Gospel Harmony: The story of the Life of Jesus
Hypocrisy or reverence Galilee 6: Hypocrisy or simplicity Galilee 6: Hypocritical or helpful Galilee 7: Ask, seek, knock Galilee 7: No greater prophet Galilee Future of the kingdom Galilee The Twelve return Bethsaida Bread of life Synagogue at Capernaum 6: Sealing keys committed Mount Hermon or Tabor Unmerciful servant Galilee The good shepherd Jerusalem The good Samaritan Jerusalem One thing needful Bethany The rich fool Judea The barren fig tree Judea The great supper Perea Lost sheep Perea see also The unjust judge Galilee?
Laborers in vineyard Perea The pounds Jericho Atonement and Resurrection To Jerusalem for Passover Two sons Temple Jesus sent by the Father Jerusalem Ten virgins Mount of Olives Joy and sorrow Jerusalem King of the Jews Golgotha Sixth to ninth hour Jerusalem Veil of temple rent Jerusalem Jesus appears to disciples Jerusalem With Thomas Jerusalem Share Email Twitter Facebook Delicious. Preparation for the Messianic Ministry. Birth of John, naming, and prophesy. Joseph and Mary go to be registered.
Annunciation to the shepherds. Naming of Jesus and presentation in the temple. Visit to the temple Passover. Warning to Pharisees and Sadducees. An Early Galilean Ministry.
Harmony of the Gospels
The Early Judean Ministry. John reproves Herod Antipas. John imprisoned and visited by angels. A Second Galilean Ministry. Jesus leaves Judea for Galilee. Jesus returns to Galilee and preaches. Fishermen called to be fishers of men. In the Gospel of Matthew the centurion comes to Jesus in person; [16] in the Luke version he sends Jewish elders. The modern academic view, based on the broadly accepted principle that Matthew and Luke were written using Mark as a source, seeks to explain the differences between the texts in terms of this process of composition.
For example, Mark describes John the Baptist as preaching the forgiveness of sins, a detail which is dropped by Matthew, perhaps in the belief that the forgiveness of sins was exclusive to Jesus.
The modern popularizing view, on the other hand, while acknowledging these difficulties, deemphasizes their importance. This view suggests that the divergences in the gospels are a relatively small part of the whole, and that the accounts show a great deal of overall similarity. To illustrate the concept of parallel harmony, a simple example of a "synopsis fragment" is shown here, consisting of just four episodes from the Passion. Tatian 's influential Diatessaron , which dates to about AD , was perhaps the very first harmony.
Variations based on the Diatessaron continued to appear in the Middle Ages, e. Codex Sangallensis based on the 6th century Codex Fuldensis dates to and has a Latin column based on the Vulgate and an Old High German column that often resembles the Diatessaron , although errors frequently appear within it. In the 3rd century Ammonius of Alexandria developed the forerunner of modern synopsis perhaps based on the Diatessaron as the Ammonian Sections in which he started with the text of Matthew and copied along parallel events.
In the 5th century, Augustine of Hippo wrote extensively on the subject in his book Harmony of the Gospels. Matthew on royalty, Mark on humanity, Luke on priesthood and John on divinity. Clement of Llanthony 's Unum ex Quatuor One from Four was considered an improvement on previous canons at the time, [29] although modern scholars sometimes opine that no major advances beyond Augustine emerged on the topic until the 15th century.
In the 15th and the 16th centuries some new approaches to harmony began to appear, e. Jean Gerson produced a harmony which gave priority to the Gospel of John. Cornelius Jansen Bishop of Ghent also published his harmony , focusing on the four gospels and even referring to the Acts of the Apostles. By this time visual representations had also started appearing, for instance, the 15th-century artist Lieven de Witte produced a set of about woodcut images that depicted the Life of Christ in terms of a "pictorial gospel harmony" which then appeared in Willem van Branteghem's harmony published in Antwerp in The 16th century witnessed a major increase in the introduction of gospel harmonies.
In this period the parallel column structure became widespread, partly in response to the rise of biblical criticism.
Gospel harmony
It is not clear who produced the very first parallel harmony, but Gerhard Mercator 's system is a well-known example. At the same time, the rise of modern biblical criticism was instrumental in the decline of the traditional apologetic gospel harmony. The Enlightenment writer, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing , observed:. Oh that most excellent Harmony, which can only reconcile two contradictory reports, both stemming from the evangelists, by inventing a third report, not a syllable of which is to be found in any individual evangelist!
Rushbrooke's Synopticon is at times considered a turning point in the history of the synopsis, as it was based on Markan priority , i. Towards the end of the 19th century, after extensive travels and study in the Middle East, James Tissot produced a set of watercolors which depicted the life of Christ as a visual gospel harmony. He also made portraits of each of the four evangelists to honor them. In the 20th century, the Synopsis of the Four Gospels by Kurt Aland [37] came to be seen by some as "perhaps the standard for an in-depth study of the Gospels.
The following table is an example of a parallel harmony, based on the list of key episodes in the Canonical Gospels.
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The order of events, especially during the ministry period, has been the subject of speculation and scholarly debate. While this harmony compares the work of several scholars, other harmonies may differ substantially on the placement of some events. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about attempts to merge, or harmonize, the Christian canonical gospels. For harmony in Christian Gospel music, see Gospel music. A Christological Catechism quoting Augustine.
The Unified Gospel of Jesus.
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Eerdmans Publishing, , page Towards and At Jerusalem. Dropsy healed on the Sabbath day. Choosing the chief rooms. Parable of the great supper. Following Christ with the cross. Parables of the lost sheep, piece of money, prodigal son. Parables of the steward, rich man and Lazarus. How the kingdom cometh.
Parable of the unjust judge. Parable of the Pharisee and the publican. Infants brought to Jesus. The rich man inquiring. Promises to the disciples. Laborers in the vineyard. Death of Christ foretold. Request of James and John. Blind men at Jericho. Parable of the ten talents. Meeting of the Sanhedrin. Christ Departs to Ephraim. The anointing by Mary. Cleansing the temple second. The barren fig tree.
Exhortation to prayer and forgiveness. The questioning of the chief priests. Parable of the two sons. Parable of the wicked husbandmen. Parable of the wedding-garment. The hypocrisy and ambition of the Pharisees. Parable of the ten virgins. Parable of the talents. The judgment of unbelief. Contention of the apostles. The vine and the branches. Work of the Comforter in the disciples.
The prayer of Christ for them. The Betrayal and Trial of Christ. Christ before Annas and Caiaphas. Christ before the Sanhedrin. The Crucifixion and Burial of Christ. Treatment by the soldiers.

The mother of Jesus at the cross. The death of Christ.
A Harmony of The Life of Jesus with Background (Bible History Online)
Darkness and other portents. The guard of the sepulchre. The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. Disciples going to Emmaus. Appearance at the sea of Tiberias. Appearance on the mount of Galilee. Newsletters Facebook Twitter Donate Contact. Blue Letter Bible is a c 3 nonprofit organization. Cite this page MLA format. Share this page using one of these tools: Or email this page to a friend: You must be logged in to send email.
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