Two Red Dots

Following on from the success of Pale Red Dot , our team are now searching for more terrestrial rocky worlds around nearby red dwarfs. Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our sun and scientists suspect that is has more than one terrestrial planet in orbit around it.
It may be one of the most suitable places to look for life beyond our Solar System, as our instruments and technologies advance. The other two stars observed during the Red Dots campaign are: Throughout the entire campaign we will be presenting real science in real time. This will give YOU, the astro community, access to observational data as the campaign unfolds.
This way, everyone will be able to look for signals and hopefully more planets! No one can say for sure what the outcome of the Red Dots campaign will be. After data acquisition and data analysis together with the community, the scientific team will submit the results for formal peer review.
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So how can you get involved with the hunt for planets around Proxima Centauri and other stars? Peter Zec since Its distinction, the Red Dot, is established internationally as one of the most sought-after quality marks for good design. In order to assess the diversity in the field of design in a thorough and professional manner, the award breaks down into three disciplines: Product Design , Red Dot Award: From products to communication projects and packaging to design concepts and prototypes, the Red Dot Award tracks the most prominent trends worldwide.
Since , the Red Dot Award: It is geared to agencies, designers and companies from around the world.
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Best of the Best. Part of the Red Dot Award: It is intended for up and coming young designers up to two years post-graduation.
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Junior Prize is endowed with 10, Euros and goes to the best project. Your data will be safe! Your e-mail address will not be published.
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