Office Life (and Death)
Death in the family – just another day at the office | Life and style | The Guardian
Life and Death of a Serial Killer is a feature-length documentary film about Aileen Wuornos , made by Nick Broomfield as a follow-up to his film Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer. The film focuses on an evidentiary hearing held in Marion County, Florida in February , which was the site of some but not all of Wuornos' murders for which she was convicted and sentenced to death.
Hobson, who is both interviewed and featured in the film and who seeks to vacate Wuornos' death sentences. It shows Judge Victor Musleh presiding over these proceedings and assistant state attorney, now judge, James McCune, who defended the death sentences for the State of Florida. Hobson is shown vigorously cross-examining Wuornos' trial counsel, Steven Glazer, aka "Dr. Glazer was the unflattering subject of a prior Broomfield documentary on Aileen Wuornos, Aileen Wuornos: It was Hobson's line of attack that the efficacy of his client's Wuornos' trial strategy was compromised by Glazer's pecuniary and self-promotional aims.
Death in the family – just another day at the office
The film climaxes in a final interview with Wuornos one day before her execution. In the interview, she states that she was tortured while in prison and claims that the prison used "sonic pressure" to control or alter her mental state. In a fit of rage, Wuornos rails against a society that she says "railroaded my ass" before abruptly ending the interview.
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Broomfield comments that he finds it hard to understand how the same person in front of him was deemed "of sound mind" the day before by Florida governor Jeb Bush 's psychiatric examiners. The film concludes with footage of a prison spokesman reading Wuornos' final statement at a press conference after her execution: Like Independence Day with Jesus , June 6, like the movie, big mothership and all.
The film received a limited theatrical release in North America [4] [5] several weeks after the Aileen Wuornos biopic Monster opened to generally positive reviews. Right there and then, says Sarah, she knew that being an undertaker would give her life purpose. Today, at 33, she is one of the firm's junior partners.
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Her sisters, Catherine and Nichola, have also joined. Like her, they didn't expect to end up as undertakers.
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Her grandfather Stan, who joined the company in , still works part-time: He remembers the days when his grandad and uncles would prepare the coffins in the shop window: Stan — who looks exceptionally hale and hearty for 85, and says he has no intention of going himself any time soon, though of course his own funeral plans are all in place — is cheery-faced when off duty, but is practised in the sombre yet supportive demeanor that is the hallmark of his profession.
Think of an undertaker and that is the image most of us have, so how does a smiley, girl-next-door type such as Sarah fit in — and does she deal with death and bereavement in her clients in a different way because she's a woman?

I think we're sometimes more compassionate, more caring," she says. Some are informal, others cope by finding a bit of humour. Tensions, she says, often come to the fore — especially around money.
3 customer reviews
Funeral options have certainly mushroomed. Do you want your loved one laid to rest in a plain oak coffin, a metallic-finish US-style casket, or an eco-friendly wicker basket?
The difference between a coffin and a casket is that a coffin is the traditional diamond-shape, while a casket is a rectangle. And will the handles be gold or chrome — and if you're going for wicker, would you like it threaded through with ribbons or foliage?