard a mysterious mummy and find themselves tangled in a web of international intrigue. On the Nile, the young detectives uncover a secret hiding place with countless stolen treasures and realize they must get to the police fast!
A painting is stolen, and the Hardy Boys are suspects. Determined to find the artwork, the young detectives fly to Florida, where they disguise themselves and join a group of sinister smugglers. Though the painting fails to appear, an important clue sends the boys on a perilous trek through the Everglades. Threatened at every turn by greedy enemies, the Hardys fight a tricky and powerful battle to expose the truth. When an ancient stone idol disappears, the Hardy Boys are off on another fast-paced adventure.
It's a mystery that takes the boys from a primitive village in the Andes Mountains to Antarctica and finally to Easter Island. By using their fine investigative skills, the Hardy Boys find that the mystery of the stone idol is not what it seems! Chet Morton's cousin, Vern, is on his way to California to find a rare and valuable coin mysteriously missing from his uncle's bank vault. When he stops in Bayport, his brand-new car is stolen.
The Hardys take on a double mystery-and double danger as they head for the West Coast to investigate this sinister mystery. The Tower Treasure Now with a brand-new look, this is an edition that collectors won't want to miss! In The Tower Treasure, the first book in the incredibly popular, long-running series, Frank and Joe Hardy work together to solve a high-stakes jewel heist. A special treat for Hardy Boys fans and any reader who's new to the series! The House On The Cliff Now with a brand-new look, this is an edition that collectors won't want to miss!

In The House on the Cliff, the second book in the incredibly popular, long-running series, Frank and Joe Hardy face off against a dangerous group of smugglers. A special treat for Hardy Boys fans and any reader who's new to the series. In The Secret of the Old Mill, the third book in the incredibly popular, long-running series, Frank and Joe Hardy are on the case to bust a counterfeit money ring.
The Missing Chums Now with a brand-new look, this is an edition that collectors won't want to miss! In The Missing Chums, the fourth book in the incredibly popular, long-running series, Frank and Joe Hardy must save their friends from a rogue group of kidnappers. They didn't want to be stuck at sea with a bunch of strangers. But when you're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there's no easy way out. And when a terrifying storm hits, there's no way to fully prepare. It's all about survival. When Molly comes home from school to find that her parents have disappeared without a trace, she knows that something is really wrong.
Later when Social Services hands her over to a great-uncle who she had no idea existed, her worries only increase. Her so-called uncle is horrible to look at, more skeleton-like than human. Is there a look of hunger in those hollow, bone-rimmed eyes? Added to all of this, Molly has been having some very strange dreams. Do these dreams hold the answer to the mysterious, frightening things that are happening to her? Molly must rely on herself and the wisdom of her Mohawk ancestors to save herself and her parents. Michael was looking forward to his new house and neighborhood, until his infant sister became very ill.
Now his parents are constantly frantic, the scary doctor is always coming around, and Michael feels helpless. When he goes out into the old rickety garage, he comes across a mysterious being living beneath spider webs and eating flies for dinner. This creature calls himself Skellig, and over the weeks Michael and his new friend Mina bring Skellig out in to the light, and their worlds change forever. When Stargirl enrolls at Mica High, all of the students are in awe, but she especially captures the attention of Leo Borlock, a junior at Mica.
With her long flowing brown hair, plain face, and rather eccentric outfits, her classmates don't know whether to love her for having the guts to be different, or hate her for breaking the rules of high school. In fact they react by doing a little bit of both. First they embrace her uniqueness by imitating her, and then, just as quickly, they turn on her for being unusual. Despite her status as outcast, Leo and Stargirl become a couple, and he experiences what it's like to be shunned.
In hopes of gaining acceptance Leo encourages her to become normal. Together both Leo and Stargirl learn a lesson about conforming to the will of the group versus being yourself. Eric and Sarah are school friends with a lot in common: When Eric joins the swim team and begins to shed his extra pounds, he fears he might lose Sarah's friendship.
Instead, as Sarah confronts her past and the fury of an abusive father, that friendship grows in exciting and unexpected ways. They have no food and very few supplies. They think they're all alone, but they're not. And that's even worse. Jake has been expelled from school after school and a home school run by the eccentric Applewhite family is his last chance.
Each and every Applewhite is an artist except for E. The only thing they have in common is the determination to survive the outrageous Applewhite family. So what if he's legally blind? Even with his bottle-thick, bug-eyed glasses, Paul Fisher can see better than most people. He can see the lies his parents and brother live out, day after day. No one ever listens to Paul, though--until the family moves to Tangerine. In Tangerine, even a blind, geeky, alien freak can become cool.
Paul might even become a hero! In the not-too-distant future, when biotechnological advances have made synthetic bodies and brains possible but illegal, a seventeen-year-old girl, recovering from a serious accident and suffering from memory lapses, learns a startling secret about her existence. When fifteen-year-old twins Sophie and Josh Newman witness a magical battle in a bookshop, they enter a world of magic, legends and myth.
Nick and Perenelle Fleming own the bookshop where Josh had taken a summer job, but they are actually Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, whom records show died in For seven hundred years the greatest alchemist of all time has been brewing a formula for immortality each month to keep himself and his wife alive and they have studied and mastered many types of alchemical and magical arts.
Nicholas Flamel gets his formula for immortality from an ancient text called the Codex, which he is protecting from the Dark Elders and their minion Dr. In the hands of the Dark Elders, the Codex could destroy the world. During the battle in the bookstore, Dr. John Dee seizes the Codex and kidnaps Perenelle. However, Josh has ripped out the last two pages of the Codex, the most critical pages for the Dark Elders. Josh, Sophie and Nick Flamel meet up with Scathach, a two thousand year old warrior with the body and face of a seventeen year old girl, and escape the city to the Shadowrealm of Hekate, the godess with three faces.
There they discover that the twins have the potential for incredible magical power. John Dee and the Morrigan, the Dark Elder he works for, discover that the Codex is missing the critical two pages and they plot to get them back, gathering other ancient and terrible forces. An epic battle ensues, involving many creatures from myth and legend.
In The Austere Academy, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are at first optimistic--attending school is a welcome change for the book-loving trio, and the academy is allegedly safe from the dreaded Count Olaf, who is after their fortune. Hope dissipates quickly, however, when they meet Vice Principal Nero, a self-professed genius violinist who sneeringly imitates their every word. More dreadful still, he houses them in the tin Orphans Shack, crawling with toe-biting crabs and dripping with a mysterious tan fungus. A beam of light shines through the despair when the Baudelaires meet the Quagmires, two of three orphaned triplets who are no strangers to disaster and sympathize with their predicament.
When Count Olaf appears on the scene disguised as Coach Genghis covering his monobrow with a turban and his ankle tattoo with expensive running shoes , the Quagmires resolve to come to the aid of their new friends. Sadly, this proves to be a hideous mistake. The barn was never going to be the biggest in Oregon Territory. There was a chance, however, it could mean the most. The year is and Ben is called home from school in Portland to his family's homestead by his older sister and brother, Nettie and Harrison.
Their father has fallen into a catatonic state, unable to move on his own or talk. But the one thing Ben believes might help his father would be to build the barn his father had always intended to build. The barn, he said, was to be their gift for Father, who lay sick and silent as a cave on his bed in their one-room house.
Ben thought Father should see the progress of the barn. For hadn't the man agreed, with a flick of his eyes, that a barn would make him well? Is Ben fooling himself? Is there any chance for Father to recover? Ernie is a twelve-year-old tycoon, always on the lookout for a fast buck. This time he stumbles onto a money-making bonanza: He hires Dusty to decorate the burial boxes and Tony to dig the holes, but his prize find is Swimming Pool, a tomboy who delivers a crying jag not to be missed.
Business goes through the roof -- until Ernie loses Swimming Pool over a raise and the whole venture unravels. For as long as Omakayas can remember, she and her family have lived on the land her people call the Island of the Golden-Breasted Woodpecker. Although the chimookoman, white people, encroach more and more on their land, life continues much as it always has.
Every summer the family builds a new birchbark house; every fall they go to ricing camp to harvest and feast; they move to the cedar log house before the first snows arrive, and celebrate the end of the long, cold winters at maple-sugaring camp. In between, Omakayas fights with her annoying little brother, Pinch, plays with the adorable baby, Neewo, and tries to be grown-up like her beautiful older sister, Angeline. But the satisfying rhythms of their lives are shattered when a visitor comes to their lodge one winter night, bringing with him another invisible enemy that will change things forever.
Liesel Meminger is only nine years old when she is taken to live with the Hubermanns, a foster family, on Himmel Street in Molching, Germany, in the late s. During the years that Liesel lives with the Hubermanns, Hitler becomes more powerful, life on Himmel Street becomes more fearful, and Liesel becomes a full-fledged book thief. She rescues books from Nazi book-burnings and steals from the library of the mayor. Liesel is illiterate when she steals her first book, but Hans Hubermann uses her prized books to teach her to read.
This is a story of courage, friendship, love, survival, death and grief. Trying to solve the mystery of his father's disappearance from their rural Canadian community, fourteen-year-old Jim gets help from the disturbed Ruth Rose, who suspects her stepfather, a local pastor. Nate moves to a new town at the beginning of fifth grade. Luckily he makes friends with some kids near his house who have a club; they are called The Blue Falcons.
After school one day, they stop by the new candy shop. The owner tells them she will give them some of her special candy if they do some jobs for her. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But you know what they say: Soon Nate, Summer, Trevor and Pigeon are in over their heads and in the middle of a battle between rival magicians. Laura tries to stay normal with her band, having a crush on a boy, and her wicked sense of humor, but the family drama and general mayhem of shortages, blackouts, and freaky weather makes it hard to figure out what normal is anymore.
The electricity is turned off from 9 p. During the "day" when it is on, it fails often. Doon and Lina have just received their permanent job assignments. Neither is satisfied with the assignment given. Lina is thrilled however when Doon offers her the chance to trade her underground pipeworks job for his messenger assignment, the very one she'd been hoping for. Doon has had his heart set on a job in the electrical works so he could help solve Ember's problems with failing electricity and disappearing supplies.
But there is a connection between the pipeworks and the electricity, and Doon believes he can learn more about it. Lina's dream of a city of light is a shining contrast to the often dark City of Ember. Lina and Doon come to combine their dreams and talents on a quest to save the people of Ember. A mysterious old man invites Anand to accompany him on a journey to return a magical conch shell to its home high in the Himalayan mountains.
Annabelle Doll is 8 years old--and has been for over years. Nothing much has changed in the dollhouse during that time, except for the fact that 45 years ago, Annabelle's Auntie Sarah disappeared from the dollhouse without a trace. After all this time, restless Annabelle is becoming more and more curious about her aunt's fate.
And when she discovers Auntie Sarah's old diary, she becomes positively driven. Her cautious family tries to discourage her, but Annabelle won't be stopped, even though she risks Permanent Doll State, in which she could turn into a regular, nonliving doll. And when the "Real Pink Plastic" Funcraft family moves in next door, the Doll family's world is turned upside down--in more ways than one! Avon is a snail who longs for adventure. He's never had an adventure like those he reads about in books, and he is sure that the only way to be truly happy is to have an adventure.
Avon decides to set out in the world with his new friend Edward, a confident ant who seems to know more than Avon about journeys and excitement. Along the way, they encounter many strange and wonderful creatures and learn that friendship might just be the best adventure of all. A young girl struggles against the gender roles set out for her in Texas, as she attempts to further her interest in the natural sciences, joins her cantankerous grandfather on his naturalist quests and deals with her seven brothers and a mother and father determined to see her act like a young lady.
It was no ordinary life for a young girl: But Lyra's greatest adventure would begin closer to home, the day she heard hushed talk of an extraordinary magical dust--found only in the vast Arctic expanse of the North--rumored to possess profound properties that could unite whole universes. But there were those who feared the particle and would stop at nothing to destroy it.
Catapulted into a terrible struggle, Lyra was forced to seek aid from witches, gypsies, and armored bears. And as she journeyed into unbelievable danger, she had not the faintest clue that she alone was destined to win, or to lose, this more-than-mortal battle. Nobody Owens escaped death at a very young age, but it looms everpresent in his life. Everyman Jack is out to find him, and when he does, he'll kill him. Luckily for Nobody, he toddled into a graveyard full of friendly, for the most part, ghosts, who agree to raise, protect and educate him within the safe confines of their world.
His Guardian, who travels between both worlds knows what lies in store for Bod out beyond the cemetery gates - but he can't keep Bod within and safe forever. Winner of the Newbery Award. Four fifth-grade students--a geek, a class clown, a teacher's pet, and a slacker--as well as their teacher and mothers, each relate events surrounding a computer programmed to complete homework assignments. A huge, old house with secret tunnels, a cantankerous caretaker, and buried treasure is a dream-come-true for year-old Thomas. The fact that it's reputedly haunted only adds to its appeal!
As soon as his family moves in, Thomas senses something strange about the Civil War era house, which used to be critical stop on the Underground Railroad. With the help of his father, he learns about the abolitionists and escaping slaves who kept the Underground Railroad running. While on his own, he explores the hidden passageways in and under the house, piecing clues together in an increasingly dangerous quest for the truth about the past.
Newbery medalist Virginia Hamilton creates a heart-pounding adventure with this absorbing classic for older readers. When twelve-year-old Hugo, an orphan living and repairing clocks within the walls of a Paris train station in , meets a mysterious toy seller and his goddaughter, his undercover life and his biggest secret are jeopardized. David Bernard Yaffe, an year-old boy recently acquitted of murder, is forced to move to Cambridge Massachusetts to live with his aunt and uncle in order to complete his last year of high school. They offer him housing in the upstairs of their apartment, housing that will potentially provide escape from incessant questions from the media and timid and cautious looks from neighbors and ex-friends.
The attic that David is given to live in is nothing of what he expected, and he later begins to hear odd humming sounds and even sees ghost like shadows, shadows that remind him of something from his past. In addition to the humming sounds and ghosts, David has to put up with his Aunts inhospitable attitude, and his cousin Lily.
Her unwelcoming behavior causes him to constantly avoid her, but there is no escaping. The longer he stays in the attic, the more he learns about Lily, and how she oddly yet surely relates to their unforgettable past. New to Denton Elementary, Cara Landry is stuck in a class where no one wants to be. The teachers read the newspaper all day while the children occupy themselves, often with mischief. But Cara, a budding journalist, has an important story to tell about what's really going on in Mr.
Her newspaper, called The Landry News, is just a handwritten sheet at first. It soon grows in size and in circulation, transforming Cara and re-energizing a teacher who had long ago forgotten just how much he loved his profession. Ted lives in South London with his mum, his dad and big sister, Kat. One day they get a letter from his Aunt Gloria that she and cousin Salim are coming to visit before Aunt Gloria starts her new job in New York.
Ted is nervous about visitors, but he and Salim meet and get along well. The first day of the visit, they decide to go ride the London Eye, the world's biggest Ferris wheel and one of Ted's favorite activities. While they are waiting in line, a man offers Salim a free ticket to go up in the next group.
Salim takes it and enters the capsule at It takes exactly 30 minutes for the Eye to rotate. Salim does not come out of the capsule. Somehow he has completely disappeared. Ted and Kat overcome their prickly relationship to work together to find clues, evaluate theories, and find their cousin. The way Ted's brain works - which his family calls his "syndrome," and Ted calls "a different operating system," and is most likely Asperger's Syndrome - helps the pair solve the case. In the city of Baltese, Peter lives with the old soldier Vilna Lutz as his guardian and a daily routine of stale bread, small fish, and pointless army drills.
One day at the market, Peter decides to spend his only florit which isn't even his not on bread and fish, but instead on a fortuneteller. She tells him that although his mother and father are dead, his sister lives and he must "follow the elephant" to find her. Sixteen-year-old Thomas wakes up in the middle of a maze with no memory. He must work with others to put together the pieces of his memory, while figuring out his surroundings and fighting to stay alive.
Edward Tulane, a cold-hearted and proud toy rabbit, loves only himself until he is separated from the little girl who adores him and travels across the country, acquiring new owners and listening to their hopes, dreams, and histories.
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The Moorchild is set long ago in an unfamiliar place where fairy folk and humans sometimes intermingle. Half-folk and half-human, Saaski has no place in either world. The human villagers ridicule and taunt her because she's different. They blame her for a pox that's plaguing their children and for the death of their cattle. Her life is threatened. But Saaski has no desire to hurt others. She is searching for the truth about herself and for some place where she can finally fit in. Mila creates headlines around the world when she is rescued from an unpopulated island off the coast of Florida. Now a teenager, she has been raised by dolphins from the age of four.
Researchers teach Mila language and music. She learns, too, about rules and expectations, about locked doors and broken promises, disappointment and betrayal. The more Mila finds out what it means to be human, the more deeply she longs for her ocean home. After passing a series of mind-bending tests, four children are selected for a secret mission that requires them to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules. Will the truth harm them -- or save them?
When Nigeria's corrupt military government kills their mother, twelve-year-old Sade and her brother Femi think their lives are over. Out of fear for their safety, their father, an outspoken journalist, decides to smuggle the children out of Nigeria and into London, where their uncle lives. But when they get to the cold and massive city, they find themselves lost and alone, with no one to trust and no idea when -- or if -- they will ever see their father again. The Other Side of Truth is a gripping adventure story about courage, family, and the power of truth.
Eleven-year-old Angel Morgan needs help. Her daddy is in jail, and her mother has abandoned Angel and her little brother, Bernie, at their great-grandmother's crumbling Vermont farmhouse. Grandma, aged and poor, spends most of her time wrapped in a blanket by the wood stove and is as much of a handful as Bernie. In this dreary world of adult worries and loneliness, there is only one bright spot -- a mysterious stranger who appears on clear nights and teaches Angel all about the stars and planets and constellations. Angel's determination to carve out a new life for herself and Bernie gets a boost from her star-gazing friend, and from Miss Liza, the ancient withered town librarian.
Natalie's best friend, Zoe, is sure that the novel Natalie's written is good enough to be published. But how can a twelve-year-old girl publish a book? Natalie's mother is an editor for a big children's publisher, but Natalie doesn't want to ask for any favors. Then Zoe has a brilliant idea: Natalie can submit her manuscript under a pen name, with Zoe acting as her literary agent. But it's not easy for two sixth-graders to put themselves over as grown-ups, even with some help from a couple of real grown-ups who are supportive but skeptical.
The next best-selling school story may be in their hands,-but can Natalie and Zoe pull off their masquerade? Carmen, Tibby, Bridget, and Lena are the Septembers, a group of friends whose friendships started before they were born. They are all now fifteen-years-old and are spending their first summer apart from one another. To keep them together if not in body then in spirit, they form the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, a club of sorts where each gets to wear these "magical" jeans for a period of time, and then send them on to the next girl as the jeans collect the intimate story of each girl's individual summer.
The pants link the novel's four individual storylines, and connects the "Sisterhood". Each character's summer adventure brings life realizations and learning experiences. Wiley and Jeff have been best friends for all of their 11 years. Notorious for the nicknames they have awarded the people in their school, they are quick to dub their new teacher, Mr. Hughes, the former high-school football coach with a booming voice and can-do attitude, Mr. However, their game soon begins to backfire. A bet with a classmate--that nicknames don't stick unless they fit--has unpredicted results.
Cassandra, an interesting and attractive new student with a passion for wildlife conservation, seems to defy all labels. Wiley and Jeff's clever moniker for their class, the Dim Bulbs as opposed to the Bright Lights for class 6A , has everyone believing that they are incapable of doing well on a state reading test, which puts Mr. Huge's job in jeopardy.
As the two boys vie for Cassandra's attention, their nicknaming turns to name-calling and they find the stability of their friendship threatened. The adventures of Despereaux Tilling, a small mouse of unusual talents, the princess that he loves, the servant girl who longs to be a princess, and a devious rat determined to bring them all to ruin.
In rural Indiana in , year-old Russell's dreams of quitting school and joining a wheat-threshing crew are disrupted when his older sister takes over the teaching at his one-room schoolhouse after mean old Myrt Arbuckle "hauls off and dies. Because of his bragging--and his great skill at thievery--Gen lands in the King's Prison, shackled to the wall of his cell.
After months of isolation, kept sane only by his sharp intelligence, Gen is released by none other than the King's Scholar, the Magus, who believes he knows the site of an ancient treasure. The Magus needs the best thief in the land to help him steal it, and that thief is Gen. To the Magus, Gen is simply a tool. But Gen is a survivor and a trickster--and he has ideas of his own. The surprise ending will leave you breathless! Prosper and Bo are runaway brothers who have found friendship and shelter with a gang of young rascals run by Scipio, a boy who calls himself The Thief Lord.
As winter arrives in Venice, the private detective hired to find them is getting close and Prosper and Bo find themselves involved in a web of intrigue and deceit revolving around a magical merry-go-round.
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Set in , this sea story begins with a warning to the reader: No wonder that, from the moment she boards a merchant ship headed for home, she feels out of place. She's the only passenger, her cabin's a dark hole, and the captain's name terrifies burly dock workers. The old cook Zachariah offers friendship and a knife for Charlotte to protect herself as the voyage home rapidly turns into a dangerous adventure. In mutiny and in hurricane, ultimately in murder and in judgment, Charlotte-as a member of the crew-learns hard lessons about work, truth, loyalty, fairness and human worth.
Although echoes of Treasure Island and Moby Dick are heard in the rigging, the story Charlotte tells is uniquely her own. Louis is a young trumpeter swan who faces the unthinkable situation of not having a voice. Helped by his father, who steals a trumpet for him, and by his year-old human friend Sam, Louis overcomes his situation and becomes a great musician. Many readers say this book is even better than Charlotte's Web or Stuart Little.
Read it and see what you think. For the first time ever, the sixth grade Academic Bowl Team might just be able to defeat the seventh grade team. That possibility has the school buzzing. Each of the four team members tell their individual story of how being a part of this surprisingly successful team helps them to learn more about themselves. Thirteen-year-old Sophie, her two cousins, and three uncles sail across the Atlantic Ocean to England to visit the ailing patriarch of the family, Bompie. Sophie conveys her fascination with the sea in journal entries and retellings of Bompie's stories, "The sea, the sea, the sea.
It rolled and rolled and called to me. Come in, it said, come in. What happened in her past? Why does Sophie tell us things that Cody says are not true? These questions will motivate readers to keep reading to discover the answers to Sophie's secrets. In a book that is often hilarious and sometimes sad, ten-year-old Kenny and his family, the Watsons of Flint, Michigan, are heading for Birmingham, Alabama.
Kenny's older brother has gotten into trouble one too many times and now the family is taking him 'back home" for some straightening out. What crosses their path is one of the darkest moments in American history — the bombing of a Birmingham church in which four black children are killed. They just happen to have extraordinarily horrible parents. And that requires some extraordinary scheming!
The Year of the Dog is considered a good year for friends and "finding oneself. After a struggle to find her talent and learning to cope with disappointment, Pacy makes a new friend and learns that the year of the dog was a lucky one after all! Ailin is born into the Tao family at a time when China is in great turmoil. The foreigners, known as the "Foreign Big Noses," are eroding the empire by bringing in Western philosophies. More spirited than her older sisters, 5-year-old Ailin refuses to have her feet bound, causing the family of her intended husband to break the marriage agreement.
Though an excellent student, Ailin seems doomed to a life of servitude and "low standing" until she is introduced to an American missionary family. At fourteen she becomes the amah, or governess, for the Warner children and embarks on a new life that grants her happiness far beyond her dreams. Hermux Tantamoq, up until now a mild-mannered mouse, is in love. He is charmed by the beautiful and adventurous Linka Perflinger who has brought him a watch to fix.
Though he works feverishly to restore the watch, Ms. Perflinger never returns to claim it. Hermux sets out to unravel the mystery of Linka's disappearance and to do it he will have to outrun a squad of ruthless lab rats and decipher a trail of intriguing clues. Within Cole Matthews lies anger, rage and hate. Cole has been stealing and fighting for years. This time he caught Peter Driscal in the parking lot and smashed his head against the sidewalk. Now, Peter may have permanent brain damage and Cole is in the biggest trouble of his life.
Cole is offered Circle Justice: With prison as his only alternative, Cole plays along. He says he wants to repent, but in his heart, Cole blames his alcoholic mom, his abusive dad, wimpy Peter -- everyone but himself -- for his situation. Cole receives a one-year banishment to a remote Alaskan island.