Last Seen
A fantastic reveal, I started to see it coming but still it left me breathless with very tumbled emotions about the outcome. I was thrilled to bits reading this well-written, perfectly formed and deeply moving novel. It's got a lot going for it and will appeal to a huge range of different readers. Definitely get this book on your to-read list or better yet, go and grab it! If you like books that keep you guessing, character driven fiction and stories that really pull you into the heart of the matter then you'll love this. I was really impressed with this great book.
I'd love to connect with you on social media! You can find me on Facebook here: Mar 03, Blair rated it really liked it Shelves: Lucy Clarke writes the kind of books I simply have to finish in a day. Last Seen is another hit, a suspenseful and beguiling tale of secrets and lies set on an English sandbank where two lifelong friends, Sarah and Isla, have neighbouring beach huts. As the story begins, Sarah's year-old son Jacob has gone missing — on the exact day that Isla's son Marley drowned seven years earlier.
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As the days go by, a tangled knot of hidden connections and betrayals begins to unravel, leading all the way b Lucy Clarke writes the kind of books I simply have to finish in a day. As the days go by, a tangled knot of hidden connections and betrayals begins to unravel, leading all the way back to the early days of Sarah and Isla's friendship. The two women take turns as narrators, with frequent flashbacks illuminating their pasts. Last time I reviewed one of Clarke's novels 's The Blue , I mentioned that I felt her three books formed a kind of loose trilogy.
Now there are four, I'd say that still stands, as Last Seen feels a little different — more mature and grounded, and correspondingly more domestic. At the same time, it nods to the author's evident love of travel and flair for an evocative setting: As I raced through Last Seen, my imagination was consumed by life on the sandbank.
The intimacy of the setting is absorbing and authentic; the characters are convincing; the plot has an effortless natural momentum. As a cross between a suspenseful thriller and a feelgood wish-you-were-here read, I can't fault it. My only regret is that I didn't save it for my holidays. I couldn't help but smile at the children being named Jacob and Marley. Is this a deliberate reference to A Christmas Carol, or something that wasn't flagged as sounding a bit odd in edits? If Last Seen is a retelling, it's a very, very subtle one. I received an advance review copy of Last Seen from the publisher through NetGalley.
TinyLetter Twitter Instagram Tumblr Jul 27, Bill Kupersmith rated it really liked it. Not that this one is lacking in the qualities sought by beach readers: Apparently nobody in this book had read Dickens or seen the movie about a cute dog. How often when we think back on our own childhoods and teen years do most of us not feel an immense sense of guilt - with just a little more bad luck we could have done serious harm. Whereas sailing an offshore yacht brings out our better selves, every relationship is a threesome because it includes a very high maintenance relationship with the boat.
May 09, Nicki rated it it was amazing. Wow,reading this book is like riding a roller coaster whilst wearing a blindfold. It's packed full of twists and turns,you have absolutely no idea what is going to happen next but you definitely know you don't want to get off until the ride is over and are very disappointed when you get to the end. Sarah and Isla have been best friends for many years and have been there for each other through everything that life has thrown their way including giving birth to their sons Jacob and Marley within wee Wow,reading this book is like riding a roller coaster whilst wearing a blindfold.
Sarah and Isla have been best friends for many years and have been there for each other through everything that life has thrown their way including giving birth to their sons Jacob and Marley within weeks of each other. Every year the two women spend the summer months relaxing and having fun at their adjoining beach huts on the south coast. Seven years later on the anniversary of the accident Jacob disappears without trace.
As Sarah begins a desperate search for her son she slowly begins to mistrust everyone - and she is right to Someone knows what really happened on the day of the accident and will do anything to keep the truth buried. This book is packed full of twists,lies,unreliable,untrustworthy characters and loads more lies,you cannot trust a word that anyone says. You think you know the truth about what happened on the day of the accident and why Jacob has disappeared then another twist is thrown into the mix and all your theories go out the window.
The story is narrated by the alternating perspectives is Sarah and Isla and flips back and forth between the past and the present. I can't honestly say that any of the characters where very likeable but it was hard not to feel a tiny bit of sympathy for Isla,losing a child is every parents worst nightmare. It's a totally gripping story that kept me guessing from the first page right to the shocking and totally unexpected ending. View all 10 comments. I feel like I stuck my finger in an electric socket and got shock, after shock, after shock. Highlights - An idyllic beach hut setting - best friends with dark secrets between them - not one, not two but three unreliable narrators - and all the plot twists I need more books by this author ASAP.
Is anybody watchinDay One 6. Maybe he has a hangover and staying out with his friends. Or maybe Jacob had to help Caz back to her hut. They stopped by the rocks near his hut to talk for a bit.
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Then Caz went to her hut. But the question is where exactly has Jacob gone? I highly recommend all of Lucy Clarke's books. I would like to thank the publisher for sending me the paperback to review and for inviting me to do the blog tour. Jul 09, Aishling Murphy rated it it was amazing. It's a total 5star book for me. A super read that's keeps you hooked right to the last page. A book of great friendship, loss and sadness. About two best friends Sarah and Isla and how they spend their summers, and as they both fall pregnant around the same time , and both have boys Jacob and Marley how they enjoy the time and fun with them till one day, everything changes.
A few good twists as well. Jun 19, Joanne Robertson rated it it was amazing. Every book so far has been the ultimate beach read but Last Seen has a definite edge for me due to the wonderfully described beach hut setting that conjured up picture perfect, warm and sunny days by the sea. Having been born and raised in Norfolk, I have always had a fascination for those brightly coloured little huts that can only be compared to The Tardis…. The plot here is a heart wrenching one for any parent to face, let alone one living right on the waters edge.
But as the days pass by, things come to light that may mean all is not as it first seemed. There are secrets galore to uncover but will any of them lead to the answer of what has happened to Jacob? What an atmospheric slow burner this book was! There are many themes twisting themselves throughout the narrative, friendship and loyalty, jealousy and suspicion and what it really means to be a mother.
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I felt for Sarah as she fought her feelings that something was seriously wrong when she realised Jacob was first missing. Both Sarah and Isla were clearly drawn characters and their relationships with their sons, and especially with each other, were cleverly constructed throughout. There were many eye opening surprises along the way to maintain the level of tension and the readers interest. This is a brilliantly written book that will tug at your heartstrings. I almost felt like I was there on the beach with Sarah, looking out to sea, tasting the salty breeze as it swirled around my body and feeling the warm sunshine spreading itself over my skin.
In fact, when I took my sandals off whilst reading it I half expected a little gritty pile of shimmering sand to fall out of them. The final few pages had the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention as I felt the summer slowly fade away. Highly recommended by me! Jul 17, Rae rated it it was amazing. A fantastic premise - two boys go missing, 7 years apart - beach huts, the coastline, friendship and jealousy, all make this the perfect summer read. Sarah and Isla have been friends for ever but when their young sons go swimming and only one returns, the ramifications of that awful day run deep.
On the surface, Sarah and Isla's friendship continues but when disaster strikes for a second time, long hidden secrets and betrayals bubble upwards threatening all they've clung onto for so long. Just w A fantastic premise - two boys go missing, 7 years apart - beach huts, the coastline, friendship and jealousy, all make this the perfect summer read. Just when I was beginning to feel in need of a break from reading psychological thrillers, Lucy Clarke's writing drew me back in.
With plenty original twists to keep me reading 'just one more chapter' I also loved the depth of relationships Clarke creates for her characters. Find some sunshine, pour a glass of wine and enjoy 'Last Seen'! Jun 29, Lynda Kelly rated it it was amazing Shelves: And I'm more than picky so she does write tremendous books.
I really enjoyed the beach hut setting as well with this. I've lived in places that have huts but they're nowhere near as grand as the ones featured here in Bognor and Hill Head I don't recall any having a second floor, unless they're like Tardises inside.

Although they do cost a LOT of money and do have waiting lists I love the cover on this one, it's my favourite of hers by far so I hope she doesn't keep altering it. I don't really know why authors do this but it can catch you out as well a few years down the line if you're not keeping track. I didn't warm to Sarah very much at all. She didn't come out of this very well at all.
She has some dodgy habits and LIES I think she had a really unhealthy obsession with Isla along with the "friendship" as well. I guessed a few times where things were heading and got it wrong, which is always good for me as it makes the ending way more interesting. Parts I figured out but still had some surprises. However, the very last line baffled me. I didn't really understand that at all But it's another story about how lies can affect lives and I think it's hopefully a good lesson to learn. I wasn't sure about the names Jacob and Marley I'd have renamed Jacob myself!!
This book she went with American spellings, too, which I don't believe she's done until now, but it's not good enough in a book clearly based here. There were a few missing apostrophes and seventeenyear-old needed another hyphen and twice she used enflamed and not inflamed.
Then paleblue needs a space but that was it for any errors I spotted. I was surprised the author writes with headphones on. I'd be sooooo distracted I'd not be able to do that. Looking forward to her next offering. View all 3 comments. May 26, Bex Beckie Bookworm rated it really liked it Shelves: First book I have read by Lucy Clarke, but so not the last. So we have two friends Sarah and Isla, best friends whose lives are so interwoven it's hard to see where one starts and the other ends. Must be lovely to have a friend so close you can experience everything together and share each other's lives, you would think?
But even the closest friendships can turn toxic when tragedy strikes as it does to these two when only one little boy returns from the sea. What happens when all that has been brushed under the carpet bubbles to the surface. When Seven years to the day of little Marley's tragic drowning Jacob, now celebrating his seventeenth birthday, vanishes without a trace its now time for Sarah's world to implode and shatter. This was such a good read, I loved the way the story was laid out, jumping from Sarah to Isla's perspective, I found myself jumping from one camp to the other when it came to my sympathies as we the reader are drip-fed information about each girl.
Six theories behind the stolen Gardner Museum paintings
I really wasn't expecting to enjoy Last seen so much, but it has to be one of my favourite reads of the year so far. I was glued to this till the shocking, unexpected end. A job well done Lucy Clarke you now have a new fan in me, I really didn't see it coming at all. I Can't recommend this book enough, give it a go, I really don't think you will be disappointed. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of Last Seen by Lucy Clarke. This is my own unbiased opinion of this novel.
Aug 19, Susan Hampson rated it it was amazing. This is a book that eats away the minutes into hours without you realising how long you have been reading because it is just impossible to stop until you know the outcome of two missing children. Two boys, best friends brought together by their mothers that had met years before and were best friends too.
Now seven years later Jacob has disappeared from the same patch of beach This is a book that eats away the minutes into hours without you realising how long you have been reading because it is just impossible to stop until you know the outcome of two missing children. Now seven years later Jacob has disappeared from the same patch of beach on the anniversary that his friend went missing. Oh my, this is such a terrific read as the story unfolds on the beautiful southern coastline where families have come together year after year and spent the entire summers together in their brightly coloured beach huts that had become their second homes.
It is here where the story is set. Isla and Marley spending the summer next to Sarah, her husband Nick with Jacob. They did everything together. After Marley disappeared it was like all her inner colour disappeared too because no-one could tell her what had happened to him.
There are some stunningly beautiful passages in this book that made me envy the simplicity of life on the beach and the totally chilled out relationship that the three adults and two children had.
The gas lights in the huts and making beds up each night, the tourist arriving and leaving the true beach dwellers behind each night. It was like a time warp where modern life had passed them by. But I loved the subtle writing of Lucy Clarke that just now and again prickled my skin until it really ran cold as the past began to fall apart for it to be picked over until all that was left was the truth. Oh boy this story has such depth, layers and layers of secrets like a pass the parcel with each reveal taking you closer to the ultimate answer of two missing children seven years apart.
Tak tohle byla fakt pecka! Aug 08, Abigail rated it liked it. I was expecting quite a lot from this book judging by the star ratings it has received but I was left rather underwhelmed. I personally found that I couldn't quite imagine the setting very well and didn't take to the first half of the story. The characters didn't grip me either but there are positives I really enjoyed the ending and the story did pick up around half way in.
Also in the paper back I purchased there was a behind the scenes section at the end where the author has shared memories and pictures of summers in her family beach hut! Overall an unmemorable read. Tak tohle byla bomba! Jun 10, Rachel Gilbey rated it it was amazing.
Unputdownable and enthralling, I can't really ask for more than that from a book, and Last Seen offers that and even more. On the surface its a reasonably easy story to understand. Jacob and Marley were inseparable best friends. Now on the night of his 17th birthday Jacob is last seen in The Sandbank area and no one knows what happened to him or where he is. The story is told from the points of view of Isla Unputdownable and enthralling, I can't really ask for more than that from a book, and Last Seen offers that and even more.
The story is told from the points of view of Isla and Sarah. Sarah is Jacob's mother and Isla was Marleys. Between them we discover just what happened this summer, and also the hidden details of what happened 7 years before, as well as developments in between.
Family: Teen last seen with strangers in south suburban home
I found it really hard to like Sarah as a character and I wasn't overly keen on Isla either, but as the book progressed the writing had be so absorbed, and I was very interested to see just what happened to Jacob that I was able to see past my dislike of them and just not stop thinking about the book. The timeline of the book is easy to follow, and the pacing was great.
Although I didn't think too much happened in the first bit of the book, it was really laying the foundation for the rest of the story. There are so many secrets and half truths in the book, that every time you thought you knew what would happen, or had just about grasped the current theory, then something else occurred that had you thinking in a different direction. Originally I was slightly upset that Lucy Clarke hadn't featured another exotic location for this book's setting, like some of her previous ones, but that was forgotten just a few pages into the book, when the writing grasped me regardless and wouldn't let me go.
Regardless The Sandbank was in fact an excellent setting for a book, being a sandbank that is only generally accessed by boat when the tides are right, and that it contains a row of beach huts, and not too much else. Which gave the book a really atmospheric setting, while still coming across as summery but in a slightly sinister way! To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to podcasts. It remains the most valuable — and confounding — art heist in history: Twenty-eight years later, not a single piece in a haul worth half a billion dollars has surfaced.
The art, and the thieves who made off with it, remain at large.
With first-ever interviews, unprecedented access, and more than a year of investigative reporting, "Last Seen" takes us into the biggest unsolved art heist in history. The trailer sounds like this is going to be fantastic - I am so psyched for a true crime show that is not a murder. And being from Boston, this hometown mystery has always fascinated me.
Can't wait till the show comes out in September! And a little spooky, somehow. One episode and I am hooked. And if you can go to wbur. Expertly researched and reported. Second best only to the book, Master Thieves!!! Boston, we have to find these paintings!!! Our city can do better. Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.
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If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Publisher. Description It remains the most valuable — and confounding — art heist in history: Customer Reviews Can't wait!