The Time of My Life
In reality, her problems could be resolved if she just actually, you know, TALKED to her perfectly nice husband, rather than seething silently. Which, to me, made her come across like a spoiled brat. I had a hard time relating to her. I think that a therapist was pretty much all she needed, but instead, she somehow magically gets sent back in time when a massage releases her chi.
At least in "It's a Wonderful Life," you know that an angel is the one showing George how things could have been. I could have used a little explanation. So, blah, blah, blah, after a lot of drama and such, Jillian of course eventually realizes that she actually liked her future life after all and finds her way back to it. And here is where the story really lost me. Because when she goes back to her future life, things that she did in her second attempt at the past actually changed the way things turned out in the future! And yet she's still married to the guy she was married to in the beginning with the kid she had in the beginning.
So what was the point of the book? Was her future life better than her past or not? And if her future life just needed a little improvement, why couldn't she make that happen without going back and mucking around with the past? But after Jillian mucked around in the past, when she returns to her new future, that friend is not only still alive but has natural born not adopted children. What could Jillian going back to her past possibly have done to make her friend able to have children?
It makes no sense! I feel like the author just wanted to have a perfect, happy ending. To me, that's just intellectually dishonest. View all 3 comments. Jan 06, Anastasia rated it liked it Shelves: It is fun to think about going back in your life, knowing what you know now, and having the option of making different choices; the author did a nice job of exploring this theme.
May 15, Melissa rated it it was ok. Please, must we have more stories about women who have money enough for nannies because they don't like children but somehow feel obliged to fit the "perfect image" of never getting a clue or evolving into better people?!?!?! There was some emphasis on "some" evolution of the character, but she repeated her mistakes so many times I wonder if she really got it. My favorite scene in the sto Please, must we have more stories about women who have money enough for nannies because they don't like children but somehow feel obliged to fit the "perfect image" of never getting a clue or evolving into better people?!?!?!
My favorite scene in the story is toward the very end, when the father comes running after the daughter, and because I don't want to spoil it any more than this negative review , I will just say I love what he says to her. However, so many characters in this book just seemed to not have a clue and be OK with that. Selfish, self-absorbed stories are not for me.
Time of My Life () - IMDb
Jul 22, Kelly Houser rated it really liked it. It is my favorite for several reasons. The attention to detail was excellent. I had to know what happened next, and I read the novel in one sitting. I think this book really resonated with me because we all wonder if we made the right decision about certain things in our lives, espec Time of My Life is my favorite Allison Winn Scotch novel. I think this book really resonated with me because we all wonder if we made the right decision about certain things in our lives, especially when our current situation is less than stellar.
I highly recommend this novel. If you have never read anything by Allison Winn Scotch, this book is the one with which I would start. Aug 17, Kristine rated it it was ok. I enjoyed this book pretty much all the way until the end. I liked the idea of exploring a character that had the chance to go back and "do it over again". I mean, let's be honest, haven't we all thought about how our lives might be different if we had made other choices?
It was one of those books that as I am reading it, I see how close I am getting to the end and wondered, "How can this be almost finished? I almost had the feeling as if the author got sick of writing and just threw the end together as quickly as possible to meet her publisher's deadline.
Oct 09, Cindy Bokma rated it it was amazing. You will love this novel that poses the question, "What if I could go back in time and change choice that I have made? May 29, Kerry rated it liked it. Nov 08, Trisha Smith rated it really liked it Shelves: Katie was staring at her pink floral bumper guard and must have heard me enter. She startled and started to wail, and my insides curdled at the sound of it. But then, I poked my face over her crib, and she shifted her head and our eyes locked. She can see me! She hushed immediately, and a tiny smile crept across her pink rosebu "Finally, when she was six weeks old, I heard her stir in her crib, so I dragged myself in to begin the routine: She hushed immediately, and a tiny smile crept across her pink rosebud lips.
And I felt it: Jillian strives to make a picture-perfect lifestyle for successful banker husband and eighteen-month old daughter - just like in the parent magazines that she obsessively reads. Even though Jillian does everything right, she struggles with her slowly faltering marriage and the day to day repetition of her life as a stay at home mom.
When she hears that her ex-boyfriend Jackson is engaged, she starts thinking about what her life would have been like if she had married him instead. Suddenly, Jillian is transported back in time seven years. She wakes up in her old apartment with Jackson where she works at her old job as an advertising agent. Jillian is forced to make herself fit in to her old life and she begins to think that it is much easier the second time around.
Free from the duties of being married and parenthood, she is free to focus on her job and her personal life. She dodges past fights with Jackson, reconnects with her mother who abandoned the family, and saves her best friend from miscarriages. Things seem to be going great, except that she misses her daughter and starts to realize that her relationship with Jackson might not be as great as she once thought. Reliving the past turns out to be a lot more complicated than Jillian thought. Plus she keeps running into her husband Henry. Now she is forced to choose between her life with Jackson and her marriage with Henry.
And if she chooses Henry, she has to first figure out how to get back from her past. The ending was rather surprising as well.

See my full review and others here: Have you ever wondered "what if"? Have you ever looked at your life and all it's craziness and think back to a time in your past that you could go back to, and if you could, would you? What reality would you choose if you had the chance to do it all over again? Time of my life sets the story of a neglected suburban wife, who even though has a content life can't seem to find any real passion in her marriage, and while she has a beautiful daughter who she lives for, can't help but remember the freed Have you ever wondered "what if"?
Time of my life sets the story of a neglected suburban wife, who even though has a content life can't seem to find any real passion in her marriage, and while she has a beautiful daughter who she lives for, can't help but remember the freedom of carefree days of her single life from before. When Jill gets the news that her ex-boyfriend, the one that she'll always love, is getting married, Jill feels devastated, but doesn't know why.
So what happens when she wakes one morning ready to get her child from her crib, but instead stumbles into her old apartment that she shared with Jack With knowledge at the ready, Jill is determined to change her former self and find the happiness that she let go, only, she isn't sure which reality she wants. I really enjoyed this book, it's different from what I normally read, but I guess I was always one of those people who wondered if I could change one thing in my past, would I? And even though the answer is always no, and I'm beyond happy and content with what I have and who I am, I found this question intriguing in a read and wanted to see how it would be played out.
With an interesting plot line and likable characters this was a satisfying read. The ending was predictable, or maybe that's because I would have picked the same one. All in all a fascinating story that really makes you think about the past, present, future and all the craziness you really want from your own reality. Jul 29, Robin Nicholas rated it really liked it. It isn't a masterpiece or particularly great writing Jillian is a something, affluent, stay-at-home mom, who does pilates, has massages, and drives a Range Rover, however, she is very unsatisfied with her life.
She gave up a successful Manhattan advertising career and moved to the suburbs to raise her daughter. Her husband travels non-stop and she is lonely. She often wonders "what if". What if she hadn't given up her career?
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What if she ha It isn't a masterpiece or particularly great writing One day she is transported BACK 7 years. She is given a chance at a "do-over" with the knowledge of what actually happened. What I really liked about it is the fact that little changes in how she reacts to a conversation or an idea does make a difference. The sticky relationship with the ex-boyfriends family COULD have been changed had she given here or there, or reacted differently. The exchanges with co-workers are different when she sees life from a more mature standpoint.
She moves through time again, in a slightly different way, while at the same time having "light-bulb" moments about her marriage in the "future". Jillian Westfield has been living a perfect life - at least according to the magazine articles that have been advising her. She has put so much pressure on herself to be the ideal wife and mother that she breaks under the stress of it all.
In a kind of freaky accident-by-massage she finds herself living seven years earlier. Her same life, seven years earlier. The do-over of all do-overs! She's back living with her boyfriend Jackson and on the fast track at work. She's reliving familiar situation Jillian Westfield has been living a perfect life - at least according to the magazine articles that have been advising her.
She's reliving familiar situations and sees how she could have reacted differently the first time. Should she do things differently? If she does, it could change her life, that of her husband not Jack, by the way , her daughter, friends and relatives. Jillian needs to come to terms with a few things from her past. In doing so, will she make decisions that could change her future?
Or, will she take what she discovers and return to her real life? I enjoyed how things played out in this entertaining book. There's a lot of truth in it. Allison Winn Scotch's novel is charming and fresh. I found myself cheering Jillian on as she figured things out. Time Of My Life would be a great book club selection.
Feb 17, Chris rated it did not like it. I dislike contrived books and I dislike books that need to try to hard to tell you their message. I like a book that makes me think not just because its plot is thought provoking, but also because there is some degree of character development that is left open to interpertation. I guess the premise was something that made me think. But it is such an overused premise, that it was hard to feel like the story was novel.
I feel a little bit like I wasted some time from my life read I dislike contrived books and I dislike books that need to try to hard to tell you their message. I feel a little bit like I wasted some time from my life reading it.
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Nov 16, Christy rated it really liked it. I enjoyed the theme of the book because we all wonder "What if? Am I in the right place? That being said, the absurdity of how these things were accomplished kept me from absolutely loving this book. Nov 27, Sarah rated it it was amazing Shelves: I liked this book more then I thought I would. It is interesting to see what would happen if you could go back and stay with someone and not have the life you have now.
In the end it works out the way it should. I would have liked more of an ending then what was given. I would have liked to have known what happened when she got back to the current time, more descriptive way then the pages I actually got. Nov 05, Nicole V rated it it was ok.
Picked this up from a neighbor's giveaway pile for some light commute reading. To give the benefit of the doubt, perhaps we are supposed to feel that way about the beginning because the character does go on to learn so Picked this up from a neighbor's giveaway pile for some light commute reading. To give the benefit of the doubt, perhaps we are supposed to feel that way about the beginning because the character does go on to learn some things and come to her senses by the end of the book. Jul 31, Patty rated it it was amazing Shelves: I just read this in about 3 hours.
It was so good and reminded me somewhat of What Alice Forgot, only in an opposite way. It's tender and funny and exciting.
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Mar 03, C. Subasic rated it liked it Shelves: And oh, how sad it couldn't be that much smoother This novel is a voyage and return story, where Jill is magically sent back in time to see how life would turn out if she made different choices. Jack is a writer with a novel in the works and a job at Esquire. He also has a Mommy Dearest mother from the high end of society and an upturned nose that likes to look down on those around her.
Then there's the man she actually Oh, what fun! Then there's the man she actually married, the meticulous Henry. The spark has gone from their relationship. Henry travels constantly and when together, they're too tired for romance. She gave up her career for this? And so with a magic wish and an intense massage, she finds herself waking to an apartment from her past, wondering where her daughter who hasn't been born yet is, hung over and late for a job she thought she'd left behind. How wonderful, to get a second chance. To experience the challenges of the relationship for a second time with the insights of maturity and hindsight.
Some of the changes she makes change the outcome of the world around her. In her past life, her friend Megan died in a car crash. In this version, this and other things have changed and keep changing. At the same time, this Alice in Wonderland adventure went the wrong way for me because it was hard to pin down the difference between her choices.
Jack is supposed to be unambitious as he drags his heels about the novel he's writing. And yet he's well employed at Esquire magazine. How is being a writer at Esquire not a great accomplishment, one that would take some hard work and ambition? Henry is a control freak, meticulous. And yet I never quite bought this version of him he has a bad habit of drinking orange juice out of the container. In both instances the writer tells us what these men are like and yet how they act doesn't match the story.
So, what is she choosing between?
What is the difference? There are stretches of the novel where the writer is trying too hard, throwing in too many details and extra ideas, where one strong one would have sufficed. Here's her description of her workstation: Post-it notes frame my computer screen, and tumbling stacks of paper cascade over one another and on top of pens, pencils, and stock photography, all of which neck their way close to my keyboard, which sits atop the only free space on my desk.
Josie delicately displaces two tote bags that are clogged with freebies from potential clients from the chair opposite my desk and sits. But almost on every page the reader is inundated with tumbling torrents of words. Then there are lengthy passages where she writes a letter to herself about how she meets Henry. Passive backstory that I eventually began to skip because of its irrelevance to the story. This was writer homework, some of which could have been used, but not all. And yet, there are stretches where the writer's words sing.
Where she takes us deep into a moment and allows us to consider it. The best writing happens in parts of the love story between her and the daughter she hasn't had yet, Katie. In one scene, she goes into a pharmacy, opens a bottle of the lotion she used to soothe across Katie's skin and smells it, just so she can feel her presence. How very poignant and telling a moment! In one sense, it is the love story of a mother, pining for the daughter she hasn't had yet, and yet has had.
It is this writing and the sheer fun of the concept that earn 3 stars. Two more stars would go on my review if the choice between Jack and Henry was more clear, and some of those over-wrought sections trimmed to their essentials. Those who like chick lit and women's fiction. This book has a very interesting premise — one that I think many of us may have pondered at some point in our lives. What would life have been like if you stayed with an ex?
What this book allows the reader to do is get a glimpse of a character who has that choice. Time of My Life tells the story of Jillian Westfield, a stay-at-home mom with a beautiful daughter, a magazine-perfect home, and a doting husband. But looks can be very deceiving. With her marriage crumbling This book has a very interesting premise — one that I think many of us may have pondered at some point in our lives.
With her marriage crumbling, Jill begins to wonder what life would have been like had she stayed with her ex-boyfriend, Jack. One day, after a relaxing massage, Jill wakes up to find herself seven years in the past. Now she will get a chance to change the course of her life — or will she? What if you could go into the past and make different decisions? What if those decisions affected the lives of everyone around you? Would you still make a different choice? With the gift of hindsight, Jillian jumps headfirst into her previous life, making different choices, with drastically different outcomes.
Each decision, big or small, has a rippling effect on the lives of everyone around her, including her boss, Josie, and her friend, Meg. Knowing what the future holds for them, Jillian tries to help her friends at important times in their lives. Guinness World Records Limited. Retrieved August 28, The Time of My Life: A Righteous Brother's Memoir. Archived from the original on Archived from the original on 19 October Retrieved 29 June Retrieved October 12, Retrieved 5 September Retrieved May 13, Retrieved April 7, Slovenian official singles weekly chart" in Slovenian.
Retrieved 17 February Polish Airplay Top Retrieved May 15, Retrieved July 25, Retrieved 7 March Retrieved 22 September Retrieved 2 September Australian Recording Industry Association.
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