An Island Otherwise Invisible
With fewer than 30 vaquitas left, the loss of a single calf feels like a blow beyond all reckoning Brooke Bessesen. Changing rainfall patterns, sea level rise complicate long-term plan to restore tropical wetland ecosystem Emily-Holden The Guardian. Opponents of the mile Bayou Bridge pipeline, which will cross Native American land and bodies of water, have chained themselves to machinery Lauren Zanolli The Guardian.
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Rural Montana leaders demonstrate grit and gratitude in their fight for the land Steven D. Midterm elections will serve as crucial test of whether states can help combat federal environmental rollbacks Tarah Lohan. The Trump Administration is trying to roll back protections. An Earth Island Institute Publication.
Monumental Dilemma - 99% Invisible
The Latest Magazine Archive About. Mark J Palmer Mark J. See more stories like this. Last Stand in the Swamp: Lauren Zanolli The Guardian. In Defense of Place. It's because Ship Island is only a boundary way, it has no coastline. Notice the lines surrounding the other islands, the ones that render show up. On JOSM they show up as a heavy black line.
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Ship Island doesn't have it. You need to trace it in a counterclockwise fashion. Okay, I hopefully just did what you said on the two smaller islands and will wait and see how that renders. When I looked again after your edits Ship Island still wasn't visible on the OSM slippy map either as a boundary or as an island. That's probably because you used the same way twice, once as a boundary, and again as coastline.
Alternatively, seeing as the island is small, you could just draw a new coastline from scratch. Pig Island has the same problem.
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The boundary is there, the name is there, but there is no coastline to define the enclosed area as an island in the sea. I thought the coastline is not updated frequently. Only when all the coastlines are OK, i.
Monumental Dilemma
In JOSM, newly added coastlines appear right away but they take a while to propagate to the slippy map display. I'm not sure how long before they do. Coastlines don't appear on the slippy map as black lines, they are merely a place where land coloration changes to blue. Drew , considering this it's probably best to give your edits some more time to become visible. I have used a coastline way and a boundary way together in Alaska and on the slippy map only the boundary is visible as a separate entity.
Here is a part of that way: Are administrative boundaries rendered differently? Another interesting part of this puzzle is that Greenspond Island does show up.
We're talking about visibility on the OSM slippy map. I just cleared my image cache, reloaded the page, and except for the administrative boundary around Pig Island, both islands are still invisible in both Chrome and Firefox. At first I couldn't see Greenspond, a refresh and it showed. But Pig and Ship I can't see except as said the admin boundary round Pig.