
The Logic of Violence in Civil War (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

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The logic of violence in civil war

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Research on civil war: what we know and what we don’t

Description By analytically decoupling war and violence, this book explores the causes and dynamics of violence in civil war. Against the prevailing view that such violence is an instance of impenetrable madness, the book demonstrates that there is logic to it and that it has much less to do with collective emotions, ideologies, and cultures than currently believed.

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Kalyvas specifies a novel theory of selective violence: Violence, he finds, is never a simple reflection of the optimal strategy of its users; its profoundly interactive character defeats simple maximization logics while producing surprising outcomes, such as relative nonviolence in the 'frontlines' of civil war. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Looking for beautiful books? Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Other books in this series.

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Political Order and Inequality: Quiet Politics and Business Power: Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Table of contents Introduction; 1. Concepts and definitions; 2. A theory of irregular war I: A theory of irregular war II: The logic of indiscriminate violence; 7. A theory of selective violence; 8. Cleavage and agency; Conclusion. Review quote "While exciting and extensive, the recent literature on civil wars suffers from poorly specified and empirically untested causal mechanisms.

The Logic of Violence in Civil War Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics

Therefore Stathis Kalyvas' important study is a welcome contribution to the field, as it reaches an unprecedented level of specificity and detail without sacrificing analytical cogency. Going beyond simplistic dichotomizations, such as 'greed' and 'grievance,' Kalyvas offers compelling evidence that civil wars often contain micro-level actions that have little to do with the main conflict dimension of the war in question.

Reflecting both intellectual curiosity and impressive erudition, The Logic of Violence in Civil War promises to become an instant classic in conflict research in particular, and comparative political analysis in general.