Passengers: Revelations (Peter Salisburys Passengers Series Book 3)
The only person who can change him from victim to victor is Ben himself.
Peter Salisbury
Unfortunately, he does not know this, until an accident gives him his mind back. Follow the exploits of Ben and Lori as they fight to keep their knowledge secret. Can they succeed in their battle to escape without alerting their dangerous fellow crew members? And even if they do get away, can they reach home without finding even more trouble? A Science Fiction Anthology.
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Passengers: Revelations
Altri titoli da considerare. Carrello Sarai trattato da vero VIP! Continua a fare acquisti. Prodotti non disponibili per l'acquisto. Non disponibile per l'acquisto. Continua a fare acquisti Pagamento Continua a fare acquisti. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Home eBook Fantascienza e fantasy Passengers: Revelations Back to Fantascienza e fantasy. Mostra anteprima Anteprima salvata Salva anteprima Visualizza la sinossi.
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Disponibile in Russia Acquista da: Russia per comprare questo prodotto. Aggiungi al carrello Acquista ora Aggiungi alla lista desideri Rimuovi dalla Wishlist. In questa serie eBook 4. Valutazioni e recensioni 0 1 valutazioni con stelle 0 recensioni. Chiudi Segnala una recensione Noi di Kobo ci assicuriamo che le recensioni pubblicate non contengano un linguaggio scurrile e sgradevole, spoiler o dati personali dei nostri recensori. Vuoi dare un altro sguardo a questa recensione? Hai segnalato con successo questa recensione. The story itself is quite engaging though and there are some interesting ideas taking shape here.
Ben and Lori make a great team and there is a some marvelous use of subtle humour evident in the interplay between these two characters.
Books by Peter Salisbury (Author of Passengers to Zeta Nine)
I did find the plot meandered a great deal more than the previous novel and when combined with the sedate pace it didn't feel as compelling or as focused. I think with a little more editing there would be a much greater sense of immersion and a greater degree of clarity to the story. The author does have a clear style which helps while the characters are very engaging, all in all a good solid novel and one that's worth reading if you've read the first two novels in the series.
Written on Wednesday 25th July by Antony.