Breakaway: The History of Women in Aviation December 2011
In the aftermath, there were abuses of the rights of detainees. The Ministry of Interior blamed some law enforcement agents, who were later dismissed on disciplinary grounds, without proper legal proceedings. The law on Assembly and Demonstrations of July was praised by the Council of Europe Venice Commission as a significant improvement in the possibility to exercise of the freedom of assembly in Georgia. The main problem relates to the strong position of the prosecutor and the lack of independence of the judiciary.
The high conviction rates, coupled with severe punishments, result in the frequent use of plea bargaining in The amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which entered into force in November , enhance judicial control over plea bargaining by explicitly requiring judges to assess not only the legality, but also the fairness of agreements between the prosecution and the defendant. Notable achievements have been made in the area of Juvenile Justice and with regard to more liberal approaches in the criminal justice sector.
The Ministry of Justice has been placing the emphasis on promoting restorative justice, alternatives to imprisonment and mediation. This is expected to cut the prison population in Georgia, which is one of the highest prison populations per capita in the world. The results of the nationwide Georgian crime survey carried out in , using international standards and methodology, show that public safety in the country has improved significantly in recent years. The survey also confirms a gradual growth in public trust towards justice sector institutions.
Georgia has also made substantial progress in addressing corruption. Further progress is needed to increase the performance and accountability of law enforcement agencies. Concern over the use of excessive force during apprehension and detention, mistreatment by prison staff, and doubts over the uniformity of the application of the law remain. The lack of democratic oversight on the part of the Constitutional Protection Department of the Ministry of the Interior is also a concern. The Government of Georgia took several steps to implement its strategy of de-isolation and engagement with the breakaway territories, including stepping up efforts to provide health services to inhabitants of the breakaway regions.
Specifically the provision of healthcare services has been a welcome constructive step towards reconciliation; it is important that it continues without preconditions, such as an insistence on the acceptance of Georgian-issued ID documents by the beneficiaries of medical assistance.
Georgia also introduced 'Status Neutral Travel Documents' for travel by inhabitants of the breakaway territories outside Georgia. These documents constitute an important step forward in Georgia's engagement strategy; but given the strong rejection of the documents by the Abkhaz and South Ossetian de facto authorities thus far, it is important that they exist as an de-isolation option, not as an exclusive means for travel of Abkhaz and Ossetians, so that confidence building and dialogue initiatives are not hindered.
In , de facto presidential elections were held in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The EU did not recognise the constitutional and legal framework within which these elections took place. The situation around the Administrative Boundary Lines with the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia remained relatively stable, but serious incidents were regularly reported.
Following a strategic review, the mandate of the EUMM was extended in September for another year. The review concluded that the EUMM had performed its stabilisation and confidence building tasks well, but that the lack of access to breakaway regions still remained a challenge for the full implementation of its mandate. The government's practice of IDP "resettlements" has remained problematic, although a steady improvement has nevertheless been observed. Ongoing concerns include; the notice and information provided to IDPs on upcoming evictions; inconsistent offers for alternative housing; and lack of consideration for particular vulnerabilities.
As a result, IDP families received new housing. There has also been progress in addressing the overall concerns of IDPs. After a hotline for IDPs was set up and Tbilisi's IDP reception centre upgraded into a comprehensive service centre, four more regional service centres have been recently set up and have significantly improved the quality and efficiency of services provided to IDPs. However, structural and human resource shortcomings within the Ministry of Reintegration remain.
Georgia has, to a large degree, respected the principles laid down in to work toward a durable solution to housing problems. Parliamentary and specific monitoring reports by the PDO have stirred public debates and stimulated concrete changes in government policies. One example is the complete overhaul of the penitentiary healthcare strategy in the wake of PDO reports.
The Gender Action Plan was implemented consistently. Significant problems in domestic violence remain, and the State Coordination Mechanism, which was established to promote policies addressing this issue, proved to be dysfunctional. Women continue to be under-represented in public office. On freedom of religion, one major achievement was the adoption of the amendments to the Civil Code, allowing congregations to register as Legal Entities of Public Law, paving the way for the ownership of properties to be used for worship and religious ceremonies.
The property rights and restitution of churches confiscated during Soviet times, however, has still not been resolved. Ethnic minorities remain poorly represented in state administration, and Georgia has not signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation remains an issue in Georgian society. Marginalisation of persons with disabilities persists, and Georgia is not yet a signatory of the relevant UN Convention. There is an increasing concern that property rights are not being fully respected in Georgia.
Recently, a significant number of disputes surrounding land development have arisen from the lack of or the lack of clarity of legal titles to land traditionally used by local populations. Another problem concerns cases of the opaque procedures associated with the privatisation of state-owned assets. Economic and social reform Macroeconomic framework and functioning market economy. After a strong recovery in real GDP growth of 6. The fiscal deficit was reduced from 6. A budget entailing a deficit of 3. Georgia's external economic situation remains fragile due to a large — and widening — current account deficit: The trade deficit, at Georgia's exports continue to suffer from the trade embargo imposed by Russia in The high trade deficit was partly offset by growing tourism revenues and current transfers remittances.
Recovering FDI and official assistance also helped finance the current account deficit. Official reserves increased from USD 2. A peak in the public debt roll-over in the coming years represents a concern. Georgia is well advanced towards becoming a functioning market economy, with an impressive improvement in the business climate.
The country is about to adopt a new strategy for its future economic development. Accurate poverty figures are not available, but Social Service Agency figures indicate just over a third of the population is below the poverty line. The unemployment rate, despite the economic recovery, remains the highest in the region and is almost unchanged in relation to levels In the unemployment rate for women The government announced in October a point strategic of socio-economic policy plan to address modernisation and employment, including refining social policies.
As part of the package, limited tax exemptions for companies employing people aged were offered to increase employment in this age category. In July, the Ministry of Education and the employers' and trade unions' sides signed an Agreement on Social Partnership Policy in Vocational Education and Training to improve the process of matching skills with the demands of the labour market. The issue of labour rights continues to be a serious concern, including the insufficient implementation of core ILO conventions, in particular No 87 on Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise and No 98 Right to organise and collective bargaining.
The government has continued a dialogue with ILO, but has not yet given clear indications of steps made regarding necessary legislative amendments that were recommended by ILO in Tripartite social dialogue meetings took place at regular intervals, and the work of the Tripartite Commission resumed in December. The process has yet to deliver in practice a functioning and mutually agreed mediation mechanism between employers including the government as employer and trade unions.
In the area of agriculture, the EU and Georgia signed, in July , an agreement on the protection of Geographical Indications. The Ministry of Agriculture prepared, with EU support, a long term sector strategy which was approved by the Georgian government in March In the area of fisheries, Georgia needs to strengthen the public control over its fishing fleet as some of the vessels operating under its national flag are involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
Bilateral trade continued to improve in at a steady pace year-on-year but has not yet fully recovered for both imports and exports. Total bilateral trade amounted to EUR 2. Accordingly, EU exports to Georgia increased by However, Georgian exports to the EU are still concentrated in a few commodities of low value added in particular, primary products such as fuels and mining products formed However, benefitting from the above-mentioned is conditional on the country's compliance with the international conventions on human and labour rights, environmental protection and good governance.
Whereas in progress was made in the dialogue of Georgia with the ILO and certain recommendations issued by ILO in were taken on board, Georgia is still expected to address several of them, notably with regard to legislative amendments to the Law on Trade Unions and the Labour Code. However, the reforms undertaken in the trade-related areas are far from complete and Georgia will need to continue them if it is to benefit fully from the future DCFTA, notably by diversifying its export base and attracting foreign direct investment.
Support to key trade-related institutions in the fields of standards, metrology, accreditation and food safety will be provided through the EU programme on Comprehensive Institution Building. A unified Tax Code, with a reduced number of customs code provisions, entered into force in January The power of issuing certificates of origin should be transferred to customs.
A twinning project EUR 1. In July , the government submitted to parliament a Code on Safety and free movement of goods and informed the Commission about plans for a domestic market surveillance system. Georgia organised, for its regulatory bodies, an institutional gap assessment that resulted in an Institutional Reform Plan in July Georgia became an associate member in the European Co-operation in Accreditation scheme in November The Government adopted technical regulations for the safety of lifts July and cableways August as first priority sectors, with the help of an EU twinning project.
However, accepting that imports from certain OECD countries comply with the originating countries' standards is not compatible with EU law. Regarding sanitary and phyto-sanitary SPS issues, Georgia started implementation of its food safety strategy. A twinning project on SPS capacity building at borders was launched. SPS border controls are now being done. It made progress in particular in registering property, following the amendments to the law on Licences and Permits of October The simplified taxation regime for SMEs see below contributed to the favourable business climate.
Although corruption decreased, companies still perceive it as an impediment to business. In the area of company law, the law on Securities Market was amended in March to secure the rights of minority shareholders and regulate conflicts of interests. No significant developments can be reported in the area of audit. The independence of the National Bank of Georgia NBG , the sole regulator of financial services, was established constitutionally as of 1 January In December, parliament amended the law on the NBG giving the Bank the right to acquire any necessary information including confidential from the financial sector that it supervises.
VAT reporting was simplified, and electronic filing and payment was introduced. A Tax Ombudsman was appointed to examine violations of taxpayers' rights and to advise administration. Georgia continues to apply an excise tax on the export of scrap metals. In July , the government tabled a draft law on Free Trade and Competition, introducing rules for antitrust, merger control and state aid. The Commission has expressed its reservations to the government concerning some of the exceptions provided for in the law and the need for legal certainty to be provided to companies in the event of ex-post merger control.
The Commission also stressed the importance of institutional and administrative capacity building to make it possible to enforce the law. With respect to intellectual property rights IPR , Georgia started acting on the recommendations of the study on piracy and counterfeiting, notably by establishing, in July, an Inter-Agency Coordinating Council on Copyright Protection including stakeholders and the EU.
Georgia has been working on the establishment of a police High-Tech Crime Unit and has started to collect statistical information on border seizures of counterfeit goods. The Georgian Copyright Association collective management society changed its constitution and is now also in charge of neighbouring rights. Georgia developed a mid-term strategy for the development of the national statistical system in and implemented the Specialised Data Dissemination Standard.
The statistical law was also amended to increase the alignment with international standards. Georgia needs to increase its efforts to build up the statistical system by allocating sufficient resources to statistics. A population census should be implemented and appropriate resources allocated for this large operation. The government broadened the range of assets eligible as collateral.
Privatisation sales continue and electronic auctions were introduced in The Ministry of Finance persevered with the reform of public finance management, consistent with the Action Plan, a condition of ongoing EU macro-financial assistance. Given the importance of this reform for all other sectors, the EU has provided support to the Ministry of Finance since through budget support and technical assistance.

Under the Public Finance Management Programme which was launched in January for a total budget of EUR 11 million, Georgia adopted a new law on public internal financial control in December The Internal Audit Council with the functions of the Central Harmonization Unit became operational during the second half of , although its capacity remained limited.
It conducted pilot audits in several ministries and developed a performance audit manual. Cooperation on border management with Armenia progressed through agreement reached in February on the joint operation of border crossing points. The project on enhancement of the border management capabilities at the border between Georgia and Armenia at Ninotsminda-Bavra — under the Eastern Partnership IBM Flagship Initiative — will start implementation in October Following the creation of the State Commission on Migration in , Georgia launched work to enhance migration management, addressing in particular the development of a comprehensive migration strategy a first draft of which has been prepared and will be discussed soon in the State Commission and the creation of a central database.
Kathpalia, who was removed from the post of director operations after he tested positive for alcohol content, has been demoted to executive director without any portfolio. Civil aviation minister Suresh Prabhu approved his removal. Air India has also ordered a vigilance enquiry in the matter.
An Air India spokesperson said that since Kathpalia will be without a portfolio, his entry pass will be submitted to BCAS and that he will not be required to visit airports for official purposes. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation DGCA suspended the flying licence of the year-old Air India pilot for three years on November 12, a day after he was found to have an unacceptably high blood alcohol count just before he was scheduled to pilot a flight. Kathpalia was selected following the procedure and since he has now been removed, he automatically becomes executive director, which is a demotion.
He was not sacked by the aviation ministry so he will be assigned some designation. Kathpalia was previously suspended for three months in January when he tested positive for alcohol consumption during a pre-flight breathalyser test. He had resumed duty after serving the suspension.
By demoting him to ED, Air India is ensuring that he retires with all the privileges. On January 19 last year, Kathpalia flew a Delhi-Bengaluru flight AI without going through the mandatory breathalyser test. He did not even take the test after landing in Bengaluru. In an emergency airworthiness directive AD issued Nov.
These inspections are in addition to the requirements of an AD issued earlier this month, which called for AW and AW operators to check for correct installation of the tail rotor servo-actuator. The helicopter was departing King Power Stadium in Leicester when it spun out of control and crashed outside the stadium, killing five people, including Leicester City Football Club owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha. In a special bulletin published on Nov. The AAIB has yet to identify a cause for the apparent loss of yaw control. The FAA has proposed some changes to its standards for obtaining an Airline Transport Pilot ATP certificate in the airplane category or for obtaining an airplane type rating, and if you have any opinions about the proposal, the FAA wants to hear from you.
The proposed rule change is posted online, and comments will be accepted until Dec. The proposed standards include what a pilot is expected to know, consider and do in order to prepare for the FAA ATP knowledge test and practical test and receive an ATP certificate or airplane type rating. The areas covered are preflight preparation, takeoffs and landings, inflight maneuvers, stall prevention, instrument procedures, emergency operations and post-flight procedures. The group prepared the draft, which was then approved by the full committee.
More than U. Air Force Academy cadets from the graduating class have been matched to attend pilot training pending final qualifications and commissioning. More than cadets from the U. Jay Silveria, Air Force Academy superintendent, said in a press release. Some of these cadets could even move through a shortened version of Undergraduate Pilot Training, the release added. The academy is also planning to add flight-related courses to the sophomore and senior years to help cadets already leaning toward attending pilot training, as well as nurture that interest among others.
During their time at the academy, cadets are already exposed to academic, virtual and hands-on flight training. Dissimilar formations are typically flown for pilots finishing Undergraduate Pilot Training.
You Fly, Girl: December
Candidates for Air Force pilot, remotely piloted aircraft officer and combat systems officer all begin training with initial flight screening and RPA flight screening at Pueblo, Colorado. There, candidates are judged on their flight aptitude and introduced to the realities of military aviation, according to AETC. The squadron trains both U. Air Force and allied nation pilots prior to moving them on to fly more advanced aircraft. Retaining these airmen, so that the service can recoup its investment, is also a challenge.
The problem is compounded by commercial airliners that have been on hiring sprees over the past few years. To address the problem, the service has increased retention bonuses and worked to eliminate non-flying duties that keep airmen out of the cockpit. Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said at a Senate Armed Services readiness and management support subcommittee hearing in October that the service trained 1, new pilots in fiscal , and expects to train another 1, in fiscal Taylor Deen is a senior pilot with Goodyear Airship Operations.
Everyone has a dream job growing up: But how do you actually get the gig? My name is Matthew St. I guess it all started when I was 13 years old and I went on a family vacation.
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We went down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I grew up in a small town, and as I arrived there, I realized that I loved traveling, I loved the adventure, and getting back on the plane, I realized I want to be a pilot. After I graduated from high school I went to an aerospace engineering school and I got my certifications and ratings to be a commercial pilot. I also got into sailing. You ever thought about airships? Flying airplanes and flying blimps has similarities.
You can either come from the military, you can be a helicopter pilot or an airplane pilot and then transition over to airships.
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So when they hire you here, they train you in-house and you get all of your airship time with the company. Founder Hiralal Shastri, a politician who was born into a peasant family in Rajasthan, relocated to the village of Vanasthali in with his family. In this rural outpost, about 50 miles south of Jaipur, he founded a social program to reconstruct the village and educate local farmers.
At a very young age, his daughter embraced his passion and began holding classes for village children. Tragically, she fell ill at the age of 12 and passed away. Encouraged by his wife, Shastri set out to educate and empower young women, a dream they had envisioned for their own daughter.
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And so Banasthali Vidyapith opened in with seven students — all girls — and now offers more than 28 disciplines, including doctoral degrees. The university offers a wide range of departments, including law, design, science, nanotechnology and literature. At first, the aviation training was intended to help women build confidence as part of the schools holistic program.
Tarana Saxena Growing up in the town of Bilari, in Uttar Pradesh, Saxena has had her eyes on the sky ever since her parents gave her a toy airplane when she was about five years old. She lived in a town where there was no airport, not many people spoke English and it was a big deal if a girl rode a bike. There are exceptions, of course. Some parents have dreams for their daughters in sync with our mission. Saxena says her parents — her mom, a doctor who works with unprivileged people; her father, a professor — endured an onslaught of judgment from neighbors, who questioned their investment in a girl.
Why are you letting your daughter to that? How can they fly? But my parents wanted us to be whatever we wanted to be — my sister wanted to be a doctor, she is a doctor. I wanted to be a pilot, I am a pilot.
In December , the day finally arrived. An instructor accompanied her as she settled into the cockpit of a Cessna A, a common training aircraft. I wanted five more minutes, 10 more minutes…I wanted it to last forever.
Everything at the company is based on merit. I just hope that having more women pilots in India can change perceptions about gender. Today, Vardhan estimates there are more than 2, women flying for private airlines, as navy and helicopter pilots, and in other aviation related capacities across India. It will take time, but it will grow when we choose pilots based on merit. The jet was flying to Beijing, China to Warsaw, Poland file photo.
Passengers onboard a Polish plane have been forced to chip in and pay for their own plane repairs before being allowed to fly in Beijing, China. The flight eventually landed safely in Warsaw and the airline has reimbursed the passengers, and offered them compensation. The plane was becoming unserviceable and was donated to the Snead State Aviation College for student training. Interested people came to see the donation that would have cost around four million dollars brand new. College officials say students will now be able to train on the plane by taking it apart and putting it back together.
Airbus SE is hiring staff to help develop a proposed new narrow-body jet and a revamped version of its latest A wide-body, both due to be powered by a new generation of engine from the middle of next decade. The short-range jet would be the first entirely new narrow-body that Airbus has brought to market since the A was offered to airlines in , and the first clean-paper model of any kind from the European planemaker since the A was proposed in The latest job descriptions outline plans to develop digital replicas of production lines to test-run build rates of narrow-bodies and 20 Aneos a month.
The current target is 60 As a month by the middle of , and 10 As by the end of this year. Service entry for the models will be determined by developments in engine technology, with the Airbus ads specifying that both would be powered by turbines featuring ultra-high bypass ratios to reduce fuel burn.
Pratt, a unit of United Technologies Corp. Pratt competes with a Safran-General Electric Co. A replacement model would provide Rolls with a chance to re-enter a narrow-body market it abandoned to focus on engines for bigger planes. Airbus, however, might not countenance three competing turbines and might want to see two groups formed. That would give airlines more choice and help guard against the production stumbles that have afflicted some recent plane models in the industry.
Before embarking on the new aircraft, Airbus would first introduce two narrow-body upgrades, the job advertisements say. One would be a version of the long range ALR able to fly nautical miles further with the aid of a redesigned fuel tank, dubbed the AXLR. FSI has over , aviation readers on a globally basis. Flight Safety Information [November 22, ] [No. Descending through 15, feet towards Montreal the oil pressure warning activated for the right hand engine prompting the crew to shut the engine down. The aircraft continued for a safe landing in Montreal. Ours is a flexible organization, committed to true team auditing for multiple standards at the domestic, regional, and international levels, as well as tailoring all the other resources and services we offer to your specific needs.
This position will work at our Denver, CO location. ARGUS is an established company with an unparalleled client list and reputation. The perfect candidate will have the proven ability to work with the listed technologies in a team setting. Responsibilities for the position will include, but not be limited to, the following: ARGUS is an equal opportunity employer. This course, led by Captain Shem Malmquist, an accident investigator, professor and captain who flies international routes, is now underway. A key unit in this class focuses on poorly understood high altitude weather challenges that have led to fatal accidents.
The extremely basic weather theory and concept required for our ratings is outdated and barely touched on during orals. The training at my current company barely touched on the subject except that we have weather radar onboard and good luck getting it to work. A captain will show you how it works. Is this the case industry wide? With other pilots mirroring this comment, it is apparent to all of us that the kind of aviation meteorology course taught by professors like Debbie Schaum at Embry-Riddle University, are not offered to most pilots.
In fact, pilots moving up from domestic to international routes typically have little one day or no training on the special challenges presented on transoceanic routes lacking radar coverage found on overland routes. With many major airports located on oceanic coastlines, these challenges can be significant. A selection of these comments will be published in a future issue of Flight Safety Information.
Our long-term goal is to make sure that every pilot receives the critical meteorology training they need to do their job. Here are those questions which you can answer confidentially. Your name will not be used in future reports on this subject. Were you retrained on a new radar system when you switched to flying a different aircraft type.
If you switched from domestic to international routes did you receive any training on special weather. What manuals and instructional materials were provided? How much information did you receive? Did you receive online training? How long did it take to complete this training? Were you tested on your. Do you believe this training prepared you adequately for special challenges in places such as the. Are you confident that you fully understand weather radar?
Does it always do what you want? Do you have any recommendations for better weather training? Do you think it should be provided in. Feel free to answer any or all of these questions privately. You are welcome to combine your answers into a narrative summary. FSI has over , readers and 65, aviation subscribers on a globally basis. For advertising information, please contact: Cessna G — Accident Venezuela. Cirrus SR22 — Accident Wisconsin. FMC entry error causes Boeing insufficient thrust takeoff at Belfast.
Indonesia to add 50 airworthiness inspectors every year. Air India pilot Arvind Kathpalia to lose airport access. More academy cadets selected to fly as the Air Force works to close its pilot shortfall. How to be a blimp pilot. Passengers on Polish jet told to pay for plane repairs before takeoff in China.