
Law, Person, and Community: Philosophical, Theological, and Comparative Perspectives on Canon Law

Law This course is built around the th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

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It focuses on the legal and political consequences of the revolutionary religious changes born of the sixteenth-century Reformation, which broke into Lutheran, Anglican, Calvinist, and Anabaptist branches. Each of these four Protestant movements helped to introduce striking new forms of legal theory and constitutional order, new platforms of rights and liberties, and new laws of marriage and family life, schooling and education, charity and social welfare. Many of these legal and political reforms introduced during the Reformation remained at the core of the Western legal tradition until well into the twentieth century.

Theories, Methods, and Approaches. Silas Allard Semesters Taught: Fall , School: Law I n this course, students will survey the interdisciplinary field of law and religion. The course will begin by discussing the nature of the field known as law and religion. What areas of inquiry constitute this field? What do we mean when we talk about "law" and "religion"? The course will then cover different substantive areas and methodological approaches by reading, analyzing, and critiquing examples of law and religion scholarship from leading scholars.

Students will be asked to think about the choices that scholars make: What is the relationship of law and religion in this example of scholarship? What does the scholar draw on as evidence for her argument?

  1. Winnie Windmill:The Village Fete.
  2. Around the World in 80 Days (Illustrated)?
  3. Religious Legal Systems in Comparative Law: A Guide to Introductory Research - GlobaLex.
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How does the scholar construct his argument? How does the scholar think about law? How does the scholar think about religion? These and other questions will help students understand how different approaches function; what they can achieve; what they cannot achieve; and why a scholar would choose a certain approach.

By the conclusion of the course, students will 1 understand the scope and subjects covered by the field of law and religion, 2 develop an understanding of different methodological approaches to the study of law and religion, and 3 be prepared to use different methodological approaches in their own writing. Law and Society in Judaism and Beyond. Don Seeman Semesters Taught: Law This seminar explores the relationship between law and vulnerability from both a theoretical and a practical perspective.

The course is anchored in the understanding that fundamental to our shared humanity is our shared vulnerability, which is universal and constant and inherent in the human condition. It will offer students an opportunity to engage with multiple perspectives on vulnerability, with an emphasis on law, justice, state policy and legislative ethics.

While vulnerability can never be eliminated, society through its institutions confers certain "assets" or resources, such as wealth, health, education, family relationships, and marketable skills on individuals and groups. These assets give individuals "resilience" in the face of their vulnerability. This seminar will explore how as society now is structured, however, certain individuals and groups operate from positions of entrenched advantage or privilege, while others are disadvantaged in ways that seem to be invisible as we engage in law and policy discussions.

Timothy Jackson Semesters Taught: GDR Course description coming soon. Nonprofit Leadership and Management.

Religious studies

David Jenkins Semesters Taught: Bobbi Paterson Semesters Taught: GDR W hat changes or shifts when histories and cultures of American and Trans-American Religions are examined through the lenses of place and space? From foundational to current theories and methods, this course will explore a range of approaches including: Students will consider how and why memory and imagination construct religious practices of place from home-making, to nation-crafting, to sacred searching.

What are the ethical consequences of placing American Religions? Finally, students will interrogate current claims that we are living in an increasingly religiously placeless or global world. Principles and Practices of Moral Leadership. Increasingly, however, ethicists find themselves addressing multiple questions of war. Michael Berger Semesters Taught: Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding. Elizabeth Bounds Semesters Taught: GDR The purpose of this course to deepen understanding of religions' roles in fostering and sustaining violence and conflict, as well as religions' ability to transform conflict and build peace.

Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34

Religion, Culture, and Law in Comparative Practice. Law Debates rage worldwide over what role religion and culture should play in law and governance and whether granting them a role conflicts with democratic principles. Increasingly, religious and ethnic groups are demanding that religious and cultural practices form the basis of the legal system or, at the very least, a separate legal system governing only their members. Western policymakers are finding it difficult to respond to these claims.

This course will explore the issues that arise in the debates about the appropriate role for religion and culture in democratic governance. It will examine different models for incorporating religion and culture into law as well as at models that wholly reject this incorporation using case studies from the US, Europe, Asia and Africa. Religion, Ethics, and Public Intellectuals. Sexual and Reproductive Health. John Blevins Semesters Taught: Religion and Health in Context: Religion and Human Rights: A Millennium for Restorative Justice.

John J. Coughlin

Thee Smith Semesters Taught: GDR T he point of departure for this course is a working hypothesis: Even so, a corollary follows here, we discover repeated instances where each tradition needs other religions as well as secular humanist resources in order sometimes first to recognize and acknowledge, and then interrupt and counteract, its chronic human rights violations. By the end of this course class members will share an interreligious collation of such resources based on surveys of the world religions and of selected case studies.

The Roman lawyers created new legal concepts, ideas, rules and mechanisms that are still applied in the most Western legal systems. Specifically designed for American law students without a civil law or canon law background, this course introduces the Roman legal system in its social, political, and economic context. The course will cover the fundamental topics of private law persons, property and inheritance, and obligations ; the revival of Roman law in the Middle Ages; and the current impact of Roman law in the era of globalization.

Skills in Conflict Transformation I. GDR T his course examines a selection of contemporary critical theories of justice and politics, in dialogue with selected work in Christian political discourse. Students work comparatively by placing these theorists in conversation with one another; and work critically by evaluating these theories on their own merits and in light of contemporary social problems and contexts.

Beginning with the liberal accounts of justice offered by John Rawls and Reinhold Niebuhr, the course continues through a variety of different forms of critiques of liberal justice, including a cluster of recent works on political theology that primarily engage with Christian theology. Tara Doyle Semesters Taught: Justin Latterell Semesters Taught: Deborah Dinner Semesters Taught: Law This seminar investigates the historical relationship between family forms, the U.

Theological Ethics and the Novel. Pam Hill Semesters Taught: How can the genre of the novel helps us to understand and imagine the character of human experience, of challenges to human flourishing, and possible expressions of human relationship to the divine? How is such imagination crucial for ethical formation and agency? How might we most richly imagine the self as embodied and enmeshed in its social worlds, as experiencing tragedy, justice, mercy, love?

This involved a massive displacement of the Divine Law as a normative measure of conduct, not only on sex but across the board. Nature abhors a vacuum. The State moved in to occupy the place formerly held by God as the ultimate moral Lawgiver. The State put itself on a collision course with religious groups and especially with the Catholic Church, which continues to insist on that traditional teacher.

The first chapter describes that Mandate, which the Catholic bishops have vowed not to obey. Rice goes on to show that the duty to disobey an unjust law that would compel you to violate the Divine Law does not confer a general right to pick and choose what laws you will obey. The four chapter headings in this part outline the picture: Moral Neutrality; and The Constitution: The answer to the last question, as you might expect, is: The third chapter spells out in detail the reality that contraception is a First Commandment issue and that its displacement of God as the ultimate moral authority opened the door for the State to assume that role, bringing on a persecution of the Church.

Speak the Truth with clarity and charity; Trust God; and, most important, Pray. As the last sentence in the book puts it: This chapter examines the main distinct concerns facing the application of empirical behavioral evidence to antitrust law and economics — also known as "behavioral antitrust. Yet much of the empirical evidence that behavioral antitrust draws on concerns individual behavior outside the firm, often in non-market settings.

Hence besides adducing additional, direct empirical evidence on behavioral phenomena within firms and markets, there is a need to determine when and how the behavioral evidence on human judgment and decision behavior more generally is informative for antitrust. To this end, the chapter considers the ways in which markets and firms shape behavior.

Direct evidence and theoretical analysis both reveal these institutions variously to facilitate rationality and deviations from it. After illustrating the implications of the complex interaction among markets, firms, and the rationality of antitrust actors across different areas of the law and enforcement policy, the chapter concludes by sketching some important open questions and future research directions in behavioral antitrust. What role do human rights play in the development of regional organizations?

What human rights obligations do states assume upon joining regional bodies?

Ecclesiastical (canon) law

Regional Protection of Human Rights, Second Edition is the first text of its kind devoted to the European, Inter-American and African systems for the protection of human rights. It illustrates how international human rights law is interpreted and implemented across international organizations and offers examples of political, economic, social problems and legal issues to emphasize the significant impact of international human rights law institutions on the constitutions, law, policies, and societies of different regions.

Regional Protection of Human Rights provides readers with access to the basic documents of each legal system and their inter-relationships, enabling readers to apply those documents to ever-changing global situations, and alerting them to the dynamic nature of regional human rights law and institutions.

The jurisprudence of the European and Inter-American Courts and decisions of the Inter-American and African Commissions are emphasized, including decisions on the interpretation and application of various human rights, procedural requirements and remedies. Prospects for regional systems in the Middle East and Asia are also discussed. The relevant basic texts are reproduced in a documentary supplement. Together, Regional Protection of Human Rights and its accompanying Documentary Supplement provide comprehensive access to the basic documents of each legal system and their inter-relationships, enabling readers to apply those documents to ever-changing global situations, and alerting them to the dynamic nature of regional human rights law and institutions.

In addition to serving as a text for courses on human rights law, the book will be useful for courses in international law, international relations, and political science. It is also be a helpful resource for lawyers and policy-makers concerned with the protection of human rights. Prosecuting Drug Enterprises and Organized Crime provides practitioners and others interested in the federal criminal justice system with a comprehensive analysis of the arsenal of federal laws that provide federal prosecutors the means to combat criminal organizations, their leadership i.

These statutes include the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act RICO ; the Continuing Criminal Enterprise or CCE statute; the Money Laundering Control Act; federal firearms statutes; and criminal and civil forfeiture laws that permit the seizure and forfeiture of the profits and instrumentalities of illegal enterprises. Further, the treatise includes an analysis of the principal legal issues that federal prosecutors and defense attorneys need to consider in handling long-term, complex criminal conspiracies that frequently involve multiple and diverse criminal acts from the rules relating to grand jury secrecy, granting immunity, bail, criminal discovery, and all points in between.

Finally, because organized criminal activity respects no national boundaries, the treatise includes a comprehensive discussion of international criminal law, including extraterritorial jurisdiction and extradition. Criminal trial attorneys involved in litigating complex criminal cases will benefit greatly from reading this treatise. Skip to main content. Printing is not supported at the primary Gallery Thumbnail page. Please first navigate to a specific Image before printing.

Follow Switch View View Slideshow. Rowe Jr, and Suzanna Sherry This page civil procedure casebook is structured so that it can be taught quickly but at a high level. Rowe Jr The Statutory and Case Supplement brings the casebook up-to-date, noting new developments in a short introductory section.

Ecclesiastical (canon) law. Jurisprudence & general issues

Nudging - Possibilities, Limitations and Application in European Law and Economics Avishalom Tor and Klaus Mathis This anthology provides an in-depth analysis and discusses the issues surrounding nudging and its use in legislation, regulation, and policy making more generally. Vojdik Book Chapter United States v. Vojdik What would United States Supreme Court opinions look like if key decisions on gender issues were written with a feminist perspective? Accounting for Lawyers, 5th ed. Barrett and David R. Herwitz This fifth edition of the most widely adopted text in the field demonstrates to novices how accounting issues interrelate with the legal profession.

Carozza, Vittoria Barsotti, Marta Cartabia, and Andrea Simoncini Italian Constitutional Justice in Global Context is the first book ever published in English to provide an international examination of the Italian Constitutional Court ItCC , offering a comprehensive analysis of its principal lines of jurisprudence, historical origins, organization, procedures, and its current engagement with transnational European law. International Labour Law Barbara Fick The role of the ILO in the international labour law regime -- Substantive content of the core labour rights -- Enforcement mechanisms outside the ILO -- Reflections on core labour rights and the future of international labour law.

Religious Freedom, and the Constitution Richard W. This book also includes comparative consideration of the failure of canon law to address the clergy sexual abuse crisis, the canon law of marriage, administrative law, the rule of law, and equity. The book employs comparative methodology in an attempt to reveal and contrast the concepts of the human person reflected in both canon law and secular legal theory. Hart , social order , nature of community , religious law , secular theory , rule of law , equity. Don't have an account? Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use for details see www.

University Press Scholarship Online. Publications Pages Publications Pages. Search my Subject Specializations: Classical, Early, and Medieval Plays and Playwrights: Classical, Early, and Medieval Poetry and Poets: Classical, Early, and Medieval Prose and Writers: Classical, Early, and Medieval World History: