Le rêve dun apprenti détective (Mystère et suspense) (French Edition)
Crawford , Nelson A. VIII, mai , p. Emerson , Edward Waldo. Fields , James T. French , John C. XXXII, juin , p. XII, octobre , p. Henry , Edward A. Literary Friends and Acquaintance: Lyle , Guy R. Marble , Annie R. Masters , Edgar Lee. XXXIV, avril , p. Oberholtzer , Ellis Paxon. XL, avril , p.
Patterson , Frances T. Peterson , William J. XIX, mai , p. Read , Allen Walker. Scott , Eleanor Bryce. Sergeant , Elizabeth S. Spotts , Carle B. Tietjens , Eunice H. Van Doren , Carl. Van Vechten , Carl. Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley: Williams , Stanley T.
Wilson , James G. Wright , Thomas Goddard. Yoakam , Doris G. Allen , Robert J. The Society of Authors: Boas , Frederick S. Shakespeare and the Universities , Oxford, B. Brailsford , Henry Noel. Bryant , Donald C. Edmund Burke and the Revolt against the Eighteenth Century: Authorship in the Days of Johnson: The Profession of Letters: Elliott , Robert C. Le Socialisme en Angleterre , Paris, F. Mottram , Ralph H. Mowat , Robert B.
England in the Eighteenth Century , London, G. Reilly , Sister M. Shelley , Henry Charles. Short , Raymond W. Tinker , Chauncey Brewster. The Salon and English Letters: Tuell , Anne Kimball. Weber , Carl August. Essais de critique artistique et religieuse , Paris, Perrin, Keating , Louis C. Morrow , William C. XXV, 15 janvier , p. Wade , Ira O. Literatur und Gesellschaft im Jahrhundert , Berlin, S.
Die literarischen Aufgaben der deutschen Katholiken , Mainz, Kirchheim, Kaun , Alexander S. Mirsky , Dmitry S. Burlingame , Anne E. DeMille , George E. Literary Criticism in America: Die Entstehung der Kunstkritik , Munich, F. Fiedler , Leslie A. Graham , James Clark.
The Critical Theories of T. Greene , Theodore M. Heilman , Robert Bechtold. Hunt , Everett L. XXIV, mars , p. Hyman , Stanley E. Lewis , Clive S. Pritchett , Victor Lawden. Quinlan , Michael A. Poetic Justice in the Drama: Sauermann , Clemens W. Untersuchungen zur Soziologie des Theaters , Emsdetten, Lechte, Spingarn , Joel E. Stauffer , Donald A. Repris dans University of Toronto Quarterly , vol. Literature and the American College. Essays in defense of the humanities , Boston, Houghton Mifflin, Beach , Joseph W.
Brown , Herbert R. VII, mars , p. Current - Garcia , Eugene. Frank , Waldo D. Jones , Howard Mumford. Macy , John A. Mantz , Harold Elmer. Ransom , John C. Forces in American Criticism: Zabel , Morton D. Literary Opinion in America: Gibson , Byron Hall. Heidler , Joseph Bunn. Johnson , Reginald B. McCutcheon , Roger P. Miller , George M. Symmes , Harold S. Clark , Alexander Frederick Bruce. Causeries du Lundi, Paris, Garnier, , 15vol. Drewry , John E. Book Reviewing , Boston, Writer, McDonald , Florin L. Mallory , Herbert S.
Rogers , William Hudson. Censorship in France from to Brown , Louis Fargo. III, novembre , p. Childs , Harwood L. Fowell , Frank et Palmer , Frank. Censorship in England , London, Frank Palmer, Gillett , Charles R. Godden , Gertrude M. Wilson , John Dover. The drama to , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, , p.
Forty Years — Forty Millions: The Career of Frank A. Graham , Walter J. McCamy , James L. Marchand , Leslie A. Nesbitt , George L. Twelve Years of the Westminster Review: Smyth , Albert H. Stearns , Bertha M. Thomas , William Beech. The Story of the Spectator, , London, Methuen, Welker , John James.
Bowker , Richard R. Carruth , Hayden dir. Farrer , James A. Paull , Harry M. Ranson , Harry H. White , Harold Ogden. Matthew Carey, Author and Publisher: Browne , Francis F. Cardwell , Guy A. Cheney , Orion H.
Doran , George H. Duffus , Robert L. Fuller , Henry B. Haldeman , Julius E. Harper , John W. Haynes, , 2 vol. Garrulities of an Octogenarian Editor. Lehmann - Haupt , Hellmut. McClure , Samuel Sidney. Porterfield , Ruth L. Robinson , Elwyn Burns. Shove , Raymond Howard. Tooker , Frank L. Woodward , Fred E. Bingham , Sylvester H. Elizabethan Gentlemen and the Publishing Trade: The Truth about Publishing , London, G. Unwin , Stanley et Stevens , George. Are They Born or Made? William Heinemann , London, Jonathan Cape, Les riches depuis sept cents ans , Paris, Armand Colin, Joseph , Michael et Overton , Grant.
Smith , Hubert Llewellyn. The Economic Laws of Art production: Authors and the Book Trade , London, G. Fair , Ethel M. Haygood , William C. Who Uses the Public Library? Spruill , Julia C. Waples , Douglas et Carnovsky , Leon. Libraries and Readers in the State of New York: Waples , Douglas et Lasswell , Harold D. Wellard , James H. Dingman , John H. Brigham , Clarence S. XLII, septembre , p. Boynton , Percy H.
I, hiver , p. I, printemps , p. VI, automne , p. Gesellschaftsideale und Gesellschafts-Roman des Jahrhunderts , Berlin, E. Egan , Rose F.
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Field , Louise M. XX, automne , p. XXIII, automne , p. Decadence and other essays on the culture of ideas , trad. Studien zur Geistesgeschichte des XIX. Knights , Lionel Charles. Lowes , John Livingstone. Die Formen der Kunsterkenntnis , Bonn, F. Mott , Frank Luther.
Presta , Peter S. The Social Attitude of the French Realists: Shairp , John Campbell. Cordell , Richard A. V, avril , p. Dondore , Dorothy A.
The Prairie and the Making of Middle America: Dunlap , George Arthur. The City in the American Novel, Frederick , John T. Grey , Lennox B. Headley , Alfred H. London in Literature , London, J. Herron , Ima Honaker. The American Short Story: Maurice , Arthur Bartlett. Raser , George B. Savage , George M. Shankle , George Earlie. Sherman , Caroline B. Vincent , Melvin J. Wood , Leonard S. The Town in Literature , London, T. Berelson , Bernard et Salter , Patricia J. Das skandinavische Element im amerikanischen Roman , Greifswald, E.
Americanism in Argentine Literature: Field , Louise Maunsell. Ford , Paul L. Grey , Lennox Bouton. Hartman , John G. Hazard , Lucy L. Lees , Charles L. Parrington , Vernon Louis. Quinn , Arthur Hobson. Rusk , Ralph L. Stern , Madeleine B. Weber , Paul C.
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White , George Leroy Jr. Berry , Iona Richmond. Collins , John E. Forsyth , William T. Haley , Harold L. Kelly , John Alexander. Krans , Horatio Sheafe. Limpus , Robert M. Lynch , Kathleen M. Wildman , John H. Jahrhunderts , Elberfeld, Hofbauer, Leffingwell , Georgia Williams. A History of Autobiography in Antiquity , trad. Rivenbury , Marjorie J. Scharlemann , Martin H. Boileau , Horace Tippin. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy , trad. Erickson , Edith T. Wheeler , Howard T.
Bernini , Marie L. Der Kampf um die Tradition , Stuttgart, J. Delmage , Rutherford E. The Theory of the Future: Ekstrom , William F. Flory , Claude R. Forbes , Allyn B. Greenbie , Marjorie Barstow. Kretzmann , Edwin M. Myers , Walter L.
Parrington , Vernon L. Die englischen Utopisten des Shurter , Robert L. Weatherhead , Leslie D. The After-World of the Poets: Ennis , Lambert H. Fairchild , Hoxie N. Haile , Charles Henry. Harris , John West. Inglis , Ruth A. Kooiman , Gerarda Maria. Lumpkin , Ben Gray.
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Stonex , Arthur Bivins. Collins , Ralph S. Die Gestalt des Literaten im Zeitroman des Jahrhunderts , Berlin, Ebering, coll. Gurko , Leo M. Harvey , Howard G. Festschrift Max Koch zum Jahrhundert , Hamburg, H. McKee , Kenneth N. Menck , Hans F. Obenauer , Karl Justus. Pope , Elfrieda Emma. Schacht , Heinrich R. Schneider , Rudolf K. Shuck , Emerson Clayton.
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Powell , Chilton Latham. English Domestic Relations, Die Familie im Puritanismus: Jahrhundert , Leipzig, B. Stern , Gerhard W. Tappey , Sarah S. Werner , Oscar Helmuth. Young , Charles Edmund. Bazelon , David T. Cummings , Edgar C. Davies , Bernice F. Dow , Blanche H. Gillet , Myrtle Margaret. Hughey , Ruth Willard. Kahin , Helen A. Controversial Literature about Women: Latimer , Mary E.
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Duncan , Carson Samuel. Henkin , Leo J. Darwinism in the English Novel, Robinson , Erwin A. Waggoner , Hyatt Howe. Technik und Dichtung , Leipzig, E. VII, avril-juin , p. Brentano , Bernard von. Canby , Henry S. XX, printemps , p. Cawley , Robert Ralston. II, hiver , p. The Railroad in Literature: Eggers , Graydon P. Forkey , Leo Orville. Gomme , Laurence J. Grant , Elliott M. French Poetry and Modern Industry, Harrington , Fred Harvey. Hibler , Leo von. Hollenbach , John W. Kahn , Ludwig W.
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Shepherd , Thomas B. Clergymen in Representative American Fiction, Wrigth , Louis B. Adams , Robert P. Pacifism in the English Renaissance, La Morale dans le drame: Ballanche , Pierre Simon. La Trahison des clercs , Paris, Grasset, Busey , Garreta Helen. The Reflection of Positivism in English Literature to Du sentiment de la solitude morale chez les romantiques et les parnassiens , Paris, Hachette, Fonsegrive , Georges L.
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Merriam , Charles E. Patterson , Samuel White. Rose , Leslie A. Tyler , Moses C. Werner , Dorothy Leeds. Burlingame , Anne Elizabeth. Coates , William P. Cole , George Douglas. Politics and Literature , London, Hogarth Press, Hessler , Mabel D. Hunton , William A. Marriott , John A. Phillips , James Emerson Jr. Wren Baker has never felt brave a day in her life. She doesn't even know what she's afraid of, really.
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