What Is That In Your Hand?: The Call of a Reluctant Servant
Since domestic staff predominantly come from disadvantaged groups with less access to education, they are often vulnerable and uninformed of their rights, especially in rural areas. Nevertheless, domestics employed without a proper contract can successfully sue their employers and be compensated for abuse committed. In the United States , domestic workers are generally excluded from many of the legal protections afforded to other classes of worker, including the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act.
New York has required mandatory overtime and breaks for domestic workers since , though a California bill based on New York's, formerly known as AB , got through the legislature before being vetoed in September by Governor Jerry Brown. Domestic workers are also excluded from vacation time, sick time, and overtime, and only thirteen percent of domestic workers get health insurance provided by their employers.
However, because domestic workers work in the home, their struggles are hidden in the home and out of the public spotlight. The use of children as domestic servants continues to be common in parts of the world, such as Latin America and parts of Asia. Such children are very vulnerable to exploitation: UNICEF considers domestic work to be among the lowest status, and reports that most child domestic workers are live-in workers and are under the round-the-clock control of their employers. Children face a number of risks that are common in domestic work service.
Many countries import domestic workers from abroad, usually from poorer countries, through recruitment agencies and brokers because their own nationals are no longer obliged or inclined to do domestic work, including in most Middle Eastern countries, Hong Kong , Singapore , Malaysia and Taiwan. There are at least one million domestic workers in Saudi Arabia under the kafala system.
Taiwan also imports domestic workers from Vietnam and Mongolia. Organizations such as Kalayaan support the growing number of these migrant domestic workers. The migration of domestic workers can lead to several different effects both on the countries that are sending workers abroad and countries that are receiving domestic workers from abroad. One particular relationship between countries sending workers and countries receiving workers is that the sending country can be filling gaps in labor shortages of the receiving country. This relationship however can prove to be quite complicated and not always beneficial.

When unemployment in a receiving country rises migrant domestic workers are not only no longer needed but their presence can be detrimental to domestic workers of that country. When international migration began to flourish the assumed migrant worker was typically considered to be a man. What studies are now starting to show is that women are dominating large numbers of the international migration patterns by taking up large percentages of domestic workers that leave their home country in search for work as a domestic laborer in another country.
Women who migrate to take up work as domestic workers are motivated by different reasons and migrate to a variety of different outcomes. While for many women, domestic work abroad is the only opportunity to find work and provide an income for their families, domestic labor is a market they are forced to enter due to blocked mobility in their homelands. Upward mobility is particularly difficult for migrant domestic workers because their opportunities are often limited by their illegal status putting a very definite limitation on the work that is available to them as well as their power to negotiate with employers [28].
Some argue that personal sacrifices of domestic workers has helped to underpin economic and social development globally. Ariel Salleh's article "Ecological Debt: Embodied Debt", defines embodied debt as "debt owed by the Global North and Global South to the 'reproductive workers' who produce and maintain the new labour force. In support, some argue that because domestic work occurs within the private sphere, which is seen as inherently feminine.
This argument goes that the constructed link between domestic work and femininity [31] carries the implication that it is often referred to as 'domestic help,' and that domestic workers are referred to as 'nannies' or 'maids. Due to a lack of economic opportunity in the Global South, many women with families leave their countries of origin and their own families to pursue work in the Global North. When they arrive in their country of destination, their work often entails caring for another family including children and the elderly. Domestic workers often migrate to financially support their immediate family, extended family, and even other members of their community.
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While enduring dangerous and demeaning working and living conditions in the North, the majority of their wages are remitted to their countries of origin. An additional argument has been made that because their work takes place within the private sphere, they are often rendered invisible and employers are able to withhold their travel documents, confining them to their employers' home and inhibiting their access to legal redress.
Those making this argument assert that the result of what they refer to as a power dynamic and an asserted lack of labour rights, is that domestic workers are often forbidden to contact their families and often go months, years, and even decades without seeing their families, whose lives their remittances are supporting.
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Further, it has been argued that their ability to fill labour shortages and accept positions within the reproductive labour force that citizens of their host countries would reject underpins the development of the global capitalist system, [34] Simultaneously, and that they are enabling the beneficiaries of their remittances in the South to ascend the social ladder. To some, these arguments lead to a conclusion that both circumstances in the North and South constitute embodied debt through the improvement of one's life at the expense of another's hardship, and that the labour of such workers is too often not seen as work, due to the association of their gendered bodies with reproductive labour.
However, on June 17, , after 70 years of lobbying by civil society groups, the ILO adopted a convention with the aim of protecting and empowering domestic workers. Much of lobbying that contributed toward the ratification of ILO C was done by domestic workers groups, demonstrating that they are not merely victims but agents of change.
That only two labour receiving countries have ratified the convention has been argued by some to demonstrates the reluctance of governments to acknowledge what such advocates see as a debt owed by society to such workers and to repay that perceived debt. Such advocates assert that the ratification and enforcement of ILO C would mean that migrant domestic workers would enjoy the same labour rights as other more 'masculine' fields as well as the citizens of their destination countries.
Guaranteeing these rights to migrant domestic workers would not constitute repayment the embodied debt owed to them, but they are entitled to these rights as they are both workers and human beings. As women currently dominate the domestic labor market throughout the world, they have learned to navigate the system of domestic work both in their own countries and abroad in order to maximize the benefits of entering the domestic labor market. Among the disadvantages of working as a domestic worker is the fact that women working in this sector are working in an area often regarded as a private sphere.
Additionally, domestic laborers face other disadvantages. Their isolation is increased by their invisibility in the public sphere and the repetitive, intangible nature of their work decreases its value, making the workers themselves more dispensable. Live-in nannies for example may sacrifice much of their own independence and sometimes become increasingly isolated when they live with a family of which they are not part and away from their own.
While working in a dominantly female privatized world can prove disadvantageous for domestic workers, many women have learned how to help one other move upward economically. Women find that informal networks of friends and families are among the most successful and commonly used means of finding and securing jobs. Without the security of legal protection, many women who work without the requisite identity or citizenship papers are vulnerable to abuse.
Some have to perform tasks considered degrading showing a manifestation of employer power over worker powerlessness. Employing domestic work from foreign countries can perpetuate the idea that domestic or service work is reserved for other social or racial groups and plays into the stereotype that it is work for inferior groups of people.
Gaining employment in the domestic labor market can prove to be difficult for immigrant women. Many subcontract their services to more established women workers, creating an important apprenticeship type of learning experience that can produce better, more independent opportunities in the future. Once established they have the option of accepting jobs from multiple employers increasing their income and their experience and most importantly their ability to negotiate prices with their employers.
The domestic work industry is currently dominated throughout the world by women. While the domestic work industry is advantageous for women in that it provides them a sector that they have substantial access to, it can also prove to be disadvantageous by reinforcing gender inequality through the idea that domestic work is an industry that should be dominated by women.
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Within the domestic work industry the much smaller proportion of jobs that is occupied by men are not the same jobs that are typically occupied by women. While the domestic work industry was once believed to be an industry that belonged to a past type of society and did not belong in a modern world, trends are showing that although elements of the domestic work industry have been changing the industry itself has shown no signs of fading away, but only signs of transformation.
One of these causes is that with more women taking up full-time jobs, a dually employed household with children places a heavy burden on parents. It is argued however that this burden wouldn't result in the demand for outside domestic help if men and women were providing equal levels of effort in domestic work and child rearing within their own home. The demand for domestic workers has also become largely fulfilled by migrant domestic workers from other countries who flock to wealthier nations to fulfill the demand for help at home.
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Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. What is That in Your Hand?: In fact, profound sorrow and wrath are both displayed clearly in the ministry of Christ Jesus. The experience Ezekiel has undergone is profoundly emotionally disturbing; this does not mean he is in rebellion to Yahweh himself.
He is stunned by the glory of Yahweh; is is not only upset, but amazed, and there is no reason to suppose that the two emotions are in conflict. Isaiah, too, who does not resist his call but springs to it eagerly, expresses deep grief at his mission.
Ezekiel's amazement and anger are both godly. This conclusion seems irresistible when it is considered how thoroughly he was under the power of God. As Block says at multiple times in his commentary, Ezekiel is a man "totally possessed of the Spirit of God.
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This is visualized when he is commanded to stand up by the voice and the Spirit lifts him and sets him on his feet. Moreover, in his week of bitterness he notes that the hand of Yahweh was strongly upon him. What does this mean but that his soul was being directed by the Spirit of God in an unusual and powerful way? Surely the conclusion that the Spirit works on Ezekiel from some external manner, or in purely physical ways, must be resisted. If Ezekiel is possessed of the Spirit, his disposition must be submissive—regardless of what it may have been before the theophany.
Indeed, the theophany itself argues of his willingness. But Isaiah also is a willing prophet "Lord, how long must I do this? How could a prophet have a vision of the grandeur and excellence of Ezekiel 1 and yet resist the Spirit of God for a week? Of what account is it then to see the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh? I conclude that Ezekiel was made pliable to God's will by his Spirit-aided apprehension of the vision of the glory of God and so was not a reluctant prophet. But why bother to speak at such length on an apparently arcane subject?
Several reasons, already alluded to, can be adduced in closing as for the importance of this point. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Is Ezekiel a reluctant prophet? Kazark 7, 8 48 His Silence does not Necessarily Indicate Willingness Ezekiel is not as expressive of his emotions and states of mind as some of the other prophets, so his lack of protest does not necessary mean that he was a willing prophet.
In the introduction to his commentary on the book, Daniel Block writes, Ironically, although the oracles are presented in autobiographical narrative style, occasions when the prophet actually admits the reader into his mind are rare.