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Ryder Chicago, , in pdf pages. This 11th century compilation is the largest collection of Indian tales. Johns New York, , in pdf pages. English translations and texts of this wonderful tale in the aforementioned languages. The Story of Ahikar was one of the earliest works translated into Armenian, possibly the work of Mesrop or Sahak.
Contains material collected by the author in Asia Minor. Histoire de Sindban , in pdf pages. Clouston London, , in pdf pages. Clouston, editor London, , in pdf pages. Middle Eastern tales and legends, including unusual Biblical and Rabbinical tales, in pdf pages. Persian Tales , collected and translated from Kermani and Bakhtiari by D. Lorimer London, , in pdf pages.
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Rendel Harris, from Folklore , Vol. This is the critical edition of the Classical Armenian versions of an ancient wisdom tale. Marr, in pdf pages. Azgayin matenadaran series, volume 36, in pdf pages. Classical Armenian, Greek, and Latin texts of a bestiary, perhaps dating from the 2nd-4th centuries. The Armenian translation was made in the 5th century. These tales of real and fantastic animals, usually with a Christian moral attached, are attributed to a variety of Fathers including Epiphanius, Basil, and St.
Download includes all three volumes in one file. Download is the entire volume: Physiologus , in pdf pages. Boyajian , at sacred-texts. Seklemian New York, , at rbedrosian. The entries contain translated passages from Classical Greek and Latin sources where available , bibliographies, and downloadable studies. Evans-Wentz Oxford, , in searchable pdf pages.
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Stevenson Oxford, , in searchable pdf pages. This is an English translation of a Persian romance, believed to date from the Parthian era. Introduction by Ilia V. Abuladze Berkeley, , in searchable pdf pages. Georgian text, French translation and notes by M. Brosset Paris, , in pdf pages.
New York, , in searchable pdf pages. Lives and Legends of the Georgian Saints. The volumes are by month: Although in verse, most sections also have prose explanations and good notes. Petersburg, contains much of interest for folklore and heterodox faiths. It is two volumes in four parts:. The download includes vol. He recorded noteworthy folk tales, legends, and riddles, and additionally described churches and monasteries, providing diocesan information and population figures for the Armenian communities.
This invaluable study also describes the important monastic and church libraries and their manuscripts, and colophons. It includes drawings of Armenian cuneiform and even tattoos. Folklore and folk tales mostly from the Van area. Includes nine folk tales, songs, riddles, bird language, magic, amulets. There are also short lexicons of plant names, agricultural equipment and village vocabulary. Includes a lexicon for dialects, in pdf pages. Azgayin matenadaran series, volume Izsliedovaniia i stati N. Emina po armianskoi mifologii, arkheologii, istorii i istorii literatury za gg.
Emin on Armenian Mythology, Archaeology, History, and the History of Literature during the years ] Moscow, , in pdf pages. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies 6 in 19 pdf pages. Melik-Pashayan Erevan, , in pdf pages. Includes map and plates. One of the best. Grigoryan Erevan, , in pdf pages. French translation of the Russian original which appeared in Problemy vostokovedeniya , , No. Der armenische Volksglaube , by Manuk Abeghian Leipzig, , in pdf pages.
Ter-Minasyan Erevan, , in pdf pages. Written by the renowned 19th century polymath Levon Ghewond Alishan, this work has been highly praised and extensively used by mythologists and folklorists since its publication Venice, A major source for the folk beliefs, customs, myths, and history of the Armenian Highlands. An invaluable encyclopedic work on the flora of the Armenian highlands. This massive study contains alphabetical entries for the major plants, trees, shrubs, as well as fungi. Many entries are accompanied by gorgeous, life-like drawings. Latin, French, Turkish and Arabic names the last two in Armenian characters appear in cross-referenced indices at the back.
This is a major source for the study of Armenian ethnobotany. Topics include geography, topography, natural resources, flora, fauna, history, current conditions, customs, folklore, and much more. Lavishly illustrated with drawings, and numerous photographs unavailable elsewhere, in pdf pages. Historico-philological study of Cilicia including natural resources, folklore, flora and fauna, in pdf pages.
Classical Armenian text Venice, English translation of the above: Classical Armenian text, in two volumes: An extensive and remarkably fine Bible dictionary in Armenian, with tables, maps and illustrations. This anonymous work in pdf pages is more thorough than and, we believe, superior to the famous English-language Dictionary of the Bible by Dr.
The bulk of the study concentrates on the 19thth centuries when Armenians were still an important part of the population. Historical Survey large section on the Armenian Melik families ; 2. This download includes both volume 1 Tiflis, and volume 2 Tiflis, , in pdf pages. Some photographs by Lalayan. Dwellings of Armenian peasants; 9. Clothing and ornaments; Family system and customs; Zangezur , by Ervand Lalayan Tiflis, , in pdf pages. Clothing and ornaments; 7. Family system and customs; 8.
An ethnographic and historico-geographical study of Artsakh Nagorno Karabagh. Descriptions of physical features, natural resources, flora and fauna, villages, churches, monasteries, social institutions, and cultural life. Tiflis Armenian Book Circle, publication 22 Tiflis, Invaluable source book for Armenian folklore. Atrpatakan , by E. An Armenian-language illustrated album showing aspects of the Armenian community of Atrpatakan both the modern Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Iranian district of Azerbaijan before the modern period: Tsygany [Gypsies] , by K.
Petersburg, , in pdf pages. Russian-language study of the Transcaucasian Gypsy groups known as Bosha and Karachi. Tiwrean Vienna, in pdf pages. Historico-ethnographic Glimpse] , by Y. Tashean Vienna, , in 95 pdf pages. Duplicate pages in the scan and some pages are out of order. Azgayin matenadaran series, volume 4. Volumes 1 and 2 together in one download.
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Tiwrean Vienna, in 90 pdf pages. Shahaziz Tiflis, , in pdf pages. This important historico-ethnographic study, originally serialized in the journal Azgagrakan Handes volumes , describes the customs and rites of weddings, births and baptisms, deaths and burials; customs of special festivals, witchcraft, beliefs, etc. This work describes the types of homes found in Armenian villages: Includes floor plans and drawings.
Publication of the Lazaryan Institute for Oriental Languages. Part two is a study of the customs and beliefs of Shirak. Allahvertean Constantinople, , in pdf pages. This invaluable ethnographic study describes the customs, beliefs, dialect, folktales, homes, clothing, and meals of Armenian Zeytun, among many other intriguing topics. It was used as a primary source by Manuk Abeghyan in his renowned dissertation Armenian Folk Beliefs. Kilikia [Cilicia] , by Babgen Kiwleserean Tiflis, , in 53 pdf pages. Chanikean Tiflis, , in pdf pages. This volume Vienna, contains articles in German and Armenian on topics including history, linguistics, ethnography, philology, and mythology by some of the most prominent Armenists of the 19th-early 20th centuries.
Several volumes of the important journal Azgagrakan Handes [Ethnographic Review] Shushi and Tiflis, are available:. Articles from Patma-banasirakan handes , multiple topics, periods, and authors: Folklore Mythology Manners and Customs Ethnography. All articles are freely downloadable:. Articles from Lraber , multiple topics, periods, and authors: Folklore Mythology Manners and Customs.
Accounts of travellers to the Middle East in the 17th-early 20th centuries are an under-utilized source of material for the study of Christian and Muslim communities and heterodox groups, folklore, and many other topics. The link below is a partial list of such material.
Folklore, Mythology,
Journeys to the Armenian Highlands and Neighboring Lands. This important thirteen-volume work appeared between and It remains a major source for mythology, folklore, ritual, anthropology, and related topics. Entries were written by distinguished specialists and include extensive references and bibliographies. Thirteen volumes including an index volume, all searchable except volume 6.
The thirteen volumes of this magnificent series were issued under the editorship of Louis H. Moore between and Some of the treatments have not been surpassed. MacCulloch, and Slavic , by Jan Machal. Berriedale Keith, and Iranian , by Albert J.

Ferguson, and Japanese , by Masaharu Anesaki. This great 19th century classicist and lexicographer and his distinguished colleagues produced several enormous Dictionaries which remain invaluable reference works for Greek and Roman mythology, biography, antiquities, the Bible, and early Christianity. These pdf files are quite large. They are searchable, making them particularly useful. Dictionary of the Bible Dictionary of Christian Antiquities , in two volumes:. Dictionary of Christian Biography and literature to the end of the sixth century A.
Search Internet Archive archive. As an example, search on words such as Folklore or Mythology in the box below, for a list of available material. Another excellent source for classic reference works is Google Books. These books may be downloaded from the site below in pdf format. As an example, search on words such as Mythology or Myths or Folklore in the box below, for a list of available material. To download an item from the list of available material that you retrieve: A download dialog box should appear after you do this.
This outstanding website sacred-texts. It is an inexhaustible source for mythology, folklore, religion, anthropology, and countless other topics. This work also is available for reading online: The Golden Bough , by James G. The Age of Fable , by Thomas Bulfinch, at sacred-texts. Crie um website ou blog gratuito no WordPress. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. Os escombros dessas casas. Das minas que ainda restam. Sobre os corpos de quem sabe. Entre as gotas torrenciais. Sopra o vento que tremula. O que restam de bandeiras.
Feitas de trapos imundos. Que um dia foram vestes. Chove porque a terra clama. Tudo ao redor evoca. Sombra, agonia e medo. De um rosto de menina. Que se fixam nos dias. Ali era uma colina. Ao lado havia flores. Antes se ouvia o riso. A menina toca a terra. Enquanto a chuva cai perene. Toma um punhado de lama. Entre os dedos que aperta. A terra se estremece.
E ela ouve uma voz. A chuva que ainda cai. A menina se levanta. E esfrega os seus olhos. E quando ela se levanta. O anjo aponta-lhe o mundo. Everything was destroyed What remains are the shadows And ghost of people That only live in memories Whose stories Nobody ever wrote. Girl touches the earth As the rain falls perennial Take a handful of mud Between his fingers tightening And then it breaks the clouds And the skies turn red The earth trembles And she hears a voice Everything that is around So is illuminated For a sun that had not seen … There is a rumor And even the wind ceases The rain still falls Become a haze What smelled oil soot and rot But, It no more causes disgusted Something happened there.
Responderam, pois, os judeus, e disseram-lhe: Certeza e Autoridade setembro 9, Outro exemplo, em Romanos capitulo Devo ler ela assim: Por isso Paulo cantava: I carry in my bosom outrages of the heathen nations, 52 insults your enemies, Lord, injuries that throw up the steps of him that is holy. Another example, in Romans chapter Amen This portion of Scripture is a song! I read it like this: Amen Although he could meditate in one of his prayers, even develop a whole lecture in praise of this piece, finding things deep in a single verse.
Nor are we the interpreters, allowed to develop any doctrines based on verses. And how preachers sighted such realities or spiritual truths contained in the Scriptures? The hymn of Paul clarifies that put part of this mystery.
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In a didactic way, translate the Scriptures, for those who believe, rules, laws, axioms or spiritual principles that will group in this study in four peculiarities: Editora Paz e Terra, Paz e Terra, Editora da UFPR, Senac-Funag, , primeiramente apresentado como tese no Curso de Altos Estudos Porto Alegre, 14 agosto Deisy de Freitas Lima Ventura org. As Origens Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, ; II: O Primeiro Reinado Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, ; III: Companhia Editora Nacional, National History or International History?
Fase Internacional Rio de Janeiro: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, , pp. Nova Fronteira, , p. Atica, , p. Librairie Armand Colin, , cf. Paris, 7 de janeiro de Livraria do Advogado Editora, , p. Como julgar, segundo esses objetivos autopropostos, o desempenho de Ricardo Seitenfus? Paris, 9 de maio de Editora Saraiva, , p.
Bordeaux-Bilbao, 21 de julho de Gramma, , 80 p. A Segunda Chance do Brasil: E qual o segredo de Henry Ford, segundo Mr. Varrer ou desenhar plantas: Um contato inicial permitiu-me conhecer um Mr. Companhia Editora Nacional, , pp. A personagem de Mr. O julgamento do novo Mr. Faltou ao Brasil militar um dos ingredientes que Mr. O livro de Mr. Gordon se desempenhava nas lides brasileiras do Departamento de Estado: Gordon deve saber muito bem.
Um livro como este de Mr. Que tenha bom proveito! Washington, 22 de abril de Editora da UnB, , p. Editora Ensaio, , pp. Editora Vozes, , p. O segundo, Brasil-Estados Unidos: O primeiro trabalho, O Expansionismo Brasileiro: O segundo, O Eixo Argentina-Brasil: Editora 34, , p: Publicada na revista Desafios do Desenvolvimento ano I, n. Sistema Internacional com Hegemonia das Democracias de Mercado: Editora Insular, , p.
Record, , o seguinte trecho: O que afirma Ali, que deve descontentar absolutamente os governantes atuais do Brasil? O mesmo Tariq Ali, por acaso, afirma o seguinte sobre a Argentina: Resumidamente, ele toca nos seguintes pontos: Institute for International Economics, , chapter 2, p. As regras do Consenso de Washington, explicadas em detalhe Vejamos agora cada um dos pontos de maneira mais argumentativa.
Existem, basicamente, duas grandes formas de coleta de recursos pelo Estado: O que aconteceu, antes e independentemente do Consenso de Washington? Como julgar a Argentina, por meio do benchmark das regras estabelecidas no CW? Concluindo de forma inconclusiva: After the Washington Consensus: Restar Ting Growth and Reform. Depois do Consenso de Washington: Este livro pode lhe mostrar como. Washington, 21 de agosto de A obra, Depois do Consenso de Washington: Washington, 20 de agosto de Publicado no Jornal do Brasil 4 de setembro de Paz e Terra, , p.
Forense, , p. Ana Cristina Paulo Pereira: Editora Lumen Juris, , p. Editora LTr, , p. Deisy de Freitas Lima Ventura: Livraria do Advogado editora, , p. Trabalhos como o de Luizella Branco contribuem precisamente para justificar a racionalidade desse tipo de escolha. Quem guarda o guarda? IBRI, ano 40, n. Prinzipen, Endzweck und Umfang des Azuncion-Vertrag. Paris, 10 agosto Como diz um especialista: Nitze, Leonard Sullivan, Jr. Social Forces in Medieval China Leyden: University of California Press, , p. Oxford University Press, , p.
Frenkel e Morris Goldstein eds. New Forces in the World Economy Cambridge: The MIT Press, , p. International Organization and Industrial Change: Democracy and International Trade: Vejamos cada um deles em particular. Kindleberger, World Economic Primacy: Mas, o meio circulante usado nas trocas internacionais pode ser indicativo de uma certa dominance: Quem decide sobre que tipo de interesse nacional relevante? Elsevier-Campus, , p. Rethinking International Trade Cambridge, Mass.: Mas, ele acrescentava logo em seguida: Lectures delivered at the National University of Brazil Oxford: Clarendon Press, , p.
Nada disso, segundo Krugman. Como se diz no final de teoremas: Scritta Editorial, , p. Nas palavras de um magnata entrevistado por Yergin: Como diz o autor: Muito sangue foi vertido em seu nome. Cabe assinalar, antes de mais nada, que o Brasil sequer comparece no livro de Daniel Yergin, et pour cause: Livraria do Advogado, Washington, 2 de novembro de Washington, 17 de abril de Francis, , p. Como se sabe, nada disso aconteceu.
Como se sabe, nada disso aconteceu tampouco. Wilson, , p. Yale, , p.