Rex Mundi (Briggs & Prenderghast Book 2)
Northern Pioneer Poetry vol. The Sheep Poetry vol. Denial of Sunsets Poetry vol. The Dancer Poetry vol. The Concert Poetry vol. The Exile Poetry vol. The Phase Rule Poetry vol. Eclogues For Spring Poetry vol. These Changing Hills Poetry vol. The Factory Poetry vol. Desperate August Poetry vol. New York Poetry vol. Wall Street Poetry vol. I Always Return to this Place Poetry vol. Serpent's Bread Poetry vol. The Sailing Poetry vol. The Fawn, Spring Poetry vol. Preamble to Peace Poetry vol.
Blown, Life Will Sear Poetry vol. The Tree of Sleep Poetry vol. O Swimmer Poetry vol. We Are a Planet in Revolt Poetry vol. The New House Poetry vol. September - Carol Ely Harper -. Song of the Dead Soldier Poetry vol. Concerning Death Poetry vol. Concerning Time Poetry vol.
The Rain and the Palm Tree Poetry vol. The Air Rifle Poetry vol. Arbor Umbrageous Poetry vol. Fertility Rites Poetry vol. So Sorry Poetry vol. New Orleans at Night Poetry vol. Peace That Softens Sorroq Poetry vol. Afternoon On Land Poetry vol. Ballad of Adam Payne Poetry vol. Tidewater Lowlands Poetry vol. Notes for a Portrait Poetry vol. Lament In Winter Poetry vol. Holly Hall Poetry vol. Season of Gestation Poetry vol.
Strange Garment Poetry vol. Visit to a Death-Factory Poetry vol. On These Strange Nights Poetry vol. Gypsy Jesus Poetry vol. Valentine for a Soldier's Girl Poetry vol. History of the Day Mussolini Died Poetry vol. Short History Poetry vol. Visibility Zero Poetry vol. Elegy for John Barrymore Poetry vol. Wishful Epitaph Poetry vol. Senate Committee Poetry vol. Lament for a Soldier Poetry vol.
Nor the Hound Poetry vol. Traveller, Pause Poetry vol. Last Night at the Office Poetry vol. Wild Geese Poetry vol. Prisms of Some Venom Poetry vol. Speech After Storm Poetry vol. Port Clyde, Maine Poetry vol. Anaximander - Bernard D. A Moot Point Poetry vol. Our Yesterdays Poetry vol. Nil Sine Labore Poetry vol. Vegetarian Dinner Poetry vol. Rich With the Spoils of Time Poetry vol. A Garland for My Love Poetry vol. My Love Asleep Poetry vol.
More Sages and Fauns Poetry vol. Even the Flowers Know This Poetry vol. Storm Over Toledo Poetry vol.

Goldfinch in Sunflowers Poetry vol. A Tudor Beauty Poetry vol. The Cowslip Field Poetry vol. The Princely Man Poetry vol. The Cloth of Sleep Poetry vol. Practical Avenues Poetry vol. August Anniversary Poetry vol. The Moors Poetry vol. The Sea Poetry vol. The Tortured Poetry vol. In Memoriam Poetry vol. Out of Pity, Be Still Poetry vol. The Conqueror Poetry vol.
Meeting Place Poetry vol. To Melville Poetry vol. Bridge at Dawn Poetry vol. The Wreck Poetry vol. Commencement Ode Poetry vol. Apostolic Chorus Poetry vol. V-J Day Poetry vol. First Summer After War Poetry vol. Going North Poetry vol. Portrait of a Young Poet Poetry vol. Morning Walk Poetry vol.
Cape Cod Lesson Poetry vol. Eleven O'clock Flight Poetry vol. In the Shadow Poetry vol. Beautiful as a Spectrum Poetry vol. To Winfield Townley Scott: Poet - John Holmes -. Let Them Stand Poetry vol. Great Law Poetry vol. Part of a Letter Poetry vol. Chinese Ideograph Poetry vol. Indian Sandpainting Poetry vol. Into A Fair Country Poetry vol. Hanging Fire Poetry vol. Surface Tension Poetry vol. That Which Remains Poetry vol. A Dish of Aloes Poetry vol.
The Stepholds of The Mind Poetry vol. War Leaves A Dedication Poetry vol. Soldier and Girl Poetry vol. Night Journey Poetry vol. Nice People Poetry vol. Deer-like, You Move Poetry vol. Sleep Darkens You Poetry vol. Mariana Beata Mea Poetry vol. Antidote for Death Poetry vol. Be Weather Poetry vol. Inspiration - Herman Salinger -. No Trespass Poetry vol. Bird Speaks, The Poetry vol. In the Orbit Poetry vol. Mi Fei Poetry vol. The Inquisitors Poetry vol. Promethean Mood Poetry vol. Good and Evil Poetry vol. Lullaby for A Dark Hour Poetry vol. Laughing Pan Poetry vol.
The Allegorical Glacier Poetry vol. Themes and Recapitulation Poetry vol. Themes and Recapitulation - Herman Salinger -. November - Herman Salinger -. Stanzas for Commencement Poetry vol. Inventory and Invocation Poetry vol. Brief Legend Poetry vol. World's Rose Poetry vol. Land Like a Woman Poetry vol. Series for My Friends Poetry vol.
A Pilgrim's Progress Poetry vol. Immortally Crouched for the Kill Poetry vol. Collar, Poetry vol. A Bough For Christmas Poetry vol. Prairie Grouse Poetry vol. Iron City Poetry vol. Bus Ride in Rain Poetry vol. In This Forest Night Poetry vol. Ballad of the Sermon on the Mount Poetry vol. Go and the Sac of Memory Poetry vol. Amusement Park Poetry vol. Spring City Poetry vol. The Right to Misspell Poetry vol. With Change of Season Poetry vol. Hawk, The Poetry vol. The Shock of Meeting Eyes Poetry vol. From the Hazel Bough Poetry vol.
Cyclone Cellar Poetry vol. Dark Summer Poetry vol. At a Concert Poetry vol. After the Storm Poetry vol. Mohandas Ghandhi Poetry vol. Luminous Band Poetry vol. The Minutes of the Last Meeting Poetry vol. No Second Advent Poetry vol. Work Goes Below Poetry vol. Mural In Stone Poetry vol. The Saint in the Square Poetry vol. Night Hail in May Poetry vol. Permanent Things Poetry vol. Poem Manuscript Poetry vol. These Wounds Lie Deep Poetry vol.
Angel From a Hand Poetry vol. On Receiving Your Book Poetry vol. One Ghost Poetry vol. Above the Land of the Megalithes Poetry vol. Accent on Color Poetry vol. New Orleans Summer Evening Poetry vol. Thunderhead in the Rockies Poetry vol. Christmas Wishes, Poetry vol. Answering Hearts Poetry vol. There I Plant Meadowrue Poetry vol. Women, The Poetry vol. Day of Reast Poetry vol. Lucis Amor Poetry vol. Upstate Odyssey Poetry vol. A Song for Linda Poetry vol. Letter from a Rubber Raft Poetry vol.
Letter to a Harry Winner Poetry vol. Chicago Loop Poetry vol. Chicago Loop - Joanne de Longchamps -. Duet With Wind Instruments Poetry vol. Night Guard's Cheer Poetry vol. Belle Nocturne Poetry vol. Country New Items Poetry vol. Greek Situation Poetry vol. Gloria Mundi Poetry vol. Case History Poetry vol. Tristram's Betrayer Afterward Poetry vol. Robinson Rocking Poetry vol. Pioneer Chimneys Poetry vol. From Cape Disappointment Poetry vol. Inside Out Poetry vol. The Litany at South Beach Poetry vol. An Elegy Poetry vol.
An Elegy - Kendrick Smithyman -. Lines for a Bigot Poetry vol. Facing Feared Problems Poetry vol. The Slacker Apologies Poetry vol. The Poet Poetry vol. River Song Poetry vol. Rondel Triste Poetry vol. Bartender at Banff Poetry vol. The Turtle Poetry vol. Sighs For Helen, Never Mrs. Poe - John Ciardi -. Window Dresser Poetry vol.
Shore Stay Poetry vol. Atomic Age Poetry vol. Atomic Age - Joanne de Longchamps -. A Question of Spring Poetry vol. Of Unremembered Snow Poetry vol. A Vignette Poetry vol. A Vignette - Terence Heywood -. A Letter Poetry vol. For a Lady with Some Memories Poetry vol. Appointment and Young Icarus Poetry vol. To a Lone Skater Poetry vol. Farewell at the Airport Poetry vol. That Certain Painter Poetry vol. Jones Beach to Renee Poetry vol. The Plague of Darkness Poetry vol. He, the Mirrors Tenant Poetry vol. Love Made a Mound Poetry vol. Letter at Night Poetry vol.
Marion Virginia Poetry vol. Murder is Murdered Poetry vol. The New Catacombs Poetry vol. Falling Barometer Poetry vol. Troppo Disputare Poetry vol. The Seducer Poetry vol. First Love Poetry vol. Bowery Mose Poetry vol. The Lamb Poetry vol. Rose Premonitive Poetry vol. Sugar Snow Poetry vol.
Redbud in the Ozarks Poetry vol. Tempus Edax Rerum Poetry vol. The Overtones Poetry vol. Of Nature, Write— Poetry vol. The Flue Poetry vol. The Smile Poetry vol. The Child in Cornwall Poetry vol. Time of Troubles Poetry vol. The Last Time Poetry vol. Dear Old Duffer Poetry vol. Slow Fire Poetry vol.
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Evensong After Youth Poetry vol. Winter Rain Poetry vol. Gertrude Stein Poetry vol. Gertrude Stein - Walter Sorell -. The Oval Cell Poetry vol. Urban Elegy Poetry vol. Stopover in a Strange City Poetry vol. For a Dancer Poetry vol. Christmas in America Poetry vol. For Critics in Search of a Poem Poetry vol. Hotel Room Poetry vol. Subzero Lovesong Poetry vol. The Enclosed Field Poetry vol. To Fondle, Not to Keep Poetry vol. Elegy Written in a City Bedroom Poetry vol.
Basic Language Poetry vol. In Time of War Poetry vol. Look Homeward, Salt Cellar Poetry vol. A Winter Death Poetry vol. My Children Poetry vol. Request for Dawn Poetry vol. Snow-Sheds in Summer Poetry vol. Portion for Foxes 63rd Psalm Poetry vol. Mid-Century Inventory Poetry vol. Mid-Century Inventory - John T. Meditation Amoung Old Books Poetry vol. Afternoon of a Pawn Poetry vol. Philosophers Among the Leaves Poetry vol. Bright Pasture Poetry vol. Forty Fathoms Poetry vol. Now a City Poetry vol. Prologue to a Burial Poetry vol. At Night Poetry vol.
The Conservation Poetry vol. The Conservation - Horace E. Memorial Day Poetry vol. Memorial Day - Murray Hartman -. April's Game Poetry vol. April's Game - Robert Hazel -. What's Eating the Sun? Song for a Shepherd Poetry vol.
The Gay Young Blades Poetry vol. When We Are Seven Poetry vol. Letter for a Chimney Poetry vol. Greatness Tends to Slink Poetry vol. Essence - Varley McBeth -. Spring Thaw Poetry vol. Spring Thaw - Varley McBeth -. Infancy of the Bias. Poet's Room Poetry vol. Poet's Room - Mary Owings Miller -. X-Ray Clinic Poetry vol. Virginia Woolf Poetry vol.
Sextant - Henri Beauchamp -. The National Forrest Poetry vol. Time Ticks Its Tithe Poetry vol. Letter to Virginia Woolf Poetry vol.
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Of Evening from Jersey City Poetry vol. Of Late Street Hours Poetry vol. Of Lack and Barrier Poetry vol. Of Theatre Lobbies Poetry vol. The Houri-Hour Poetry vol. The Heeling Tower Poetry vol. Song of the Bahiana Poetry vol. Love Scene Poetry vol. Come Into My Parlor Final Utterance Poetry vol. The Line in Winter Poetry vol. Wind Across Kansas Poetry vol. Dawn Over Mexico Poetry vol. The New Testament Poetry vol. Night Passage of Suez Poetry vol.
The Dream of the Whip Poetry vol. From a Paris Window Poetry vol. Hard Times Poetry vol. Mailman Blues Poetry vol. Better Than All Poetry vol. A Taste for Revenge Poetry vol. The Wind in the Elm Trees Poetry vol. Hat Weather Poetry vol. Like Spring Poetry vol. One Day's Rain Poetry vol. Being So Poetry vol. Miss Biddlestone and Her Hen Poetry vol. Mississippi Bear Hunt Poetry vol. An Autumn Song Poetry vol. Three Jet Planes Poetry vol. Flamingos, Swans and Cranes Poetry vol. Winter Landscape Poetry vol. In This Storm Poetry vol. The Gown Poetry vol. Spring Comes Once to the Bud Poetry vol.
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In the Baptistry of Florence Poetry vol. The Cocktail Party Poetry vol. The Women Sit Poetry vol. Bird of Night Poetry vol. I Ride a Runaway Horse Poetry vol. Chart Pain Poetry vol. At the Mouth of Gray's Harbor Poetry vol. Coast Headland Poetry vol. The Moon Poetry vol. Merry Go Round Poetry vol. The State of Poetry Poetry. The Creation Poetry vol. Poems from a Ballet Poetry vol. Climbers of Everest Poetry vol. In the Eternal Light Poetry vol. As I Row Poetry vol. Vermont Spring Poetry vol. The Cardinal Sways Poetry vol. Pastoral on the Back Nine Poetry vol. The Pool Poetry vol.
The Fiddler Poetry vol. The Abandoned Nestling Poetry vol. Elissa and the Lilacs Poetry vol. Why Does the Dog Howl? Not This Year Poetry vol. Cross Country Flight Poetry vol. The Pencil Poetry vol. Too Many Missions Poetry vol. Asphalt Under Midnight Rain Poetry vol. California Christmas Poetry vol. Recovery--From Charles Baudelaire Poetry vol.
On a Young Diver Poetry vol. Three Worlds Poetry vol. For Galya and Yehuda Poetry vol. For Galya and Yehuda - William Pillin -. Can All This Glory Vanish? Ski Jumper Poetry vol. The Painting Poetry vol. Not Quite Civilized Poetry vol. Cinnabar Box Poetry vol. Heron and Child Poetry vol. Triolet - Ralph G. Phases of Rainier Poetry vol. Old Thought Poetry vol. Vigil Against Lunacy Poetry vol. Beau Geste Poetry vol. Swimming Jaguar Poetry vol. Sausalito Summer Poetry vol.
The Thread Poetry vol. Grammarians Die in Spring Poetry vol. The Reproach Poetry vol. The Library Poetry vol. Painted Desert Poetry vol. End of Summer Poetry vol. Envy the Naked Tree Poetry vol. Across the Bar Poetry vol. Grey Owl Poetry vol. Street Merchant Poetry vol. Where Childhood Lingers Poetry vol. Apples by Snowfall Poetry vol. Popular Culture Poetry vol. Blameless of Life Poetry vol. The Bibiophile Poetry vol. Soliloquy of the Wild Rose Poetry vol. Earth Marks Poetry vol. Deer Crossing the Road Poetry vol.
Calendar for Mixed Voices Poetry vol. Prayer to My Father Poetry vol. Plowman and Birdman Poetry vol. I wanted the reader to be drawn into the world which I was creating. I certainly was, anyway — I enjoyed creating these tales almost as much as if I had just read them, not knowing what was going to come next.
Once I had finished my first novel I had to write more. I had several different ideas; but the most pressing one was having some other great villain, one who wanted to conquer the world: One novel led to the next, and so on. I had fallen in love with Briggs and Prenderghast, and I wanted to tell more tales featuring them. The next few novels came out quite quickly; I had really got into a groove.
In the end, it became hard to let the characters go.
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I tried to retire them at the end of the novel The Rift , but they insisted on coming back, telling me that they still had stories to be told, and it was only when I finally completed Grailquest , years later, that I was finally able to move on to other things. Except that although I had moved on from Briggs and Prenderghast, I did not move on from the world which I had created. I wanted to explore other aspects of the world, tell the tales of other heroes and villains. I have planned a couple of novels featuring the agent Raphael, which I will sit down and write one day, once I have completed all of the stuff which I am working on at the moment.
Rather than set novels all in the s, I have begun a series of stories set in the s, featuring the characters Duffield and Parkinson. This allows me to explore my love of pulp stories. I have completed a few novels featuring those characters. I have also written four novels set at the end of the 19 th century featuring the rogue Jack Blain.
I have done a one-off novel about the American adventurer Makepeace, who Briggs and Prenderghast encountered in the novel The rift. As well as the above novels set in the same world, just over two years ago a couple of my friends, who I role-play with, came up to me with the suggestion that I set a campaign in the world of my novels. I have been working on it for the past two years and more; the various booklets and supplements have passed a million words in length; and the damned thing is still not finished.
Ah, well, it will be finished one day, and at least it keeps me out of trouble, I suppose. In chronological order, the Briggs and Prenderghast novels are: The Magician at the End of the World. In addition to the above novels there are several Briggs and Prenderghast short story collections. In the order that I wrote them they are: Here follows an extract from the first Briggs and Prenderghast novel: A vision in scarlet, a Jackson Pollock in blood: A dirty alley tarnished even more: Now the latter lies broken on the ground, discarded when the batteries ran down.
She had been discovered by an early morning jogger. His vomit now covered part of the drying blood stain, one more paint splash on the unholy canvas. Someone had to clean up the mess; not the physical detritus, the bones and the blood and the brains, but the whos? DCI Briggs got all the shitty details of old London town; but this was a particularly bad one.
A whore, a streetwalker, and not yet out of her teenage years by the looks of it. The streets were hard, and cold at night, and cruel in their implacability.
Rex Mundi Omnibus Volume 2 TPB
But this was a bad one. His only hope was that it was a one off. A lot of violent crimes are committed by people who know the victim. A one off could mean that it was somebody who knew her. Maybe one of her customers had taken a dislike to her. Maybe her pimp had thought that she had been cheating him. Check out the people who had known her. Usually, the most likely subject would prove to be the guilty party.
The other option was a serial killer.