The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
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The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature by Gregory Claeys
Please enter the message. Please verify that you are not a robot. Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Lists with This Book. The chapter on postcolonial utopias is really fascinating. It highlights both the religious and socialist utopian projects that have been operating in especially settler colonial colonies for hundreds of years, beginning with the puritans in the s.
It kind of blew me away to see that connection; Australia has more 'intentional communities' than any other country per capita, except for Israel.
Cambridge Companions to Literature: The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
It was interesting and thought provoking to see that distinction between text and reality disregar The chapter on postcolonial utopias is really fascinating. It was interesting and thought provoking to see that distinction between text and reality disregarded. Also really interesting to see the settler colony and all of its symptoms in the socialist and religious left as directed towards a utopian fantasy of social change.
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- The Cambridge companion to utopian literature (eBook, ) []!
The chapter on non-western utopias has this incredibly annoying part about Australia, where it names 'the dreaming' as described by Deborah Bird-Rose and a few 19ths century ethographers as a form of utopia centred around a "Golden Age" genre of literature, and mentions a few texts by non-Aboriginal people who wrote apocalyptic dystopian novels about Aboriginal people. Only one actual Aboriginal author is mentioned, but not discussed.
The rest of the book is ok but talks about Thomas Moore a bit too much. Apr 05, Rebekah rated it really liked it. I used this as a textbook for a class on YA dystopian lit.
The students struggled with a few of the chapters, but overall found it to be helpful in understanding the history and tradition of utopia, which added a lot of context to our discussions on more contemporary texts. Dec 05, Maisie rated it really liked it. Read the appropriate chapters for my dissertation, and used this for an assignment for my Utopian literature module.
A really good academic companion to utopian literature - particularly as it pays attention to H. Jul 24, Damla rated it really liked it.
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A comprehensive work for introducing the utopian literature. It provides a diversified and interdisciplinary study. Feb 12, Emma rated it it was amazing. A bunch of great papers, well written and extremely helpful. I have a paper to hand in for university in the following weeks, and I'm glad I've bought it.
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Being French, I thought the papers would be hard to read, but they are pretty easy to understand as regards vocabulary and syntax. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. Dispatched from the UK in 3 business days When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Literary Theory Literary Studies: C To C Literary Studies: From C - Literary Studies: Cambridge Companions to Literature: The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction. Description Science fiction is at the intersection of numerous fields. It is a literature which draws on popular culture, and which engages in speculation about science, history, and all types of social relations.
This volume brings together essays by scholars and practitioners of science fiction, which look at the genre from these different angles. After an introduction to the nature of science fiction, historical chapters trace science fiction from Thomas More to more recent years, including a chapter on film and television. The second section introduces four important critical approaches to science fiction drawing their theoretical inspiration from Marxism, postmodernism, feminism and queer theory. The final and largest section of the book looks at various themes and sub-genres of science fiction.
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