Volume 2, Issue 2, An issue of Hospital Medicine Clinics - E-Book (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)

Transforming care for patients as consumers. Your Savings Strategy Starts Here. How to harness market chaos and lead. Nasal Decolonization's Broadening Application: Redefining Acute Behavioral Healthcare. The Healthcare Leader's Guide: The case for price transparency: Why it pays to empower patient choice.
Strategies for Managing the Unexpected. The C-Suite battle plan for cyber security attacks in healthcare. A Visionary Patient Financial Experience.
How Artificial Intelligence is engaging surgeons in better documentation. Healthcare commerce as a user-friendly experience. Honoring the Nurse-Patient Connection. The patient is the fastest growing payer.
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Deconstructing the Resolution Process. The Road to Fully-Connected Healthcare.
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The "smart" supply chain: Ensuring Daily Joint Commission Compliance. Welcome to the Age of the Patient. How Millennials are Redefining Healthcare Today: Telemedicine helps providers navigate increasingly complex stroke decisions — here's how. Can healthcare providers afford not to have cyber insurance in ?
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Choosing the right two-factor authentication solution for healthcare. FTEs of the Future: Measuring and reporting outcomes in chronic wound care. Title of the whitepaper. Risks and Rewards of Telehealth. The Future of Hospital Patient Acquisition: Making the case for a new approach to managing risk.
Wound care by the numbers: Medicare cost and utilization of patients with chronic wounds. The Time for Change is Now. Implementing a successful population health management program. How predicting patient length of stay enables hospitals to save millions. Top Strategies for Today's Healthcare Providers. How Accessible is Your Health System? Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping.
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Volume 2, Issue 2, An issue of Hospital Medicine Clinics - by Daniele Scheurer
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