Culture Club:Erotic Homicides
A young woman's world unravels when a drug prescribed by her psychiatrist has unexpected side effects. R 96 min Drama, Thriller.
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Jude Madigan abandons her husband Robert and her three sons without any explanation. Three years later Jude inexplicably returns to reunite her family. However Robert and his new lover R 90 min Drama, Thriller. A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family. R 94 min Crime, Mystery, Thriller. A determined student murders his pregnant secret girlfriend and moves onto her twin sister who gradually becomes suspicious of her new lover.
R 97 min Drama, Thriller. When Nicole met David; handsome, charming, affectionate, he was everything. It seemed perfect, but soon she sees that David has a darker side. And his adoration turns to obsession, their dream into a nightmare, and her love into fear. R 96 min Horror, Thriller.
After a tragedy, John Ingram and his wife Rae are spending some time isolated at sea, when they come across a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship. Terry is having an affair with his boss' wife Sylvia. One night after an office party they are together and Sylvia witnesses an attack on Denise from Terry's bedroom window. R 98 min Crime, Drama, Thriller. Upon arriving to a small town, a drifter is mistaken for a hitman, but when the real hitman arrives, complications ensue. PG 95 min Drama, Horror, Thriller. In despair, Lisa and schoolmate Wendy make up a game that Staci Keanan , Cheryl Ladd , D.
Moffett , Tanya Fenmore. R min Thriller. A popular anchorwoman, Jaime Douglas is stalked by an obsessed fan with a camera who wants more than just her picture. R min Comedy, Crime, Mystery. Ben and Sandra are hot and provocative lovers, but Sandra is unfortunately married to Ben's younger brother Jake, and soon Jake will find out about Ben.
Miranda is a crew member of a nightly radio programmme. She and her husband Felix, a cop, are parents of a girl. Miranda's daily dog walking strolls are excuses to pursue sexual encounters R 86 min Crime, Drama, Thriller. Colin happens upon a road accident where he finds a dead man, a beautiful woman, and a suitcase full of money. After trying to do the right thing he soon finds himself caught up in a dangerous scheme. The successful writer and professor of architecture Nick Kaminsky returns from New York to Elderstown to visit his biological mother Lillian Anderson Munnsen that is terminal.
Not Rated min Drama, Mystery, Thriller. After the death of his strictly religious parents, forlorn young Darkly gets lost in the woods. A truck driver, Jude, rescues the exhausted man, who has only a bible for comfort. R 95 min Drama, Thriller. A paralyzed cop takes advantage of the sympathy he attracts in order to get rid of his cheating wife and her lover. Plastic surgeon Larry Roberts performs a series of minor alterations on a group of models who are seeking perfection.
The operations are a resounding success. But when someone starts Denise Di Novi Stars: A married man's one-night stand comes back to haunt him when that lover begins to stalk him and his family. R 89 min Drama, Thriller.
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- Three men are expected to face murder charges in citizen's arrest gone wrong.
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- Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows.
A journalist becomes the unwanted center of attention for a year-old girl, who proceeds to sabotage his life after he refuses her sexual advances. R min Drama, Horror, Mystery. The wife and mistress of the sadistic dean of an exclusive prep school conspire to murder him. R min Mystery, Romance, Thriller. A color-blind psychiatrist Bill Capa is stalked by an unknown killer after taking over his murdered friend's therapy group, all of whom have a connection to a mysterious young woman that Capa begins having intense sexual encounters with.
PG min Drama, Romance, Thriller. A successful asset manager, who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage.

But when a temp worker starts stalking him, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy. R min Crime, Drama, Horror. A journalist goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill as her childhood friend's killer. Posing as one of his temps, she enters into a game of online cat-and-mouse. A woman moves into an exclusive New York City apartment building, which she soon discovers houses tenants with all manner of shocking secrets. San Francisco heiress Page Forrester is brutally murdered in her remote beach house.
Her husband Jack is devastated by the crime but soon finds himself accused of her murder. PG min Crime, Drama, Mystery. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. IMDb user rating average 1 1. The Wilheminian values were further discredited as consequence of World War I and the subsequent inflation, since the new youth generation saw no point in saving for marriage in such conditions, and preferred instead to spend and enjoy.
Mabuse the Gambler captures Berlin's postwar mood: The film moves from the world of the slums to the world of the stock exchange and then to the cabarets and nightclubs—and everywhere chaos reigns, authority is discredited, power is mad and uncontrollable, wealth inseparable from crime. Politically and economically, the nation was struggling with the terms and reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I and endured punishing levels of inflation.
A man reads a sign advertising "Attention, Unemployed, Haircut 40 pfennigs, Shave 15 pfennigs", An elderly woman gathers vegetable waste tossed from a vegetable seller's wagon for her lunch, During the era of the Weimar Republic, Germany became a center of intellectual thought at its universities, and most notably social and political theory especially Marxism was combined with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the highly influential discipline of Critical Theory —with its development at the Institute for Social Research also known as the Frankfurt School founded at the University of Frankfurt am Main.
The German philosophical anthropology movement also emerged at this time.
Many foundational contributions to quantum mechanics were made in Weimar Germany or by German scientists during the Weimar period. While temporarily at the University of Copenhagen, German physicist Werner Heisenberg formulated his Uncertainty principle , and, with Max Born and Pascual Jordan , accomplished the first complete and correct definition of quantum mechanics, through the invention of Matrix mechanics.
It was there that compressibility drag and its reduction in aircraft was first understood. A striking example of this is the Messerschmitt Me , which was designed in , but resembles a modern jet transport more that it did other tactical aircraft of its time. Albert Einstein rose to public prominence during his years in Berlin, being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in He was forced to flee Germany and the Nazi regime in Hirschfeld believed that an understanding of homosexuality could be arrived at through science.
Hirschfeld was a vocal advocate for homosexual, bisexual, and transgender legal rights for men and women, repeatedly petitioning parliament for legal changes. His Institute also included a museum. The Institute, museum and the Institute's library and archives were all destroyed by the Nazi regime in New schools were frequently established in Weimar Germany to engage students in experimental methods of learning.
Some were part of an emerging trend that combined research into physical movement and overall health, for example Eurythmy ensembles in Stuttgart that spread to other schools. Philosopher Rudolf Steiner established the first Waldorf education school in , using a pedagogy also known as the Steiner method, which spread worldwide. Many Waldorf schools are in existence today. The fourteen years of the Weimar era were also marked by explosive intellectual productivity.
German artists made multiple cultural contributions in the fields of literature , art , architecture , music , dance , drama , and the new medium of the motion picture. German visual art, music, and literature were all strongly influenced by German Expressionism at the start of the Weimar Republic. By , a sharp turn was taken towards the Neue Sachlichkeit New Objectivity outlook.
New Objectivity was not a strict movement in the sense of having a clear manifesto or set of rules.
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Artists gravitating towards this aesthetic defined themselves by rejecting the themes of expressionism—romanticism, fantasy, subjectivity, raw emotion and impulse—and focused instead on precision, deliberateness, and depicting the factual and the real. Kirkus Reviews remarked upon how much Weimar art was political: Not surprisingly, the old autocratic German establishment saw it as 'decadent art', a view shared by Adolf Hitler who became Chancellor of Germany in January The public burning of 'unGerman books' by Nazi students on Unter den Linden on 10th May was but a symbolic confirmation of the catastrophe which befell not only Weimar art under Hitler but the whole tradition of enlightenment liberalism in Germany, a tradition whose origins went back to the 18th century city of Weimar, home to both Goethe and Schiller.
One of the first major events in the arts during the Weimar Republic was the founding of an organization, the Novembergruppe November Group on December 3, This group was established in the aftermath of the November beginning of the German Revolution of — , when Communists, anarchists and pro-republic supporters had fought in the streets for control of the government. In , the Weimar Republic was established. Around artists of many genres who identified themselves as avant-garde joined the November Group.
They held 19 exhibitions in Berlin until the group was banned by the Nazi regime in The group also had chapters throughout Germany during its existence, and brought the German avant-garde art scene to world attention by holding exhibits in Rome, Moscow and Japan.
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Its members also belonged to other art movements and groups during the Weimar Republic era, such as architect Walter Gropius founder of Bauhaus , and Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht agitprop theatre. Many of the painters, sculptors, music composers, architects, playwrights, and filmmakers who belonged to it, and still others associated with its members, were the same ones whose art would later be denounced as " degenerate art " by Adolf Hitler.
The Weimar Republic era began in the midst of several major movements in the fine arts that continued into the s. German Expressionism had begun before World War I and continued to have a strong influence throughout the s, although artists were increasingly likely to position themselves in opposition to expressionist tendencies as the decade went on.
Dada had begun in Zurich during World War I, and became an international phenomenon. Machines, technology, and a strong Cubism element were features of their work. Jean Arp and Max Ernst formed a Cologne Dada group, and held a Dada Exhibition there that included a work by Ernst that had an axe "placed there for the convenience of anyone who wanted to attack the work".
The house was destroyed by Allied bombs in The New Objectivity artists did not belong to a formal group. Various Weimar Republic artists were oriented towards the concepts associated with it, however. Otto Dix and George Grosz referred to their own movement as Verism , a reference to the Roman classical Verism approach called verus , meaning "truth", warts and all. While their art is recognizable as a bitter, cynical criticism of life in Weimar Germany, they were striving to portray a sense of realism that they saw missing from expressionist works.
A Rudolf Belling sculpture exhibited in The design field during the Weimar Republic witnessed some radical departures from styles that had come before it. Bauhaus -style designs are distinctive, and synonymous with modern design. Designers from these movements turned their energy towards a variety of objects, from furniture, to typography, to buildings. Dada 's goal of critically rethinking design was similar to Bauhaus , but whereas the earlier Dada movement was an aesthetic approach, the Bauhaus was literally a school, an institution that combined a former school of industrial design with a school of arts and crafts.
The founders intended to fuse the arts and crafts with the practical demands of industrial design, to create works reflecting the New Objectivity aesthetic in Weimar Germany. Walter Gropius , a founder of the Bauhaus school, stated "we want an architecture adapted to our world of machines, radios and fast cars. The mass housing projects of Ernst May and Bruno Taut are evidence of markedly creative designs being incorporated as a major feature of new planned communities.
Erich Mendelsohn and Hans Poelzig are other prominent Bauhaus architects, while Mies van der Rohe is noted for his architecture and his industrial and household furnishing designs. Painter Paul Klee was a faculty member of Bauhaus. His lectures on modern art now known as the Paul Klee Notebooks at the Bauhaus have been compared for importance to Leonardo's Treatise on Painting and Newton's Principia Mathematica , constituting the Principia Aesthetica of a new era of art; [19] [20].
Their aim was to assert pressure for political change on the Weimar Republic government, that would benefit the management of architecture and arts management, similar to Germany's large councils for workers and soldiers. This Berlin organization had around 50 members. Still another influential affiliation of architects was the group Der Ring The Ring established by ten architects in Berlin in , including: The group promoted the progress of modernism in architecture. Naum Slutzky , steel teapot, made at Bauhaus. Bauhaus -style typography , Theo van Doesburg A highrise of the German Borsig company, made in the spirit of brick expressionism by Eugen Schmohl — It still stands in the Tegel district of Berlin.
Foreign writers also travelled to Berlin, lured by the city's dynamic, freer culture. The decadent cabaret scene of Berlin was documented by Britain's Christopher Isherwood , such as in his novel Goodbye to Berlin which was later transposed to the play I Am a Camera , which was adapted into the musical and musical movie Cabaret. Eastern religions such as Buddhism were becoming more accessible in Berlin during the era, as Indian and East Asian musicians, dancers, and even visiting monks came to Europe.
Hermann Hesse embraced Eastern philosophies and spiritual themes in his novels. Cultural critic Karl Kraus , with his brilliantly controversial magazine Die Fackel , advanced the field of satirical journalism, becoming the literary and political conscience of this era. Many theatre works were sympathetic towards Marxist themes, or were overt experiments in propaganda, such as the agitprop theatre by Brecht and Weill.
Agitprop theatre is named through a combination of the words "agitation" and "propaganda". Its aim was to add elements of public protest agitation and persuasive politics propaganda to the theatre, in the hope of creating a more activist audience. Among other works, Brecht and Kurt Weill collaborated on the musical or opera The Threepenny Opera , also filmed, which remains a popular evocation of the period. Toller was the leading German expressionist playwright of the era.
He later became one of the leading proponents of New Objectivity in the theatre. The avant-garde theater of Bertolt Brecht and Max Reinhardt in Berlin was the most advanced in Europe, being rivaled only by that of Paris. The Weimar years saw a flourishing of political and grotesque cabaret which, at least for the English-speaking world, has become iconic for the period through works such as The Berlin Stories by the English writer Christopher Isherwood , who lived in Berlin from The musical and then the film Cabaret were based on these. The main center for political cabaret was Berlin, with performers like comedian Otto Reutter.
Hanns Eisler and Paul Dessau were other modernist composers of the era. Rudolf von Laban and Mary Wigman laid the foundations for the development of contemporary dance. At the beginning of the Weimar era, cinema meant silent films. Expressionist films featured plots exploring the dark side of human nature. They had elaborate expressionist design sets, and the style was typically nightmarish in atmosphere. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari , directed by Robert Wiene , is usually credited as the first German expressionist film. The sets depict distorted, warped-looking buildings in a German town, while the plot centres around a mysterious, magical cabinet that has a clear association with a casket.
Murnau 's vampire horror film Nosferatu was released in Fritz Lang 's Dr. Mabuse the Gambler was described as "a sinister tale" that portrays "the corruption and social chaos so much in evidence in Berlin and more generally, according to Lang, in Weimar Germany". The self-deluded lead characters in many expressionist films echo Goethe's Faust , and Murnau indeed retold the tale in his film Faust. German expressionism was not the dominant type of popular film in Weimar Germany and were outnumbered by the production of costume dramas, often about folk legends, which were enormously popular with the public.
Silent films continued to be made throughout the s, in parallel with the early years of sound films during the final years of the Weimar Republic. Silent films had certain advantages for filmmakers, such as the ability to hire an international cast, since spoken accents were irrelevant. Thus, American and British actors were easily able to collaborate with German directors and cast-members on films made in Germany for example, the collaborations of Georg Pabst and Louise Brooks. When sound films started being produced in Germany, some filmmakers experimented with versions in more than one language, filmed simultaneously.
When the musical The Threepenny Opera was filmed by director Georg Pabst, he filmed the first version with a French-speaking cast , then a second version with a German-speaking cast An English version was planned but never materialized. Although it was based on a story written by Heinrich Mann , the film is often seen as topical in that it depicts the doomed romance between a Berlin professor and a cabaret dancer.
However, critics differ on this interpretation, with the absence of modern urban amenities such as automobiles being noted. Cinema in Weimar culture did not shy away from controversial topics, but dealt with them explicitly. Diary of a Lost Girl directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst and starring Louise Brooks , deals with a young woman who is thrown out of her home after having an illegitimate child, and is then forced to become a prostitute to survive.
This trend of dealing frankly with provocative material in cinema began immediately after the end of the War. In , Richard Oswald directed and released two films, that met with press controversy and action from police vice investigators and government censors. Prostitution dealt with women forced into " white slavery ", while Different from the Others dealt with a homosexual man's conflict between his sexuality and social expectations.