Die fleißige Biene Samantha (German Edition)
Frankfort upon the Main Frankreich: French, French language Fratze: Hanse, Hanseatic League Hanswurst: Hebrew, Hebrew language Hecht: Indian, American Indian Indien: Japanese, Japanese language Jargon: Carpathians, Carpathian mountains Karpfen: Annunciation, Lady Day Marke: Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim, Mussulman Mohn: Portuguese, Portuguese language Posament: Russian, Russian language Rute: Saint Gotthard pass Sankt Niklas: Spanish, Spanish language Spargel: Czech, Czech language Tschetschenien: Ukraine, the Ukraine 2. Ukraine, the Ukraine Ulme: Vatican, the Vatican Vegetation: European bizon, wisent Wismut: Polish provincial governor Wolf: Central African Republic Zentralasien: German, German language dich: Bretagne, Brittany die Niederlande: Holland, the Netherlands die Schweiz: Ukraine, the Ukraine die deine: English, English language engros: French, French language frecht: Hebrew, Hebrew language heda: Japanese, Japanese language ja doch: Portuguese, Portuguese language posieren: Russian, Russian language rutschen: These guys were huge!
Ein Hornissenstich heute weckte mein interesse an diesen faszinierenden Lebewesen. Nachdem ich mir die Infos durchgelesen hane und die tollen Detailbilder angeschaut habe, finde ich diese Tiere noch interessanter. I have photographs my husband and I took today in our back yard. We are from Illinois,USA These hornets seem uncommon is this area.
Email me if you would like to see the photos. Gute Beschreibung, viel Inhalt, tolle Bilder, manchmal etwas zu wissenschaftlich, aber man verstehts. Es sind faszinierende Tiere! Please correct name from "taw-sue" to "taw-hua head -sue". They are "vespa affinis".
German dictionary: Words & meanings in English | • The Vore
I get more information about vespa crabro from you. Thank you very much. Now they build their nest near my room at Chiangmai,Thailand. I 'm afraid of them so much. Thank you for this site. I have been terrified of vespa crabro live in Denmark and other hornets all my life, and your site has changed my outlook. I am a victim like others of the negative attitude towards these insects that exists.
Hope fully I can change other peoples attitudes as well, and will refer to your site. I live in the UK, what types of hornet other then the Vespa crabro. Its mm long, browns not yellows. I just discovered a nest of Vespa crabro today in a walnut tree cavity behind my home in Germantown, Maryland near Washington, D. Wanting to identify the species, I found your very helpful website.
I never knew these were an introduced species. Bald-faced hornets seem far more common here, and I've seen a fairly large nest of them also in the neighborhood here this summer. I love insects and will be watching these hornets with my birdwatching telescope in the coming weeks. An owl Eastern screech owl lived in the same cavity last winter, and a pair of white-breasted nuthatches nested in it just 6 weeks ago! Thank you for the clear information on identifying the bald face, my daughter found the nest while mowing the lawn, the nest measured about 12" tall by 6" wide, we unfortunatly had to get rid of the nest due to allergies.
Sorry, didn't mean to copy and paste that. Just wanted to say "Nice Site" and that my wife, who is an avid gardener, has discovered two rather active Yellow Jacket nests in her garden. They have attacked her twice and we've put out a couple of traps trying to lessen the population. We understand they're a necessary part of nature. Hello, nice to see a "still" picture of what I unfortunately encountered this afternoon while collecting wild black rasberries.
Ich habe ein Problem, welches mich immer wieder in den Sommermonaten heimsucht. Nun habe ich eine regelrechte Symphatie entwickelt, und ich bewundere es, mit wieviel Liebe Ihr Euch diesen Tieren annehmt. Nun wollte ich eigentlich fragen, ob Ihr vielleicht einen Therapeuten kennt, der sich auf diese Phobie spezialisiert hat! Hallo Dieter, Very nice and informative site.
Bald-faced hornets had built a nest on my apartment deck, beneath the guardrail, seven stories up. Didn't know it was there and accidentally disturbed the hornets. Have three stings after being taken by surprise. Your website helped me to determine just what species they were. Ich hoffe, sie danken es mir, indem sie weder mich, noch meine Hunde stechen ;-! Nos enfants les respectent. Merci pour votre site internet! We taught our children that the Frelons are our friends. Our children respect them. If a Frelon loses himself in our house, we help him to leave while presenting a sheet paper or a piece of wood to him on which he will install and wait until we bring him outside.
We withdrew from our attic a nest of 1 meter in height on 80 cm in diameter. It is exposed to the fire station of our village. Thank you for your Internet site! Do you want videos? I've just had a visitor in my house here in Sweden, a European hornet. They live in an old oak close to the house and use to come inside and inespect the cealing: Drom dor ska brutsk. Da et mirta skat! Jeder, der das Thema Tierschutz auf seiner Homepage oder im Forum hat Darf sich gerne eintragen und am Webring teilnehmen.
Hello from the UK! I found this site while trying to identify what I thought was a very large wasp. Thanks to this site I've identified it as a European Hornet. The one I found was 38mm 1,5 inch long, with a wing span of 51mm 2 inches. The information I found out was fascinating, especially the 3 eyes in the middle of the head! I shall not fear a Hornet again!
D Thankyou for the Informative site. I had no idea of the giant bee's, my god! The picture are very professional and the wasp is very intresting. I love looking at bees, wasps, and hornets, but they still frighten me in the wild. I have never seen one as big as a person's hand. Thank you for your work! All I was told about hornets was false. As a bunch of them decided to settle in my barn, i was anxious about it but before any action I went on line seeking information and found your site.
So now i know about the hornets and it is a great feeling as I did'nt want to kill them just because of stupid beliefs. Sorry I can't ask this question in german. It's been too long since I studied it in High School, but in the article about the Giant Japanese Hornet, there is a picture of a Vespa mandarinia Smith perched on the back of someone's hand.
Is this a real image or was it composed of two different pictures? It seems too big, though, I have only seen one of these Giant Hornets once. Really enjoyed this informative article Hallo, wir haben ein kleines Nest im Zimmer, wo das Fenster immer gekippt ist. Sind das Wespen oder Hornissen? Was macht man damit? Ein Foto davon ist hier zu finden: I am fatally allergic to this wasp and found this site quite informative about the nature of the wasp that can kill me within seconds.
In viewing your Japanese Giant Hornet article, I can't believe that the researcher is actually handling a LIVE hornet unprotected and not getting a very serious sting! Are these photos for real or is the insect drugged or immobilized somehow? Interesting site you have, by the way. We have large hornets on the island. I have heard a number of rumours about the problems with hornet stings here.
It is said that if you are stung more than twice your immun system will not be able to cope with another sting. I think this is probably rubbish. Thanks so much for the website! My first reaction at hearing and then seeing this animal chewing on the wooden fence right above my head in the garden was to kill it, but I didn't. However, it was so fascinatingly large and loud that I had to investigate further on the internet. I look forward to nurturing and enjoying these amazing creatures. Thanks again for redirecting the basal human fears resulting from the ignorance of the awesome world around us.
Dabei hat mir eure Website sehr geholfen. Der sehr gute Text leider nicht die Bilder helfen mir, Vorlesungen zu gestalten. Ich habe viel gelernt auf diesen Seiten, bin auch reingefallen auf die Pharaonen -das Buch steht bei mir im Schrank My only criticism is that I cannot understand the registration and log in page for the Forum. Tolle Seite, sehr informativ. Coole Seite sehr gut gelungen! This has got to be absolutely best web site on anything I have ever found. I teach gardening and your information is by far fantastic. Thank you so much for your site.
I'm wondering if you'd be so good if you'd allow me to use the photo of the giant hornet on someone's finger to be used in my book, "Amazing Creatures of God's Creation" for our congregation. It will have a run of about 1 copies. Hoping to hear from you. Habe viel Zeit hier verbacht und noch immer nicht alles geschafft. Komme sicher wieder vorbei. I have really enjoyed your site. It is filled with great information. My wife and I just recently took down a hornet's nest that had been vacated.
I speak at our church and different churches on God's creation and I would like to use some of your pictures and information so that people will get a full understanding about the hornet. I do not charge anything when I speak. My name is Koutsoukos Kostas and i am a beekeeper from Greece. Congratulations for the very intresting and informative content your web site provides. I found it while i was searching at the net for giant hornets. To be honest, I m not certain if i would risk breeding hornets near my hives to eliminate wax moth, cause the greek race seems to be strong enough to kill more than 15 per worker.
On the other hand i believe that a person that claims that he loves bees will surly pay respect to insects like hornets and wasps wich seem to be superior than bees. Your web site is very helpfull to understand them. Usually greek web sites informs you only about ways of to eliminate them.
Ich denke, diese Homapage wird mir sehr dabei helfen, denn hier giebt es sehr viele Bilder und Infos. Thank you for your excellent pictures of bald face hornets. All of the sources I have found say they nest in paper nests hanging in a tree or bush. My friend and I found a nest actually our horses found it. We were trail riding and they got stung big time! Thank you for all of your hard work and research! Thanks for the great site.
I was able to ID the Giant Hornets in our yard. They are chewing heavily on our lilac bushes, removing bark, I assume for nest building. They have girdled many of the branches and the leaves are dying. I am wondering why they are so attracted to the lilac? We have acres of forest surrounding us which affords them lots of other bark for chewing.
Each of our lilac bushes, which are old and about 12 feet tall, will have 15 or so hornets on it at one time. That is the only place I see them. They are fascinating to watch! Thank you for your excellent website. Hello, Very good information indeed! I have constructed my first Hornet Box and hope that will attract a queen next spring. Outside my house in the Swedish arcepellago there is a big old hollow tree that is present a home for a big nest of hornets. My husband and I just had our first encounter with a bald faced hornet. We must not have been near their nest because they were extremely non-aggressive.
They were feeding at a hummingbird feeder on our deck and the birds actually would not come to the feeder while they were there. They would, in fact, leave immediately if a bald faced hornet approached the feeder. We're from Northern Indiana and this happened at a campground. Neither we nor any of the other campers had ever seen this particular creature. Thank you for your site which enabled us to identify what we saw and educated us on how to live peacefully with them.
Hallo, ihren Site is wirchlich toll. Ich wohne in Milano und Ich glaube eine Nest Dolichovespula media in meine stadt gefunden haben. Merci pour votre site! I found a "giant hornet" nest in a bird nesting box outside my back door the other day. Thanks for all the information! I just hope the hornets will leave my apples but i'm sure they have taken a lot of insects that otherwise would have made more damage.
This nest is situated in Sweden at 59 dgrs 30' north. We have several nests in the area. I wanted to know their value or danger. Now I know why there are fewer insects in the area this year. The White Faced Hornets are feeding them to their young. It is being constructed right outside our back door. I decided I needed to learn more about theses creatures and I found your site. Thanks for all the information.
I will mention your website in my write-up on Farmgirl Fare. Thanks for all the interesting information. I found these beauties edvouring fallen pears in my back yard in the thumb of Michigan. Thanks for the information. Wir haben heute im Garten ein Hornissennest entdeckt. Thanks for all the great information on the Japanese Wasp!!
My thanks for an excellent site. I now understand how a light drew three of them onto my porch next to my fig bush during the night. Being disoriented, they were overly aggressive and stung one person immediately upon encounter. I noted after that the creatures were not hostile while feeding on the ripe fruit during the day, but were very hostile after being attracted to the light and flying into it repeatedly during the night. Disorientation seems to produce hostility and greatly raises the likelihood of an unprovoked attack, somewhat like humans.
Also, their feeling of being trapped in a screened area may have added to the hostility. Your section on usefulness in harmful insect control has resulted in my allowing their nest to remain instead of destroying it as was my first thought. I have a question. I live in Brooklyn New York and in my garden I have what appear to be hornets using burrows in the earth. Are these in fact , hornets? They are as long and round as my little finger and very wasp-like.
My old dog was bothered by flies. This can be very bad because they can lay eggs and make the dog very sick. One day I saw something, which looked like a fly with a white face, and it was chasing the other flys away from the dog. It was a wasp, the same size as a large fly. It remained with the dog all day every day. Then two nights ago it rained, and the next morning I found it almost dead. Then I saw a very slight movement, and I rescued it.
It began to wash itself, and water came out of it. I put a leaf over it, so birds would not eat it, and rain would not fall on it. Today it is back, and all day it is with the dog, except today it also circles around me, but we know each other now, and so I am not afraid. Here is a picture: Thanks for the great information! I live in Kirkland, WA and have discovered in the last three days a "Bald Faced Hornets" nest the rivals anything I've read about or seen on your site yet. Suspended high 25'' in one of our cedar trees, through my binoculars the nest is a work of art; exactly as described and photographed on your site.
It reminded me of the "Clingeons", the alien enemys of Capt. Kirk and his "Enterprize" companions. It scared me, as we have young grandchildren, neighbor's kids, etc. As a result of your site, and other online research I've done, I'll not have them exterminated - this year - and hope you're right that the nest will not be re-used next spring. Thanks for enlightening my family and me as to the positive benefits of the Bald Face Hornet - I was enjoying the absence of many pesky bugs and Crain Flys!
Je ne savais rien des frelons I learned everything here possible!!! This site was really good, learnt a lot! I have recently watched two different pairs of black faced hornets fighting to the death. They began grappling with each other near my hummingbird feeders. Eventually, they must have stung each other, because they died.
Can you tell me more about this phenomena? Thank you for your very interesting site on hornets. I have just been to Turkey for 1 week and saw quite a lot of oriental hornets while I was there. I did not know what they were until I found pictures of them on your site. I am trying to find out a bit more about their behaviour.
I was quite wary of them when I saw them but they did not seem to bother people, unlike wasps. I was recently stung by what I've been told is known as a "Black Hornet". He was a big sucker. The sting burned like hell, and then about a week later it still hurt to the touch, I had to "pop" the area where I was stung, lke it was a pimple, a very painful pimple. I'm looking for information about this "Black Hornet" thing. As if he was wearing his leather jacket with his colors on his back that said, "don't mess with me, or you'll be a sorry MF'r.
I appreciate your site and your attitude toward industrious animals. I have the dilemma of a large soccer ball size nest under the deck of a rental house. I may place a block of ice directly above the nest at night and hope the cold induces the hornets to fly away. Your photographs are fantastic. Where can I get information on a leaf cutting wasp that I see often near our canals? How wonderful to find out that these large beautiful creatures are actually quite harmless!
I'm so glad now and we all are looking forward to following their progress! I spotted a large basketball sized nest 15 feet above my driveway. They have not bothered us at all except I noticed yesterday that 3or4 of the "scouts" circled my head and corcled my dog as I walked down the driveway. Are they too close for comfort or do you think they will continue to not accack us? I have seen several of the Vespa mandarinia hornets here in Albuquerque.
Who should I report this to? Also ich muss jetzt doch auch mal loswerden wie toll ich die Seite finde. Sehr informativ, gut gegliedert und tolle Bilder. Dem Hornissennest bei mir gehts sehr gut siehe Homepage. Echt toll, dass man hierdurch auch im Internet Hornissenfreunde findet. Wie gesagt einfach klasse! Had one of these fly into my house. Didn't know what it was until I found your site. We have a bald hornets nest on our eve.
We were checking the net to find out what kind of insect made it. It is definitely the bald faced hornet with the yellow behind. We like your site. Mein Garten befindet sich in Potsdam. Gibt es dort oder in Berlin direkte Ansprechpartner zu diesem Thema? We've seen around 4 hornets in our back garden within the last couple of weeks.
We live in Hawkhurst, Kent, UK. My wife is still worried as we have a 1 and 2 year old who are curious. I'd like to be able to find the nest so that I can assure my wife that they are too far away from their nest for any reason to attack. Can they travel far at this stage of their cycle? Hope you could understand. Eine sehr informative Seite!!!
Nachdem ich allen Mut zusammengenommen, habe ich das Fenster von Kippe ganz aufgestellt und das Tier flog wieder nach draussen. Gestern Abend konnte ich beobachten wie im Abstand von ca. Und da hing das Ding Nest. Da kann also wohl noch einiges gebastelt werden. Wer hat schon einen eigenen Flugplatz im Garten. Ende Oktober werden wir dann einmal einen Blick in den Schrank werfen, wir sind jetzt schon wahnsinns gespannt!
German dictionary: Words & meanings in English
Wenn es soweit ist, sagen wir bescheid u. Dank dieser Seite, habe ich kaum Angst mehr vor diesen Fliegern Ich finde Eure Seiten hervorragend. I found what I was looking for and so much more!! I learned a lot and I appreciate all the photos or I would never have been able to identify our hornets! I have just carefully removed a huge hornet from my daughters bedroom. There must be a nest nearby.
I thought they were extinct from the Midlands in England? Can you tell me if they are protected here? I was doing some yard work last year and did not see the nest. I was bitten very badly, over and over again. I did not touch the nest, only the bush it was in. I am beginning to think, after reading everyone's comments, that i am the only person to be bitten so much by these creatures.
The only thing that eventually saved me was that i ran like the wind and jumped in the pool. Had seen a larg hornet in our flower garden in Friendswood, Texas and didn't realize what it was.
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It appeared to be agressive. Determined from your site that it must have been a Cicada Killer Wasp. I, like the guest before me, have a nest on my bedroom window. It is a perfect cross section! We are able to see everything that is going on inside. I found the site last night while trying to get more info on hornets to share with my son. I could not believe that the post right before mine was the same as mine!!
Thanks for all of the good information. Hello, I found your page while I was trying to find out a little more about wasps. We have a nest being built on our window frame. The amazing part is that the back side of the nest is the window!! That means I can look directly into the nest and watch!! I first noticed the nest in late May. It was the size of a golfball. I watched it change shape and size it is about grapefruit size now. I can see the cells and the larva I see the queen and some recent offspring feed the larva at least I think that is what you call them.
I have yet to witness one emerge. Have you ever heard of this???? An actual window into a nest??? I live in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Hi, I'm so glad I found your site. We had a queen in our house today 20th June in Norfolk, England. Very ineresting site I am a Associate Professor in Entomology woking on predatory wasps of honeybees.
I'm about sixty now, but our family's always had a cabin in northern Wisconsin. You know how bad the black flies are in that area in the summer! Most years there is also a big baldfaced hornet's nest in the peak of the roof over the door and the deck. When I was a kid we were afraid of the hornets, especially since they seemed to dive-bomb us, so we didn't spend much time on the deck. But my philosophy was that bees, etc. To my surprise, when a fly would land on me, a hornet would swoop down and snatch it, then carry it up to the nest.
We decided the hornets were our friends and we all got brave. To my knowledge, no one was ever stung. In my opinion it's the underground-dwelling yellowjackets you have to watch out for--they're aggressive little guys. I learned a lot from your site. I am still afraid of the little bastards, but have more respect for them. Wurde von einer Hornisse am li,kleinen Finger gestochen. Hatte nachher keinerlei Schwieigkeiten mit den Motorrad fahren gehabt. Bin 67 Jahre jung. I had wondered if the creature I saw in my garden was a hornet and, if so, if it was dangerous.
Your website has confirmed for me that it was indeed a hornet and that I have nothing to fear. I have always been terrified of wasps and have been very worried after finding two of the biggest in my house and childrens playhouse in Windsor UK. We back onto a spinney which is where they have probably come from. Your site has been very informative and allayed my fears somewhat. I have identified these as the european hornet and stopped panicking.
WE have a large hornet nest being built in our garden shed. Onman helped me out a great deal. He confidently refferred me to your webpage, which I think is just a rare instance of thorough craftmanship and inspired insectship. Jeg liker nemlig ikke alle slags insekter. Det er ogsaa meget kult at dere har en rengjort gjestebok, slik at ingen skal skremme oss sunne mennesker borte.
Eine sehr gute Seite! Ich bitte um eine Meinung dazu. Aber solch fein aufgearbeitetes Material zum Thema ist mir noch nicht untergekommen - meine Hochachtung! Ich schau bestimmt bald wieder hier herein. Thank you for the information on your website. Tonight I encountered the largest flying insectI have seen, in my bathroom. I have spent 2 hours on the web trying to identify the intruder and trying to determine its now her fate.
She is calmly residing in a mason jar on my desk, but shortly will be released into the wooded area behind my house. A very interesting and informative site. I became particularly interested in hornets after recently finding five queens in my house, trying to get out. Obviously there was an old nest somewhere possibly in a chimney no linger used since central heating was installed? I have never heard of hornets using man-made structures, I thought their nest were always in hollow trees.
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Hallo, habe gestern am Or is it more likely to be one of the European races? Da ich selbst eine Gottesanbeterin besitze, bin ich erleichtwert diese Seite gefunden zu haben um mir diese Informationen zu besorgen. Das haben wir uns auch angewohnt. Ich weiss nicht woran es liegt, aber Hornissen sind in Spanien ausserordentlich "friedlich". Just looked at your hornet website. Best thing I have ever found!!!! Seit langer Zeit bin ich mal wieder auf der Hornissenseite. Aber jetzt bin ich wieder "dran". Bei meinen Eltern wohnen in Nieders. Ich glaube, vor 2 oder 3 Jahren hatten wir dort zum letzten Mal ein Hornissennest.
Nice site, that yellow jacket nest is really neat! Eure Seite ist echt super-spannend und sehr interessant. Bin nicht mehr davon los gekommen, bis ich mir alles bis zur letzten Seite durchgelesen hatte! Hat mich so fasziniert! Auch irre tolle Bilder! I didn't kown what these hornets were called until I happened on your web site. Thank you for the information. Familie Gruber - Wien. Der "Honig" kommt auch schon durch die Decke This website is very good. I love working with the social insects bees, wasps and ants. Wish I could have shown this info to my neighbor before he blew a beautiful,large, bald-faced hornet nest out of his tree with a shotgun.
Will visit again, keep adding photos and info. I'm working on establishing nesting colonies in my woods, so will try the nesting box near my bee hives. I live in Connecticut, USA. How do white faced, or bald faced, hornets spend the winter? Thanks for your response. My son William Sheffer is doing research for his second grade insect project on the hornet. Your site is very informative and the photos are superb. Thank you for providing such an excellent resource! I have fond memories of the Pinkus Mueller pub. Meunster is a wonderful town. Thanks for the informative website on hornets and their nests.
We watched an active nest all summer. Today we declared it safe to knock it out of the cherry tree behind our house. It was really neat to get a close look at the construction of the nest. My college age son is taking the nest to his "bugs" class to show his instructor! I live in Illinois and have hornets in a tree within 60 feet of the house. If you look around you can find small,the size of a baseball,satalite nest.
The hornets go there and back. I found one under the garage roof. I have seen this here. Is this a new thing. I have not heard of this,exept what I observed. They look like a mini hornet nest. And they are always within feet of the big nest. I'm glad to have found out more about the hornet. Until recently I was guilty of being afraid and even killing them. Then I looked at one and thought, this is a beautiful creature, maybe I had better find out more about it. I now know that they are peaceful creatures and I will do my best to preserve them.
Thia morning I found one on my windowsill, apparently exhausted and dying. I gave it some sugar solution anbd now it has gone. I don't know if it helped it, or if it was going to die anyway, but at least I have done my best for it. My compliments on a great and informative site. Thanks for the great information. Just returned from a vacation in the southern Appalachians. We were fascinated by a very large hornet nest near our cabin. Would have liked to collect the nest, but the hornets were much in evidence. And last Monday another Queen hornet was collecting some honey along side my honey bees robbing from some spare equipment at Charnwood Forest, Leistershire, England.
I have not seen them around here before. Well done for a great web site. Sie sind das 3. Was sagt Ihr dazu? Your site saved a colony of hornets in Virgininia today. I have identified a colony of Vespa Crabro hornets that is less than yeards from my beehives. Even though they are a threat to my bees, you have convinced me that they are also beneficial. I climbed the tree and took some pictures. Let me know if you would like some copies. Found a queen in my garage this morning and used your site to identify it. Have a large nest in the attic of our house but it is not being used.
I learned alot from this site. I have a large nest,bigger than a basketball in my back yard. I am looking forward to donating it to the school. The hornets are black and white. The last time they were here,I didn't know about them till they chased me while I was cutting grass. They didn't stop till I caught them in my hands and through them to the ground. Then stomped on them,One at a time. I had to,It was them or me.
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My hands looked like I was wearing boxing gloves. I looked like I had no fingers for 2 days. Now I know the importance of giveing them thier space,and just watching them do thier beutiful work.
I am teachin my class of 8 year olds about habitats and we were lucky enough to see a hornets nest at a local RSPB reserve and now we can learn more about them. My husband has just located a huge hornet nest suspended over the entrance to my side of our garage. Great, now he is smacking a large pole against the nest to see what will happen, who would think this man is 65 years old. I will show him the site, in hopes that he will leave them alone. The nest is quite large and I assume that we only can see it now because the leaves are starting to fall in early October.
I feel he will want to keep the nest and preserve it so that our children and grandchildren can take it to school for a Science project. Many thanks to you for your site, it will help the children in their reports. I am hoping that I will not have to transport my stuborn husband to ER. Thankyou so much for such useful information..
As children we were always led to believe that hornets are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs! I am a gardener on a country estate in the East Anglia region of the UK and come across hornets quite frequently, today for example we saw around 20 flying around some oak trees and a hedge, which is what prompted me to look you up They didn't seem interested in us at all or the noise form the machinery we were using at the time, so I thought I would find out the facts about them. I was relieved to read that tey are less toxic that bee's even if their sting is a little more painful, pain I could cope with so long as I knew i wasn't going to die!!
I have passed on the information to my colleagues and we shall do out best to preserve the nests we know to be on the estate! You have a very interesting site. Finde diese Seite sehr gut und habe sie mit meinen Kindern mit Spannung verfolgt. Danke und bitte weiter so!!

Thank you for this useful information. I will now "bee" waiting until December to remove the white-faced hornets nest from my moms forsythia bush here in Virginia and will probably then save it for display. Wie gut, dass es eine Seite gibt, die sie so darstellt, wie sie wirklich sind. In unserem Garten haben die Tierchen es gut.
Sie nichts, auch wenn man dicht heran geht. I understand you are an expert on hornets so I am forwarding a question to you regarding a yearly infestation of hornet-like creatures on my property. Based on your description of a hornet's nest, the creature infesting my property may fall into a different classification. Every August for the last several years a large insect with tiger like coloration and a terrible stinger infests a segment of my property. The burrow into deeply into the ground and have a characteristic mound above the tunnel. In the early part of the infestation, I kill them off daily at sunset or sunrise when they are dormant.
I thin the population until no new tunnel appears for a week. Finally, the creatures dies out at the end of August. Unfortunately, no matter how effectively I wipe them out, their associates appear the following year. I believe they have singled out my property as I think my neighbors are not infested. My question to you is whether I am correct about my idea that they are hornets? Or are they another type of insect. Whatever their classification is, they are very dangerous.
They have stingers and I would like to get rid of them. Thanks for all the information Stephanie and I just took a picture ogf the Bald-faced Hornets nest in the backyard. I am looking forward to getting it developed. I have never seen this type of Hornet before in Ohio. They are very fascinating. I am very happy to see that others are interested in keeping the Hornets safe. We have a nest the size of a basketball in my bushes in backyard. My son was stung and learned to respect their privacy. His friend threw a brick at the hive and thank God it missed. They are very sweet and harmless to Ted and I.
We love to watch them from a distance with our 1 year old daughter. Interessante, informative Seite mit beeindruckenden Bildern. Viele Informationen kann ich auch in der Schule gut gebrauchen. Hey I'm Todd and i loved your page. Your pictures were very cool. That was very nice of you to show them to me. Dont get stung by any hornets of yellow jackets. I have just found a hornets' hive in my living room, diameter about 30cm, and struggling to convince everybody to leave it alone.
It is built on top of a window in a hollow part which has an opening to the outside only. I was wondering what happens to the white faced hornets when it gets cold. Do they die, migrate, hybrinate spelling? Can we remove the nest after a freeze? Thank you for this interesting website. I have now learned more about these bees that I am seeing for the first time in Virginia.
Now I have less fear than before! What an interesting web site. I have a Hornnets nest in the corner of my roof. Due to ignorance I was thinking of having the nest destroyed. But I found out a bit more about them via your web site so I am happy for them to stay until they decide to relocate. I like this site and have some very strange pictures of either a wasp or hornet's nest and don't know where to post them.
I'm waiting to hear from Food and Agriculture Canada who will be investigating this very strange nest. Can you help me to post some pictures? Thanks for the info on your website, it was of great use to me in identifying the hornet that has plagued a customer of mine. Thanks for the helpful information and great photos on this page. Very interesting - but I shall have my nest removed tomorrow as it is so near the house - if it had been in the garden I would have left it. We've recently been plagued by what I believe to be California Yellowjackets V.
Without any provocation, my wife was stung while sitting outside and I was chased indoors several times by the little critters. I'm very allergic to bee and wasp stings so I take these attacks very seriously. I purchased a Yellowjacket trap and hung it in my yard. Within two days I had trapped a couple of hundred yellowjackets. But what I found most amazing the presence of a Bald-face Hornet ambushing yellowjackets as they attempted to enter the trap. Thank You for your information about the Cicada Killer Wasp. We had found some burrows in our yard here in Kentucky and saw the female exiting the hole.
I must admit I was very afraid of her until I read your site. We have many bees and wasps on our property which have never bothered us and we have great gardens. Thank you for these wonderful pictures. I am now sure that I have seen two hornet mating sexuals in my garden these past few days! That is how I found your wonderful ,informative site on these amazing animals insects?
Your website gives excellent information about these insect. I could send you photographs of the nest in construction if you are interested. The hornets have so far allowed me to get close to photograph without attacking me. In the evenings they are attracted by the lights in our nearby barn and I assume they are hunting the moths and flies. Thank you for your information. Ummm, danke schon for the great page on white faced hornets! I look forward to surfing more of your website. Werde Eure Seite weiterempfehlen. Gibt es ein Buch,in dem die 23 weltweit vorkommenden Hornissenarten einzeln beschrieben und bebildert sind?
These creatures are alive and well in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsyvania!!