Kompetenzerwerb und Entwicklung von Diversity-Kompetenz durch informelles Lernen (German Edition)
Pumping methane out of aquatic sediments ebullition forcing mechanisms in an impounded river. Effects of repeated salt pulses on ecosystem structure and functions in a stream mesocosm. Land-use coverage as an indicator of riparian quality. Effect of multivalent cations, temperature, and aging on SOM thermal properties. Size-, surface- and crystalline strucutre composition-related effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles during their aquatic life cycle. Effects of spider chemotactile cues on arthropod behaviour. Journal of Insect Behavior. Spider cues stimulate feeding, weight gain and survival of crickets.
Biofilme, Algen, Cyanobakterien und tierische Organismen Metazoen. Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin. Mestre, Laia, Bucher, Roman , Entling, Trait-mediated effects between predators: Potential alteration of cross-ecosystem resource subsidies by an invasive aquatic macroinvertebrate: Implications for the terrestrial food web.
Schirmel, Jens, Fartmann, Thomas Coastal heathland succession influences butterfly community composition and threatens endangered butterfly species. Journal of Insect Conservation. Habitat amount modulates the effect of patch isolation on host-parasitoid interactions. Frontiers in Environmental Science. Disentangling multiple drivers of pollination in a landscape-scale experiment.
Habitat isolation affects plant-herbivore-enemy interactions on cherry trees. The relationship between the spectral diversity of satellite imagery, habitat heterogeneity, and plant species richness. The effeciency of pitfall traps as a method of sampling epigeal arthropods in litter rich forest habitats.
Evaluation of hydrodynamic chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detector for analysis of colloids in environmental media - Effects of colloid composition, coating and shape. Environmental stressors can enhance the development of community tolerance to a toxicant.
Malaj, Egina, von der Ohe, Peter C. Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scale. Local adaptations to frost in marginal and central populations of the dominant forest tree Fagus sylvatica L. Different reactions of central and marginal provenances of Fagus sylvatica to experimental drought. European Journal of Forest Research.
A transplantation experiment along climatic gradients suggests limitations of experimental warming manipulations. Effects of traditional flood irrigation on invertebrates in lowland meadows. Lernpfade - Definition, Gestaltungskriterien und Unterrichtseinsatz. Hahn, Melanie, Lenhardt, Patrick P. Agrochemicals in field margins - Field evaluation of plant reproduction effects..
Quantifying tidally driven benthic oxygen exchange across permeable sediments: An aquatic eddy correlation study.

Population control based on abundance estimates: Frequency does not compensate for uncertainty. Temporal stability in forest productivity increases with tree diversity due to asynchrony in species dynamics. Kuehn, Melanie, Ivleva, S. Effect of multivalent cations, temperature, and ageing on SOM interfacial properties. Chemical and ecotoxicological characterization of wastewater treatment plant effluents. The effects of low volume resistance training with and without advanced techniques in trained participants. Feckler, Alexander, Zubrod, Jochen P.
Proton transfer processes in polar regions of humic substances initiated by aqueous aluminum cation bridges: Exposure of infants to ochratoxin A with breast milk. Risk mitigation measures for diffuse pesticide entry into aquatic ecosystems: Urgent Need of Model Improvement. First evidence of crayfish plague agent in established marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax forma virginalis populations.
Heavy metal uptake and toxicity in presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles: A factorial approach using Daphnia magna. Effects of current-use fungicides and their mixtures on the feeding and survival of the key shredder Gammarus fossarum. Fish predation can induce mesohabitat-specific differences in food web structures in small stream ecosystems.
Koch, , Algar, , Schwenk, Klaus Population structure and management of invasive cats on an Australian Island. The Journal of Wildlife Management. Calibration and field application of passive sampling for episodic exposure to polar organic pesticides in streams. Effect of heating time and temperature on the chemical characteristics of biochar from poultry manure. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Nonequilibrium water dynamics in the rhizosphere: How mucilage affects waterflow in soils.
Numerical simulation of coupled heat, liquid water and water vapor in soils for heat dissipation of underground electrical power cables. Mucilage exudation facilitates root water uptake in dry soils. Visualization of root water uptake: Carabid beetles as indicators for shrub encroachment in dry grasslands. Landscape parameters driving aquatic pesticide exposure and effects. A proposal for a groundwater habitat classification at local scale. Winkelmann, Carola, Schneider, J. Top-down and bottom-up control of periphyton in a natural stream ecosystem.
A novel dinuclear zirconium IV complex derived from [Zr acac 4] and a pentadentate Schiff base ligand: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance in synthesis of indole derivatives. The influence of transport layers on the photodegradation stability of polymer solar cell structures. Journal of Polymer Engineering.
Role of submerged vegetation in the retention processes of three plant protection products in flow-through stream mesocosms. Differentiation in neutral genes and a candidate gene in the pied flycatcher: Bundschuh, Mirco , Newman, Michael C. Culmination of low-dose pesticide effects. Bhowmik, Avit Kumar Environment and Urbanization Asia.
The evolutionary time maschine: Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Mitigation of biocide and fungicide concentrations in flow-through vegetated stream mesocosms. Journal of Environmental Quality. Reliable predictive computational toxicology methods for mixture toxicity: Two stressors and a community Effects of hydrological disturbance and a toxicant on freshwater zooplankton.
Comparison of established methods for quantifying genotyping error rates in wildlife forensics.. Progress in ecotoxicology through data sharing. Effects of organic pollutants from wastewater treatment plants on aquatic invertebrate communities. Phytoplankton food quality effects on gammarids: Origin of heat - induced structural changes in dissolved organic matter.. Hydration and drying of various polysaccharides studied using DSC.
Interaction of silver nanoparticles with environmental and model surfaces. Role of grain water repellency in transport and retention of negatively charged hydrophilic colloids in saturated sand matrices. Colloids and Surfaces A. Peters, Katharina, Bundschuh, M. Review on the effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystem functions. Do differences in sensitivity between native and invasive amphipods explain their coexistence in Lake Constance? A case study with lambda-cyhalothrin. Dynamics of heterogeneous surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.
An expert-based landscape permeability model for assessing the impact of agricultural management on amphibian migration. Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebrates. How to characterize chemical exposure to predict ecologic effects on aquatic communities?. Different ammonia tolerances may facilitate spatial coexistence of Gammarus roeselii and the strong invader Dikerogammarus villosus.
Limitations and a Tentative Alternative. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Wege zur Analysis, Sammelband mathematik lehren. Misconseptions and the Effect of Representation Forms. Methods for analysis of citrinin in human blood and urine.. Development of QSAR-based two-stage prediction model for estimating mixture toxicity. Thermal and biological stability of soils from contrasting regions. Influence of water content and drying on the physical structure of native hyaluronan.
Metal oxide nanoparticle transport in porous media - an analysis about un certainties in environmental research. Communication about scientific uncertainty: Restructuring of a peat in interaction with multivalent cations: Effect of cation type and aging time. Interactions between cations and water molecule bridges in soil organic matter. Absence of crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci facilitates coexistence of European and American crayfish in central Europe.
Coudrain, V, Herzog, F , Entling, Effects of habitat fragmentation on abundance, larval food and parasitism of a spider-hunting wasp. Phylogenetic relationships of the mycoheterotrophic genus Voyria and the implications for the biogeographic history of Gentianaceae. American Journal of Botany. Spatio-temporal infestation patterns of Ips typographus L.
Eddy-correlation measurements of benthic fluxes under complex flow conditions: Effects of coordinate transformations and averaging time scales. Sediment trapping by dams creates methane emission hotspots. Three-dimensional tracking of multiple aquatic organisms with a two camera system.
Pfenniger, Alois, Wickramarathna, Lalith N. Design and realization of an energy harvester using pulsating arterial pressure. Key factors affecting the future provision of tree-based forest ecosystem goods and services. Nanoparticle toxicity in Daphnia magna reproduction studies: The importance of test design. Hydrodynamic chromatography coupled with single particle-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for investigating nanoparticles agglomerates.
Establishment of group-specific PCR primers for the identification of freshwater macroinvertebrates. Characterization of the first twelve microsatellite loci for the amphipod Gammarus roeselii Crustacea: Water repellency enhances the deposition of negatively charged hydrophilic colloids in a water-saturated sand matrix. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Englert , Dominic, Zubrod, Jochen P.
Effects of municipal wastewater on aquatic ecosystem structure and function in the receiving stream. Cryptic lineages - same but different?. Bundschuh, Mirco , Zubrod, Jochen P. Effects of peak exposure scenarios on Gammarus fossarum using field relevant pesticide mixtures. Intraspecific spatial genetic differentiation of a Daphnia species within a long narrow reservoir. Sexual reproduction of Daphnia in a deep temperate reservoir: University of Bamberg Press. Pros and Cons of external swabbing in amphibians..
Improving the covariational thinking ability of secondary school students. Middle East Technical University. Coexistance of two related bush-cricket species Orthoptera: Simulating small-scale climate-change effects - lessons from a short term field manipulation experiment on grassland arthropods..
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Losing uniqueness - shifts in carabid species composition during dry grassland and heathland succession. Wood-inhabiting beetles Coleoptera associated with oaks in a global biodiversity hotspot: Rising temperatures explain past immigration of the thermophilic oak-inhabiting beetle Coraebus florentinus Coleoptera: Buprestidae in southern Germany. Schirmel, Jens, Buchholz, Sascha Invasive moss alters patterns in life-history traits and functional diversity of spiders and carabids. Terrestrial pesticide exposure of amphibians: An underestimated cause of global decline?.
The importance of field margins and meadows for land snails in the agricultural landscape.. Crayfish plague agent detected in populations of the invasive North American crayfish Orconectes immunis Hagen, in the Rhine River, Germany.
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Current-use pesticides in stream water and suspended particles following runoff: Exposure, effects, and mitigation requirements. The Landau Stream Mesocosm Facility: Pesticide mitigation in vegetated flow-through streams. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolgy. Low, field-relevant tebufenozide concentrations affect reproduction in Chironomus riparius Diptera: Chironomidae in a long-term toxicity test.
Environment Science and Pollution Research. Entry and toxicity of organic pesticides and copper in vineyard streams: Erosion rills jeopardise the efficiency of riparian buffer strips vol , pg 81, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. Reduktion des viszeralen Fettgewebes durch hochintensives Muskeltraining. Effects of ten weeks of either mulitple-set or single-set training of strenghth and muscle mass. British Journal of Sports Medicine. How do Beijing residents value environmental improvement in remote parts of China?.
Advances in Climate Change Research. The effects of extrinsic incentives on respondent behaviour in CVM. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: A new bioassay for the ecotoxicological testing of VOCs on groundwater invertebrates and the effects of toluene on Niphargus inopinatus. Efficiency of sampling invertebrates in groundwater habitats. Kinematic splitting algorithm for fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
Hundertmark, Anna, Lehmann, R. Numerical simulation of glottal flow. Computers in Biology and Medicine. Mitochondrial sequence variation suggests extensive cryptic diversity within the Western Palearctic Daphnia longispina complex. Differences in the sensitivity among cryptic lineages of the Gammarus fossarum complex. Effects of climatic factors on Fallopia japonica s. Impact of genetic diversity and inbreeding on the life-history of Chironomus midges over consecutive generations.
Discrimination of hybrid classes using cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci: Combined effect of invertebrate predation and sublethal pesticide exposure on the behavior and survival of Asellus aquaticus Crustacea; Isopoda.
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Journal of Crustacean Biology. Towards improved bottom-up inventories of methane from the European land surface. Release of methane from aerobic soil: What is groundwater and what does this mean to fauna? Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters. The inhibiting effect of nitrate fertilisation on methane uptake of a temperate forest soil is influenced by labile carbon. Biodiversity, Ecosystem functions and services in Environmental Risk Assessment: Introduction to the Special Issue.
Risk assessment of salinity and turbidity in Victoria Australia to stream insects' community structure does not always protect functional traits. Species richness-environment relationships of European arthropods at two spatial grains: KA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall. Cation-mediated cross-linking in natural organic matter - a review. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles detoxify pirimicarb under UV irradiation at ambient intensities. Hydration of humic and fulvic acids studied by DSC. Schneckenburger, Tatjana, Lattao, Charisma V. Preparation and characterization of humic acid cross- linked with organic bridging groups.
Short-term evolution of hydration effects on soil organic matter properties and resulting implications for sorption of naphthalene- 2-ol.
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A study on the washability of the Azad Kashmir Pakistan coal;eld. Bats as bioindicators the need of a standardized method for acoustic bat activity surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Bat activity and insecticide residue analysis of food items in an apple orchard. Constructed wetlands support bats in agricultural landscapes. Physiological sensitivity of freshwater macroinvertebrates to heavy metals. Thresholds for the effects of pesticides on invertebrate communities and leaf breakdown in stream ecosystems. Knillmann, Saskia, Stampfli, Nathalie C.
Interspecific competition delays recovery of Daphnia spp. Effects of habitat isolation and predation pressure on an arboreal food-web. Is there an interaction of the effects of salinity and pesticides on the community structure of macroinvertebrates?. Ghosts of the past: Curculionidae are relict species in ancient woodlands. Determinants and congruence of species richness patterns across multiple taxonomic groups on a regional scale. International Journal of Zoology. Quality of instruction in science. Second International Handbook of Science Education.
Competence in science education.
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Sperova, M, Nasadil, P. A hint on the correlation between cellulose fibers polymerization degree and their thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation. Interrelations between soil respiration and its thermal stability. Structural and conformational differences of acylated hyaluronan modified in protic and aprotic solvent system. Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
Assessing the effects of climate change on the distribution of pulmonate freshwater snail biodiversity. Stygoregions a promising approach to a bioregional classification of groundwater systems.. International Journal of Geosciences. Risk assessment of episodic exposures to chemicals should consider both the physiological and the ecological sensitivities of species. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Quantifying the performance of automated GIS-based geomorphological approaches for riparian zone delineation using digital elevation models.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology. Vernetzende Lernumgebungen nutzen - Das Beispiel Gleichdicks. Influence of biochar and terra preta substrates on wettability and erodibility of soils. Assessing the impact of chemical pollution on benthic invertebrates from three different European rivers using a weight- of-evidence approach. A systematic approach to relate plant-species diversity to land use diversity across landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Buhk, Constanze , Retzer, V. Disturbances and Biodiversity in the Fichtelgebirge. Vegetation databases for the 21st century.. Stability and physical structure tests of piperidyl and morpholinyl derivatives of diphenyl-diketo-pyrrolopyrroles DPP. Invasive crayfish and crayfish plague on the move: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. High bee and wasp diversity in a heterogeneous tropical farming system compared to protected forest. Zooplankton induced currents and fluxes in stratified waters. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. Enhancing gap model accuracy by modeling dynamic height growth and dynamic maximum tree height.
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles increase sensitivity in the next generation of the water flea Daphnia magna. Effect of ship locking on sediment oxygen uptake in impounded rivers. Kuhn, Jochen, Vogt, Patrik Analyzing spring pendulum phenomena with a smartphone acceleration sensor. Vogt, Jochen, Kuhn, Patrik Determining the speed of sound with stereo headphones. Vogt, Patrik, Kuhn, Jochen Analyzing simple pendulum phenomena with a smartphone acceleration sensor..
Analyzing free-fall with a smartphone acceleration sensor. Diffraction experiments with infrared remote controls. Does insecticide drift adversely affect grasshoppers Orthoptera: Saltatoria in field margins? A case study combining laboratory acute toxicity testing with field monitoring data. The ground beetle tribe Trechini in Israel and adjacent regions Coleoptera, Carabidae.
Influence of soil and microclimate on species composition and grass encroachment in heath succession. Journal of Plant Ecology. Life-history trait and functional diversity patterns of ground beetles and spiders along a coastal heathland successional gradient. Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Conservation management of coastal dunes has to consider oviposition and nymphal preferences. Erosion rills jeopardise the efficiency of riparian buffer strips. Factors shaping submerged bryophyte communities: A conceptual model for small mountain streams in Germany.
Combined effects of temperature and pyriproxyfen stress in a full life-cycle test with Chironomus riparius Insecta. Oxidation of the antiviral drug acyclovir and its biodegradation product carboxy-acyclovir with ozone Kinetics and identification of oxidation products.
Carolina , Rendeiro, Julio, Kalka, Margarete, Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Mapping water quality-related ecosystem services: Effects of pesticide toxicity, salinity and other environmental variables on selected ecosystem functions in streams and the relevance for ecosystem services. Thiacloprid affects trophic interaction between gammarids and mayflies. Fluid-structure interactio for shear-dependent non-Newtonian fluids. Topics in mathematical modeling and analysis. Temporary conservation for urban biodiversity. Climate change, agricultural insecticide exposure, and risk for freshwater communities.
Taxonomy, phylogeography and climate relations of the Western Palaearctic spurge hawkmoth Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Macroglossinae. Comparison of conventional eight-point crown projections with LIDAR-based virtual crown projections in a temperate old- growth forest. The definition of species richness used by species sensitivity distributions approximates observed effects of salinity on stream mecroinvertebrates. A trait database of stream invertebrates for the ecological risk assessment of single and combined effects of salinity and pesticides in South-East Australia..
Response of carabid beetles Coleoptera: Carabidae and spiders Araneae to coastal heathland succession. The Computer Aided g-Determination. Perspectives from early career researchers on the publication process in ecology - a response to Statzner Resh Occurrence of organic pollutants in four rivers of North Germany between and and risk assessment for algae, invertebrates and fish.
A non-invasive observation parameter to complement sediment bioassays using Myriophyllum aquaticum.
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Using the fish plasma model for comparative hazard identification for pharmaceuticals in the environment by extrapolation from human therapeutic data. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Translocation of Sb and Ti in an undisturbed floodplain soil after application of Sb2O3 and TiO2 nanoparticles to the surface.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring. Population response to ozone application in wastewater: Mercury-contaminated sediments affect amphipod feeding. The functional and physiological status of Gammarus fossarum Crustacea; Amphipoda exposed to secondary treated wastewater. A robust, particle size independent, method for quantifying metal loid oxide nanoparticles and their agglomerates in complex environmental matrices by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.
Ecotoxicologial evaluation of wastewater ozonation based on detritus-detritivore interactions. Ecotoxicological impact of the fungicide tebuconazole on an aquatic decomposer-detritivore system. Embryonic development time of the freshwater mysid Limnomysis benedeni Czerniasky as a function of water temperature. Temporal variations in zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha density structure the benthic food web and community composition on hard substrates in Lake Constance, Germany.
Seasonal shifts in the life cycle of the ponto-caspian invader Limnomysis benedeni Crustacea: Positive effects of wastewater ozonation can be displayed by in situ bioassays in the receiving stream. Ozonation of secondary treated wastewater reduces ecotoxicity to Gammarus fossarum Crustacea; Amphipoda: Ecotoxicological evaluation of three tertiary wastewater treatment methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Fungal composition on leaves explains pollutant-mediated indirect effects on amphipod feeding.
Molecular dynamics simulations of water molecule- bridges in polar domains of humic acids. Molecular Modelling of Soil Organic Matter: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Optimized NMR spectroscopic strategy to characterize water dynamics in soil samples. Exposure reduction of seed treatments through dehusking behaviour of the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus.
Global diversity in light of climate change: Wirkung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf Amphibien. Verlag Natur und Text. Susceptibility of terrestrial amphibian life stages to pesticides. Global warming, elevational ranges and the vulnerability of tropical biota. Effects of pesticides monitored with three sampling methods in 24 sites on macroinvertebrates and microorganisms. Environmental context determines community sensitivity of freshwater zooplankton to a pesticide. A review of river habitat characterisation methods: Effects of landscape metrics and land-use variables on macroinvertebrate communities and habitat characteristics.
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Leveraging techniques such as robust prediction, high-dimensional pattern detection, novel quality metrics for planning quality and temporal Bayesian networks we learn complex rules from millions of historic planning observations to anticipate and manage suspicious sets of delivered planning long before actual values are available. Software Engineering , Automation and Robotics. Richtig angepackt, spart das viel Zeit und Kosten. In easyCare, FZI developed solutions to support care givers that support them in their daily duties.
Furthermore, a new software connects social services, healthcare providers and customers. The BMBF funded research project EffektiV investigates and develops methods for fault effect simulation of intelligent motion control systems for industrial automation. Nowadays system test, which verifies the correct and safe operation of these complex, heterogeneous systems and the executed control software, are mainly executed in late phases of the development, when physical prototypes are available.
EffektiV enables the execution of these system tests in an early stage of development through the use of virtual prototypes. As a consequence the safety of these systems can be increased further, despite the rapidly growing complexity. Ziel des Projektvorhabens ist daher die Kopplung zwischen den Systemen der Planung und Auftragsabwicklung sowie Betriebsmittelverwaltungssystemen, die in der diskreten Fertigung bei KMU derzeit noch nicht vorhanden ist. Neben krankheitsbezogenen Situationen soll das neue System daher auch soziale Verhaltensweisen und Hinweisreize in der menschlichen Kommunikation erkennen.
The growing interconnection, often refered to as cyperhysical systems in the internet of things, leads to growing security demands. Die reine Simulation kann die Physik aufgrund ihrer Grenzen bei der Modellierung und Berechnung nicht im Detail abdecken. This international challenge is an EC project that has the target to provide end-users with innovative robotics solution in the field of robotic assembly applications.
The developed solutions are evaluated in automotive benchmarking tasks and transferred to real industrial assembly tasks at Adam Opel AG. Die rollende Ausstellung zeigt altersgerechte Assistenzsysteme in einem einer Wohnung nachempfundenen mobilen Showroom. Ferner sollen vor allem Multiplikatoren wie z. Hardware-in-the-Loop Technologies are mainly used in the automotive industry to test and validate embedded systems. They are an important tools to create robust and high quality products. It is developed in close cooperation with FZI.
Bedingt durch die Energiewende wird es in Zukunft notwendig sein, den Stromverbrauch dynamisch an das Stromangebot anzupassen. The combination of robust state-of-the-art industrial components with a flexible software framework for environment perception and robot control enables HoLLiE to manage complex tasks easily and support people in everyday situations. HORSE will set up infrastructures and environments that will act as clustering points for selected application areas in manufacturing and for product life cycle management.
The main strategy builds on existing technology and research results in robotics and smart factories and integrates them in a coherent framework. Its main goals are to gain fundamental insights about the human brain, to discover new treatments for brain diseases, and to develop new brain-inspired computer technologies. The goal of iBOSS is to significantly reduce the costs of satellite maintenance through norming, standardization and modularization.
The modularity in particular enables to replace damaged or outdated satellite modules instead of changing the complete satellite, as it is performed nowadays. The long term objective is to achieve easy maintenance through serviceability. Therefore, techniques and knowledge, developed and used for service robotics, will be transferred to such space systems allowing users to design and simulate new satellites in very little time with new, specialized software tools.
With such a process, low ready-to-launch times can be achieved, which are crucial in the market of satellite systems. Mobility , Software Engineering. Production and Logistics , Mobility , Automation and Robotics. Das Werkzeug wird auf github bereitgestellt. Darauf aufbauend wurden Methoden zur Identifizierung ineffizientes Energieeinsatzes, Visualisierung und Bereitstellung der Ansteuerungsmechanismen zu deren Behebung entwickelt.
Production and Logistics , Energy. Das dadurch verbesserte semi-automatische Management von Stammdaten ist zum Beispiel im Industrie Die zentrale Forschungsfrage des Projektes lautet: The department Interactive Diagnosis and Servicesystems began their first theoretical analysis and design studies on six-legged walking in the early 90s. The challenge of this competition is a planetary surface exploration mission. The tasks concentrate on locating, transporting and assembling objects — required for scientific experiments or construction of an infrastructure — in realistic, moonlike surroundings.
Mobility , Automation and Robotics. Die Produkte sind auf dem Markt. The objective of the project MobEDA is the development of a solution for mobile, near real-time detection of psychophysiological states based on electrodermal activity EDA. The target system is developed in cooperation with movisens GmbH and consists of an easy-to-use mobile sensor solution for unobtrusive monitoring of EDA, online classification of EDA in correlates of emotional arousal, as well as an emotion-based human-computer interface for innovative human-computer interaction.
The system can be used for field studies as well as innovative concepts of coaching and therapy. FZI is particularly involved in the development of suitable algorithms for near real-time processing of EDA under everyday conditions as well as the validation of the system in this project. Mobility , Energy , Software Engineering. Mobile Anwendungen Apps sind millionenfach auf Handys im Einsatz.
Ihre Softwareentwicklung wird dadurch erschwert, dass mehrere Plattformen iPhone, android, WindowsPhone, In the cooperative research project "MOPS — Management module for on-premise software" software solutions to enable monitoring and detection of error and overload situations in heterogeneous IT installations are developed.
Complex Event Processing CEP technology is applied to automatically prevent these situations by appropriate countermeasures. The main goals include increased transparency and reduced maintenance cost while increasing the service quality. Health Care , Software Engineering. The aim of the project is to introduce ambient assisted living technologies from the area of safety and emergency recognition into real environments involving representatives of the entire value chain.
Weitere Details zum Projekt finden Sie unter www. Im Projekt OpenID wird ein Authentifizierungsstandard entwickelt, um die Sicherheit in den unterschiedlichen Protokollen der Web-Services zu vereinheitlichen und zu vereinfachen. Als Token kommt der CmDongle zum Einsatz. Ambient sensors are deployed to measure activities of daily living and to detect emergency situations.
Das daraus entstandene Modell kann dann zur Simulation von Offshore-Szenarien verwendet werden, um so die Vorteile und Probleme eines solchen Projektes aufzudecken. Basierend auf dem Nutzerprofil wird die Automatisierung im Fahrzeug personalisiert und angepasst. Mobility , Software Engineering , Automation and Robotics.
Palladio bietet freie Werkzeuge, sowie wissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung im Bereich der Software-Architekturanalyse. Im auf zwei Jahre angelegten PartSense-Projekt werden neue Formen der verteilten mobilen Datenerfassung erforscht, also wie Menschen z. Mit Anwendungspartnern aus Krisenmanagement und Telekommunikation wird eine webbasierte Plattform geschaffen zum skalierbaren Austausch von Ereignissen in Echtzeit.
Mobility , Energy , Knowledge and Information Services. The goal of the project is to transfer existing software protection solutions in desktop computing to the production area in order to be able to meet the requirements of plant engineering and mechanical engineering for end-to-end protection against product piracy. This includes both making it more difficult to replicate machines and components that are equipped with complex software functions, as well as defending methods or procedures aimed at the unauthorized copying and use of expensive machine control programs for producing cloned products.
Das FZI konzeptionierte und entwickelte im Rahmen des Projekts alle Dienste zur Echtzeitverarbeitung, zum operativen und taktischen Abweichungsmanagement und eine mobile Anwendung zur Kommunikation mit den Fahrern. Sie zeigen im Voraus, welche Folgen eine Entwurfsentscheidung hat. Wissenschaftlich fundiert ist dieser Ansatz durch Modellbildung und die Mathematisierung der Anwendungen und der Fehlerarten. This also includes the fields of: These include national priorities aiming to: However, the extreme volatility of and the turmoil on the global financial markets have created an environment that could lead to increased risk levels - not only in the short-term perspective - with respect to the ability to raise additional capital as well as to liquidate some of the securities held for treasury purposes at short notice at acceptable market prices.
As a matter of fact, the learning to be acquired by a student to achieve a qualification and the competences required for the jobs are not clearly and institutionally defined For this reason, most of the operators working in the concerned fields get qualified not through formal education or training, but basically on the job, by means of work experience or voluntary activities, in other words through non-formal or informal learning Competence - or better qualification -.
Whatever the EU may decide to become institutionally and whoever it is prepared to offer membership to, it will ultimately become one of the strongest determining factors in setting up the future regional organizations network in the Euro-Asian-American "circle of 55" extending throughout the northern hemisphere.
The considerable technical a n d institutional e f fo rt required to implement this document is [ W e lchen enormen Aufwa nd sowohl in technisc he r als au ch institutioneller Hi nsi cht d ie Umsetzung [ At Florence the initial stages of the negotiations need to be evaluated and, in particular, the trains of thought being pursued must be more precisely defined so that the necessary compromises can be found on some of the more controversial issues, such as the definition of fundamental rights and rights of citizenship, the adaptation of t h e institutional s y st em with a view to the future enlargements, the possibility of introducing strengthened forms of cooperation into the Treaty, the inclusion of a specific chapter on employment, radical improvement of European action on justice and home affairs, a more coherent, solid and effective structure for foreign and security policy, and simplification of the Treaty to make it easier to understand, giving due emphasis to the principles of subsidiarity and transparency.
It was stressed that space should be found in t h e curriculum f o r the study of the practice of international relations and the use of modern public relations By means of discussions, seminars and the reading of documents and relevant academic works, the active development of knowledge should be encouraged rather than relying on the old-fashioned Austrian emphasis on lectures In support, a house library was planned The monopoly of lawyers in public administration, and hence in the Foreign Ministry, that had existed up to that point was to be broken by the admission of graduates from any discipline taught at universities da-vienna.
Activities shall contribute to the objectives of the programme and relate to the international dimension of all aspects of higher education, such as promotion, accessibility, quality assurance, credit recognition, recognition of European qualifications abroad and. Leitung schulischer Einrichtungen und die Rolle des Schulleiters unter Einbeziehung von folgenden Aspekten: The recent report All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education, , provides the context for a partnership between the Department for Employment and Education and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport by integrating the principles of a creative education 'forms of education that develop young people's capacities for original ideas and action' and a cultural education 'forms of education that enable them to.
Der neueste Bericht All our Futures: The changes are ranked in six chapt er s: Voluntary or elective internships that are not a firm. Admission to any of the.