
Holy Bible - American Standard Version

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A fifth revision, known as the World English Bible, was published in and was placed in the public domain. Taylor's Bible paraphrase, The Living Bible, This Bible is in the public domain in the United States. We are making it available in the same format in which we acquired it as a public service. Because this Bible is in the public domain, you are free to quote from or reprint it. In the absence of more detailed publication information, if you need to cite it in a paper or published work, we recommend citing the website where you found it such as BibleGateway.

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Here is a list of my favorites from The Bible: View all 5 comments. Jul 30, Dan rated it did not like it. The tale of two gods. I have always been a fan of Old Testament god. He is the kind of fellow you can believe in. Philistine's move into your neighborhood? Don't worry, the big guy has your back. He'll send his favorite son David to cut off two hundred of their foreskins and present them to the then king in exchange for stealing his wife. If that doesn't motivate you to convert to the bible's deity of choice, I don't know what will.

The methods of retribution are creativ Holy Bible: The methods of retribution are creative and unique.

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Killing cities with fire or the whole disobedient world with a flood lead the way in terms of headcount, but whether it is frogs, locusts, or drought, this dude makes his point: Then you get the new testament. Sure the same old contradictions are there. But this time, the story gets washed through the eyes of people whose grandfathers weren't even born during the events they are writing about. The worst part is that the modern interpretation of who the reader is told to emulate is absolutely offensive.

The Jesus portrayed by the gospels is an awful model of how to live your life. He is a model of self-destruction. Why live out your life helping the poor and healing the sick or god forbid being a good example to people? Instead, a life of immolation as a model is chosen. Give until you are dead and don't pursue anything on your own.

  1. The Holy Bible: New American Standard Version, NASB.
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That is your standard. Human's who want to live forever sigh - when is man going to stop thinking they are anything but finite are told to emulate a man who choose a path of self-destruction. Overall this is an angry, confused book written by a bunch of savages who tried to make the world make sense, just like people have done since the beginning of time. On a side note, for a good time, read Leviticus. Best book of the bible in a landslide.

Taken seriously, it is a scary window into the mindset of the people who follow this tripe. View all 7 comments. Mar 12, Matt Conti rated it it was amazing. It took me about a year but this was by far the best book I have read and will ever read it has every kind of story in it you could look for, true stories, figurative stories fantacies very very good. I recomend all to read at least LEAST once in there life time there is a reason it is called the best story ever told.

Jun 14, Nickwill rated it it was amazing. I learned about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Also, the source of life, the result of the fall, the redemptive love of God, how to live, how to love, how to die, what happens afterward, and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. I read the King James in its original translation and it was not nearly as hard to read as most people protest from my view but i see no value over the NKJV as it is a lot more readable and just as accurate unless your dealing with the "king james only" club.

I can really say that it's the only "must read" out there. If you don't have one, get one! Apr 25, Rita rated it really liked it Shelves: Yes, I know, I'm surely going to hell for giving the Bible only 4 stars. But some of it is really hard to get through. And, this is the one I was presented with when I was confirmed Catholic. Yes, I've actually read all three. And studied them through various theological courses. OK, I know it may seem trite to put the Bible in among the books I'm currently reading, but there have been some significant changes in my life that compelled me to add it.

Also, as I've been talking with my therapist in the past couple months, I've had a tremendous breakthrough with my depression, anxiety, agoraphobia Dec 10, Cody rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Recommended to Cody by: They will view spoiler [ The Bible IS amazing. Why don't you read up on it King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came and destroyed the mainland city of Tyre! However he was unable to effectively attack the island city. So he laid a 13 year siege, forcing the island city of Tyre to accept Babylonian rule, but the city remained intact!

The prophesy says that many nations not just Babylon would rise against Tyre as the book Exploring Creation in General Science says: In using the pronoun 'they' instead of 'he,' the prophesy makes the distinction between Nebuchadnezzar and the others that will stand against Tyre. Thus, the pronoun 'they' does not refer to Nebuchadnezzar; it refers to the other leaders who will try to destroy Tyre. As history tells us, other leaders did indeed, march against Tyre. The King of Tyre, Azemilicus, was willing to grant Alexander dominion over Tyre, but was unwilling to let him and his army occupy the city.

Alexander was thus forced to attack Tyre in order to gain full control over her strategic location. According to Encyclopedia Britannica Alexander had no fleet with which to attack the Island city of Tyre, so he completely destroyed the mainland city and dumped all its debris into the ocean.

There was so much debris that Alexander was able to construct a wide bridge of debris from the mainland city to the Island City, making it possible for his army to march close enough to Tyre to build siege engines like catapults and attack the city. After all this fighting, Tyre lay in ruins. Today, old Tyre is, indeed, scraped down to bare rock. What an amazing prediction, it is amazing that we have such an awesome all powerful God on our side!.

I found several great verses that are really interesting after have read through these books and the Bible: A factual book telling you everything that is of absolute importance to humanity, how we should live, what is planned for our future etc. God inspired the Bible to be written and it is not written by any one man. God is the creator of all things living and dead, and he controls the universe. He has however given man his own free choice and to be frank we messed it up big time.

A world that was perfect has become corrupt. And people no longer know the truth. God however has a plan and he is putting that plan into action now, as sometime we don't know when he will return to rule the earth in justice. Main thrust of the Bible: I just pointed out some of the main thrust of the Bible above.

But the absolute main thrust is that God is not done with us. He loved us and no matter how corrupt we get he will always love us, in fact: This is the part that so many people struggle to comprehend, Jesus was raised to life through the power of God the Father. The other important thing was the formation of the Church, people get confused as to what the Church means. Most people think of it as a cold building with painted glass windows.

But the church is actually the body of people that Jesus called to be a witness to the world and to minister to fellow Christians. The Bible also clearly tells us that the world contrary to secular beliefs was created in 6 literal days. Bible scholars have also worked out from dates given by the Bible that the world is only surprise, surprise 6 or 7 thousand years old, not millions of years old as is widely supported by secular people. Besides what I have already written, I believe that the Bible aught not to be rated and you can't really rate it. I also personally believe that the Bible teaches that the Children of Israel were and are God's Chosen people.

American Standard Version ()

As with Non-Believers no matter how far the people of Israel wander, they are still loved and blessed by God, and can't we see that blessing displaying in the nations life today, with the 6 day war and all that, the Israelites are being looked after by a loving God. That is just some of what I believe. Seriously, the Bible is my favorite book.

It's got a little of everything in it that I love history, science, mystery, Mystery, love, romance, explosions and fire, wisdom, prophecy, darkness, poetry, unanswered questions, self-help, tragedy, beauty I hate that the author is "Anonymous"; I call him God. It's my go-to translation. Seriously, yes, they're expensive. But my other NASBs have the pages falling out, so you lose your notes, then you have to figure out how to 'dispose' of it if you're not trying to duck-tape it together. MAPS and some kind of concordance are very nice. But don't get bogged down with a book so big you can't carry it with you and actually READ it; that's why this edition was so perfect for me: This edition just has it all; I've had it for years now and not one loose page or torn corner!

If I lost it, I'd buy another just like it. I love to read the bible. It's been six years since God got ahold of me, and I'm just finishing my sixth time through the bible. My hope is to read through it every year for the rest of my life. NASB is my favorite translation because 1 it's the most literal, and I am an extremely literal person, 2 it's so poetic, especially through Psalms and Proverbs and the major prophets, 3 it's the easiest version to memorize. If you aren't head over heels in love with the Lord, start reading your bibl I love to read the bible.

If you aren't head over heels in love with the Lord, start reading your bible. Read it cover to cover, then read it again. The only way to fall in love with someone is to know them intimately, and the only way to love God intimately is to immerse yourself in His word. I gave my life to Jesus in , and started reading the KJV. Apr 11, Larissa Fauber rated it it was amazing.

The Holy Bible is the love letter from God to us. He used several people to write the Bible in order to show His love for all His creation.

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And it is with honour that I finished reading this love letter for the third time and I would also like to encourage you to do the same. God has started His creation. He created everything that your eyes can and cannot see. He also created the man and the woman, Adam and Eve. And He told them: They ate it after being persuaded by the serpent. The consequences of sinning result in the broken relationship with God. For God is saint. They are expelled from the Garden of Eve.

From Adam and Even to us there is a separation, we are separated from God. Yet, God so loves His creation that He promises to send the Messiah to restore this broken relationship with Him. God has a lovely plan. God decided to send His only Son to the world, so that whoever believes in His Son may be saved and live forever. The Messiah is Jesus Christ, who came to this world, to live, die and ressurreced after three days for me and for you.

The plan seems to be very simple but it involves faith. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God". No one comes to the Father except through me. God loves us passionately and He's anxious for a relationship with us.

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A relationship of guidance, protection, involved by His love. Do not let sin be an obstacle for not being with God, but allow Jesus to be the bridge to reach God. I usually say that we are on one side of the abysm and God is on the other.

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The abysm that separates us from God is a life without Jesus.