Der Transaktionskostenansatz: Make or Buy Entscheidung (German Edition)
Ecosystem services and their economic valuation in the focus of politics and resarch in Germany Nat. Weil sie es uns wert ist! Raus aus der Nische! Das Vorsorgeprinzip - Refine it or replace it? Der Wert der Natur in Euro.
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Ein Interview von Andreas Weber P. Voluntary international climate finance under the post-Kyoto framework: Playing fair within climate protection policy? The new MoorFutures - carbon credits including additional ecosystem services Nat. Landschaft 90 4 , - full text url Karthe, D. Binnenschifffahrt — Ist die Erhebung von Wassernutzungsabgaben angezeigt?
Praktische Ausgestaltung einer fortzuentwickelnden Abwasserabgabe. Conceptualising imperfect knowledge in public decision making: Transformationen zu einem nachhaltigen Wasserressourcenmanagement. Power grid investments and incentive regulation: Spatial coordination of generation and network in a liberalised power market: Regional differenzierte Stromnetzentgelte als Auslaufmodell? Anreizregulierung und Energiewende - eine Mesalliance?
InfrastrukturRecht 10 11 , - Krumm, R. Spanischsprachige Besprechung der von H. Sichere Stromversorgung bei hohen Anteilen volatiler Erneuerbarer: Was kann ein Strommarkt 2. Security of power supply with high shares of volatile renewables: Does the power market reform deliver? Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 67 5 , 19 - 24 Lehmann, P. Addressing multiple externalities from electricity generation: Valuing wilderness in Iceland- new approaches in contingent valuation Icelandic Journal of Geography 1 , 29 - 40 Lienhoop, N.
Wie viel Artenschutz ist gesellschaftlich optimal? Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bereich Holz. Ende der Abfalleigenschaft — am Beispiel von Brennstoffen aus der hydrothermalen Karbonisierung. The application of the Contingent Valuation method in estimating the climate change mitigation and adaptation policies in Greece. An expert-based approach Environment, Development and Sustainability 12 5 , - full text url Messner, F. Zwei Sichtweisen auf das Umweltproblem: Die neue Wasserrahmenrichtlinie der EU: Wasserranhmenrichtlinie und Naturschutz - Kontrahenten oder Partner? Water Framework Directive and nature conservation — opponents or partners?
Consideration of nature conservation interests in programmes of measures under the European Water Framework Directive — The example of the federal State of Hessen KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 2 9 , - full text url Meyer, V. Recht 37 10 , - full text url Monsees, J. The role of public participation in managing uncertainty in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive European Environment 15 6 , - full text url Oelmann, M. Models of sustainable user fees in the wastewater sector Part 1: Conceptual framework for basic fees for wastewater disposal KA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 64 4 , - full text url Oelmann, M.
Sustainable models for wastewater management fees Part 2: The suitability of alternative basic fee models for wastewater KA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 65 9 , - full text url Ohl, C. Linking perceptions and water management: Nachhaltige innovative Wasserwirtschaft - deutsche Governance-Struktur im internationalen Vergleich ifo Schnelldienst 60 18 , 16 - 26 Partzsch, L.
Mit einer Mangelware umgehen? Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Datengrundlagen auf mesoskalige Wasserhaushaltsmodellierungen: Reflections on ethics and MCA in environmental decisions J. Philosophical aspects of incommensurability and incomparability Informatica 12 1 , - Rauschmayer, F. Studierende stellen sich ihre Klausur selbst. Ethics of multicriteria analysis International Journal of Sustainable Development 3 1 , 16 - 25 full text url Rauschmayer, F.
Linking emotions to needs: Evaluation concepts in European governance of natural resources Environ. European governance of natural resources and participation in a multi-level context: Landschaft 79 11 , - Ring, I. Supporting nature conservation in urban landscapes: What to do when nature conservation is successful and humans face competition again Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 11 , - full text url Ring, I.
Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen: Comparison of empirical methods for building agent-based models in land use science Journal of Land Use Science 2 1 , 31 - 55 full text url Rode, M. Integrated river basin management: La reserva de biosfera Cabo de Hornos: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve: Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation — Benefits of nature conservation measures Nat.
Landschaft 93 12 , - full text url Schramm, E. How to promote urban nature: Financial risks of natural hazards: Was verspricht und was bringt der neue Koalitionsvertrag in der Klima- und Energiepolitik? Economies of integrated risk management? An empirical analysis of the Swiss public insurance approach to natural hazard prevention Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 1 2 , - full text url Schwarze, R.
The political economy of natural disaster insurance: Protected species in conflict with fisheries: Speeding up the energy transition Nature Sustainability 1 , - full text url Strunz, S. On the alleged need to strictly Europeanise the German Energiewende Intereconomics 49 5 , - full text url Sushchenko, O.

Carbon taxation and market financial instruments for mobilizing climate finance. Artenschutz durch handelbare Zertifikate? Recht 29 5 , - full text url Tonner, K. Efficient approximation of the spatial covariance function for large datasets — analysis of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations Journal of Environmental Statistics 6 3 , 1 - 36 full text url Viering, K. A systemic approach for modeling soil functions Soil 4 1 , 83 - 92 full text url Volk, M. Can transaction cost economics explain the different contractual arrangements for the provision of agricultural machinery services?
EMAS and regulatory relief in Europe: A model-based procedure to determine economically efficient compensation payments, for measures to protect endangered species Nat. Landschaft 82 4 , - Wittmer, H. The transition of energy systems towards sustainability: Ecological-economic modelling for designing and evaluating biodiversity conservation policies - EE Modelling Special Section Ecol. Valuing climate change mitigation. Applying stated preferences in the presence of uncertainty Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. Cost-benefit assessment within the context of the EC water framework directive: Economic valuation of biodiversity: Joint production and responsibility in ecological economics: Effects of climate change on the profitability of carbon credit sales: Das Menschenrecht auf Wasser als Allokationsproblem: The human right to water as an allocation problem: Conflict, cooperation and institutions in international water management.
An economic analysis Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. Environmental and resource costs under article 9 Water Framework Directive: Content and implementation of a right to water: Was uns die Natur wert ist: Sustainability and the art of long-term thinking Routledge Studies in Sustainability Routledge, Abingdon, pp.
Entropy, water and resources. An essay in natural sciences-consistent economics Springer, Berlin, pp. Umweltbewertung und politische Praxis in der Bundesverkehrswegeplanung: Concepts and instruments for a rational bioenergy policy: Wasserrahmenrichtlinie - Wege aus der Umsetzungskrise: Behandlung von Stromspeichern im Stromsteuer- und Energiewirtschaftsrecht: Ecosystem services in rural areas: Leibniz University Hanover ; Leipzig: Mainstreaming the economics of nature: TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers.
The photovoltaic support scheme in Germany: Klimaschutzpolitik im Bereich des motorisierten Individualverkehrs in Deutschland. Emissions trading and business Physica, Heidelberg, pp. Ecological economics of sustainable watershed management Adv. Die Governance der Wasserinfrastruktur.
Emissions trading for climate policy: US and European perspectives. Economics and management of climate change: Permit trading in different applications Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics 33 Routledge, London, pp. Risk habitat megacity Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. Nachhaltige Wasserbewirtschaftung und Landnutzung. Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience Future City 10 Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp.
Die Kunst langfristig zu denken: Human - wildlife conflicts in Europe: Climate adaptation Santiago Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.
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Nachhaltige Wassernutzung in der Schweiz: Stated preference methods for environmental valuation: Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Industrie- und Bergbauregionen: Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, S. Towards successful participation in European biodiversity and water governance. Die Elbe im globalen Wandel: Water, war and reconstruction irrigation management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan In: Water, environmental security and sustainable rural development: The multifaceted contribution of biodiversity to human well-being: Patrimonio cultural de la Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos propuesta.
Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos. The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. A proposal of conservation and tourism to achieve sustainable development at the Southern end of the Americas Ediciones Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, p. Emissions trading and business Physica, Heidelberg, p. Land-use change, risk and land-use management In: Risk habitat megacity Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.
Urban regeneration and brownfield remediation: Sustainability assessment for brownfield regeneration. Vom Wert der Vielfalt: Localizing global change in Germany In: Netzgebundene Wasserinfrastruktursysteme unter dem Einfluss globaler und regionaler Wandlungsprozesse In: Konzepte und institutionelle Ansatzpunkte In: Linking transition theories with theories of institutions - Implications for sustainable urban infrastructures between flexibility and stability In: Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience Future City 10 Springer International Publishing, Cham, p.
Ecosystem services and protected areas In: The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management Earthscan, London, p. Making your natural capital work for local development In: Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management. Protection of low yielding Sanguisorba officinalis grasslands as habitat of the Large Blue butterflies Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea teleius - model calculations on the efficiency of agri-environmental schemes In: Studies on the ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe.
Species ecology along a European gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a model. Environmental co-operation and institutional change. Prospects and challenges for biodiversity conservation in Guatemala In: Valuation and conservation of biodiversity. Using social capital to create political capital: A theoretical approach and empirical evidence from Thailand In: The commons in the new millennium.
Institutional settings in transboundary water management: Management of transboundary water resources under scarcity. A multidisciplinary approach World Scientific Publishing, Singapur, p. Lessons learnt, open research questions and recommendations In: Society - Water - Technology: Technologies, incentives and cost recovery: Integrated water resources management in a changing world: Die Energiewende verstehen - orientieren - gestalten: Valuation of ecosystem services provided by biodiversity conservation: Ergebnisse von Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen - Interpretation und Verwendung In: Naturschutzrelevante Effekte des Kiesabbaus und ihre naturschutzfachliche Bewertung In: Umweltpolitik und Umweltmanagementsysteme In: Integrating the ecological and economic dimensions in biodiversity and ecosystem service valuation In: The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity: Water accords in the Middle East peace process: The status of international river management in Africa In: Co-operation on transboundary rivers Nomos, Baden-Baden, p.
Benefit-sharing in transboundary water management through intra-water sector issue linkage? On the water front: Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management als Koordinationsproblem In: Institutions for international river management - is integrated water resources management a viable concept? A software tool for designing cost-effective compensation payments for species conservation In: A model-based approach for designing cost-effective compensation payments for the conservation of endangered species in real landscapes In: Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services In: Der Handel mit Emissionsrechten aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht In: Emissionszertifikate und Umweltrecht ; Trier-Kolloqium zum Umwelt- und Technikrecht vom Ecological economics at the watershed scale: Model-based criteria for the effectiveness of conservation strategies - an evaluation of incentive programmes in Saxony, Germany In: Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen in umweltrelevanten Bewertungsverfahren - die Eingriffsregelung als Beispiel In: Schriftenreihe Ingenieurwissenschaften 2 Starke, Sondershausen, S.
Der Einfluss umweltpolitischer Regulierung auf Innovationen In: Policy-windows for the declaration of protected areas - a comparative case study of East Germany and Guatemala In: New perspectives for environmental policies through behavioral economics Springer, Cham, p.
Road pricing in Germany - a behavioral economics perspective In: Stoffstromanalyse und Stoffstromsteuerung im Bereich der Bioenergie In: Ordnungskonzepte der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft zwischen Modernisierung und Regulierung In: Virtual water and trade: The global water system in the Anthropocene. Challenges for science and governance Springer, New York, p.
The affordability of water and energy pricing: International handbook on social policy and the environment Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. Affordability as an institutional obstacle to water-related price reforms In: Aktuelle Probleme der Verkehrsinfrastruktur-Finanzierung In: Umweltrechtstage Nordrhein-Westfalen am Bilanz und Perspektiven In: Innovation und Recht II: Energie und soziale Ungleichheit: Umwelt- und Ressourcenkosten nach Art. Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz als tatbestandliche Beihilfe: Umweltschutz als Abgabenprivileg In: Regionale Verteilungswirkungen und Finanzierungsverantwortung: Efficiency-equity-trade-off as a challenge for shaping urban transformations In: Die Zukunft der Energiewende in Deutschland In: Environmental policies through climate engineering In: Die Zukunft von Abwasserabgabe und Wasserentnahmeentgelten In: A governance framework for a sustainable bioeconomy: Insights from the case of the German wood-based bioeconomy In: Towards a sustainable bioeconomy: Reform der Abwasserabgabe In: Support policies for renewables: The political economy of clean energy transitions Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.
Urban resources and governance: Mainstreaming climat e change adaptation into urban planning: BASE Adaptation inspiration book: Jena, Germany adaptation strategy as an essential supplement to climate change mitigation efforts. Climate change and cities: Technologische und institutionelle Anpassungsoptionen im Wechselspiel: Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Regenwasserbewirtschaftung In: Payments for ecosystem services In: On the connection between urban sustainability transformations and multiple societal crises In: Tisza river basin In: The adaptive water resource management handbook Earthscan, London, p.
The long way of implementing river basin management in Post-Soviet states - a conflict analysis in the Western Bug River basin Ukraine In: Introducing river basin management in a transitional context: The politics of river basin organisations: Coalitions, institutional design choices and consequences Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. Economics and management of climate change. Risks, mitigation and adaptation Springer, New York, p.
The TEEB approach towards sustainable urban transformations: Regionale Umweltberichterstattung unter dem Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Neglected values of major water engineering projects: Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen In: Cost-benefit-analysis - possibilities and limitations In: Risk assessment and management of large contamination sites.
Innovation zwischen Markt und Staat. Das Verursacherprinzip als Effizienzregel In: Zusammenfassung und weiterer Forschungsbedarf In: Permit trading in different applications: Anmerkungen aus finanzwissenschaftlicher Sicht In: Megacities and climate change: Mega-urbanization and social vulnerability In: Politikbereiche mit Wirkungen auf die biologische Vielfalt: Instrumente und Steuerungsprobleme In: Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen In: The effects of regulatory precautionary policy in innovations leading to sustainable economic activity, illustrated using the example of chemicals regulation In: Research Initiative for Sustainability and Innovation.
Theory, the market and the state: CO 2 -Emissionshandel in Europa In: Framework and guiding principles for the policy response In: TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers p. The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making Earthscan, London, p.
Einzugsgebiet auf der Mesoskala: Stoff- und Wasserhaushalt in Einzugsgebieten: Umweltabgaben aus finanzwissenschaftlicher Sicht In: Abgabenrechtliche Verhaltenssteuerung im Umweltrecht: Thomas Schelling und das Klimaproblem In: Walter Eucken und das Denken in Verfassungen In: Kritischer Rationalismus als Konzeption wirtschaftspolitischer Beratung In: Der Wert der Arbeit bei Karl Marx: International climate policy after Kyoto: Energy infrastructure and policy options for a sustainable future: Das Instrument handelbarer Umweltzertifikate In: Addressing losses through regulation and pricing In: Addressing the losses through regulation and pricing In: Architekturen und Institutionen In: Abgaben als Instrument der Produktpolitik In: Towards new policy options in EU environmental policy In: Internationalization of the economy and environmental policy options Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.
Cost-benefit-analysis in risk management In: Risk management and risk assessment of toxic chemicals in the European Community: Meeting the challenges of human-wildlife conflict reconciliation In: A generic framework for the development of conflict reconciliation action plans In: State of the art on the economics of adaptation In: Routledge handbook of the economics of climate change adaptation Routledge, London, p. Naturressourcenschutz und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Environmental change and foreign policy: Conceptual frameworks for considering the benefits of nature In: Exploring the policy mix for biodiversity financing: The green market transition - carbon taxes, energy subsidies and smart instrument mixes.
Grenzen der Modelle In: Urban transformations — Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience In: Business impacts and dependence on biodiversity and ecosystem services In: The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in business and enterprise Earthscan, London, p. Integrated water resources management: Recognizing the value of protected areas In: Recognising the value of protected areas In: Sustainable transformation of urban water infrastructure in Amman, Jordan — meeting residential water demand in the face of deficient public supply and alternative private water markets In: Residential water consumption and informal tanker water markets in Amman, Jordan In: Operationalization of the concept of sustainable development on different time scales In: Darstellung der Ergebnisse der Wirkungsanalyse In: Das Konzept des integrierten Bewertungsverfahrens In: Die Ableitung von Bewertungskriterien In: Decision support for land use changes - A combination of methods for policy advising and planning In: Kosten des Klimawandels und Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft In: Auf in die Zukunft!
Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und exportstarken Wasserwirtschaft In: Fazit und Handlungsempfehlungen In: Screening of the conflict In: Nutzen und Kosten privater Hochwasservorsorge In: Developing a regional climate change adaptation plan: Handbuch Wirtschaftsethik Metzler, Stuttgart, S. Klima- und Energiepolitik in Deutschland - Tun wir zu viel des Guten? Kommentar zu Joachim Weimann: Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Unternehmenspraxis Murmann, Hamburg, S. CO 2 emissions trading and instrument mix: Emissions trading in Europe: Improving river basin management in the Western Bug basin, Ukraine In: Integrated Water Resources Management Karlsruhe Landwirtschaftliche Beregnung und Teichwirtschaft In: Economic values of wilderness in Europe In: Wilderness protection in Europe: Bergbau, Sanierung und Folgenutzung In: The other side of the coin: The economics of mine pit restoration: The case of pit lakes in Lusatia, Germany In: Participant behaviour and performance in Contingent Valuation In: Implementing environmental regulations across governance scales in the EU In: The challenge of governance across social scales Praeger Publishers, Westport, p.
New approaches to valuing environmental benefits using contingent valuation In: Methoden der erweiterten Risikoanalyse In: Recording disaster losses for improving risk modelling capacities In: Science for disaster risk management Scenario analysis in the Elbe river basin as part of integrated assessment In: Integrated assessment of water policy strategies in the context of global change: Ergebnisse und Interpretation In: Dematerialisierung, Transmaterialisierung und globale Umweltentlastung In: Stoffflussanalysen und Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren Metropolis, Marburg, S.
Multikriterienanalyse in der Anwendung In: Methodik und beispielhafte Anwendung In: Integration of economic evaluation into water management simulation In: Flood damage, vulnerability and risk perception - challenges for flood damage research In: Earth and Environmental Sciences 67 Springer, Dordrecht, p. Towards a sustainable copper industry? Trends in resource use, environmental impacts and substitution in the global copper industry In: Securing our future - steps towards a closed loop economy Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science 19 Springer, Dordrecht, p.
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Environmental Security Springer, Dordrecht, p. Bausteine einer Theorie sozialer Nachhaltigkeit: Comparative analysis of the conflicts between carp pond farming and the protection of otters Lutra lutra in Upper Lusatia and South Bohemia In: Development of transferable multicriteria decision tools for water resource management In: The annals of the Marie Curie fellowship, Vol.
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Selling Services Instead of Barrels: Integrating social sciences into long-term ecological research In: Perceptions and their role in water management: Energy, environment, ecosystems, development and landscape architecture. Food ethics Springer, New York, p. EU water initiative - a non- innovative form of development cooperation In: Water politics and development cooperation. Local power plays and global governance Springer, Berlin, p. Legitimes Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates.
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Was ist "Nachhaltigkeit" und was ist "nachhaltige" Wasserwirtschaft? Die Nachhaltigkeitsgebote der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft - Kernziele, Grundvoraussetzungen und institutionelle Ansatzpunkte nachhaltiger Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung In: Sustainable urban water governance — main aims, challenges and institutional approaches in Germany and beyond In: Naturschutz im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Interessen.
Economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem governance In: Handbook of ecological economics Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. Fiscal transfers for compensating local ecological services in Germany In: Nature conservation in urban landscapes: Sectoral and regional case studies Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. Nachhaltige Entwicklung und kommunaler Finanzausgleich: Status quo und Entwicklungsoptionen In: Toward a framework for integrating human dimensions in wildlife management In: Ecosystem services - concept, methods and case studies Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.
Policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service management In: Zur Auswahl des geeigneten Politikmixes In: Development of policy instruments In: Public and private in natural resource governance: Ecosystem services in cities and public management In: Water resources and environment research: Integriertes Flussgebietsmanagement am Beispiel der Saale In: Yardstick competition ex ante or comparable firm analysis ex post?
A comparison of benchmarking rules with reference to the European water industry In: Formulario Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos. Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Base document for the incorporation of the Cape Horn archipelago territory into the world biosphere reserve network. Regional economics and policy analysis In: Scaling in ecology and biodiversity conservation Pensoft, Sofia, p. Spatial explicit multicriteria flood risk — fundamentals and semantics of multicriteria flood risk assessment In: Technical change and the environment - an approach towards modelling long-term behaviour of production systems In: Transferable permits in spatial planning: US experiences and lessons for Germany In: Morphology, age, and development of pit lakes In: Influence of groundwater on pit lakes In: Pit lakes in Germany: Hydrography, water chemistry, and management In: Die Versicherung von Naturgefahren: Innovation und Wissenstransfer in der empirischen Sozial- und Verhaltensforschung: Economics, finance, and the private sector In: Economic evaluation of climate change impacts: Economic resilience, total loss control and risk transfer In: Wissen im Flussgebieten vernetzen.
Unsicherheit im Umsetzungsprozess der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie In: Legal and institutional framework In: Decision support in the context of IWRM: Is there a monetary growth imperative? Handbook on growth and sustainability Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. Biodiversity and ecosystem insecurity: Rewarding benefits through payments and markets In: The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge In: Responding to the value of nature In: The use of policy formulation tools in the venue of policy appraisal In: The tools of policy formulation: A supporting tool for decision-making in Maculinea management In: Analysing the shortcomings of the Ukrainian urban waste water sector — Institutional options for modernisation In: Cost recovery for water services according to the EU water framework directive In: Vorwort und Danksagung der Herausgeber und der Schriftleitung In: Implementing European environmental policy: Ecological-economic models for improving the cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation policies In: Policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management: Restoration and stability of ecosystem in arid and semi-arid areas Science Press of China , Beijing, p.
SO 2 Emissions in Germany: Regulations to Fight Waldsterben In: Creating markets to conserve biodiversity: Klimaverletzlichkeit des Flussgebiets Elbe In: Managing resources of a limited planet: Trophic interaction and energy flow In: Procaryotic microorganisms, protists and fungi In: Benthic and sediment community and processes In: Acid pit lakes as special habitats In: Certification and labelling In: Ergebnisse der erweiterten Risikoanalyse In: The value of nature for local development In: Poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: The planners', lawyers' and the landscape ecologists' view on land consumption combined in an interdisciplinary approach In: Contesting discourses of water saving: New aspects of energy, environment, ecosystems and sustainable development.
Development of national indicators for ecosystem services. Global change research in Germany In: Water in urban regions: Risk-averse by nation or by religion? How do we want to live tomorrow? Perspectives on water management in urban regions Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. Financing equilibrium in the cloud forests of Kafa. Fundraising strategy for the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia. Marketing concept for the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia. Analysis of 19 ecosystem service assessments for different purposes — insights from practical experience.
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Comparing visible and less visible costs of the Habitats Directive: Positive evaluations may be shortlived: Is a sustainable land-use policy in Germany possible? Das sind keine Floskeln, es ist eine klare Ansage. Der Mercosur hat zur Entspannung zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten beigetragen, besonders zwischen Argentinien und Brasilien. Wenn jeder seine eigene Handelspolitik betreibt, ist das der Tod des gemeinsamen Marktes.
Der Mercosur befindet sich einer der kritischsten Phasen seiner Geschichte. Press release UN General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Contributing to the SDGs, One Family at a Time is the first-ever study of a year trend in migration and remittance flows over the period While the report shows that there have been increases in sending patterns to almost all regions of the world, the sharp rise over the past decade is in large part due to Asia which has witnessed an 87 per cent increase in remittances.
Despite the decade-long trend, Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD, said the impact of remittances must first be viewed one family at a time. Migration flows and the remittances that migrants send home are having large-scale impacts on the global economy and political landscape. Taken together, these individual remittances account for more than three times the combined Official Development Assistance ODA from all sources, and more than the total foreign direct investment to almost every low- and middle-income country.
Remittances are therefore critical to help developing countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The report makes several recommendations for improving public policies and outlines proposals for partnerships with the private sector to reduce costs and create opportunities for migrants and their families to use their money more productively. The report is released ahead of the International Day of Family Remittances commemorated annually on 16 June. Notes to Editor The Report can be downloaded here: Joanne Levitan Communications Division Tel: Seit hat IFAD I am native german speaker an have been living in Italy for over 35 Years.
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