
Femmes de dictateur - Lénine (French Edition)

Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the entire country. From now on, Russia becomes the Soviet Union, the dictatorship of the proletariat. We owe so much to the Duke of Lithuania. We got the raving masses on our side. He already has started our new campaign, accurately depicted on Wikipedia: Some are shot, others drowned, buried alive, or hacked to death by swords.

Quite often the victims of Cheka who were about to be executed were forced to dig their own graves. Nobody will dare to speak up for the next 50 years. Sword of phynance, obviously!

Femmes de dictateur

What harm do you think he can do me, that little fourteen year old shit? Ubu Lenin, you should bribe Boggleras! More money down the toilet?

I warn you, Ubu Lenin. Young prince Boggleras might defeat you. After all, he has justice on his side. Shut up, cunt, you piss me off, Krupskaya. Bring these, nobs, kulaks, exploiters, capitalist bloodsuckers in. Ubu Lenin, go easy on them. The superstructure bloodsuckers enrich me as does the Soviet Union. Bring me nob Number One. All those who are condemned must be shoved this hole to mee t their death. Down to the Slushpile to be debrained. How much are you worth? Three million a year. He pushes him down the gutter. These Jewish doctors are conspiring against me.

Holder of Hanover, Halle and Harrogate. To the court officer now: Just read me the titles and job descriptions: Also, use your toughest people for this! Lawyers first, then industrialists, followed by doctors, teachers, artists and the rest of that counter-revolutionary scum.

Big deal, live on the fines.

Diane Ducret : "Femmes de Dictateurs"

Under these conditions, we refuse to judge. All judges down the tube as well! They struggle in vain.

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First, I want half of all the assets you keep. No money anymore for big and small businesses. Real estate prices will collapse and pull down the stock markets around the world. It will lead to a credibility gap and investors will stay way. You and your revolution will be without revenue and without any military hardware. All of them — down the hole; Socialize all banks and freeze all capital! Ubu Lenin, you are killing the whole world. Looking at a group of less well dressed people And who are these nobs?

Spare our lives and forgive us for having served these bourgeois fat cats until now, when you brought us the revolution. Your apologies are well received and you are pardoned. The mediocre ones we keep in Moscow, the better ones we send to the work camps throughout the Soviet Union and the best artists go to the Gulag in Siberia. I believe in Siberia, their raw materials, their oil and gas reserves and their proximity to China. In Siberia you get an atmospheric understand of our foreign policy.

See a Problem?

Make me the third Tribune and a Monument to the Future! The rest of the culprits down the tube. Several peasants are assembled, Ubu Lenin smashes in with his army of money grubbers. Did you hear the news? The king is dead and all the nobles as well; young Prince Boggleras has fled to the mountains.

They claim the revolution and the Union belongs to the people, to you and me. But they still collect taxes. They are actually going to double the taxes. Ubu Lenin is bicycling throughout the country and collecting taxes in person. He has killed his own revolutionary gaurd out of suspicion and paranoia. What will become of us? Ubu Lenin is a beast and his wife, Krupskaya is equally repulsive.

Goldfish-rod-stick-n-shitter, Open up, pschitt, in the names of Marx, Engels and Stalin! Open up, by my cash sword and dick, I want your taxes! A peasant steps forward. We have already paid our taxes in full! It was in the paper: Mercy, Lord Ubu Lenin, have pity on us. Long live the revolution! Ho, In that case, to arms, fellows!

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Long live Prince Boggleras, by the grace of God, the future tsar! Unbelievable, these counter-revolutionary hoardes, Set an example, Comrads of the Phynances, Kill, cash and carry! The house is wrecked. None escape except an old peasant. Ubu is left alone on his bike, counting cash. I declare this meeting open. We got to save energy.

Krupskaya, we are not doing badly. Comrades, bring in bonuses, dividends and preferred stock options! Our Greenspan-Bernankee-debt-collectors work miracles! Everywhere you look you see nothing but houses foreclosed and citizens grumbling under the burden of a collapsed financial system and our bills. The new taxes, Ubu Lenin, are they working? Taxes on second and third marriages without divorces, thirty rubbles, fucking in the park and indecent behaviour in public, eighty rubbles.

Gay encounters, sixtysix rubbles. On top of that, Ubu Lenin is chasing people in the streets and forcing them into communist party meetings. Messenger entering leaving a postcard.

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Kaiser Wilhelm II of all the Nimietskies is really nice. And stuff your guts. This filthy disloyal-turncoat-fishhead dog-shitter is coming to hurt me. Elles s'appellent Inessa, Clara, Nadia, Magda Ils les violentent et les adulent, mais se tournent invariablement vers elles. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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