Worlds Enough and Time: Worlds Book 3
The Accidental Time Machine. Forever War Book 2. The Long Habit of Living. A Novel of the Near Future: Joe Haldeman was born in Oklahoma in and studied physics and astronomy before serving as a combat engineer in Vietnam, where he was severely wounded and won a Purple Heart. The World According to Anna. The Unfinished Novel and Other stories.
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From the Place in the Valley Deep in the Forest. Worlds Enough and Time: From the Hugo and Nebula award-winning grandmaster of science fiction With their homeworld in ruins, ten thousand brave colonists set out for the stars. And even do some coke here and there.
World Enough, and Time
This book is so, so 70s. My copy is also all underlined and annotated by some earnest soul; it's all kind of sweet and dreamy, a vanished look at a vanished world. Sep 18, Jerry rated it liked it. A Quickie Review This first book in a time-travel trilogy is enthralling despite its content problems. A page-turner without the annoyingly brief chapters, it proves that James Kahn can create his own stories instead of just adapting others'.
I look forward to the next one in the series; I'm glad I already have it! Some language and occasional sexual descriptions are present. The idea sounded interisting, but the book proved to be quite hard to read. The characters didn't have much depth, the storyline wasn't really flowing and the "world" left a feeling of too many pieces and ideas thrown together randomly. I have no idea why there was so much praise for it when it first came out in Jul 07, Celise rated it it was ok Shelves: One of the weirdest books I've ever read, but not the worst.
I couldn't connect to the main character and every woman was a sex object, so that kind of hindered my enjoyment. I think it is good literature? I just wasn't the intended audience.
Paperback Editions
I did read the sequel. Feb 09, Dan Humphrey rated it really liked it. Lord knows what I'd think of it if I read it today, but as a 16 year old, I loved it and it's stayed with me. Feb 20, Shari rated it it was amazing. View all 3 comments. I registered a book at BookCrossing.
Worlds Series by Joe Haldeman
Jan 12, Tim Butler rated it it was amazing. Read this in my youth and loved it.

Found a used copy on Amazon a few years ago and discovered that it was still Amazing. Kevin rated it really liked it Jul 27, Lee Hickok rated it it was amazing Oct 13, Kevin Frost rated it liked it Jan 30, Jason rated it really liked it Dec 19, Evan rated it it was amazing Jul 02, Ulrich rated it really liked it May 30, Steve rated it really liked it Aug 20, Christopher Spring rated it liked it Oct 06, Lara Lane rated it it was amazing Sep 08, Morbus Iff rated it it was ok Jan 31, Ben rated it it was amazing Feb 24, DoctorM rated it liked it Nov 14, Luke rated it liked it Mar 21, McKinley rated it really liked it Oct 30, Andy Craig rated it really liked it Aug 15, Dani rated it liked it Mar 23, Invadozer Misothorax Circular-thallus Popewaffensquat rated it it was amazing Dec 24, Peg rated it it was amazing Mar 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
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